yuan kill

Chapter 190 Killing

The wheels are rolling and still going south.

Except for a few people around Murong Xiaoxian, Murong Xiaoxian's behavior is unknown. If the soldiers know it, it is undoubtedly a huge blow to morale. Then Murong Xiaoxian's revenge plan will not be able to proceed smoothly.

In fact, Murong Xiaoxian had no choice but to do so, because Murong Xiaoxian found that his body was getting stiffer and stiffer, and even some more complex movements were almost difficult to make. The posture maintained by the whole person is to hold his head high and shuttle back and forth between the sky and the horses. The whole person looks majestic. Even when facing the enemy, Murong Xiaoxian did not disdain to take action. Of course, this is definitely not how reserved the coach is and cherishes his identity, but that it is almost difficult for Murong Xiaoxian to control the power of his weapons at this moment. Killing the enemy is small, and killing people on his side is not worth the loss.

Yuanli level. After Murong Xiaoxian's seed of Yuanli in his body was destroyed, he no longer knew what level his level came from. Moreover, the power surging in his body, at least in Murong Xiaoxian's view, is a more refined force than Yuanli. The root of that power is also a small seed, but this seed grows extremely slowly, but the power contained in that seed is terrible! Moreover, Murong Xiaoxian also notices that this new power seems to be born from the Yuanli seed, as if the Yuanli seed is just a package, like the scabbard of a divine sword, which can also hurt people!

All the way to the south, tens of millions of troops stabbed the mountain like countless sharp swords.

Sitting on the horse, Murong Xiaoxian's expression was extremely cold and arrogant. Careful people will find that Murong Xiaoxian's expression has lasted for at least half a month, and it seems that the muscles on his face have solidified. However, careful people will find that Murong Xiaoxian's body seems to be slowly getting thinner. After each battle, Murong Xiaoxian's body has lost a circle, but Murong Xiaoxian's body is still straight.

Along the way, I don't know how many sinners and how many monsters were killed. But Murong Xiaoxian's own limit is approaching. He is even doubting whether his body will collapse at any time. At that time, if he only has one head left, he doesn't know what the situation will be like. Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian was marching as soon as possible, just rushing all the way to the south. Like a torrent, it directly cut the Yun Empire in half, and the sinner and the warcraft seemed to know that this army was not easy to deal with, and they also deliberately avoided the edge of this army. And those soul killers who are facing each other from afar seem to have evaporated from the world, and they have never seen their shadow all the way!

After passing through many territories, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly found that his army seemed to travel thousands of miles a day. The speed he had only when he flew seemed to be as fast as the current war horse.

Is it possible that this creation continent has become smaller?

A black cloud rolled far away, like endless waves. Murong Xiaoxian felt extremely familiar, and the star songs and moon strings closely following on both sides also showed an incomprehensible but sweet memory smile on his face. There is a blackstone forest, a place with an same radius of thousands of miles. At this moment, it seems to be a floating cloud floating in the distance.

There, Murong Xiaoxian met Lang Yuzhu, but had a deeper understanding of the three sisters, and had the closest contact with Xingge, which directly contributed to the most intimate relationship between Murong Xiaoxian and the three. Finally, serving a husband together also became a good story. , a beautiful talk.

not far away is the sunset mountain range, like a giant dragon lying on the ground winding on the ground, and the military book canyon seems to be in front of you, like a huge ancient book opened.

"Why does this distance seem to be shortened?" Looking at the scenery in front of her, Yuexian frowned and fell into deep meditation. Naturally, this kind of thing is difficult for her to understand.

However, according to Murong Xiaoxian's theory in another world, this roughly belongs to the theory of the expansion or contraction of the universe. Similarly, if this moment of chaos is replaced by the time of the universe, then this creation is to catch up with the moment when the universe is about to perish, that is, the universe begins to contract, just like infinity from nothing, and infinity will inevitably return to nothingness in the end. At this moment, the whole universe is on the verge of chaos and about to collapse. Time is chaotic, space is chaotic, and nothing can be determined by common sense. ( Writing this paragraph is quite science fiction. Once again, I reiterate to the readers that anything that is fantasy can be found in science fiction. Similarly, it is also the explanation of this book again*.)

Naturally, Murong Xiaoxian can't say such a profound thing to Yuexian, but he understands the true meaning of this chaos in his heart. Is it possible for me to save this universe?

"This may be caused by the chaos. It seems that this chaos affects not only people, but also changes time and space. In the past, this distance would have been more than half a year, but this time, we only used about three months. That is to say, this creative continent has shrunk by more than half..." Murong Xiaoxian wanted to pretend to sigh deeply, but the stiff muscles on his face could not tolerate his own apathy, but the voice was the same indifference, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"At this rate, won't this creative continent shrink by half in three months? After a few more years, won't this continent be about the same size as the original country? Xingge said worriedly.

"Is it possible that in a few years, this creative continent will completely disappear?" Yang Wu blinked, but the sound was no less than thunder on the flat ground, which made several people around him in a cold sweat.

"Maybe it is possible, and this trend seems inevitable..." Murong Xiaoxian took the lead, but accelerated the pace of moving forward.

"Is there no room for salvation?" Kong Xuaner, who had been silent for a long time, said slowly, but her voice was slightly anxious.

"Maybe there is room for salvation. I vaguely feel that the answer is in the mountain of creation. At present, the most urgent task is to quickly whip and quickly pass through the Bingshu Canyon, it is best to directly destroy the light and dark holy country..." Murong Xiaoxian replied without looking back. In fact, he wanted to turn back, but his neck was so stiff that he could not turn at all. In a sense, this body seems to have become his burden.

Murong Xiaoxian**'s horse rushed into the Bingshu Canyon like clouds and fog.

Bingshu Canyon is only more than ten meters wide from a distance, but after sailing in, I found that it seemed to be suddenly much wider, with a width of more than ten miles. This situation is very different from when Murong Xiaoxian passed for the first time. At that time, the passage of the Bingshu Canyon was just wide. Moreover, after that experience, Murong Xiaoxian was also full of a sense of mystery about the Bingshu Canyon.

The most strange thing is that the whole creation continent is shrinking, but this military book canyon is doing the opposite, which seems to have expanded a lot. Last time, if it hadn't been for Nishang's help behind his back, I'm afraid that Murong Xiaoxian and Yuexian and others would have fallen into this military book killing array and could not extricate themselves, and in the end, they might have been trapped in this military book valley.

The military book canyon is like an open book, and then it is deeply embedded in the sunset mountains, cutting off the sunset mountains! The width of the back of the book is the width of the bottom of the canyon, and the extension of the page of the book is the height of the mountain range. The shape of the whole military book canyon is a large "V" shape, but people walk in it can't feel the sudden enlightenment of the middle of the head, but a diffuse pressure, as if they have fallen into a sky. In the fog, you can't see the sky or even the ground.

Infinite small world, mustard seed Naxumi! The principle of this military book canyon seems to be very similar to that of the storage ring, but this military book canyon is the most horrible famous killing array in ancient times! Soldiers and soldiers!

As soon as the soldiers entered the canyon of military books, they heard the wind blowing all over the sky, like thousands of books being blown up by the wind, and all the pages danced wildly in the wind, making a harsh howling sound, but the wind blew from different directions and cut on the face like a knife, which was extremely painful!

Wind blade!

This is the first feeling brought to Murong Xiaoxian at the entrance, but the deeper Murong Xiaoxian is, the more dangerous it is in the canyon of soldiers! Since returning from the supreme peak, in addition to being respected by God in the North Yan Kingdom, he has rarely met enemies. As for many arrays, Murong Xiaoxian has been immersed in ** for a long time. As long as Murong Xiaoxian releases a trace of divine knowledge, he can know how the array is laid. Naturally, the array is broken. The method is also hand-on.

But this time, when Murong Xiaoxian released his consciousness, he was shocked!

What he saw in his consciousness was only a book, a thick book, but there were various ways to march and fight in that book, and the page was constantly turning automatically. The book is also full of vivid illustrations. Murong Xiaoxian can see that the characters and horses in the illustrations seem to be alive. The sound of killing, the sound of weapons hitting, the sound of arrows breaking through the air, and the sound of all kinds of rolling stones and wood pounding down from the wall. Seeing all this, it is like putting on the ancient battlefield!

No wonder the light and dark empire is willing to stay south of the sunset mountain range and doesn't want to go to the mixed water north of the sunset mountain! The dividing line between the north and south of the sunset mountains is completely different worlds!

The sky can be broken, the earth can be cracked, and the sunset mountain cannot pass!

The sunset mountains across the continent are towering into the clouds, really unfathomable, and it is said that no one has ever crossed that mountain. The only way to cross the sunset mountain is to pass through the Bingshu Canyon, and the killing array in this Bingshu Canyon can only be passed one day a month!

How did Nishang turn off this killing array? Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help thinking secretly. It seems that the level of Nishang seems to be far above himself. I'm afraid it's really different from himself! But why would this Nishang rather hide in that forgotten place at this moment, but refuse to come out anyway? What is the real identity of Nishang?