yuan kill

Chapter 200 Reincarnation

Nishang shook her head and sighed, "Sister, have you forgotten that although you can control this array, I also have a way to close this array!" In this array, you and I have the same ability, and you are injured. Count it, if I join hands with two prospective saints, you two can't beat the three of us!"

Xiao Weizi smiled coldly, but slowly stepped forward.

"Xiao Weizi, I don't think your behavior is the common opinion of the twelve of you? This time you came back with feathers. I don't know what's waiting for you. Nishang sneered, but deliberately looked outside the array. In the distant void, it seemed that someone was coming one after another!

Xiao Weizi looked awe-nosed, "This matter doesn't bother you, so let's stop today's matter. Don't worry, I will make a comeback. Although I didn't get the seed of the original soul power this time, I also saw the true face of that kind of man. It doesn't take much time, and I will carry out my thoughts all the time! Those eleven people, hum, stubborn, I will definitely prove that they are wrong!"

After saying that, Xiao Weizi took Zhang Xue Ni's hand, and the two actually left the array and disappeared.

After confirming that the two had left, Nichang slowly took a long breath and unconsciously said to himself, "Xiao Weizi has broken through the sacred bottleneck. If it hadn't been for this array that suppressed his strength, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to retreat today!"

Naturally, those who break the void are just the illusion laid by Nishang before they came, in order to confuse Xiao Weizi. After all, Nishang is not a person who likes to take risks. She is not 100% sure about doing things. She almost never does it.

After the breath of the two people completely disappeared, the Nis began to sing gently in their mouths, and then the sky burst into the precious light. The strong Xuandu Heavenly Immortal Array began to disintegrate little by little, turning into hundreds of millions of pieces, like fish scales scattered towards the new continents, spread into one small boundaries after another, firmly Guard this new world firmly.

"Ancestor, I have initially achieved your mission, and next, I will do it more attentively..." Nishang sighed slowly and looked at the new world in front of her with a lot of emotion.

"Where do you two want to go in the future?" Nishang didn't reply.

They stared at what happened in front of them, and they think that their strength could not reach this level at all. In particular, Shi Xiaoman's awe of Nishang has deepened a layer.

"Although I am the inheritor of the Protoss, I don't want to go to the land of the Protoss. I want to protect this land. When the boundary of Tianyao Peak is automatically lifted a hundred years later, I will return to Tianyao Peak. Shi Xiaoman said firmly, and Nishang nodded with satisfaction.

"Me?" Without hesitation, he suddenly felt a sense of confusion. He really couldn't remember where his future would be, because he had forgotten all the past.

The task assigned to him by the elder of the demon clan died in the middle of this sudden change. Anyway, he is also a member of the demon clan. Should he go to the place of the demon clan in the future? Although I think so, I still have an inexplicable attachment to this continent in my heart, especially at the moment when Murong Xiaoxian fell, I felt very familiar with Murong Xiaoxian! Especially the knife in his hand actually resonated when Murong Xiaoxian's sword roared. It seemed that this knife had a fate with Murong Xiaoxian! What the hell is going on?

For a while, I was a little confused there.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. You used to be a person who was willing to give up everything for your dreams, just like Murong Xiaoxian today. Although he is dead, he has made his death meaningful, making this chaos stable for at least a hundred years. Are you confused about your past? Nishang slowly took a few steps forward, but shook his hand with a colorful lightsaber. He only heard a muffled hum in the air, and then there were six continuous loud noises, but it was the demon who merged with Shen Ribai but was forced by Murong Xiaoxian!

On that day, while Shen Ribai's soul was destroyed, he secretly swallowed the power of Liuyang and disappeared in mid-air, waiting for the opportunity to escape. Originally, I thought that I had deceived Nishang and others, but it turned out that Nishang approached unconsciously, directly broke the magic of Tianmo with the divine power of the holy level, and destroyed the power of that day's demons devouring Liuyang. From then on, it was regarded as a complete solution to the potential crisis of Tianyao Peak.

"The demon is an extraterritorial demon. Speaking of which, the demon had a chance with you. After you came out of the supreme peak, you were possessed by the demon, and then you destroyed the Zen Temple. However, soon after, the elders of the demons, gods and witches appeared and reached a contract of no more fighting in the future, but they chose an inheritor to arrange the future seats of the three clans based on the strength of the inheritors in the future, which can also be regarded as a complete solution to the root cause of the future melee of the three clans. Nishang said slowly and nodded repeatedly. He only knew the second half of all this, but the first part was not very clear. Of course, he also wants to know what happened before that.

Nemang took out a green leaf from her sleeve and gave it to him, "This is all the memories of your previous life, which have been sealed in it. Originally, I just passed by, but I happened to meet someone, and this memory was received by me at the moment when it was about to dissipate. I didn't expect it to come in handy today!" After saying that, Nishang gave the leaf to the idiot. The expression was solemn and penetrated with a wisp of magic knowledge. Suddenly, his previous life and present life reappeared in the mind of the idiot!

"Ah! No wonder everything is so familiar. It turns out that Murong Xiaoxian and I are familiar with!" It's a little ashamed, but after seeing the previous life, it's a little stunned!

"Don't be surprised. You are one of the first 14 people created by the witch clan. You are not worried, but you are made of a five-colored stone, but the three of you have different aspirations. That doesn't worry about being in the same way as Xiao Weizi now, but it's not because he was stained with a little mixed energy when he was created. His outstanding qualifications actually inadvertently realized the origin of the source of chaos. As a result, because of this, he was not used by Xiao Weizi, and now his soul is destroyed. And you, after several hardships, have become a demon clan, and you have also achieved the right result!" After Nishang finished speaking, she nodded as if she had realized something.

"You mean, I don't have to stay here, I want to go back to the demon clan?" He said quietly, but he had already understood the meaning of Nishang.

"Hmm. Although this disaster has been delayed for more than 100 years due to Murong Xiaoxian's death, the next arrival will be sooner or later, and it will be even more critical! So you need to adjust something from the demon clan. After all, among these three clans, the demon clan is the least reasonable. Nishang said slowly and nodded heavily.

"In that case, let's break up separately. Xiaoman, come with me. Don't be crazy. You have to be careful. I have found that the Holy Land of Light and Darkness is a country composed of twelve people as the core. They pride themselves as the best human beings. In fact, they do have such a proud capital, because they were created by the witches absorbing all the advantages of the three races. However, after the creation of the witch clan, the witch clan regretted a little, because these human beings had a sense of resistance. At that time, the witch clan had a trace of women's benevolence, which turned out to be a big disaster, and now it is too late to repent. Nishang turned around and took a look at the messy four places of infinite peaks, and casually felt the ice that had not melted for thousands of years. After this period of solidification, there was no sign of melting at all. On the contrary, it was harder, colder, and seemed to be heavier!

Then, the ice slowly sank, with the countless soul killers frozen in the ice and the gods of Yuxu Gate, straight to the ground.

In this disaster, some Yuxumen survived, but when they saw that Shang Xueni betrayed Yuxumen, they also used Yuxumen as tools and even played these people on the palms of their hands. This kind of thing made these disciples even more heart-wrenched! The spiritual pillar has collapsed all the time, and these people suddenly lost their minds and stood there like clay and wood carvings. If it hadn't been for the early action, I'm afraid that these people would have been taken away by the ice that sank to the ground and buried deep in the ground!

Nishang took these people, sent them away, and took Shi Xiaoman to the space where the Pangu people were located. At this time, Nishang showed the demeanor of a top master, moving a mountain that stretches for thousands of miles directly from another space to the continent of creation, and then safely placed it on the ground of the original mountain. However, the area is much smaller than the original circle of more than 100,000 miles of the original mountain.

And with the Nishang, tens of millions of people of the Pangu people settled down at the foot of Kunlun Mountain and began to rebuild the world belonging to the Pangu people. In order to appease those lost disciples of Yuxumen, Nishang took great pains to build several temples on Kunlun Mountain, so that those shocked disciples of Yuxumen could practice at ease. At the same time, Nishang made a thorough change to the original practice of the Yuxumen, directly eliminating the level of martial arts, and at the same time The skills are more prominent in the sense of heaven and man, the understanding of heaven and earth, etc., and erase all those rigid skills. Thus, it created the Kunlun vein, and even compared with Zebi, which derived countless cultivation methods, resulting in the scene of hundreds of flower proofs in the cultivation world. This is tens of thousands of years later, and it has passed around here.

This is what Nishang said to Murong Chunqiu. Naturally, it hides part of the content, but each message is enough to shock everyone.