Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 179 Xiaojiu

The next day, picking green water and went into the inner room to serve Yuanxiu to groom. Seeing that Yuanxiu had got up, he was taking an ivory comb with a handle embedded in pearls, and slowly combing her long hair in front of the bronze mirror. From the bronze mirror, she saw her coming in with two little maids of honor. She smiled and turned around and said, "Where's picking blue?"

"Lan Niang was just called by orange picking." Cai Lv didn't expect that she seemed to be in a good mood. She was stunned for a moment and said, "Did the A family sleep well last night?"

"It's okay." Yuan Xiu put down the comb and said, "Today, I will comb the fairy bun."

Only then did he pick up the ebony comb and was stunned when he heard the words. Yuan Xiu had already said that he would go down the mountain to hunt today. The flying fairy bun was a high bun. It is said that when the Queen Mother was born, she was accompanied by the fairy. Later generations imitated it. This bun is light and beautiful, but it is okay to hunt down in the original. In the forest, because of its towering fate Therefore, it is easy to be tripped by the branches above the head, not to mention that the bun is not as stable as the bun or the bun, and it can't be loosened at any time.

However, Yuanxiu quarreled with Xue last night. Cai Lv didn't dare to brush her mean at this time. He promised, raised his hand, combed her long hair finely for her, and raised his bun with his heart.

The green hand was very skillful. Yuan Xiu's black hair twisted flexibly in her hand, gradually showing a flying shape of two rings facing each other. Because of the ingenious technique of the hair, the coiled hair was as if it was carved with an extremely delicate sense of layering. She picked out a silk embedded jade peony main hairpin from the box to Yuan Xiu to have a look. Seeing Yuanxiu nodded slightly, inserting the hairpin into the middle of the hairpin, and then picked out a pair of green four butterflies embedded beads and inserted them on both sides of the main hairpin. The pair shook the four butterflies. The two big and two small butterflies were embedded with pearls. The butterfly's bowed three strings of broken beads, and picked green and told the little maid behind him. The little maid quickly turned around and left the inner room. Before long, she picked two moon seasons that were still closed from the outside and came back. This season was planted next to the bamboo building. There were two colors, red and pink. She picked the lightest one in green, pressed diagonally down next to the main hairpin, and then picked a crimson one and pressed it back in.

Then he looked at it for a moment and asked, "Is it good for the A family to see this?"

Yuan Xiu's eyes flowed and nodded.

When putting on makeup and changing clothes, the two little maids couldn't insert their hands because of green hands and feet. Yuan Xiu said, "You go to take care of the couch."

The two little maids quickly answered and went to tidy up the bed. One of them picked up the jade pillow and suddenly banged, and then felt something was wrong and hurried.

But Yuanxiu and Cai Lv had heard it. The former frowned, and the latter immediately scolded, "What's the fuss?"

"Forgive me! Sister Green, please calm your anger!" The little maid knew that she had revealed her voice and quickly knelt down to plead guilty and explained, "I was surprised to see a peach blossom on A Jiayu's pillow, so I called out."

"What's wrong with peach blossoms? Have you never even seen peach blossoms? Picking green and scolded coldly, "Aren't the petals used to bathe yesterday peach blossoms?"

The little maid was shocked to see her ugly face and subconsciously said, "Just because this peach blossom is still fresh, slave... I wonder why there are still blooming peach blossoms at this time, slave..."

When she said this, Cai Green's face instantly sank, put down the robe in her hand, and owed to Yuan Xiu: "A family, leave this matter to me?"

"Hmm." Yuan Xiu nodded faintly.

Cai Lv immediately ordered another maid of honor: "Pear her down!"

Another maid was clever. She quickly dragged the previous maid out and whispered, "Isn't the dry peach petals soaked in water the same as fresh? What stupid words did you say in front of the A family early in the morning?

When both of them went out, Cai Green pleaded guilty and said, "They are all slaves**!"

"It's clever to pull people out just now." Yuan Xiu said lazily, "Continue to change clothes."

After breakfast, Yuan Xiu summoned Yuan Beihe first.

Not long after, Yuan Beihe, who was ashamed, hurriedly came. There were traces of water on his temples, and he didn't know whether it was dew or sweat. As soon as he entered the bamboo building, he knelt down: "The last general's army was not strict, which caused his subordinates to talk about the words of your lord, which made a gap between you and Xue Shangyi. Please also ask you to redress your sins!"

Yuan Xiu frowned and looked around. The maids were shocked, especially picking green, biting their lips with hatred. Yesterday, Yuanxiu and Xue quarreled. Although there were little maids waiting for orders outside, she was the only one on the spot. It was only one night later. Yuan Beihe didn't wait for Yuan Xiu to ask. , he asked for a straight crime. Although it seems straightforward, isn't it obvious to tell Yuan Xiu that the people around him have also leaked the words?

If this person is not Fengchun's confidant, it would have made people think that he did so on purpose. He points out that Yuanxiu also had a time when his subordinates were not strict, so as to ask for a light punishment.

"Since Yuan Tongjun knows everything, can people deal with it?" Yuan Xiu took a sip of tea and continued to ask lukewarmly.

Yuan Beihe whispered, "Go back to your lord, the last general will punish those who have spread your words with military law, and send a letter to Chang'an, and entrust the forbidden army to supplement!"

"You have chosen all the people in other hospitals now?" Yuan Xiu's heart moved and asked.

" mostly." Yuan Beihe didn't expect that Yuan Xiu would still ask about this matter. He hesitated before answering, "Some of them were recommended by Qiu Jian to come, saying that they are agile people."

Yuan Xiu heard Qiu Jian's words and narrowed his eyes: "Is that right? So who chose the two forbidden soldiers who accompanied me to the top that day?

"That two... those two were chosen by the last general." Yuan Beihe hesitated, but still told the truth. He looked extremely embarrassed at this moment, "Please bring your crime!"

Yuanxiu said slowly, "I remember those two people, one is Feng Teng and the other is Cui Nanfeng? Who are they? You might as well talk to me in detail.

She even remembers her name. Although Yuan Beihe had the intention to protect the two people, she deliberately vaguely said that they had been dealt with, so she had no choice but to explain: "Your Lord, Feng Teng and Cui Nanfeng are cousins. Gai grew up together, so the two have equal martial arts, and they have a tacit understanding. The two soldiers cooperated more exquisitely, so the last general ordered them, but he didn't expect that because the two were young, and they were of the same clan as Princess Cui, they would jump out of their usual temperament. Now they are actually bold and arrogant, spreading the nobleman's unintentional words. Now they are still in other courtyards, and the end, they will send them 30 military sticks and wait for them back to Chang'an. We must continue to punish severely!"

Yuan Beihe had a good personal relationship with Feng and Cui. He emphasized that they were young and carried out Princess Cui. They just expected Yuanxiu to read these two points. Don't care too much about it. He was afraid that Yuanxiu would personally order them to deal with them again, and he also left a word of mouth to go back to Chang'an. Punish, so that Yuan Xiu can listen and reduce his anger as much as possible.

Yuan Xiu narrowed his eyes and looked at him with a smile: "No wonder, when I went back to the palace with them to the top, I met Lu 25 Niang on the road. Lu 25 Niang's eyes seemed to stop on Cui Nanfeng. I think it was because I recognized him? Is he Cui Nanxun's peer?"

Hearing Lu 25 Niang and Cui Nanxun, Yuan Beihe's heart jumped. He quickly said, "To return to your lord's words, Cui Nanfeng is the younger brother of Cui Nanxun. He is the 14th generation of Cui's generation. During the cold food, the saint summoned Chang'an's children to Cuju in front of the Linde Hall. Cui Nanfeng was also among them, but there were many people on that day, and there were seven emperor's sons-in-law, etc. People, think it's your master and doesn't pay attention to him.

"Oh?" Yuanxiu turned his head and thought for a moment, but he really couldn't remember clearly. On that day, several princesses in Linde Hall were either paying attention to Cui Fengwu or looked at Cui Nanxun. The others really didn't pay much attention.

She thought for a moment and smiled and said, "In this case, for the sake of Lu 25 Niang, please spare him this time. At this time, it is hot at the foot of the mountain, and there is no need to send it back to Chang'an. Just stay in another hospital to recover from his wounds, but the envoy of the army should be careful. Don't make any trouble and make me upset!"

When Yuan Beihe saw that she was relieved, he secretly put down a big stone in his heart and said respectfully, "The last general is Cui Nanfeng and Feng Teng thank you for your unpunishable kindness!"

"I have a good impression of Lu 25 Niang. Since Cui Nanfeng is very familiar with her, he might as well invite her to come and talk about it. There are not many people on the left and right peaks. In addition to hunting, it is inevitable that it is boring." Yuan Xiu seemed to smile and added another sentence.

Yuan Beihe vaguely felt that she had bad intentions, but his identity could not be said no, so he had to say bravely, "Yes!"

Yuanxiu was about to send him down, but a palace man came in and reported, "A family, the palace sent someone to send melons and fruits."

"Who is here?" Yuan Xiu gently covered her mouth with a palace fan when he spoke, so no one noticed that she showed a cunning smile behind the fan. The palace man replied, "It was the servant who was originally left in the Pearl Mirror Hall, named Xiaojiu."

Yuanxiu frowned, then quickly loosened and ordered quietly, "Call him in. I want to ask about the situation in the palace." The palace man promised to go. Yuan Beihe saw this and hurriedly said, "The last general will leave!"

"Wait a minute!" Yuan Xiu stopped him and ordered to pick green. "Move in the stool and let Yuan Tongjun sit down. Yesterday, the army also went down the mountain to familiarize himself with the terrain for hunting in our palace. It's hard work. After a while, the melons and fruits came, and the army directly took a copy."

Yuan Beihe was flattered and quickly said, "The last general dares, the last general is negative..."

"Why should Yuan Tongjun be humble? You are not the only one whotongs the army in the Shence Army. The Five Gothic pointed out that you are to protect this palace, which shows that the army is excellent. Yuan Xiu took a deep look at him. Yuan Beihe heard the warning in her words, which was to deliberately give himself face. He hurriedly silenced and moved the stool and put it under Yuan Xiu with a green smile. Yuan Beihe pleaded guilty and sat down in danger.

After a long time, the palace man who had come in to report entered again, followed by a teenager in a low-level servant's uniform. Although he was dressed as a servant, his skin was not as white as that advocated by the Tang people, but he showed a little wild. He was big Stepping into the bamboo tower, he walked angrily and stared at Yuanxiu almost viciously, but after seeing Yuan Beihe, he restrained slightly and carried a fruit basket in his hand, covered with a pile of reed leaves to prevent melons from drying up.

"Nu Xiaojiu, see A's house!" Yan Jiuhuai lowered her head and saluted, almost gritting her teeth and saying this sentence!

Yuan Xiu looked satisfied and deliberately ignored him first. He pinched the green and asked her to change her face from surprise to laughter. Fortunately, Yuan Beihe did not squint and did not dare to look at the maids beside Yuan Xiu, so he did not find anything abnormal. Yuan Xiu motioned to pick up the green to take over the things, and then smiled and said, "Get up."

Her three words are particularly gentle, but Yan Jiuhuai feels cold for no reason...

There is another letter in the basket, indicating the color and number of the melons and fruits sent this time. Yuan Xiu roughly read it, handed the letter to Cai Lv, and ordered her to divide half of the fruit to Yuan Beihe to bring to the forbidden army. Yuan Beihe quickly left his seat to thank him.

At this time, he thought he could finally leave, but Yuanxiu put Xiaojiu aside and asked about the hunting at the foot of the mountain.

Yuan Beihe went down the mountain to check the terrain in person yesterday. It was because Yuan Xiu was clamoring to go down the mountain today. At this time, he noticed that Yuan Xiu was actually wearing a flying fairy bun. He was a little disappointed with her archery skills and skills. He was determined and said, "Your lord, the prey in Zhongnan Mountain is not as rich as the original water and grass. It is nothing more than hares, munkeys or pheasants. In this mountain, near famous peaks or villages, there are also wolves and deer. If you go deeper, it is not rare for bears, tigers and leopards. Yesterday, fresh deer traces were found not far from the foot of the mountain, and there were several green wolves. You might as well try them first. After all, you can shoot and hunt on the forest. There is another difference. When your master is familiar with the environment in the forest and hunts fierce beasts, I don't know what you think?

He repeatedly considered this and prepared to answer Yuan Xiu. Although he had not met a beast in the previous hunt on the peak, Yuan Xiu's shots were not many times, but Yuan Beihe and other elites, who had been personally selected by Emperor Xianzong to guard the East Palace, could see her shortcomings at a glance - this noble lord, if no one was from the side. Assistant, it would be very good for her to hunt a deer alone. He deliberately talked about the green wolf in order to dispel her unrealistic idea of tiger hunting - anyway, the wolf is also a fierce beast, although it is fierce, it can't be compared with the tiger.

I hope that the people sent out in private will be more clever when arranging the green wolf. Don't let the lord see the clue... Even if it's just the green wolf, Yuan Beihe doesn't dare to ask Yuan Xiu to take risks now. This is because when hunting those rabbits and pheasants on the peak, Yuanxiu found his prey and immediately ordered the people around him to retreat and must If you take action, it's okay to face the hare and pheasant. If you meet a wolf... How noble are these golden branches and jade leaves? Even if his hand is scratched with a little skin and flesh, Fengchun must be furious!

More importantly, Fengchun let himself come to the Zige Courtyard in order to increase his qualifications, not to be trampled down by Qiu Fengxiang.