Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 17 A Niang

Fengchun thought that there were too many folds piled up, and he couldn't stay for a long time after dinner. Half of the dishes were served, he came straight to the point: "I have something to discuss with you today."

"I also have something to tell fifth brother." Yuan Xiu nodded.

Fengchun looked at her in surprise and said, "Let's talk about it first."

Yuanxiu looked around, and Feng Chun was more sure that what she wanted to say was not the same as what she wanted to say. He waved everyone back to the hall and said with great interest, "What's the matter?"

"That night, the eldest sister was mourning..." Yuan Xiu told what happened to the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian's coffin the night before she left the palace and said, "I thought it was that. Tong is greedy for wealth and deliberately seduces the eldest sister, but I think it's a little aimed at the fifth sister-in-law. With that, he said, "I don't know who is so vicious! Fortunately, the eldest sister is open-out. If she changes to the second sister, I'm afraid that something big will happen?"

The sex of Princess Yi'an. Zi was silent and shy. Even if he had a second son after marriage, he still blushed and couldn't laugh at it. Although Pingjin was ashamed of such a thing, he suppressed it in a blink of an eye. If Princess Yi'an, she was afraid she couldn't even live.

After listening silently, Fengchun frowned slightly, and his tone was obviously unhappy: "What does the queen do? The phoenix seal is in charge of the six palaces, and this kind of thing has been made out. Unexpectedly, she hasn't reported it until now. How dare she want her sister-in-law to worry about this for her?

Yuan Xiu didn't expect that he was not in a hurry to catch the mastermind. Instead, he first accused Queen Wang and said, "The fifth brother has thought too much. Why doesn't the fifth sister-in-law want to come to talk to you? I'm afraid that the fifth brother has been very busy these days and hasn't found a chance?"

Fengchun pondered for a moment and then asked, "What did the elder sister say?" She is the one who was killed."

This is the belief that Hiratsu was murdered.

"The eldest sister has always taken into account the overall situation. Although she is unhappy, the fifth sister-in-law just persuaded her. She just took it with her own hands when the matter was over. Tong went to vent his anger. Yuanxiu deliberately said the good words of Queen Wang, and Feng Chun said, "That. Can you find out who instructed it?"

Yuanxiu took the opportunity to say, "I have to ask my fifth sister-in-law. I went to my eldest sister's place to relax today, but I haven't had time to set up a political hall. Besides, this matter... I don't want to care too much."

Fengchun nodded: "I'll ask Yu hydrocarbons later, and I always have to explain to my elder sister."

Yuan Xiu was a little disappointed to see that he did not plan to go to the political hall to meet Queen Wang by himself, but on second thought, maybe it was because of too many court affairs accumulated in the past few days?

Then he heard Fengchun say, "Do you have anything else to say?"

"What does the fifth brother want to say to me about this matter?" Yuan Xiu asked curiously.

"Your birthday is in July, and this year." Fengchun thought, "Although you are in mourning, you are my only sister. Empress Dowager Zhaoxian is just your mother. You don't have to accept it until then. You will get rid of it in a few days. The ceremony in July should be done."

Yuan Xiu pondered: "This doesn't seem to be very good. I know that the fifth brother loves me, but the eldest sister is the eldest daughter of the former emperor. In those years, the ceremony was only compared with the princess's example. When the seventh sister and the emperor, the former emperor was seriously ill, but it was just hastily done. The eighth sister is also a national funeral. They are all simple. I'm afraid the sisters are not very happy, not to mention Liyang. Young, Yunzhou is only one year younger than me. If you don't do it for her next year, I'm afraid it will taste good. If you do it, it will be even worse on the faces of the sisters. Even the royal aunts have some opinions.

"I have planned to ask you to come just to tell you." Fengchun waved his hand and didn't want to dwell on this topic. Yuan Xiu said that there were still a few months left anyway, so he didn't have to rush to oppose it now, so he happily said, "What else?"

Fengchun put down the silver chopsticks and looked at her up and down. Yuanxiu touched her face and said strangely, "What's wrong?"

"Ahuang has also grown up." Fengchun suddenly said softly.

The princesses of this generation are all single names. From the fire, Yuanxiu's name is Li Huang, but the princess's name has always been rarely used. Fengchun suddenly changed his name. Yuanxiu reacted in a trance and smiled, "If you don't grow up, you will be as ignorant as when you were a child. In addition to working in the government, you still have to worry about my food, clothing, housing and transportation. , doesn't it drag you down more?"

Fengchun said slightly: "My sister, what's the drag? In those years, I taught you how to trace red, and the purple hair full of ink was handed to your hand. You took it and looked at my face a few times. I was not so polite when I washed three basins of water before I could go out. In recent years, Zhaoxian insisted on keeping you in the south, but you and I became unfamiliar!"

"How can there be such a thing? I don't remember for a long time. It must be the fifth brother, you are busy with the political record!" Yuanxiu heard him mention the matter of tracing red, and his face turned red and said angriness, but he felt that he seemed to be dissatisfied with Zhaoxian in his words. He hurriedly reminded, "Mother treats us very well."

Hearing Yuanxiu call Zhaoxian as his mother in front of him, Fengchun's face suddenly sank. He put up with it and did not directly get angry with his sister. He said lightly, "You and I are the Empress Yuan Dynasty. Our mother has always been the only Empress Dowager Wenhua."

"Of course I remember my mother." Seeing that he was unhappy, Yuan Xiu had to change his name for the time being, "But over the years, the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian has taken good care of me like her own..."

"Enough!" Fengchun shouted in a low tone, but his anger was very clear.

Yuan Xiu was stunned: "Fifth brother, that's the mother of a commoner!" After the Empress Dowager Wenhua left, Emperor Xianzong did not set up a new queen, and Wang Huifei took pictures of the six palaces on his behalf. At that time, although Fengchun had lived in the East Palace and was personally taught by Xianzong, Wang Huifei took care of Yuanxiu, needles and threaded food, and never forgot Fengchun. Xianzong had publicly praised Huifei several times for this, so when selecting the crown princess, I specially chose the Prince's Day, a woman from the Wang family in Taiyuan.

At that time, although Fengchun was far less close to Princess Hui, she politely called Princess Wang Hui when she met her. On New Year's Day, the East Palace's gift to Princess Hui was also heavier than others, not to mention that after the death of Emperor Xianzong, Fengchun ignored Princess Hui's refusal and respected her as the empress dowager.

Fengchun was stunned by her face and was silent for a long time. Fang said, "Take care of you as the order of the former emperor. Zhaoxian, as the concubine of the former emperor, can raise the daughter of Yuanhou, which is her blessing! You don't need to thank her!"

Yuan Xiu was puzzled and said, "Since the fifth brother doesn't like Empress Dowager Zhaoxian, why did he still respect her as the Empress Dowager?"

Originally, Wang Huifei could only be Princess Wang Hui. Because she did not have any biological children, she had to live in the Royal Temple. Unless Yuanxiu took her to the princess's mansion after marriage, she would have nothing to look forward to for the rest of her life.

"That's to clean up Du Qingtang, and we have to do it!" Fengchun was in a bad mood and said impatiently, "Otherwise, do you think I'm willing to make Prince's Day the queen?"

Yuan Xiu was stunned: "The fifth sister-in-law is the crown princess chosen for you by the former emperor. Since you ascended the throne, she is not the queen. Does the fifth brother still want to establish the Zhao family?" Seeing that Fengchun did not answer, Yuan Xiu asked, "Why doesn't the fifth brother like Empress Dowager Zhaoxian and her fifth sister-in-law? Not to mention the Empress Dowager, the fifth sister-in-law and the fifth brother are a young couple. They are generous, dignified and beautiful. Zhao is so shallow and rude. What is the origin of the fifth sister-in-law? Have you endured such a person over the years, but have you disturbed the fifth brother for this? What's wrong with the fifth brother who is such a virtuous woman?

"If Wang is not the master of the previous emperor, it will be her turn to live in the political hall?" Fengchun looked disgusted, "The Wang family, you don't have to mention it anymore!"

"Why?" Yuan Xiu asked unwillingly.

"There is no reason!" Feng Chun said angrily, "I'm your brother. Are you listening to me or Zhaoxian's dead bitch?"

Yuan Xiu almost shouted: "The Empress Dowager Zhaoxian has nurtured me for 12 years. She has been watching and loving me day and night. In my heart, she is almost the same as my mother. If the fifth brother doesn't tell me the reason, how can I cut off the affection of these years at once?"

"You don't believe me?" Fengchun drank angrily.

Yuanxiu opened her mouth. She regarded Zhaoxian as her mother, but Fengchun was her only brother. Both of them loved her, but now they are in antagonistic situation. Even if Zhaoxian passed away, she was asked her to follow Fengchun's abandonment of her adoptive mother for 12 years... She raised her head and stared at Fengchun: "I believe in the fifth brother!"

Fengchun's face was slightly slow, but Yuanxiu continued to say, "I also love Zhaoxian's mother!"

Listening to the word "A Niang" again, Fengchun's anger that had just dissipated suddenly spewed out. He slapped the dining table hard and shouted angrily, "Get out of here!"