Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 169 There is someone under the stone

June is the time when the vegetation is flourishing, and it is inconvenient to gallop in the mountains. Yuanxiu is wearing a man's round-neck narrow-sleeved robe with a stone-blue dark embroidered green pine needle pattern, black hair and a gold silk and jade belt around his waist. In order to move quickly, he took off the jewelry hairpin ring, and only hung a dagger with a pearl in the scabbard to defend himself. , with small cowhide boots under his feet, he dressed very neatly.

The mountain rain stopped in the evening of the previous day and got up this morning. Although the tip of the leaves was still dripping water, the red in the east was extremely bright. She couldn't wait to come out and try her hand.

One step behind Yuanxiu is not picking blue or green, but Yu Wenrong, wearing an autumn round shirt, ribbon fast boots, wearing a cloth scarf, carrying bows and arrows for Yuanxiu. What he skillfully jumped back and forth in the team was half-large squal gold. Although he is still a minor, he has been able to catch up with him tightly. The owner, the lynx that entered the mountain forest showed its nature. Between actions, it was silent. With the help of the meat pad under its claws, it bounced on the surrounding tree poles and was agile - Yuanxiu did not even bring a hound this time to exercise it. The front leader of the group was a young man in blue. The young man was about 17 or 18 years old, with a slightly square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, hair tied with cloth towels on his head, a long bow on his shoulders, and an arrow pot on his back. Although he was wearing hemp shoes on his feet, he walked vigorously in the mountains and was not affected at all.

Yuanxiu wanted to go hunting, and Yuan Beihe was personally accompanied by him. He was a bodyguard of the East Palace, and now he has achieved the position of commanding the army in the imperial army. Although Fengchun's intention to promote his cronies, he can be regarded by Xianzong and Fengchun among many bodyguards one after another. Not to mention his loyalty, his own strength is also in the army. Among them, he is the best. In his opinion, this young man in blue has a steady pace and long breath. He moves in the forest with thorns and tree stumps from time to time. His body is light, like an ape. He can't help praising: "The rain slave's pace is so dexterous!"

The young man in blue is the son of Guo. Because he was born on a rainy day, he was called Yunu. Guo Yunu smiled when he heard the words and said humbly, "Yuan Tongjun is flattered, but because he grew up in the mountains and fields, he is used to walking."

On this day, Xue still didn't follow, and Yuan Xiu was eager to do so. Although her target on the shooting range can satisfy Xue, it is still far from hunting alive. Xue was quite strict when she taught her. As usual, Yuan Xiu took care of it first. At this moment, she listened to Guo Yunu's words and asked, "Nearby But what kind of prey do you have?

"To your Lord." Guo Yunu said without thinking, "Due to the construction of other courtyards on Zige Peak, all the beasts that can hurt people have been expelled. The southern mountain stretches for 800 miles, among which there are many beasts, such as tigers and wolves, who are unwilling to approach inhabited places unless forced to, so the biggest prey on this peak is deer."

Obviously, in just one night, the news that Yuan Xiu was hunting tigers on the top of the peak has spread all over the courtyard. Her face turned slightly red and she reluctantly said, "Then let's hunt deer."

Guo Yunu had heard from the forbidden army that Yuan Xiu's archery skills were mediocre, so when he was asked, he deliberately mentioned that tigers and wolves and other beasts did not like to be close to human settlements, so that Yuan Xiu was so high-level and had to go deep mountains to hunt tigers when he opened his mouth - even if he grew up in the mountains and had been used to touching the bow and controlling too many strings since he was a child, he was barely a hunter. Hand, tiger hunting is also based on luck. What's more, although Yuanxiu does not hunt alone, the mountain hunting is different from that of royal spring and autumn - the latter is surrounded by people and deliberately put into the prey. In the usual hunting, there are many people accompanying them, and even the rabbits have escaped. Those who open the road in front may be able to hunt a few pheasants. , what else can it be the turn of the master surrounded in the middle?

If there are fewer people, Princess Yuanxiu, Jin Zhiyuye, is also the most valued sister today. Once something happens, from Xue's family to Yuan Beihe, I'm afraid no one can get well up and down the Zige courtyard.

Hearing Yuanxiu agree to hunt deer, Guo Yunu was secretly relieved and thought that it was not difficult to serve him. He quickly cheered up and said, "Your lord, please look at the forest on that side. I remember that I found traces of the deer drinking water there about four or five days ago."

Someone familiar with Zigefeng pointed the way, and Yuanxiu naturally did not hesitate. Before entering the forest, she even took the bow down from Yu Wenrong and walked in in her hand.

The stream in the forest was gurgling, and the sound of magpie birds singing in the branches and leaves above his head could be faintly heard. When he arrived at the water's edge, Guo Yunu bent down to find a few clumps of grass leaves to find the animal trail that came to the stream to drink water. After a moment, he pointed to a clump of grass leaves in front of him and respectfully called Yuan Xiu: "Please take a look, this hoof mark is still new. It's fresh and complete. I'm afraid it was left after the rain stopped yesterday.

Yuan Xiu didn't understand this experience of tracking and searching at all. She looked at it carefully and asked, "So where did this deer go?"

Guo Yunu pushed away a few green grass nearby, but saw that the hoof marks were swimming leisurely all the way down. Yuan Xiu was immediately refreshed and took the lead in catching up.

Today, Yuan Beihe brought out more of the forbidden army. In addition to himself, there were five others, which was only seen by Yuan Xiu. Several others were good at hiding, but were scattered by him to wander nearby. One was to be vigilant, and the other was to deal with sudden situations, such as...

Tracing downstream along the stream, about half an hour later, the water beads on the tip of the leaves have been dried by the rising sun. After stepping on a big stone full of lysap, the deer's hoof completely lost the clues and stood on the stone. However, he saw that the surrounding vines were dense and the rotten leaves on the ground were like a pool. Guo Yunu looked for it again and again. Finally, he came to plead Yuanxiu in frustration. Without a hound and no trace, it is impossible to tell where the deer has gone. Yuan Xiu called the wrong gold and patted its head, hoping that it could have a way, but the wrong gold roared lowly at the stone!

All the group were shocked. Of course, they would not think that the deer happened to hide under the stone, but thought that the malt had met a natural enemy. The malt was shaped like a cat, but when it became an adult, it was much bigger than a cat, and they liked meat. They were cautious and cunning by nature. When they met a strong enemy, they would even pretend to die to avoid it. Therefore, ordinary herbivorous beasts such as rabbits and foxes. , none of them are its opponents, but only the beasts of the level of jackals, tigers and leopards can make it feel instinctive fear.

Yuan Beihe responded at the moment when the wrong gold reacted strangely. He rushed to Yuan Xiu with an arrow and said in a low voice, "Your lord, please step back!" Yuanxiu was originally standing very close to the edge of the big stone and was reminded by Yuan Beihe to hide behind him. Yuan Beihe protected Yuan Xiu and made a move. The two forbidden soldiers raised their round shields on their arms and carefully explored under the big stone.

At the same time, there was a slight sound from the surrounding trees. It was Yuan Beihe's archer who adjusted his position to cover his colleagues.

After being so nervous for more than ten breaths, he heard the two imperial troops visiting under the big stone report a little awkwardly: "The army is not a beast."

"Shixia seems to be a little lady." Another person said in a strange tone.

The big stone that everyone is standing at this moment is embedded with the mountain. The edge is steep and slightly concave. The stone is full of lychees, hanging all the way down to the stone. Therefore, looking down from the stone, you can only see a corner of apricot red clothes, which is particularly conspicuous between the different shades of blue colors. Fortunately, apricot red is in the forest. The bright colors, otherwise affected by the light in the forest, if the two forbidden soldiers had not noticed that they were human at first glance, they would have gone down to test with a few arrows.

Yuan Beihe did not relax his vigilance, but asked, "How high is Shixia?" Maybe go down?"

The two forbidden soldiers standing by the stone looked at it, and one of them said, "It's about three feet, and the mud next to it. Although the rain stopped yesterday evening, the soil is still soft at this moment, but it is still solid. It's not difficult to take a few of them and slide down to check - to unify the army, look at the stone. People don't seem to be awake?"

His last sentence was actually equivalent to not saying it. If he was sober and three feet high, the sound of several people's words would have spread long ago, and there would be no movement below?

Yuan Beihe thought for a little and looked at Yuan Xiu: "Your lord?"

"The fifth brother said that he met such a sudden thing outside, and everything was arranged by Yuan Tongjun." Yuan Xiu was very cooperative. Yuan Beihe nodded: "Feng Teng, you go down and have a look first. Cui Nanfeng should pay attention to it."

Hearing that one of the forbidden army's surname was Cui, Yuan Xiu couldn't help looking at the man, but saw that the man was about the same age as Guo Yunu, with a slightly dark complexion and a plain appearance. She said in her heart and said to herself: This name sounds like the Lang Jun of the Boling Cui generation, but it really doesn't look like it.

The forbidden army named Feng Teng was very sharp. After getting the order of Yuan Beihe, he grabbed a few lyscorpion and jumped down. Then he heard the dull sound of landing. After a moment, he only heard a surprised and slightly changed voice from Shi: "Unification of the army! It's the girl of the Li family!"

After Yuanxiu met Lu 25 Niang yesterday, he heard Yuan Beihe talk about the owners of the four courtyards on Zige Peak. At this moment, when he heard Feng Teng's call, he immediately remembered Zhao Jun Li's Green Garden on Zige Peak. At this moment, there are two girls of the Li family living in the Li family. She frowned and said to Yuan Beihe, "Is the Green Garden close to here?"

Yuan Beihe is also confused: "It doesn't seem to be too close, and you have to bypass a few forests..."

The Li family is also a member of Guanzhong. The girl who can live in other courtyards will not have a low status in the family. If it is near the Green Garden, it can also be said that she came out for a walk and had a sudden illness or something like that. But since it is not close to the Green Garden, listening to Feng Teng, she seems to be the only one under the stone?

In addition to the civilian backgrounds such as Yuan Beihe, many of these forbidden armies are also children of the Wang clan. This dynasty has proliferated in Chang'an for many years, such as the five surnames and seven Wang and Weidu in the south of the city. Because of the prosperity of the clan, there are many children, a few young people in the Wuling are randomly selected. Even if they are not the surnames of these families, most of them can turn around. In a relationship, the imperial army defended the imperial palace, and the emperor always had to serve the left and right when driving, which is also a different Qingyun road from the imperial examination - Yuan Beihe is an example.

So it's not surprising that Feng Teng knew the girl of Zhaojun Li. The forbidden army originally named Cui Nanfeng was guarding on the stone. He seemed to be shocked when he heard the words and looked up and said, "Yuan Tongjun, go down to the humble position to help?"

Yuan Beihe seemed to know that he had a lot to do with the Li family. He nodded and said, "No matter which girl in the Li family is wet under the stone, get people up first."

Not long, Feng and Cui Nanfeng jointly grabbed people and climbed back, but they saw that the girl they carefully put down was wearing an apricot red embroidered ball-piece summer shirt, and a goose yellow cloud pattern skirt underneath. The skirt was slightly wrinkled, revealing a pair of climbing shoes underneath. The bottom of her shoes were stained with a lot of fresh soil, which was still wet, as if I have walked all the way to the stone.

I don't know if her hair was scattered when she was brought up. Her long black hair covered half of her face, and the skirt pressed under her showed some traces of water. Yuan Xiu frowned and looked around. Today, she didn't bring the maid out, so she raised her head and ordered Yu Wenrong, "Go and have a look."

The Li girl fell under the stone, and Feng and Cui just carried her up to save her. Now that people have come up, it is inconvenient for them to touch her again. Otherwise, even if the public is in full view, it will inevitably be inappropriate for the girl's reputation. Yu Wenrong is a servant, but it doesn't matter.

After listening to Yuan Xiu's words, Yu Wenrong hurried over, tried his nose first, and then stretched out his hand to push her. Yuan Xiu saw that the girl was motionless and looked at her a few times. Suddenly, he walked over, bent down and brushed her black hair off her face. He said, "Is it the ten daughters of the Li family?"

"Do you know this girl?" Yuan Beihe was obviously not very familiar with Li Shiniang. Hearing Yuan Xiu's words, he was slightly stunned.

The two imperial soldiers who came up with Li Shiniang's arms changed their faces and looked at each other, showing a trace of sadness.

Yuan Xiu held his cheek in one hand and held a bow in the other. He stared at Li Shiniang's pale face for a moment and sneered, "I've seen it once - this Li Shiniang is so fierce. How can she faint here alone? Yuan Tongjun said that there are two girls living in the Green Garden. One of them should be her, but the other doesn't know who it is? How could she run out alone and almost had an accident?

Fortunately, Zigefeng is rarely visited, and Li Shiniang was stained with stone rain and water except for her dress. It was a little wet, and I only touched the juice on a few places, and the clothes were neat. Otherwise, I don't know what would be thought of in this situation.

Yuan Beihe heard that he was a little dissatisfied with Li Shiniang in Yuanxiu's words, but he was generous and still mentioned: "Your lord, since we met this Li girl, did you send her back to the Green Garden first?"

"Unification of the army, we are all children, I'm afraid there will be some inconvenience." Before Yuanxiu answered, the previous Cui Nanfeng suddenly said, "Let's send someone to the Green Garden to report and ask them to send someone to take the ten women back!" As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Teng and several forbidden soldiers behind Yuan Beihe also showed approval and nodded frequently.

Yuan Beihe frowned and looked at Yuan Xiu: "What do you think?"

"Feng Teng and Cui Nanfeng seem to know the ten women of the Li family. They don't worry about delay. There's nothing to worry about in this palace. That's it." Yuan Xiu glanced at Li Shiniang and said carelessly.

"Your lord doesn't know, I'm not worried..." Feng Teng looked straightforward. The other forbidden soldiers didn't say anything, but he just looked embarrassed, but Feng Teng argued, "It's really Li Shiniang's brother who can't afford to provoke him! Don't look at us saving Shi Niang once today. If there is any rumor about her, she will have to be beaten back by Li, especially these days..." He shouted here and then glared at Cui Nanfeng beside him!

Yuan Xiu looked at them with interest and hooked the corners of her mouth, but didn't say anything - Li Shiniang and Cui Fengwu were childhood sweethearts. She heard this rumor a few months ago. When she heard Yuan Beihe mention that Zhao Jun Li also had a separate courtyard here yesterday, she thought that if this courtyard happened to be Li Shiniang, she lived at this time. She is one of the few people who come.

But then again, although Cui Fengwu and Li Shiniang have known each other since childhood, they have not officially made a marriage, and Changyang can't be regarded as robbing Li Shiniang's husband, so Yuan Xiu does not think that the royal family owe Li Shiniang anything, but it is inconvenient to say. After thinking about it, she lazily ordered Yu Wenrong: "Although on the stone However, after giving birth to Lili, the mountain is cooler. Others are inconvenient, but you are not in the right way. Untie the robe and put on the Li girl. Be patient.

Yu Wenrong did so. Although she didn't like Li Shiniang very much between what she said just now, she took care of her and had no intention of falling into the well. Feng Teng and Cui Nanfeng looked at each other and were relieved.

Yuan Xiu sensed their change and smiled faintly.