yuan kill

Chapter 197 Fall (Part 1)

The decisive battle has begun.

The boundary of Wuliangfeng and Wangxufeng has been occupied by soul killers, covering the sky with black pressure.

The Yuxu Gate, which had the largest number of disciples, showed its advantage in number at this moment. The swords were shining all over the sky, and the practitioners rose up one after another, throwing out all kinds of the most cherished magic weapons for free, and all kinds of magic weapons sent out the strongest combat power, like blooming fireworks, reflecting the sky. Colorful, fighting with those soul killers in one place.

There is no life in this battle.

The battle on Wangxufeng is more fierce. Wangxufeng is the most elite disciple of Yuxumen, and there are even thousands of disciples at the level of gods. This battle is earth-shaking and shocking!

And those soul killers who besiege Xufeng are obviously not low. They are all the most elite soul killers. They are elites who have been cultivated through countless blood and fire. Everyone's strength is close to the level of God!

These soul killers are trained in the most unique way. As long as they have enough talent, it only takes a thousand years at most to become gods. Compared with those human beings who have worked hard for ten thousand years or even longer to enter the realm of gods, it is undoubtedly a huge progress! And they are absolutely loyal and powerful!

This battle has been planned for a long time!

In the god-level melee, the power of destruction was really horrible. The high peak began to dissipate under the bombardment of thousands of gods. It began to melt like an iceberg, and the gravel kept falling, falling into the water under the mountain, splashing pieces of water!

The space in the Xuandu Heavenly Immortal Array is also distorted and deformed under this terrible power, like a mirror that is constantly smashed. The endless dark space is exposed, shining with all kinds of demonic brilliance, but the broken space was instantly shot out by the Xuandu Heavenly Immortal Array. The color treasure light is flattened, no matter how many times it is broken, the space has been repaired many times! But the top of the dome array in the sky is still unbreakable!

Soon, a god-level master fell from the sky and smashed into the water, and some locust-like soul killers swarmed up and even penetrated straight into the water to kill the seriously injured and dying god!

If you kill the god and seize the yuan god, then the realm of the soul killer will immediately rise to the level of the killed. The more you kill, the stronger the strength of the soul killer will be! Therefore, the soul killer takes killing as his lifelong pursuit!

There are more gods who have fallen, and those soul killers at the level of gods are also uncomfortable. After all, the soul killers at this level have been separated from the meaning of the original soul killer in a certain sense. Moreover, no matter what level of soul killers, there is a fatal weakness, which is the spiritual core gathered into the spiritual body. Where! As long as the spiritual core is broken, the soul killer will disappear invisible in an instant!

The gods of Yuxumen didn't find this until after paying heavy casualties!

But it's not too late...

The infinite peak was razed to the ground. Murong Xiaoxian and Shen Ribai still stood still on both sides, but they each raised their momentum to the extreme!

Shen Ribai's long sword pointed to the sky, and the sword body continued to extend, and the red sword light continued to brighten and become dazzling. Finally, he saw six rounds of sun shadows arranged in a circle behind Shen Ribai, and the murderous sword sprinkled like rain all over the sky also seemed to be at that moment. Melted by the sun, it seems to have been sucked into the huge red sword!

A very strange scene suddenly appeared in the whole infinite peak, and the murderous swords melted towards the red sword body one after another, as if that was their destination. And the sword is like a black hole, and the interior seems to be endlessly huge, storing all the murderous gas sucked in, dripping!

More and more murderousness was sucked in by the long sword, and the red sword body also began to change, gradually transforming towards a stronger black and red color, while the sword body was longer, nearly 100 feet long!

Finally, the murderous atmosphere seemed to overflow from the sword body, turning into a thick black smoke around the sword body, and then the black smoke went down the sword body. Shen Ribai was like a man standing under the waterfall, allowing the black smoke to drown him!

The soul is murderous!

The real soul murder is exactly the same as the murder that Murong Xiaoxian saw in Yuexian and others before!

Murong Xiaoxian was shocked, and then he found a fact that shocked him even more. All the murderous atmosphere in the array of Yuxumen turned out to be the soul murderous gas! No wonder I feel very familiar with it!

Is it possible that this Yuxu Gate has also fallen into Shen Ribai? No, Xiao Weizi's sphere of influence?

How can this matter be so mixed up? It seems that this is a conspiracy from beginning to end, and I am just a pawn in this conspiracy!

However, what is the use of this chess piece? Murong Xiaoxian is still a little puzzled.

"Let's have a look! This is the most powerful murderous spirit, such as Zhenyuan and Yuanli, which is not worth mentioning in front of this soul murderous spirit! This soul murder is the root of creating everything! I want to prove by destroying this universe that I have the ability to create another world! What creation, what turbidity, what the source of chaos! Everything is fake!" Shen Ribai looked crazy, and the huge demon shadow behind him seemed to be extremely excited. After madly absorbing countless souls, the demon's body seemed to be much stronger!

"I'm just a chess piece? I really want to know what you want to use of me?" Murong Xiaoxian did not show his face, but he was crazy to launch all the Fa Jue in his body, and no longer care whether it would make his body burst!

"You are just a seed, and the seed here has just sprouted, but it's just right! I just want you to die, and I just want the seed of the soul power in your brain! With that seed, my plan has been completed! So, you can close your eyes to death!" Shen Ribai laughed wildly and waved his sword, as if it were a sword that broke through the chaos. Therefore, the whole world was divided into black and white. Where the sword spirit rose, the distant mountains were split in half, and a very long and deep gully was exposed on the ground, and then the gully was instantly filled with overflowing water, forming a string Vortex!

"Hahaha! Who is the chess piece? You are too early to say it at this moment!" Murong Xiaoxian sneered, and the sword of the overlord suddenly burst out a brilliant golden sword light, facing the sword light that Shen Ribai had split.

Murong Xiaoxian's hegemonic sword light suddenly became blue at the moment of contact, and at the same time, with a boneless cold, freezing all the trajectory of the sword, and the sword spirit was even more continuous after colliding with the soul murderous spirit of Shen Ribai's red crystal sword, it scattered all over the way. Where the sword spirit passed, everything was frozen!

Ice for thousands of miles!

It is one of the hidden skills in the sword of the Overlord, which requires the power to reach the nine-fold realm to use!

The ice is sealed for thousands of miles. Starting from the feet of Murong Xiaoxian, all the water is frozen in an instant, and it has been continuously extended out until the whole fairy array is frozen!

And those soul killers who have dived into the water to get the god's yuan god can't escape at this moment. They are frozen in the water and can no longer move any more! Although there are many sages and even soul killers close to the level of God, they can't break the hard ice at all!

Purple indish Shuanghua is an artifact cast from the most original force of chaos. Any opponent who is hit is almost sealed with the meridians around him at that moment, cutting off the connection between the divine consciousness and the body. And the soul killer is a very simple spiritual core that has been frozen directly!

Unconsciously guessed by Murong Xiaoxian, Shen Ribai sneered, and the long sword was sacrificed again, but suddenly turned into an invisible and turned into a thick black fog. In an instant, it covered the hundred miles of battle with Murong Xiaoxian, and the sound of lightning flowing in the black fog could be faintly heard.

Crack, click! Hiss!

At the same time, the six sun behind Shen Ribai suddenly rose and burst out infinite heat in an instant, as if he wanted to use this power to rescue those frozen soul killers.

Murong Xiaoxian is in the dark fog, but he has long known everything here!

In the world, I will integrate with the world here! This infinite peak boundary is not more than thousands of miles, but Murong Xiaoxian's world has already reached a state of instantaneous movement here!

The wind and clouds are surging, the peaks are shaking, and the lightning is like a snake! Murong Xiaoxian launched the three unique of the seven masterpieces at the same time!

The wind and clouds are amazing!

The mountains and rivers are amazing!


And the other four, five elements, the sky, the stars, and the heaven and earth are affected by this fairy array, Murong Xiaoxian has no way to start!

At this time, Murong Xiaoxian found a really horrible thing in this battle!

The stronger the strength, the greater the restrictions.

For a long time, Murong Xiaoxian has not felt the power of this immortal array, but after using the three masterpieces, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt that a great force firmly bound himself, and it was difficult for his body to move at half!

And the most strange thing is that the Wangxufeng in the distance moved to his eyes in an instant, and a pair of huge hands slowly stretched out from the mountain, like separating the curtain, tearing the Wangxufeng open, but a man in blue, almost identical to Shen Ribai, slowly came out from it!

Murong Xiaoxian's first intuition is that this person is Xiao Weizi!

The body was firmly suppressed at this moment, and this person's realm seems to have reached the sacred state. That kind of pressure has never been felt by Murong Xiaoxian. Murong Xiaoxian has also seen the holy master, like seven evils. Although the pressure on his body is heavy, he can't restrain himself with pressure at the first meeting!

Shen Ribai took away the dark fog, and his eyes were pale, but unexpectedly, he suddenly felt a very powerful force coming from his mind. Suddenly, it exploded like a bomb, directly blowing a blank in Shen Ribai's mind. Then, Shen Ribai felt that he had lost all his memories, and his body was heavy in an instant. It fell down, and then differentiated into a wisp of black fog, which disappeared.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"It's really valuable that good skills and good means can destroy my split under the eyes of my Xiao Weizi. Speaking of which, you are also the best among human beings. Would you like to join me and be loyal to me? Xiao Weizi was not at all excited because Murong Xiaoxian suddenly killed Shen Ribai, but looked at Murong Xiaoxian very calmly.

Murong Xiaoxian's raid has been brewing for a long time. This is the most profound skill in witchcraft that Murong Xiaoxian can understand at this moment. With the damage to his own yuan god as the introduction, he launched soul art and directly completely scrapped the defenseless Shen Ribai in an instant!

"Allegiance to you? It's ridiculous. You are just a loser under my hand. How can you talk about Yu Yong? Come on, use the power of your holy steps to take away my seeds!" Murong Xiaoxian sneered, but Xiao Weizi's face changed slightly. One hand suddenly reached out, and then suddenly grabbed a stone in the deep ground and crushed it!