Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 214 See the beauty fall one after another?

Cai Green entered the door of the side room with the pancreatic bath beans asked for by the little Shami in Cuiwei Temple. After the screen, a small lamp was lit. Because of the cover, she could only see a vague shadow on the lamp. She turned the screen, but saw that in the chest-high bathtub, Yuan Xiu closed her eyes and leaned against the wall and felt that she was close to open her eyes. He said, "All kinds of things in this temple are ready."

When she spoke, she did not look at the things in her hand, but looked at a low couch not far away for dressing and putting things aside. On the couch, she threw away the dress she had just changed, and on the other side there was a new and clean dress. Although it was a little different from Yuanxiu's size, it could also be worn, but in a temple Unexpectedly, it can provide women's close-fitting clothes, which really makes people... pick green and know it. He squeezed his mouth and smiled and said, "The family is wrong. Cuiwei Temple likes to come here for fragrance because of Chang's women's family. In addition, in the past, it used to be a palace, so the place to live is more comfortable than the temple next to it, but it is impossible for women's clothes to be ready... This However, some clothes are because there are still several female guests in the temple. At the door, when the little Sami heard the slave ask if there was a ready-to-wear shop nearby, he went to ask the female guests for him. This was sent by one of the maidservant and did not ask Xiao Shami to handle it. The A family can rest assured.

Yuan Xiu then relaxed his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I originally thought that this place was at least a tantric resort, so it wouldn't be so outrageous."

While picking green speaking, he had already rolled up his sleeves and wiped her body. Yuanxiu has been pampered since he was a child, and at a young age. It is the most perfect time for his skin. It can be said that there is no flaws. His tentacles are as slippery as fat, and it looks like jade. Cailu wiped her shoulders for her and can't help eating and laughing: "A family is so beautiful, also I don't know what kind of son-in-law Goro will choose for the A family in the future?

"People who can be masters have never been much worse." Yuanxiu closed his eyes, but didn't care. He was interested in picking green and whispered, "So what kind of Langjun does the A family like? Wulang and the queen drew up a list of candidates, but I didn't care about the A family at all.

Yuan Xiuwei said slightly, "Wei has only one daughter, and she went early. The eighth sister seems to be calm. In fact, she has always been particularly cautious in speaking and doing things. However, I seem to be the same age as her and Yunzhou, and it was about the same when choosing a son-in-law, but first, she should be asked to choose first. Second, the eighth sister Sex. Zi, I was a little hesitant. The last time because of Cui Nanxun's incident, she hasn't decided on a person. This is still the situation that I haven't asked. If I care more, she should think more. Later, she doesn't dare to choose this, and she can't order that... Although as an emperor and daughter, she doesn't have to be like an ordinary woman. He tolerates his husband's three wives and four concubines, but chooses an unsatisfactory son-in-law... Look at the eldest sister as an example. After all, why let her suffer those times? Isn't it good for couples to love their children like Jiashan's aunt? But the eighth sister is that temperament. I can't ask her to suddenly change her as decisively and simply like Yunzhou, so she has no choice but to ask. I have nothing to do with the right to choose the son-in-law this time. At least I'm older than Yunzhou. Naturally, Yunzhou has no positive reason. She is younger than me. Try to let the eighth sister choose at ease. ."

"The painstaking efforts of the A family are all for Princess Dongping and Princess Yunzhou." Cai Lv said so, but her tone was a little subtle. Yuan Xiu suddenly felt that she opened her eyes, and her eyelashes were hung with fine beads of water vapor. She blinked and said, "Is it wrong to do this?"

Cai Lv hurriedly said, "How can the A family do something wrong?"

"I thought that I didn't care about choosing a son-in-law. The eighth sister should always be able to choose the one she likes, but after Cui Nanxun, she didn't move again. I thought that the eighth sister was sex. Zi Yourou hesitated, but this time dragged on too long..." Yuan Xiu frowned, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

When she said this, Cai Lv sighed and said, "The A family deliberately did not ask about the son-in-law, so that Princess Dongping would choose to choose at will and not have to worry about the heart of the A family. This is all for the sake of Princess Dongping, but Princess Dongping may not be able to understand the painstaking efforts of the A family!"

Yuan Xiu was surprised, "What's going on?"

"A family, please forgive the slave for my direct words!" Although Yuanxiu turned his back to her and leaned in the bathtub, Cailu still let go of his hand and bent his knees. Yuanxiu frowned and said, "Just say, when did I punish you directly for your private?"

Only then did Cai Lv take the cloth towel again. While wiping Yuanxiu's shoulder, he whispered, "Do you still remember what the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian had a quarrel with Princess Yunzhou when she was in Fengyang Pavilion?"


Even if the matter has passed, it was his sister who spoke, and Yuan Xiu's face still changed, but Cai Lv said: "Although the princess of Yunzhou was usually the sister of Goro, Wulang is the most private family - there is no one else here, and I also tell the truth, which is the truth! Does the family think it is?"

Yuan Xiu squeezed his lips before frowning, "Yunzhou is the competitive nature. zi......”

"Ji Meiren has been favored. Princess Yunzhou is younger than the A family and straightforward, so she said it directly, while Princess Dongping is introd. Although she doesn't say it, she may not think so. In fact, how can the half-brother and sister of the same father and mother be compared? It is not only in the palace, but also outside the palace. Cai Lv whispered, "That time, the princess of Yunzhou quarreled with the A family. It was nothing more than jealous of the A family."

"You mean..."

"In order to reassure Princess Dongping to choose among the young talents on the list, Princess Dongping was preconceived and believed that Goro must have prepared the best Langjun for the A family. Although he had never seen the list, he also heard that the queen's brother Wang Zixia, Wei Wei Duan, the son of Wei Xiang, and Li Shi Niang's brother Li Fu... These famous young men in Chang'an City are all on it. Since Princess Dongping thought so, she naturally dared not mention the most outstanding ones - there is also Cui Nanxun. Cui Nanxun has a marriage contract, but the etiquette has only begun, and it can't be counted all. In addition, he is full of talent and beauty, so he was also listed, so Dong If Princess Ping really likes him, in fact, it's not impossible. The last time Princess Dongping came to find the A family, she had no intention to test it. At that time, the A family opposed this matter. Princess Dongping thought that her own speculation had to be confirmed. Those who were worse, I thought that with Cui Fengwu in front of her, Princess Dongping was not very reluctant. Drag it down every day!"

Yuan Xiu suddenly turned around and said angrily, "What did you do when the eighth sister came last time without reminding me?"

Hearing that she called herself Ben Gong, Cai Lv knew that she was really angry. She sighed and explained, "How can I be so intelligent? This matter is still... The words passed when the queen in the palace sent someone to send something two days ago, asking me to find a suitable opportunity to tell the A family. After all, the A family thought wholeheartedly for Princess Dongping, and rashly said it also hurt the heart of the family--"

Queen Wang has a virtuous name, and naturally cares more about Fengchun's favorite sister. Although Yuanxiu is not in the palace now, every three or five days, the queen always sends people to pack up some things, or fruits, or fresh vegetables, or new snacks in the palace, new jewelry from the palace bureau, etc., and send people to send them to the mountain. Then he asked Yuanxiu how he was doing in the other hospital.

Yuanxiu didn't care about the half-concerned and half-spion of the imperial sister-in-law, but she thought about it carefully and suddenly pushed away the green hand and said, "I'm up."

Picking green clothes put on her borrowed clothes and holding the changed dress to wash. Yuan Xiu returned to the inner room. The inner room of Cuiwei Temple is quite mountain and wild. Most of the utensils are made of rattan. When picking green to serve Yuanxiu to bath, two ice basins were put in it. At this time, the ice melted halfway, and the bedding was cold. Yuan Xiu She took off the tent and lay down while rubbing her forehead and thinking about what had just happened. When the green raccoon washed her dress and came in to serve her, she pointed to her body and said, "I don't know whose wife is in the yard next to you? I haven't noticed the dim lights in the room. When I came here, I found that the material was originally given by the palace during the Dragon Boat Festival this year.

"The maid who sent the clothes didn't say, and it's not easy for me to report the identity of the A family. If the family wants to know, I will ask when I return it tomorrow." Pick the green road.

"Remember it and return this favor." Yuanxiu ordered and mentioned half of what he just said. "The relationship between the fifth sister-in-law and the fifth brother is indeed not the same as before - I'm afraid she has seen through this matter for a long time. She refused to say it before, just because she has nothing to do and respects the fifth brother. Although the fifth brother has enough decency for her queen after all, it is not Close, worried about saying it, I got angry with her, and it was even more difficult in the palace.

Cai Lv said, "Her Royal Highness has underestimated the A family. The A family is not a princess of Yunzhou. The A family is originally a direct daughter. As long as the Queen does not follow the behavior of Empress Wei, the A family has always been towards her."

"She has nothing to do, and she can't be favored. She should be cautious." Yuan Xiu shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal, but if she had told me earlier, the eighth sister's son-in-law would have been settled long ago, so why should she delay it until now?"

She recalled that Princess Dongping found herself at the beginning, and her eyebrows became deeper and deeper. "After all, I was still young and less knowledgeable. Originally, there was a royal sister-in-law in the palace, and our elders withered. They were originally the eldest sister-in-law like a mother. Cui Nanxun had an appointment with the Lu family to find the fifth sister-in-law, but the eighth sister came to tell me and asked the aunt to teach her a lesson. He... At that time, I only thought that she really couldn't swallow this breath, and because the eighth sister and fifth sister-in-law were also light, she was more intimate with my sister, so I came to look for me, but I didn't expect that the eighth sister's temperament was different from mine. Cui Nanxun had an appointment with Lu's daughter and knew that she was included in the candidate for the second son-in-law, but she did not dare to insist-- Even if these people are more above Cui Fengwu, I look down on them, but the eighth sister may not think so... She has other plans to find me..."

Speaking of this, she frowned and was surprised, "Later - the aunt really cleaned up Cui Nanxun for her, but this is not right. I can't see such a shrewd person like the aunt, can't she see it?"

Seeing Cai Lu hesitant to say something, Yuan Xiu frowned: "Told!"

"The aunt saw the real intention of Princess Dongping." Cai Lv said carefully, "However, the nature of the lady. Zi, the A family also knows - in fact, the last time the queen sent someone something to talk about this, I went to ask the aunt..." At this point, she looked carefully at Yuan Xiu's face.

Yuan Xiu looked calm and said, "What did the aunt say?"

"Since Princess Dongping must treat the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, she has to go. At this time, she is still the princess of Jinzhi Yuye in the palace. Although the former emperor and Wei Cai are gone, Golang and the queen have never treated her princess's example badly. She has to be so careful and decline in the future. I'm afraid that I'm still noble. How can I think about it? It's not good to live such a life. It's better to let her simply figure it out now that it will save trouble in the future..." Cai Lv repeated Xue's words. Xue's temperament is fierce and decisive, and the most unpleasant thing is to look forward and backward. As she spoke, her voice gradually lowered - because Yuan Xiu listened calmly at first, but gradually her face became more and more. It's getting worse and worse, and it can even be said to be extremely dignified!

She hasn't seen Yuan Xiu so solemnly, and she can't help but feel nervous and ciless.

However, Yuanxiu suddenly changed his color because she mentioned that "the late emperor and Wei talents are gone". Therefore, even if Princess Dongping has the identity of a princess, she is still cautious step by step - Fengchun does not pay less attention to Yuan Xiu. After all, it is his sister. Even so, Princess Dongping even has to choose a son-in-law. Difficult...


-If the eldest son gives himself what he sees. Back. The second image is true, and his explanation is also true...

One fruit is one benevolence, and 29 is the first to come true - the dream of the Tang Dynasty, which has been passed down 20 times for more than 280 years, is it really exhausted?

Beili temporarily silenced a mysterious pavilion, but there are still many pavilions day and night without interruption. In the sound of the pipa in the left and right teaching hall, there is a row of dancers Shu Guangxiu and a clear shadow. Gu Pan's charming eyes are like silk. At the end of May, Princess Changyang fell, and the whole city is competing to see the emperor's style. Now it is only June, but I want to come to Lingnan Road or Scholars far away are planning to dress up and rush to Chang'an to prepare for the spring exam. They can see the flowers of Chang'an one day after the spring breeze and horseshoe disease - this prosperous and brilliant empire that once made all nations come to the court, and this deterrence has made all sides compete with each other, and even today it still looks huge and magnificent. When did you unconsciously reach the end of the road?

Under the nest, how can there be a complete egg?

Princess Dongping has already felt the desolation under the shelter of her biological parents. Now that Meng Tang is still alive, and she still has the title of princess. If in the near future, the Dream Tang Empire is really like what the prophecy said... Jin Zhiyu Ye has become the fallen emperor, and what will everything in front of the proud people she boasts today will become?

The smiley sigh when the eldest son left seemed to be remembered in his ear - the appearance of the noble master, if compared with the former Sui, I'm afraid that only Queen Xiao...

The Queen Xiao, who served the Sui Dynasty for the first time, moved around the Central Plains after the ancestor was killed, and even once fell to Hu Di, and served the six husbands with the dignity of the queen!

Yuan Xiu closed his eyes and his face was blue and white. He said to Cai Lv tiredly, "You go down first. Let's talk about this tomorrow."

Cai Lv did not dare to ask, nor dare to disobey, and whispered, "I know, family, rest in peace!"