Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 3 Liu Folding

At this time, some officials in the Taiji Hall have arrived one after another, especially the Wang family of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian's mother came early.

Seeing Changyang and Yuanxiu, several people nearby came to salute: "My condolences."

"Situ should also take care of himself, and twenty-twolang has to pay more attention." Most of the greetings are for Yuanxiu. Yuanxiu is not only valued by Fengchun, but also because she was raised by Zhaoxian. If her biological mother was not Yuanhou, she would not have been listed as Zhaoxian. Now the Wang family is her foreign family, but it is different.

Changyang was very clear, so when he came here, he was different from the standing hall. He hardly spoke, and only answered by Yuan Xiu and the Wang family.

At this moment, figures flashed at the door of the hall. The two came in one after another and saw them standing a few steps away and saluteing.

"You two don't have to be polite." This time, Changyang opened her mouth. She was dignified, but the corners of her eyes glanced at one of them from time to time.

The man is beautiful and elegant, but at a weak age, he is Cui Fengwu, the son-in-law of Changyang.

Cui Fengwu's style is famous in Chang'an City, and he was even pushed to see Cui Lang for his life. At the beginning, Princess Yang chose a son-in-law for Changyang and asked Changyang her own opinion. She pointed to Cui Fengwu at first sight. Since then, she has not even raised her face like other princesses. She put her thoughts on her son-in-law.

Changyang's spicy sex. Zi, in front of this person, has become dignified and shy for no reason.

Yuan Xiu also knew his future seventh brother-in-law, but when he saw that the other person beside him was strange and his appearance was not inferior, he asked, "Cui Dalang has never walked with your father? Who is this?

"I'm here to ask." Cui Fengwu's talent is not to talk about it. His behavior alone is a kind of enjoyment. No wonder Changyang likes him so much. The plain clothes in the national mourning are like a fairy on him. An arched action actually has a feeling of flying. His voice is clear, "My father and second uncle's legs and feet are inconvenient. I will come later because I sent someone and my cousin first. OK."

said, and introduced the strange teenager sideways: "This is someone's cousin, Liu Zhebye, who is three at home and has not yet reached the crown, so there is no word."

"But the son of Liushi in Hedong?" Yuan Xiu thought for a little.

"A family is really a good memory." The cousin of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian, Wang Zixia, was gentle and elegantly. Yuan Xiu nod her head and said, "Let's go there. The fifth sister-in-law has something to come later. The seventh sister and I are here to help take a look."

Seeing that Yuanxiu was no longer interested in talking, and it was not the time to talk, several people quickly bowed down.

I don't know if Liu Zhe went back to the palace, but after leaving, he looked back at them, as if he was in love.

Changyang saw that no one came nearby, so he laughed and said, "Isn't Liu Jia Sanlang fall in love with Jiumei at first sight?"

Yuanxiu said calmly, "The seventh sister's face is still like peach and plum in the mourning. I'm afraid Liu Sanlang is looking at you."

Changyang heard her mention the word mourning, so he didn't dare to say more.

At three o'clock, Dongfang Xiaoshi broke through the clouds, and there were more and more people. Yuan Xiu waved to a nearby servant: "Where's Deputy General Qiu?"

"Go back to A's house, I'll go and invite you!"

Not long, the waiter came over with a man who was not confused and had a white face. The man's face was a little haggard because of hard work, but his eyes were bright and he was very good. When he got closer, he saluted neither humble nor arrogant: "I don't know what can I order?"

"Everyone hasn't arrived yet, but someone has asked?" Yuan Xiudao.

Qiu Fengxiang nodded: "Everyone should come in a moment. Please rest assured."

As she was talking, the fish hydrocarbons outside had attracted Fengchun inside, and the people nearby bowed their bodies to salute. Fengchun's face was pale and dark, which made Yuan Xiu feel distressed and angry. She left Qiu Fengxiang and whispered, "Brother Wu couldn't sleep last night?"

Fengchun didn't hear the meaning of her words and comforted her, "I'm fine, but you have lost a lot of weight. Later, I'll ask your fifth sister-in-law to take care of your life with the imperial doctor." After a pause, he lowered his voice and said, "You don't have to go out of the palace today, don't care about those rules, and go back to Fengyang Pavilion to have a good sleep. If anyone is talky, just tell me."

Yuan Xiu was moved to see that he cared about himself so much, but he still mentioned: "I heard that Zhao Lifei is not in good shape. When the fifth brother visits home, he should take care of himself."

Fengchun was stunned and was about to say something. At this time, Qiu Fengxiang came over and reported, "Everyone, the mourners from Hebei have arrived and are seeking to meet outside Chengtianmen."

"Brother Five, I'm going." Yuan Xiu lowered his eyes and said, Fengchun's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, paused, and then said, "Hmm." Turn around to ask about the situation.

Yuan Xiu looked at his back and looked a little gloomy.

The world is still the world of the Li family, but since Xuanzong favored the tycowards, which led to chaos in the country and even the fall of Chang'an, he had to ask for help from the aliens to recover. The dream Tang, which once deterred all countries, began to weaken.

The military system originally implemented to expand the territory has now become a vassal town that can't be divided. It's not that the court didn't understand this. In those years, the Empress Dowager Wenhua's mother's family was denounced because of her close dealings with Xichuan's jiedushi. Even if Fengchun had been established as the crown prince at that time and the Empress Dowager Wenhua was still pregnant with her young son, Xianzong still listened to the admonishment of Du Qingtang, the prime minister at that time, and imposed heavy punishments to deter those who hook up with Fanzhen. The courtiers.


The emperors before Xianzong are not very good, but for the rulers of an empire, doing nothing is also a kind of mediocre. Xianzong was a qualified emperor, but he did not reign for a long time. He was already a year old when he ascended the throne and died less than half a hundred. In the early ten years, for the vassal town that has been formed for a hundred years, except for some temptations, there is no time to do too much.

Although Fengchun was famous for his intelligence and agility when he was the crown prince, he was still too young. After two years of to ascending the throne, he replaced Du Qingtang and pushed his teacher Wei Zuo to the throne. Before the death of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian, Yuanxiu remembered that Fengchun seemed to be busy cleaning up Du Qingtang's remnants, and Chang'an did not enter. Hand, how can we talk about the vassal town thousands of miles away?

Now I can only appease these governors first.

Fengchun is here, so she doesn't need to worry about hosting. Yuanxiu returned to the ranks of princesses, but Changyang had already returned when Fengchun came in.

Seeing her come back, Princess Dongping, the eighth, turned her head: "The fifth sister-in-law hasn't come yet. Do you know the reason?"

"The fifth sister-in-law has something to tell the eldest sister, and she will be there." Yuan Xiu replied, "Didn't Sister Seven tell you?"

"Seventh sister is distracted, where can you hear what we ask?" Dongping sneered and motioned her to watch it by herself. Yuan Xiu knew it without looking at it. It must be because of Cui Fengwu.

Princess of Yunzhou, only one year younger than Yuanxiu, just stood behind her and interrupted at this moment, "Ninth sister, what does the fifth sister-in-law have to say at this time? The fifth brother has arrived, but she hasn't appeared as the queen.

"The fifth sister-in-law is born. When should she do something better than you and me? It makes sense for her to say it at this time. The fifth brother didn't say anything. Why don't you talk about your sister-in-law like this?" Yuan Xiu was unhappy and scolded lightly.

Yunzhou's eyes immediately turned red: "I just asked casually."

The youngest Princess Liyang is only six years old. She timidly looked at her sisters arguing and dared not speak.

"Then pay attention to the wording. It's not that the former emperor didn't ask his master to teach us!" Yuanxiu still had a cold face. First, Wang Shi had taken over the trouble for them. She really shouldn't have offended Princess Pingjin and was choreographed by Princess Yunzhou again. Second, she knew that the purpose of Princess Yunzhou's words was to make trouble in front of her.

Yunzhou's mother and Zhao Lifei are nephews. She naturally turned to the Zhao family. Yuanxiu was annoyed by Zhao Lifei because of Fengchun's incident last night. Of course, she was not angry with her.

Yunzhou is quite unconvinced, but Yuanxiu is older than her and Fengchun's sister, so she has to endure it for a long time.

Although she was so angry that she burst into tears, she was sad. They only said that she was crying for Zhaoxian. Jiacheng, the sixth princess who stood several people, even said a few words of condolences to her.