Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 221 Before Horse Racing

Xue's reminder is obvious enough. If Yuan Xiu can't figure it out, he will grow up in the palace in vain - as Xue said, Zheng Wei and Pei Si Niang, and the head of Shengping County are both native to Chang'an, and they seem to be similar in age. They have grown up and have been familiar with each other since childhood. What are they good at? What ability is very clear? At the beginning, the horse race was proposed by Zheng Wei's side - in fact, no matter which side proposed, there is almost an estimate of winning or losing!

After all, they are both childhood sweethearts, and it is not the first time to compete. In this case, you can take what you can't decide as a bet, or you have a great certainty of winning, or... you just want to export things out!

Yuanxiu remembered that when she went to the eldest princess's mansion in Jiashan, Princess Changyang and Princess Dongping mentioned this when they chatted with her. She said that the horse race was a bet for two winners in three rounds. In the first game, Pei 24 Niang herself lost to Zheng Wei, so in the next two rounds, Pei 24 Niang invited Shengping, who was better at riding than herself. The county owner came on his behalf, but won both games. Zheng Wei seemed extremely happy at that time. He gave up the red fire on the spot and claimed that he would go back to plead guilty to the original owner of the red fire, but a few days later changed the past trend and almost shamelessly begged the return of the county owner of Shengping County.

-Red Fire itself is a great foal, tall and strong, looking forward to it. Since Mengtang gradually declined, the original Anxi Protector and other places have been lost. The Silk Road has been cut off, and Dawan good horses are rare. Although Dawan horses were introduced a lot when the dynasty was strong, this horse and Meng Tang's own horse. Match. After planting, the bloodline is always diluted. Now the pure-blooded horses of Mengtang are all from the West. Even in Chang'an, it is priceless. Such a rare good horse is reluctant to let go after the owner of Shengping County arrives, but few men can't love it, but Zheng Wei wants to deliberately export it. The reason is obviously not on the red fire. But care about people.

As Lang Jun, Zheng Wei should make a heavy promise for his identity as the son of Zheng's family in Xingyang, but because of Wei Huiduan's opposition, he pestered the head of Shengping County and tried every means to get back the red fire. He wanted to attach great importance to this cousin. Obviously, it was not because of his disgust for Wei Huiduan that he wanted to lose the red fire to others. Then, the only answer is Cui Nanxun!

Dawan horse is precious and rare, which is more rare than the hairpin ring that ordinary girls like, especially the skin is smooth and fierce, which is also excellent even in Dawan Mali. Cui Nanxun gave it to him with this horse, and Wei Huiduan was also happy to accept it, and he did not avoid raising the status of the county head of Pingzong, and also forced Zheng Wei to ask him to get it back... It shows that the friendship between the two is very close!

Thinking of this, Yuan Xiu laughed angrily: "Cui Nanxun and Wei Huiduan, these two people are interesting! Legend has it that he has a marriage contract, but he still has to go to the palace to see the princess! Since the other one has a heart, he actually became the owner of the Liang Hall!"

She suddenly remembered what Princess Dongping said and became more and more angry, "This Cui Nanxun seems to have a marriage contract with the 25th mother of the Lu family, right? I just met Lu 25 Niang two days ago - was he originally going to ask Lu's wife to be a child?

Xue said indifferently, "When Wei Huafei entered the palace, she didn't bring the big Wan horse that Zheng Wei easily got back. She thought that the relationship had been broken. These were all things before Wei Huafei attended the cherry banquet. Jiu Niang can't be too angry."

"Wei Huafei is the daughter of Wei's family, and I still believe in the upbringing of the Wei family." After listening to Xue's words, Yuan Xiu was slightly angry, calmed down and said with a sneer, "This Cui Nanxun... Fortunately, I didn't see the real purpose of the eighth sister to ask. At least I didn't choose him. Now Yunzhou has run over, but Zheng Wei can't hesitate!"

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult." Xue shook his head and said, "The sex of Princess Yunzhou. Zi, Jiu Niang also knows that she is the opposite of Princess Dongping. Generally, her biological mother died early. Princess Dongping usually looks good and does not lack anything, but she is a little cowardly in her bones. Princess Yunzhou is not. At the beginning, she was scolded by Jiu Niang for being dissatisfied with the Queen's Highness in the words at the funeral of Empress Zhaoxian. As a result, Turning around, he was about to fall into the well to retaliate - Zheng Wei calculated that Princess Yunzhou was in front of him, but he could still coax Princess Yunzhou to fall out with him and run to Jiu Niang, which shows that he has a deep influence on Princess Yunzhou!"

Yuan Xiu frowned and nodded. She knew what Xue meant, Yunzhou nature. Zi Yaoqiang, because of the early death of Ji Meiren, he was particularly ** and had a strong sense of revenge. At the beginning of the year, he knew that Feng Chun, the current royal brother, was the direct brother of Yuan Xiu's mother's compatriots, and was obviously biased by Yuan Xiu, but he was reprimanded by Yuan Xiu at the funeral of Empress Zhaoxian, but he still seized the opportunity to revenge back... But She was so angry that she stayed up all night. In the morning, she went out of the palace and ran from Chang'an to the Zige courtyard. She cried a lot before she gradually stopped. This reaction seemed excited, but she did not immediately go to Fengchun to complain - between Yuanxiu and Yunzhou, Fengchun naturally favored Yuanxiu, but if Yunzhou is compared with Zheng Wei, Fengchun is naturally more biased. Yunzhou.

Ruoyunzhou really hates Zheng Wei. She shouldn't have come to Zhongnan Mountain, and she can get rid of this breath directly in Chang'an. She came to Zige Courtyard, which meant that things were troublesome.

"Just now, I deliberately tested with words to see if she would say it." Yuan Xiu sighed, "I don't want her to be so angry before. When she hears me that she will be punished heavily, she would rather drag Ji Meiren out as a shield and protect Zheng Wei! Her sex. Zi, if you can't think about it, you have to tell her that Zheng Wei has other intentions. I'm afraid she can't listen to it anyway.

Xue said lightly, "This is also what I want to remind you - the jade bottle of Princess Yunzhou is here. Jiu Niang still needs to be more careful to hit mice. Zheng Wei is certainly a little scheming, but it's not good to hurt his sister for him. What's more, the princess of Yunzhou is not here, and I'll tell you the truth. This princess of Yunzhou is not from the Empress Dowager Wenhua. She doesn't always respect Jiu Niang very much. As long as she doesn't hurt the royal dignity, Jiu Niang still don't care too much about her.

"Previously, the fifth sister-in-law reminded that the eighth sister has not decided on the matter of the son-in-law so far. I'm having a headache about how to tell the eighth sister. There will be another Yunzhou. Cui Nanxun doesn't mention it. Zheng Wei has to ask someone to tell the eighth sister." Yuan Xiu frowned and said, "This matter should at least be blue..." Speaking of this, she stopped to think about it and shook her head, "I'll go back to the palace in person, so that the eighth sister won't be more careful again!"

"It's mid-June now. When you go back to the palace, just live and wait for the ceremony, right?" Xue said lightly.

Yuanxiu said awkwardly, "Are you still thinking about what I said before that I asked you to stay here for a long time? This is all Feng Teng and Cui Nanfeng's talkative and annoying! This time when I go back to the palace, I will also clean up them! Looking at the matter of the eighth sister, if the aunt is willing to mention me earlier, why should she delay these efforts?

"Some things remind you that you have asked, or are very important. I won't tell you until you see through or think of asking me." Xue turned the cup in his hand and said, "This is what your mother means. Is it easy for you to see through my temperament for many times but not tell you? But your mother is worried that I will have to leave you one day after all. At that time, you can only rely on yourself and not be fooled around.

Yuan Xiu was silent and said, "Now the weather is still hot. This time, the aunt doesn't have to go back with me. If things go well, I will come to the other hospital for a few days. The ceremony is at the end of July, and the dress crown and clothing bureau has already begun to make it. I'm just going back to see if there is anything wrong with it. When it gets cold, the aunt will return to the Pearl Mirror Hall. Even if I really have to wait until the ceremony to come here this time, I will always come to pick up the aunt.

Xue Shi smiled and said, "What are you talking about? The golden branches and jade leaves, and the princess of Zhengyi came to welcome me as a five-grade Shangyi?

"This time I was disturbed by Yunzhou, I planned to bathe and change clothes first when I came back." After saying that, Yuanxiu took a sip of the cheese in the cup and stood up and walked to the inner room. Hearing Xue's words, she suddenly stopped, turned her head and smiled calmly. "Although the aunt is my wet nurse, it is not too much to call you an aunt from the mother's side. My biological mother is the empress dowager Wenhua, the adoptive mother It's Empress Dowager Zhaoxian, but they don't get along with me as much as my aunt. Isn't she my mother? Otherwise, if someone listens to other people's words and wrongs me, how can I be so angry? Is the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian's teaching for many years in vain? Auntie, don't say such angry words anymore. Even if the fifth brother is different from aunt, who I am happy to welcome, and who dares to say anything if the fifth brother doesn't say anything?