Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 223 Back to the Palace

"This bamboo chicken soup is more delicious than that in the palace. Have you come up with a new way to pick oranges?" Princess Yunzhou scooped a spoonful of clear soup. After swallowing it, she couldn't help praising. After her new bath, she wore a set of new clothes brought to Yuanxiu to the other courtyard. The ginger background was embroidered with a red lion rolling hydrangea, and the edge was locked with a circle of Fu characters. Outside, she was covered with a lotus-colored tulle half arm, and the bottom was wearing a silver mud yellow silk skirt. Mian'er grabbed the time and borrowed Yuanxiu's makeup table. After putting on a light makeup for her and sitting at the table, she has completely restored the princess's demeanor and manners, looking calm and elegant.

In front of her, the soup was as clear as water in the wide secret porcelain bowl with apricot-shaped gold foil painted with Fuyuan Shanqing pattern, and there were a few tender sliced bamboo shoots floating in it. If it hadn't been for a faint layer of oil star on the soup, it would have been almost really suspicious that it was water. The soup was sprinkled with some leek leaves, which added appetite. In this hot summer, such a light color is the most seductive. Yunzhou came from Chang'an and cried again. After bathing, he was hungry. This would be even more appetizing and it was difficult to praise it.

In front of Yuanxiu was a shrimp soup. This dish was originally produced in Jiangnan, but this one was made by re-soaking the pickled vegetables after drying, but the taste was still delicious. She took the veil in the green hand beside her and wiped the corners of her mouth and said, "The new method is not, but the chicken soup It seems to be hooked with fish soup. The fish here is much better than in the palace.

"The fish in the palace also have been entered by the Yellow River for days. How can it be bad?" Yunzhou does not believe.

"This meal has not been presented. I don't think it's appropriate." Yuan Xiu pointed to the direction of the high crown waterfall. "Most of the fish in the mountain stream are fat and delicious. They are ready to be slaughtered and put into the pot, but they are better than delicious."

Yunzhou couldn't help saying, "Is there anything else good?" Sister Jiu said, I really want to stay here for a few days.

Yuanxiu said quietly, "It's best if you are willing to stay here for a few days. I'm going back to the palace tomorrow. If you are willing to stay, just help me take a look at other courtyards, so that there will be no one to decide at the top and down, and it will be messed up."

"Why is the ninth sister going back? Now the foot of the mountain is still very hot. Among other things, I'm afraid Xue Shangyi can't stand it, right? Hearing this, Yunzhou suddenly said a little unnaturally. Because of her special identity, she usually doesn't show up when there are outsiders. Otherwise, although she is Shangyi, there is no reason for a five-grade Shangyi when Yuanxiu and Yunzhou eat together, but she is also a girl raised by the Guo family. The Empress Dowager Wenhua is like her own sister. After taking care of Yuanxiu, she also had the kindness of raising Yuanxiu and asked her to stand beside her. Yuanxiu was unwilling. Even in Yunzhou, she knew that this was not appropriate, so she simply did not come forward and eat alone elsewhere.

But Yuanxiu immediately explained for Xue: "Only I go back. As you know, July is my gift. Although the dress crown Shangfu Bureau has been customized, the size has been measured at the beginning of the year. In the past few months, I have gained some weight. Although the Shangfu Bureau will estimate in advance, it may not be accurate. In order to meet the suit at that time, let's go back and have a look.

She explained this, but Yunzhou couldn't believe it. She said, "The ninth sister's ceremony is on July 25th, and it's the end of July, not the beginning of July. There is still more than a month now. Why are you so anxious? Besides, when I first came here, how can I know what's going on in this other hospital? How can Sister Jiu leave me alone? Why don't you stay with me for a few days, and then accompany Sister Jiu to go back to the palace to see the dress and crown?

Yuan Xiu knew that she was afraid of inquiring about why she came in the name of going back to measure the size, so she shook her head and said, "There's something else. I'll tell you later."

Yunzhou was worried about things and suddenly had no appetite for the mountain food on the table. He barely used a few chopsticks and waited for Yuan Xiu to have a showdown with him.

After both put down their tooth chopsticks, Cai Lv and Mian'er served their clean hands on the water, and left the side hall where they used to eat. When they arrived at the main hall just now, they came in with the fruit plate and a pot of new cheese, which was put in a gallbladder bottle of plum green-painted magpie Dengmei, but the gallbladder bottle was not placed on the lacquer plate. When he came in, he took the silver basin and put it on the ice. After saluteing, he put it on a little farther away and told him, "The two families have just eaten. It is not appropriate to enter the cold things. The new ice I installed at this moment has not melted yet. When the ice is almost melted, the A family can enter again."

Yuan Xiu smiled and said, "After all, the ten sisters have more face. Don't you usually ask Jinshi to send them here? Why did you come here by yourself today?

"A family's words are frightening." Picking oranges said andly, "I came to ask what the two families would eat? I remember that Princess Yunzhou's favorites are Jushengnu, Noble Concubine Red and Single-Cage Golden Breast Crisp, but now the weather is hot. Although it is cool in other courtyards, I'm afraid that I will lose interest because of this. At that time, I will lose the appetite of the A family. I'm afraid that others can't tell the meaning of the A family, so I came to ask by myself.

"You can hear the ten sisters. The shelf of picking oranges is very big, and I don't even want to come here often." Yuan Xiu smiled and hit Yunzhou with a round moon white plain gauze with five blessings.

Yunzhou is not in the mood to bring snacks at this time. He just said lightly, "Don't be so careless. What does Sister Jiu eat? Just give me one."

Caicheng squeezed her lips and smiled and said, "The A family usually eats sour and sweet..." The meaning of her words is that Yunzhou is sweet.

"It's good to change your taste by chance." Yunzhou is perfunctory.

Picking oranges bent his knees and retreated.

Yuan Xiu said with a faint smile, "I have been the first to come back to live in this courtyard since my mother stayed. There were originally a housekeeper and several servants in the courtyard. The little lady under the housekeeper's knee is very happy with orange. Now she comes to me less and less."

"After all, it's just your maid of honor, a housekeeper. Do you have to go over Sister Ninth?" Yunzhou said absent-mindedly, "Why on earth is Sister Jiu going to Chang'an tomorrow? How many days won't you stay with me?"

"I'm just going to go on." Yuanxiu still smiled and slowly threw himself on the fan, but his smile gradually cooled down a little, "What do you want me to pick up oranges?" If she hadn't heard a lot of news from people, I wouldn't have known that the things in the imperial army were as talkative and unselfish as Feng Teng and Cui Nanfeng..."

Yuanxiu was born by the Empress Dowager Wenhua. When she was born, the Guo family had not had an accident, and Fengchun had just been appointed as the crown prince. The lord of the East Palace was finally settled after layers of competition. It was the time when the Empress Dowager Wenhua was most proud. She was nearly ten years younger than Feng Chun. It can be imagined how favored she was. In addition, Emperor Xianzong was right. My daughter should be more tolerant. Although she doesn't see much, the reward has always been generous.

Later, when the Guo family had an accident, the Empress Dowager Wenhua died in childbirth. Yuan Xiu was young and not long after she was ignorant. He was instructed by Emperor Xianzong to raise Wang Huifei, who led the harem at that time. No matter what happened between Wang Huifei and Empress Dowager Wenhua, she had no children under her knees, and she rushed After Emperor Xianzong went, she would not treat Yuanxiu at all. What's more, Yuanxiu was not only born after the Yuan Dynasty, but also by Emperor Xianzong personally issued an order to raise her. Therefore, Yuanxiu has never suffered any grievances since she was a child. In the past, there was Zhaoxian, and then Fengchun. However, no one can do without her without anything good things.

Over time, although Yuanxiu was delicate and unruly, he did not like to kill her. Even if the people around her annoyed her, she was mostly driven away. Because she has been favored and enjoyed wealth since she was a child, there is no resentment in her heart, so she rarely kills others unless it is necessary - such as the envoys of Mr. Yi and Li Shiniang's daughter. In order to avoid damage to their reputation because of the birth, they must be removed, because Li Shiniang still has something to use and can't be silenced for the time being. Yuan Xiu was shocked by these two people, not only to deter Li Shiniang, but also to warn the forbidden army present!

But Yunzhou heard an undisguised murder from Yuanxiu's smiling story - she didn't know that there was a part of the murder, not because of Feng Teng, nor because of Cui Nanfeng, or because of a big cry that caused Yuanxiu to negotiate with Xue and mention Cui Nanxun, which prompted Yuanxiu to make up his mind. .