yuan kill

Chapter 168 Three Major Events 1

Another month has passed, and there is still thousands of miles of ice and snow around Youyun City. For the first time, Youyun City is experiencing one of the most strange weather in history, and it is snowing all day long. Either heavy snow, or snow as fine as rice, or ice crystals as strange as hail. In short, the whole street of Youyun City is now smooth like a mirror, and people can clearly see their reflection when they walk on it! Since the snow is inexhaustible, they simply pile the snow next to the drainage channels in the city, and then the soldiers carry buckets, melt the snow, and then rush into the drainage ditch

Of course, there are few pedestrians on this road. If you walk on the ice, you will fall down if you are not careful. Therefore, there are many elderly people who break their arms and legs this winter. For a while, the fall and injury drugs in the city's pharmacies are in urgent need. Although Langzhongs have made a lot of money, it is also not uncommon for Langzhongs to break their legs while walking on the road. Therefore, the whole city is almost a dead city, and no one is willing to go out.

The wind roared, rolling snowflakes on the ground and smashing the pipa, while the snowflakes constantly blocked the doors of the residents and were opened by the soldiers for the first time. The busiest people this winter were those soldiers. Because they were busy all day, they exercised a strong tendon meat.

This is definitely a dead city, dead. Except for the smoke coming out of the chimney three times in the morning and evening, which can prove that there are still living things in the city, other than the dead city is almost no different.

The whole city is like a world carved with ice and snow, and there is a deep cold in the beauty.

Yuxian Hall is a little different. Although the house is also covered with ice and snow, the ground within the Yuxian Hall is extremely clean, and the ice and snow are cleaned up. After all, this is the most important place in a city. In addition to the main leaders, there are also a large number of troops, and the road must be smooth!

However, just half a month later, suddenly three shocking thunders were suddenly heard over the cloud city. In a trance, three rounds of dazzling sun suddenly appeared in the sky, and the temperature of the sky suddenly became extremely high, and then the heavy snow that had ravaged the sky for two and a half months finally stopped!

And the snow on the ground also began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the melted snow quickly flowed into the drainage ditch.

The only sound that can be heard in the whole city is the sound of water flow. There is the same sound outside the city. The snow is melting rapidly, shivering, but it is a stream formed by countless small streams, and then jumping to the distance.

Winter, the strange winter, after just two and a half months, was quickly withdrawn.

After the snow melted, a little green was faintly visible on the ground. It turned out to be the grass that woke up at the first time after smelling the smell of spring.

Yuxiantang, in a secret room.

Four figures suddenly rushed out of the secret room, but the breath was an extremely pure force that evaporated the melting snow for a while.

"Haha! Three ladies, I didn't expect to go in in winter and come out in spring! I really haven't seen what the spring of this creative continent looks like. I've been tired of running on the river of fate all my life, and there is no time to watch the scenery on both sides along the way!" Looking at the sudden appearance of spring in front of him, Murong Xiaoxian sighed.

A month ago, Murong Xiaoxian, Yuexian and other three began to retreat and began to practice without any diet. After Yuexian Xingge and Yang Wu became Murong Xiaoxian women, they had the same intentions, and the only estrangement disappeared. Therefore, in the process of integrating with soul weapons, it is surprisingly fast. The soul power of the three people can communicate with each other and even help each other.

Among the three, the soul power of Yuexian is the weakest, but the three can integrate the soul through the dialogue between the souls and use the soul power of the three people to integrate with the soul weapon respectively. As a result, the time of this integration has been shortened by two-thirds. Of course, this integration is very dangerous. Fortunately, with Murong Xiaoxian, all dangers are easily erased by Murong Xiaoxian.

When the souls of the three perfectly merged with the soul weapon, they suddenly emitted a strong force. Under Murong Xiaoxian's negligence, they broke through the prohibition of the sword of the Overlord, rushed over the Cloud City, and struck three thunders, which bombarded the heavy snow that had been in the haze of Youyun City, and in advance. Bring the spring.

Time seems to be speeding up, but no one has noticed this...

"Hmm, how old are you, how old you are! In the past, my strength was not as good as yours, but now, I feel that I am not much weaker than you! So..." After a month of silence, Yang Wu suddenly began to attack after birth.

"Men talk without your woman's intervention! First wife and second wife, catch her for me, tie her up and throw her to **! Humph, hum, I've been holding back for a month..." Murong Xiaoxian deliberately showed his fascination and wiped Yang Wu's face casually. Yang Wu didn't even have room to dodge!

"Men are always better than women! Women, as long as they stand honestly behind men. Looking at the dazed Yangwu, Murong Xiaoxian smiled, and his whole body stood still in the air.

Yang Wu finally reacted and punched Murong Xiaoxian angrily, but Murong Xiaoxian did not dodge. Seeing that the fist was on Murong Xiaoxian, Murong Xiaoxian shook for a while and then disappeared.

Ah! The shadow?

Yang Wu spit out his tongue. What kind of realm is this? It seems that the master has said something before, right?

Of course, this is not a break. Of course, it can also be regarded as a break of a short void. It is a completely different concept from the ancient secrets of the witch! The broken void recorded in the secret of the witch can travel in the river of time and space, and can appear in any space and at any time! Simply put, it is a spell that controls time and space, or a law for short. If you master the law of time and space, you can freely let time flow back, time rest, and even accelerate time! These three laws are the most lethal to the enemy. For example, the acceleration of time can make the enemy's time pass quickly for a thousand years, or longer! In that case, the enemy will die before the war starts! And the countercurrent of time can restore the enemy to a baby state! As for the stillness of time, it is to let the enemy stay still and let you kill it!

and the law of space is another concept, which can shrink into an inch or change the world. Since then, there has been no distance in the world. Master the law of space, you can attack enemies in another space in this space, and the enemy in front of you, even if the tip of the knife is pointed at your throat, can't touch you even if it takes tens of thousands of years!

Murong Xiaoxian naturally ran to the house to see the spring and autumn. Yuexian and others could also guess where Murong Xiaoxian had gone with their toes. In a month, the three finally merged with the soul weapon, which was the most * thing of the three people in the past. They even gave up their glory and wealth and fled the world with Murong Xiaoxian.

The reason why they accepted the weapons given to them by Murong Xiaoxian is nothing more than a gamble. Since they are already his people, they have no reservations. Since you have dedicated everything, do you still care about a small life?

After completing the fusion, the three suddenly felt that their meridians were connected, and the true qi swimming in their bodies was replaced by a more magnificent power. The three only felt that their bodies were full of power. At least the three of them were confident that they could hold up a mountain with one hand at this moment! With a slight movement, the three of them can take off at will. This is the realm of the sage! And the different attack methods contained in the weapon made the three people ecstatic, which was completely different from what they had learned before. What I learned before was just a fur, and even all the moves on both sides were just a start-up evolution! Even so, the attack power of the soul weapon is extremely horrible!

Similarly, each weapon has seven powerful moves, and the spirit is different from Murong Xiaoxian, but the three weapons can summon a yuan god of the ancient dead witch god to fight! After all, it is a soul weapon, so what is summoned is also related to the soul. However, the strength of this witch god does not need to be much worse than that of a god-level master, and even stronger than that of an ordinary god. Of course, you should know that these are the yuan gods of the witch gods. These innate witches have more than the sacred level before they die! However, according to reason, the characters of this holy level have basically got rid of the shackles of the cycle of life and death, but how can they die?

The reason is that the holy steps are not all good, and naturally there are evils. Therefore, even the holy steps are absolutely difficult to escape the joint attack of other holy steps! Therefore, they were destroyed, but the genshen was preserved. In order to prevent their genshen from continuing to do evil, the witch elders destroyed all the memories of the gens with witchcraft, but replenished new memories. Otherwise, the yuan gods without consciousness would disappear. After all, the yuan gods were fundamentally a spiritual force. The solidified form, and the source of mental power is miscellaneous consciousness and memory. And coincidentally, since ancient times, there have been only three congenital witch villains who have been killed, so they have been refined into those three soul weapons that can be recruited to fight at any time!

So, the three rushed to Yuexian's residence.

In this month, the strange things that happened were not only on the side of Youyun City. Three things also happened in Chuangjie Mountain, 100,000 miles away in the south of Youyun City!

A month ago, Tianyao Peak, Lotus Peak.

A strange woman with white hair and running was sitting cross-legged on the huge black lotus. It was the lotus mother-in-law. In front of the lotus mother-in-law stood a wooden pile-like figure, who was Shi Xiaoman who changed his name. At this moment, a huge dark knife, with seven flowing stars shining on the body, is suspended on Shi Xiaoman's head, while countless wisps of hair-like thick black lines are shot out on the black lotus, connecting Shi Xiaoman with the tiger knife like a silkworm cocoon.

The tiger soul knife has recognized Shi Xiaoman as its master, but if you want to give full play to the strength of the knife, you must integrate the spirit of the tiger soul knife with the spiritual power of Shi Xiaoman! However, the most difficult point is that this Shi Xiaoman is originally a stubborn stone. The lotus mother-in-law worked hard to make the body of Shi Xiaoman's meridian that does not exist at all into a strange meridians and eight veins, a meridian system like a tree root, and then did not hesitate to damage her own cultivation and let the tiger god. The knife will take its original appearance and retrieve the power!

But at this stage, Mother Lotus is helpless. Because Shi Xiaoman's knowledge of the sea is shallow like a bucket, saying that the bucket has seriously exaggerated Shi Xiaoman's spiritual power, and it is more appropriate to be a wine glass! And it's the kind of small wine cup that can only hold half a dollar wine at a time!

Shi Xiaoman's spiritual power is too weak! No matter how hard the lotus mother-in-law tries, Shi Xiaoman's weak spiritual power can't resonate with the tiger blade even a little!

At this moment, Shi Xiaoman held the tiger knife in his hand, as if a baby was facing a heavy machine gun. Although the gun was extremely powerful, the baby did not have the power to pull the trigger. That gun is just a decoration!

The lotus mother-in-law is at a loss, and the only way is to expand the sea of knowledge. However, Shi Xiaoman's sea of knowledge is the most important place in the body. After tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years, it is just a walnut-sized space! But everything about Shi Xiaoman finally came from this walnut-sized part of the sea! If you want to expand, almost as soon as Mrs. Lotus took action, she immediately aroused the resistance of Shi Xiaoman's efforts in the sea of knowledge, and finally there was even a threat of self-detonation!

The lotus mother-in-law seems to be much older these days. The originally dark black lotus is no longer so dark, and the color is also a little lighter. The black lotus has faded, which shows that the strength of the lotus mother-in-law has faded a lot...

The lotus mother-in-law sighed for a long time and thought about it for a long time but did not think of a solution. However, when she thought of the forming demon in Lieyang Peak, Lianhua's mother-in-law had a lot of emotions. She felt that even if she had instilled this countless years of cultivation in Shi Xiaoman, she was afraid she could not complete this mission at all.

Can you only ask for help like a Nishang? No, you can't bow to the little girl!

Lianhua's mother-in-law is proud, conceited, and even a little complacent. It's better to cut off her head than to bow her head!

Therefore, on this day, the lotus mother-in-law decided to take the risk and did not hesitate to instill all the essence of the black lotus body into Shi Xiaoman, and also to complete the integration of Shi Xiaoman and the tiger sword!

However, Mrs. Lotus was also lucky. Just when she planned to gamble, an uninvited guest came. The man appeared silently on the black lotus, and the forbidden array laid by the lotus mother-in-law did not even react at all! It was not until the man stood in front of the lotus mother-in-law that the lotus mother-in-law was shocked!

The man was dressed in gold armor, a golden gun, and his body was tall. His eyes flashed with golden light, but he looked like a man three points and seven points like a beast! And the huge breath on the man, even if he deliberately restrained a lot, the inadvertent pressure made the lotus mother-in-law a little restless and her heart beat wildly!

Gods! Congend! Mother Lotus is well-informed and knows that what is in front of her is a fake god clan, and the realm has already reached the holy level, at least reaching the high level of the holy level, and may be only one step away from the most holy!

The holy level is divided into three levels, sub-holy, holy, supreme! At this moment, the person in front of him is out of the level of the middle. That strength should not be underestimated. Even if it is the realm of his god, he can't even breathe in front of him!

"Are you this lotus?" The god looked at the lotus mother-in-law without any emotion. The lotus mother-in-law nodded and spoke? Just kidding, she doesn't even have the strength to speak now.

The gap in this realm is really too big! Although they are all above the level of gods, this person in front of them can easily destroy thousands of gods with one palm!

"You did a good job, but you can't do it. Naturally, it's not your fault. After all, this stone spirit is strong, but it is similar to my Protoss. You tried your best to improve his spiritual power and want to expand his consciousness. This was originally a good thing, but you are not very suitable for him. Remember, he belongs to the Protoss, so you can only let his spiritual power, oh, Yuanshen merge with his body, and his sea of knowledge cannot be expanded at all, which is the foundation of his life and his only weakness. The god sighed and looked at the lotus mother-in-law strangely.

"God? It's really not easy for the lotus to reach the realm of the gods! Rare, rare! However, I want to ask you something, and you have to answer truthfully..." The elder of the Protoss withdrew his inadvertently scattered power, and the lotus mother-in-law was much better.

"I've seen the saint! If you have anything to ask, Xiaoxian knows everything!" Mother Lotus is suitable to be so solemn and low!

"Do you know the real purpose of this demon peak, or his past and his future?" The elders of the Protoss took a deep look at the lotus mother-in-law.

The lotus mother shook her head and said, "The demon peak is the concentration of time monsters. It has existed since ancient times and will definitely exist in the future..."

"Wrong! It's a big mistake!" The elder of the Protos denied the lotus mother-in-law, and then slowly said, "Actually, I should ask you in another way. Tell me, where will you go after breaking through the realm of the god of your strength in this demon peak? Of course, the Holy Son will never stay here!"

Mother Lotus thought for a long time and thought a lot, but finally shook her head. I don't know in which life I can break through to the holy step. This kind of thing is a natural thing, and there is no need for me to know it now.

"Then I'll tell you. On that day, after the Demon Peak clan can break through the holy level, they will naturally cross the void and go to my Protos and become a member of my Protos! Are there only those innate clans when you come to my Protoss? In that case, I'm afraid my Protoss would have perished long ago! Now among the gods, there are hundreds of sub-sacred masters who have soared from the Heavenly Demon Peak. The elder of the Protoss said slowly, but it made the lotus mother-in-law so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

"That is to say, we are all from the Protoss..." The lotus mother swallowed her saliva and suddenly set off a huge wave in her heart.

"Otherwise, what do you think is the reason that the Sun Peak and the infinite peak have always tolerated you? They dare not! Humph! Tianyao Peak is the foundation of my god clan, just as human beings are the foundation of the witch clan, and the soul after death is the foundation of the demon clan! If anyone dares to destroy my demon peak, I will destroy human beings first!" The elders of the Protoss said disdainfully.