Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 1 Princess Yuanxiu

The night was like thick ink dripping into the clear pool, silent. From the extremely thick and gradually faded, you can see the dense rain in the evening like a needle. The early spring wind gently brushed. Under the eaves of the palace, a row of heavy iron horses were silent, but a few strings of silver bells on the corner of the hall woke up and made a pleasant soft sound, alarming the maids of honor in the Fengyang Pavilion.

The plain screen of picking green and picking blue close to the ice silk weave looked in. In the dark bedroom, the Chinese tent was low, and it could faintly identify that the figure was still lying high. Both of them were relieved. They picked green and drew a few gestures lightly. They picked blue and took out a small brocade box from the grid next to them and opened it, revealing that it was neatly placed inside. All kinds of spices.

The slender and slightly cocooned fingers moved, and a small piece of benzoin was thrown into the golden furnace next to the screen. Suddenly, in the smoke, the fragrance was calm and condensed.

Just as Cai Lan was about to put away the brocade box, there was a strange noise in the bedroom--


I don't know what was pushed to the ground, and the voice was dull. Then, a still tired voice sounded: "Who are you?"

"A family woke up?" Cai Lan asked in a low voice.

After the overlapping tent, I only saw the outline of Princess Yuanxiu turn over quickly. She seemed to lean down and look under the bed, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "It's all right, just overturned the pillow."

Picking blue and picking green heard that the princess had no intention to ask herself to come in and lowered her eyes: "Now it's just the beginning of Yin, let's sleep for a while!"

"I can't sleep." Yuan Xiu said leisurely, "Come in and serve my palace to change clothes."

"This..." Cai Lan hesitated, "A Jiazi just fell asleep, and now it's just..."

"Blue!" Yuan Xiu closed his eyes and shouted.

Cai Lan suddenly silenced. The clothes in the mourning were made by the Shangfu Bureau. The hemp clothes were like snow and colorless, but Princess Yuanxiu's face was whiter than her clothes, and even her lips were bloodless. Sitting in front of the bronze mirror, she silently combed the simplest hair style for her, with a silver hairpin and white jade on her wrists, which was like snow, and her eyebrows looked as dark as night.

Yuanxiu, who was fully dressed, did not leave the bedroom, but went to the south and raised his hand to open the window.

The dark blue sky outside the window was full of rain, and the wet breath gently rushed in, blowing her hair. In the distance, the lights were faint. It is unknown whether the cry of the Taiji Hall is ethereal. It should be the palace man who was designated to be buried crying on the last night.

Today is the burial period of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian. Because the empress dowager died in the dragon pool and overturned the boat, Emperor Fengchun was furious. Despite the opposition of the ministers, he ordered that except for several elderly palace people who died when the empress dowager died when the empress dowager died, all those who had served the empress dowager for more than three years in the Xingqing Palace in the south would be martyred empress dowager.

Fengchun Emperor Li Yan is Yuanxiu's mother and brother. They were all born by the former emperor Xianzong Yuanhou. When Yuanxiu was three years old, Yuanhou's family was reported that they colluded with Xichuan Jiedu with the intention of jiedushi to rebel against the country. Their father and brother were executed. At that time, Yuan Hou was pregnant. Originally, Xianzong told the six palaces not to let them hear it, but they didn't know which tongue chewed. The news revealed that the Empress Yuan gave birth prematurely and struggled for two days and one night before giving birth to the child, but she didn't even look at it.

Therefore, Xianzong left a vein of incense for the Yuan Dynasty family to comfort the Yuan Dynasty. But Li Yu and Yuan Xiu's only younger brother only lived in the world for three days and then left with Yuan. At that time, Li Yu was only twelve years old and had been registered as the prince and lived alone in the East Palace. Xianzong was busy with the government and handed over Yuanxiu to Wang Huifei, who had no children under his knees to take care. Later, Xianzong died. Li Wei felt that Huifei raised Yuanxiu, respected her as the empress dowager, and was honored Zhaoxian. Then, the empress dowager Zhaoxian carried wine on the dragon pool at the end of last year and wanted to remember Xianzong, but unexpectedly, the storm suddenly broke out, and there was no sound when he was rescued.

Yuanxiu stood in front of the window, thinking that his fifteen years seemed to have passed suddenly. In his memory, he was ignorant when he came to Zhaoxian's side, the fear and helplessness of kneeling outside Zichen Hall on the winter night when the former emperor died, and Zhaoxian took his hand and urged Fengchun before his death... Light and shadow are intertwined, and it's really an illusion. In this slightly cold spring morning, it seems to be vague, which makes her want to cry happily, but it's hard to say.

She was stunned, but she was anxious about the two maids of honor who picked blue and green. She put the cloak on her shoulder and pleaded, "The empress dowager died. I know that the family is uncomfortable, but please take Goro as the thought of it. Don't mourn too much, so that Golang lost his mother and worry about the family."

"Where is the fifth brother at this moment?" Yuan Xiu touched the cloak on his body and suddenly asked.

Picking blue and picking green look at each other. They are princesses, not imperial maids. How can they know?

In a hurry, he was smart and flashed with a green spirit: "Yesterday, when I accompanied A family to watch the spirit, the slave maidservant seemed to hear that Zhao Lifei sent someone to invite a doctor. Wulang may be in Wanchun Hall?"

Yuan Xiu frowned slightly. During this period, she was too sad and often neglected things around her, but Wanchun Hall was not close to the Fengyang Pavilion where the princesses lived. She would not run over if she had nothing to do. She could know this matter. Obviously, Zhao Lifei was the imperial doctor who was guarding the spirit on the Taiji Hall, so she was seen by picking the green. Xianzong has not died so far. Two years later, it will be enough. Although the emperor only needs to stay for three months, Fengchun has inherited the new country, so he has never selected a suitable girl to enrich the court. Up to now, he is still the two talented people who have been married and three concubines when she was a prince. Among them, the most favored is Zhao Lifei.

The queen is in charge of the harem. Yuanxiu doesn't need to worry and never touch her hand to avoid suspicion. However, this Zhao Lifei came to the funeral ceremony of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian. Hearing the meaning of picking green, Fengchun actually stayed in Wanchun Hall last night! This is when Empress Dowager Zhaoxian's bones were not cold, and the coffin was still in the palace! It is said that people in the world will not focus their eyes on a palace concubine, but want to say that Fengchun's virtue is at a loss, contemptuous of the emperor of a country, and leaves a stain on filial piety. This is a major event to leave a curse in history!

Thinking of this, Yuanxiu was angry at the bottom of her heart. She knew that Zhao Lifei had given birth to Fengchun's eldest son and third son. If there was anything, the Queen could only say a few words to her, and she carefully took the handle to cry and complain about grievances in front of Fengchun and meditated for a moment. Yuan Xiu ordered: "Prepare the car, Ben The palace is going to Wanchun Hall!"

"A family is not allowed!" Cai Lv didn't expect that his answer turned out to be the result. He hurriedly persuaded, "A family hasn't eaten yet!"

"Isn't it appropriate for me to invite my fifth brother to use it together?" Yuan Xiu sneered, ignored the two maids of honor, and left first.

Princess Yuanxiu secretly complained bitterly. Among the surviving daughters of Xianzong, she is only a little older than Princess Yunzhou and Princess Liyang. Even her title is the only princesses who is not named by Tang Muyi, but by Xianzong. Her Tang Mudi is Jinyang, the land of Longxing of the Li royal family. It can be seen that she and Emperor Fengchun's mother came out together, and after Emperor Xianzong, no one dared to brush it. Therefore, Zhao Lifei, who had always bumped into Princess Yuanxiu's hand this time, would never be as easy as the queen's disposal.

But now that Empress Dowager Zhaoxian is gone, Fengchun has gradually grown up, saying that he is closer to his mother and sister than ordinary people, so how can he get close to the soft language by the pillow? What's more, Zhao Lifei is still the mother of the king of Han and the king of Wei. Ruolifei suffered a loss today. He slandered the feelings of separation between brothers and sisters. Xianzong, Wenhua and Zhaoxian all went. Between them, there was not even an elder who helped to make peace.

It's just that Yuanxiu did what he said and ignored the persuasion of the two maids. He still calmed down: "A family, slow down and listen to the maidservant!"

"What do you want to say quickly? Ask the people outside to pass it on!" Yuan Xiu stopped and glanced at her coldly.

Cai Lan whispered, "Does the A family value the reputation of Golang more, or do they want to take the opportunity to deal with Zhao Lifei?"

"What is Zhao's! How can it be compared with the fifth brother? Yuan Xiu sneered, "What on earth are you trying to say?"

"If the A family is thinking about the holy reputation, you can't go to the Wanchun Hall!" Cai Lan said quickly, "Although Goro's night stay in Wanchun Hall is lost, few people must know about it now. The fish hydrocarbons around Goro will persuade Goro to leave as soon as possible, and this matter can be quietly exposed without causing criticism! If A Jialuan goes by car and happens to meet Goro, or has never met him, it will also make people guess why the A family went, wouldn't it hurt Goro instead?

Cai Lan's words hit the nail on the head. Yuan Xiu was immediately shocked and hesitated for a long time, "... You're right."

"Guro is also exhausted these days. Maybe he was just too tired to return to the Ganlu Hall last night. If the family is worried, after Goro sent the Empress Dowager's coffin out of the palace today, he called the fish hydrocarbon to ask. The fish hydrocarbon used to serve the Empress Dowager Wenhua. Will he hide the family's failure? ?" Cai Lan breathed a sigh of relief. The Empress Dowager Wenhua, that is, the Empress Dowager Xianzong, was originally Shunde. Fengchun succeeded to the throne and changed to Wenhua. Fengchun's confidant eunuchs around her used to be the confidant of Empress Dowager Wenhua and was naturally loyal to Fengchun and Yuanxiu.

Yuan Xiu thought so. After such a tossing, she had a little appetite: "What light food do you want to eat? I'm a little hungry."

Cai Lv hurriedly said, "I'm going now."

I only drank half of a bowl of fish porridge, but an uninvited guest came outside the door.

"Nine sister!"

The same person in linen and silver jewelry looks two or three years older than Yuanxiu, but looks like a peach blossom, unbleed and red, and looks excellent. This is the seventh princess of Changyang. Like Yuanxiu's third brother, the king of Qi, she was born by Princess Yang. Originally, she was originally scheduled to fall to Cui Fengwu, the servant of the household department, who grew up next month, but now Zhaoxian has died and got married. Since the delay, I still live in Fengyang Pavilion.

Yuan Xiu was a little surprised to see that she came so early. He put down the soup and got up and said, "Why is Sister Seven coming here now?"

"I think you must be unable to sleep and get up early. Sure enough." Princess Changyang walked to the table and looked at the blue and green. Yuanxiu motioned them to retreat to the door: "What's so mysterious about the seventh sister?"

"Mystery?" Changyang's face showed a trace of disgust and sneer, "Can't you say the shameful thing in front of the palace people?"

Yuanxiu's heart jumped and almost changed his face, but soon thought that Changyang did not have the courage to accuse Fengchun in front of her. Although Fengchun was a little better than his brothers than his brothers, only his mother's Yuanxiu was treated differently by him. Changyang's personality was fierce, but he was not a person who could not look at, so he calm down. Question: "Seventh sister, don't be angry. Tell me what's going on? Why are you ashamed?"

"Isn't she our elder sister yet?" Changyang sneered and said, "Princess Pingjin has been married twice. The first thing in the princess's house is not related to you and me, but now the Empress Dowager's coffin is still parked in the Taiji Hall, but she can't stand it so much. Golang pitied her hard work in guarding the spirit, so she can't help but go in and out of the palace during this period of time. Who would have thought that she had brought a man? Zi entered the palace, after the Sihaichi rockery..." Although Changyang was fierce, he had not left the cabinet after all. Speaking of this, his face turned red, passed by, and he said anrily, "... The mother's concubine happened to pass by and found that the mother's concubine was also embarrassed to tell Goro about this matter, so she had to call me over in the middle of the night and let me come to think about it as soon as possible. The way."

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