Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 186 Guo Xue

Yuan Xiu loosely put on a wide-sleeved apricot yellow robe, which was popular in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The collar was not tied, and there was a snow-white middle coat inside. She sat on the low bed tiredly, and the green picking busied behind took advantage of her to lift her half-dry long hair when she lay down. When she lay down, the brocade comb next to her held the silver basin, and the basin was full. The half-full water was slightly peach-colored, but it was soaked with jasmine and rose petals, and ginger juice for nourishing hair. A handful of silver gutters were soaked in it. The green probe picked up and slowly combed it.

The bamboo building was quiet for a moment. Yuan Xiu was half awake, but she heard a noise outside. She opened her eyes unhappily: "Didn't you say that you didn't want to have dinner?"

"I went out and have a look." The brocade comb received a green look, put the silver basin aside, bent his knees, and walked out quickly.

For a long time, she folded back: "A family, it's Sister Caicheng who is asking for a meeting outside."

"Orange picking?" The status of the palace maids of the generation is not low around Yuanxiu. Even if Yuanxiu herself is not too much, she will have to give them some decency. Although she will feel tired, she still mutters and orders, "Call her in."

"Sister Caicheng also brought a little girl, who seems to be the youngest daughter of Mr. Guo." The comb is back.

It's also a little strange to pick green this time: "Xue Niang is adorable, but if she has nothing to do, she won't bring her here."

"Call them all in." Yuan Xiu frowned.

Bin combed out and immediately brought orange picking in. There was a trace of anger on the orange picking face, holding a seven- or eight-year-old little girl in her hand. Guo Xue could see that she was very favored at home. Although she was just the daughter of the general manager of another courtyard, she was no worse dressed than a rich girl in Chang'an - she wore a goose yellow background embroidered with a pale color and a happy life. The Italian cloud-patterned wide-sleeved summer shirt, exposed in the open skirt, the pomegranate red weave into emerald green banana hips, with colorful silk ribbons on the waist, and a light crimson skirt underneath. Because he was young and not yet the age of combing buns, he tied two sheep's horn braids with red silk, hung a simple red gold ring around his neck, and fell below. A long life lock, but she wears a pair of silver bracelets on her arms. Her skin is very white, and the silver bracelet looks even more cute.

This dress is much better than Guo's usual style and fabric. He is also beautiful. With a small round face, you can already see the outline of the willow eyebrows, apricot eyes, peach cheeks and cherry lips. There is a drop of cinnabar in the eyebrows. His eyes are a little timid, but the posture when salute is acceptable.

Yuanxiu looked at her and felt a little familiar, but quickly threw it aside and asked Caicheng, "What's going on?"

Because Caicheng is in charge of the kitchen, she usually has more opportunities than picking blue and green in front of Yuanxiu. She should also be calm. She will not come to Yuanxiu if she has nothing to do. After listening to Yuan Xiu's inquiry, she first pointed to Guo Xue, and her face gradually showed angrily: "A family still remember that two days ago, because someone in the forbidden army talked about Ajia's play. Yan, as a result, he was punished with a military stick by Yuan Tongjun?

"Hmm?" Yuan Xiu frowned at Guo Xue, "Is it that they didn't accept the punishment? What did they say in private?"

"Although I was in the kitchen, I also heard Cai Lan and Cai Lv say that Yuan Tongjun was going to send the talkative villain back to Chang'an, and after asking the A family, he had to be severely punished. It was the A family who was kind and spared them. As a result, the A family was kind-hearted, but he didn't expect that the young man's heart was so vicious, and actually colluding with outsiders. , intending to kill the family!" Almost, Yuanxiu has listened to it for the second time today. She waved her hand to stop combing her hair, slowly sat up straight, and her face was gloomy: "What outsider?"

Caicheng looked at Guo Xue and said, "Tell the family yourself."

Guo Xue looked at Yuanxiu timidly and saw that Yuanxiu also looked at him, but she lowered her eyes and frowned when she saw the situation: "Ajia Xinci, what are you afraid of?"

May this encouraged Guo Xue. She raised her eyes again, squeezed her lips, and bent her knees to Yuan Xiu first. However, the little girl was nervous and turned the princess's courtesy into the younger generation in the family ceremony to the elders. Yuan Xiu naturally would not care about her and slowed down her tone: "Xue Niang saw outsiders and people in the other courtyard. Up? What's going on? Tell me how about it?"

She looked around and ordered Cai Green to take a basin of newly washed melons and fruits and coaxed, "If you say it well, I will bring these back to you."

"I... I was originally on the tree." Guo Xue stared at a string of watery grapes in the fruit plate. The child was greedy and his voice was louder. He said, "As a result, I suddenly saw a soldier passing by in a hurry. He was afraid that he would find me, so he hid in the tree. Soon after, he took a girl to hide behind the tree. That girl was not from another yard."

Yuan Xiu suppressed her anger and said gently, "So does Xue Niang know who she is?"

"The soldier called her to be the 26th mother." Although Guo Xue is young, she is still eight years old. It is the time when she has a good memory and answers without thinking.

"Twenty-six Niang?" Yuan Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "What did they say?"

Guo Xuene said, "The 26th Niang wanted to see a man named Yu Fei or Tenglang, but the soldier refused and said... that the A family was very fierce. I heard this, and the 26th Niang happened to stand facing me and found me."

Speaking of this, she showed a trace of surprise on her face. She subconsciously grabbed the skirt of picking orange and complained angrily, "Do you know that those two people, when they found Xue Niang, what are they going to do?"

"What are you going to do?" Yuan Xiu smiled and said, "Should they want to silence themselves in the Zige courtyard?"

Unexpectedly, Caicheng laughed and said, "The A family is right. If it hadn't been for Xue Niang's second sister, Shuang Niang, who happened to find her and saw the soldier, no, the fourteenth man of the Boling Cui family, climbed to the tree with a dagger and threatened a young girl - the slave would feel ashamed for Princess Cui! If Shuang Niang goes a little late, who knows that since the fourteen Langjun of the Cui family has done such a thing, will it be seriously erased?

The picking of green and the brocade comb were stunned: "So... how can Cui Shisi be like this?"

"Shuang Niang?" Yuan Xiu frowned and said, "Then?"

"Is Shuangniang is older? Seeing this, she quickly stopped and ran to find someone before she took Xue Niang down from the tree. It's pitiful. Although Xue Niang is only the daughter of General Guo, and she is also a member of the A family, then Cui Shisi obviously doesn't pay attention to the A family!" Caicheng said angrily, "A family doesn't know what the 26th mother's last name is, does she?" Cai Lan has already asked. Her surname is Lu, and she lives in the summer courtyard and Lu Jiadong on the east side of the peak!"

Yuan Xiu pressed the corner of her forehead with her finger. At this moment, she only lit a lamp in the building. She couldn't see her face clearly, but felt that her voice was cold: "Lu 26 Niang? She came to Zige Courtyard to have an affair with Cui Nanfeng?

"That's not true, but what she wants to meet is Feng Teng." Caicheng said with hatred, "Her sister Lu 25 Niang was deliberately stopped by Cai Lan when she had been seeking to see her for a long time, and asked me to tell the A family what had happened before deciding not to see her."

"Hey!" Yuanxiu put down his hand and closed his eyes and said, "Today, I went down the mountain to hunt. I will be so tired that I don't even want to use dinner, let alone see her!" She waved, "Is the courtyard of this palace so easy to get in and out? Come here, I have something for you to do!"