Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 192 Stupid?

The melons and fruits mixed with crushed ice are cold from the inside to the outside. In the afternoon in the summer, the entrance is really a heavy enjoyment.

Yuanxiu held a piece of melon and slowly nibbled it. In front of her, he sat in Yan Jiu's arms. The hem of the indiro robe was casually stuffed into the waist belt. He held a large piece of watermelon in his hands, chewed it with a big mouthful, and ate the juice flying everywhere, and a few drops even splashed on Yuan Xiu's dress.

Yuan Xiu didn't care. She just finished eating a piece of melon. Yan Jiu had quick eyes and two bunches of grapes and ate them. Then she breathed and said happily, "It's worthy of Jinzhi Yuye. When did these sixteen women give me such a chance to eat so freely? I'm starting to like to protect the princess. If only you hadn't returned to the palace.

"Mid-July is the birthday of this palace." Yuanxiu slowly wiped his face with a veil, then wiped his hands, looked at the clear melon juice on the tooth-colored skirt, and said, "Before that, I will go back. Yan Xiaolang is going to be disappointed."

Yan Jiuhuai hummed and said with a smile, "I'm just saying that the princess knew that I was a killer, and it's rare to take a few days off to ask me to change my career as a bodyguard. If I keep asking me to do it, I'm afraid I can't help but rework. The princess must take it seriously."

"I have always listened to Yan Xiaolangjun's words." Yuan Xiu said calmly, "Yan Xiaolang, don't worry!"

"Oh?" Yan Jiu looked at her thoughtfully and wiped off the hand stained with juice on the mackerel next to her. She ignored Yuan Xiu's frown and said in surprise, "In this case, why did the princess suddenly call me who should have been recovering from her injury? Not only did she take a large pot of melons and fruits and put them here, but she didn't mind. I splashed the juice on my dress, including this..." He pointed to the mackerel that had been wiped by him and said with a smile, "Isn't the princess so patient to know what was said in the letter from Chang'an I got yesterday?"

Yuanxiu looked at the mackerel: "Who wrote that letter?"

"Princess, although I eat today's melons and fruits very comfortably, if I were so easy to say something, the princess would not hate me so much, would she?" Yan Jiuhuai laughed and took out the letter with only one private seal from his arms. He rubbed his hands. When he opened his hands, there was only a ball of confetti left, which fell to the ground. Yuan Xiu raised his eyebrows and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

However, Yan Jiuhuaishi leaned against the hidden bag behind him and said, "Since the princess doesn't even know who wrote the letter, she can't guess the content of the letter. Now only I can tell the princess, should the princess increase the price?"

Yuan Xiu stared at him and shot several cases angrily: "I don't want to know now!"

"The princess didn't open my letter, and the temptation was not tempted. Sure enough, she was angry." Yan Jiuhuai shook his head with gloating. Seeing Yuan Xiu stand up angrily, he suddenly reached out and grabbed her skirt. Yuan Xiu walked in a hurry and was almost staggered by him. He held the screen beside his hand to react and said angrily, "Bold!"

Yan Jiuhuai blinked, made a silent gesture to her, and lowered her voice and said, "The princess invited me to eat melons today. It happened that I also hid good things. I planned to enjoy it alone. I don't know if the princess wants to try it together?"

Yuan Xiu looked at him suspiciously: "You said it's not python, is it?"

"What do you know about the python that has grown for many years and has a rough skin and thick flesh?" Yan Jiuhuai whispered, "When I was a child, I was often left in the mountains and polished by my master. Looking for treasures in the mountains is my strength. What is a handful of raspberries?"

"...Don't bother too much. If it's really rare, you can take it and dispose of it for picking oranges." Yuanxiu snorted and listened to Yan Jiuhuai: "If the princess has the courage to go with me, I will tell the princess the person who wrote the letter and what the content of the letter is?"

Yuan Xiu curled his lips and said, "Why do I believe you?"

"The princess is so smart that I believe that as long as the princess is willing, there will always be a way to come up with reasons to believe me." Yan Jiu said sincerely, "As for my stupidity, don't think about such a nerve-wracking thing."

Yuan Xiu stood still and watched him hold his skirt for a long time before he was speechless, "Yan Xiaolangjun, I have never seen a more shameless person than you!"

Yan Jiuhuai's face suddenly changed: "What the princess said is too ridiculous - can I compare with the old fox in Jing'anfang?"

When he said this, Yuan Xiu choked and then stamped his feet angrily: "A man who once added this palace with a sharp blade. The market on my neck, if I still want to believe you, do you think I don't have a brain?"

"When the princess was in the court, I won't say anything about it. Since I came to Zige's courtyard to escape the summer heat, I only had a serious hunting until this time. I looked around and looked around. I either calculated this or that all day long. I was in Zhongnan but my heart was in Chang'an - I didn't know the real joy of mountains and fields when I saw the princess who had been avoiding the summer heat for ten years, so I invited the public Main travel." Yan Jiuhuai let go of her hand regretfully, "What's more, the princess can tolerate my close service as a waiter. Don't you know that if I am hostile to the princess, I'm afraid that the princess has died before she sees anyone?"

He said it righteously.

Yuan Xiu looked at himself and saw that he had only been stained with a few drops of melon juice, but now he was printed with a clear palm-printed tooth-colored skirt, and smiled expressionlessly: "Yan Xiaolangjun has said so many words. After all the time to wipe his hands clean?"

"What?" Yan Jiuhuai looked surprised, "Can the princess see it?" He was full of praise and even sighed exaggeratedly, "This is a means of teasing each other among urchins in the market. It's rare for me to take out the letterhead as **, but I didn't expect the princess's eyes to be so sharp!" It seems that I praised the princess for her cleverness just now, but I was right!"

Yan Jiuhuai said solemnly, "In this way, I say that I am stupid, which is really humble. How can a stupid person be petty through such love as a princess? Zi's cunning nature, how about seeing the wisdom of the princess? Princess, don't you really want a few reasons to trust me?

Yuan Xiu came back without saying a word, put his hands on his back, and circled around Yan Jiuhuai. Suddenly, he raised his legs and kicked him on the back fiercely. Yan Jiuhuai easily rushed forward and joked, "Princess, don't be angry... The injury on her back that was hit by the princess with the sword the day before yesterday have not healed, princess..."

He was talking happily when suddenly there was a crash on his head, and he was caught off guard, and his body was cold!

Yuan Xiu shook the completely empty glazed basin. Seeing Yan Jiu sitting on the couch in a daze, from head to toe, it was ice and water, indescribable embarrasment, especially after the wet robe reflected the blood stains wrapped inside, and suddenly felt in a good mood!

She threw away the glazed basin casually, regardless of whether the latter was intact or not, and hummed, "I don't understand, stupid boy!"

Reread the word stupid, put his hand on his back, and Shiran left.


Xiao Jiuzi can also be arrogant in these scenes, cough

It can be seen from Su Ruhui that the advantage of my heroine has never been easy to take.
