Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 323 Station

Shi Ruyi's blue shirt is like silver under the starlight, and his face is also a little frosty. He stood on the corridor and reminded He Yijian: "I need to get up early tomorrow. Why doesn't Liulang fall asleep?" Although the situation has changed now, He Zhifang agreed to go to Chang'an to ask Shangzhu in person, and even Li Heng in Youzhou had no problem with the two families' dissolution of the marriage - compared with the marriage between the two towns, it is a big deal that Du Qingtang is about to return to the court with the help of his nephew Shangzhu!

No matter how much Li Heng loves Li Shichan, he won't be dizzy for his daughter, and he doesn't even want the foundation to settle down! What's more, He Yijian is still ruthless to her daughter. Now the situation has changed again. She has abandoned such a marriage with a uncertain future and concentrated on preventing the former dynasty from taking office.

This teacher naturally understood, but after all, Miao Niang and he also grew up together. Seeing that He Yijian was the Lord, she was sent away without blinking. The girl who once jumped on the horse together with a smile turned out to become a concubine in a blink of an eye. Shi Ruyi is young, and there is always a little uneven for Miao Niang. Along the way Although he did not show it clearly, when he saw He Yijian abandoning Miao Niang so ruthlessly, he was full of longing for the noble lord and couldn't help but be disjoyed.

He Yijian didn't have time to pay attention to his attitude at this time and said perfunctorily, "I know."

Shi Ruyi didn't have to ask and knew that he was thinking about the direction of Chang'an. He shook his head secretly. He knew that persuasion would only make He Yijian bored, so he no longer chatty and went back to his room. Because this post is located on the bank of the official road and at the junction of several states, it is very spacious, but now Most of them are full of people. If it hadn't been for Hebei's special status, they would have hardly got to the upper house.

I'm afraid He Yijian has no time to bother with this kind of thing now.

Shi Ruyi left his yard, and two bodyguards quietly followed him, but saw that he went straight to the front lobby. It was already late at night, but the hall was brightly lit, and he actually sat many postmen and many panicked merchants. Many of them seemed to be in a hurry to get here, which was obviously unusual. Only a few places were empty. He stood by the door and looked at it for a moment. He raised a middle-aged man with a deep eyebrows and obvious barbarian blood. He arched his hand with a smile and said, "Brother, I wonder if I can set up a table?"

Although the merchant's face was sad, most of the merchants paid attention to harmony and wealth. What's more, there were indeed not many vacant seats in the post at this time. Although the teacher was in a green shirt, his face was white and rich, and his behavior was excellent. He was not an ordinary scholar. He quickly got up and said, "Mr. Lang, please don't mind."

Shi Ruyi sat down again with him, ordered the people in the post station to send a pot of wine at will, and ordered a few small dishes. Seeing that there was only a pot of turbid tea and a few cakes in front of the merchant, he said to invite him to drink with him. The merchant was also cheerful. After several times, he asked Shi Ruyi to sincerely invite him, so he went to take a cup to drink with him. Shi Ruyi picked up the journey and said a few words to him, and quietly mentioned the scene in the post station: "I went to Chang'an with my friends a few months ago. On the way, I didn't see many people here. Now the weather is hot, why are there so many people?"

The merchant had something in his heart and had drunk a few more cups. Hearing the words, he casually said, "Lang Jun doesn't know, what is this now? After another three or five days, I'm afraid more people will go to Chang'an.

Shi Ruyi was shocked and said, "Why is this?"

"This year, there has been a spring drought in Guanzhong, and it began to rain in the rear before noon. Later, it's okay for Guanzhong to replant." The merchant was also depressed. He put down the wine cup and told him, "It's just that Chang'an Zuo is normal, but it is not outside Beijing. Among them, the lower reaches of the Yellow River to the nearby Ziqing prefectures have never stopped raining since the Dragon Boat Festival. Lang Jun may know that although the Yellow River is flooded, there are many good fields on both sides. They are all Ueda. Originally, due to the presence of Emperor Xianzong, the former Du Xiang personally inspected the river workers. In those years, the project was very hard, so there has been no accident for more than ten years, but it can't stand such rain..."

Shi Ruyi frowned and said, "If the Yellow River is determined to be a big deal..."

"It hasn't been decided yet." The merchant shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Last month, someone passed by there and saw that the local river worker had made people strengthen and raise the embankment there, and made people dig ditches to excrete the flood. I thought it would still hold on for a while."

"Why are there so many postmen? And the merchants also went to Chang'an one after another? The teacher asked puzzledly.

The merchant smiled bitterly: "This is about the ointed lands along the Yellow River. Earlier, these fields were naturally bought by dignitaries. It rained after the Dragon Boat Festival. Some places looked shaky. Those field owners were worried that the industry would be difficult to protect, so they came up with the idea of changing fields, which were far away from the Yellow River. The high-land owners exchanged, and the family did so, and the others followed suit. Some the owners did not know about it in Chang'an or Luoyang and other places. However, in order to please the owners, they followed suit. If the owners of the distant fields are also powerful, it's okay. Most of them are ordinary people. How can they fight against many of them? The powerful and powerful slaves connected together? Those people's fields were robbed, so there was only one way to survive the river embankment defense, but now the rain has barely stopped - as a result, those who said that the field was still have not been decided, and the grain in the field is familiar with Ueda and Nakata, so they have to change it back. Langjun, please think about it earlier that the Yellow River will be decided. At that time, these slaves either got the will of the master above, or imitated others and forced others to change. At this time, others gave their lives to protect the river embankment, but they wanted to take it back. They were a clay figurine and had three points of anger. How could they not be angry?

Although Shi Ruyi is young, she has always been good at planning. She immediately saw the key to this matter: "Is there chaos in those places?"

"Hey! If not, why are we business people running to Chang'an in such a hurry? The merchant picked up the wine cup and swallowed it and said sullenly.

Shi Ruyiqi said, "Meng Tang Dynasty, where can't you go in this world? Why do you have to go to Chang'an? It's quite a long distance from the Yellow River. Do you have to go to Chang'an?"

The businessman sneered and said, "Someone is a rough person, and now he tells the truth - Lang Jun is young, and I'm afraid he rarely goes out. There is something he doesn't know about the world! Although the road from the chaotic place to Chang'an is not close, there are always many places that can't reach even if there is a flood, but Langjun, think about it. If those places are really chaotic, the flood can only reach near the Yellow River, and people are not water. Won't they follow them? Now the Li family is weak, and the towns are separated. The only place where there is a large army to guard in the whole pass can be regarded as safe as the 400,000 Shence army. Other other government soldiers are corrupt. According to someone, it may not be comparable to those chaotic people who have nothing but can only fight desperately!"

He said a little loudly, and several merchants on the table next to him who seemed to be in a discussion were shocked. They quickly turned around and stared at him fiercely. One of them said, "Qu Tu, you'd better lie in the back after drinking too much. Don't scare others here. "

At present, the two servants behind the man were aware of him and came to pull the merchant Qu Tu to leave. Although Qu Tu was drunk, he was not faint, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to have said something wrong. He took advantage of the situation to fall on the servant and pretended to be drunk and was helped back.

The teacher hurriedly arched his hand to the man who spoke and said, "Do you dare to ask your name?"

"Master, you're welcome." The man returned a salute and smiled and said, "We are all surnamed Qu. We are brothers with Qu Tu, who has just drunk." This man is about 40 years old and has a tall figure. He also has the same barbarian blood as that Qutu. His eyes are slightly sunken. Probably because he is a businessman, he often travels out, so his skin is slightly brown and he wears short clothes that are easy to move, but the material is not bad. There are many wine and dishes on their table, which shows that they are bold. It's just that they haven't moved yet, and it seems that the table is not very interested.

Shi Ruyi turned his eyes and noticed that their table was full. Thinking about it, Qu Tu sat alone and said with a smile, "Is Brother Qu and his party going to Chang'an?"

Although Qu Tu and others are brothers, they all have something in mind now. Qu Tu and Shi Ruyi are chatting together. Originally, they were also discussing, so they did not pay attention to it. If Qu Tu's words were not too noticeable and slightly higher, they were afraid that they would not have interrupted at this moment, so they did not know whether Shi Ruyi had been trapped. What did you say? Qu suddenly said, "What Shilang said is right. Our purpose is Chang'an. If Shilang is single, can you be a companion with me?"

Shi Ruyi smiled and said, "I'm really going to Chang'an, but I'm not single, but I have other companions. Because I was in a hurry a few days ago, now I'm resting behind, but I'm not sleepy for the time being. Therefore, I came to the front to have a look. I saw that the seat was almost full, but Brother Qu Tu was alone, so I came forward to inquire. I've asked for a table."

Qu suddenly's eyes flashed and said with a smile, "How can Shilang and his party also go to Chang'an?"

Shi Ruyi heard that there was a faint temptation and desire in his words. He was surprised, but he said quietly, "Brother Qu, there is something unclear below!"

"Master, please tell me." Qu Tu didn't expect that he would not answer the question. He was stunned and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation. Shi Ruyi arched his hand and whispered slightly, "Do you dare to ask Brother Qu what's going on with these many postmen here?"

"The postman..." Qu suddenly frowned and said vaguely, "We are just merchants, but these things are not clear."

"Since you don't know, I'll tell this Lang Jun!" Shi Ruyi did not leave the original seat, so although he lowered his voice slightly, it was impossible for only a table to hear it. Not far away, a young postman suddenly stood up, raised his hand and smashed a large bowl of coarse porcelain in his hand to the ground and said loudly!

As soon as he shouted, the sight of the whole hall suddenly surged over. Several companions at his desk were obviously very surprised, all of which showed obvious consterren. One of them immediately got up and held him down, as if they were trying to drag him back. The other person quickly got up and punched the group around him and apologized, "I waited for my companions to drink too much. Don't blame the disturbance.

The others in the hall haven't answered, but the postman who got up sneered and shouted, "I'm drinking a bowl of tea for a penny, not wine. Will the tea at this post station also be intoxicating?"

"Bai Sanlang! That's enough!" According to one of his companions, the other also persuaded, "What responsibility do we do? What can you do that we can't do?" It's almost time to rest. Why don't we go first?

The person who just made amends for Bai Sanlang also looked embarrassed and bent down silently to carry his luggage.

"What are you going to do in the middle of the night?" Although Bai Sanlang said that he only drank tea and did not drink, now he can't help shouting, and his companion finally showed anger: "What do you want? Nowadays, there are so many people in the station, don't the people next to what you know? Speaking of which, how many people will be in a good mood? You are shouting here, plainly disturbing!"

Shi Ruyi got up and walked over and said, "What are you arguing about? To tell you the truth, I came from Hebei. I don't know what happened. Many of the messengers in the road went to Chang'an?

"Hebei?" As soon as he finished speaking, the original noisy discussion in the hall suddenly calmed down. The disputing postmen suddenly looked a little bad. "I don't know if Lang Jun has anything to do with the three handsome men in Hebei?"

Shi Ruyi heard the hostility in their words and said without changing his face, "It's a white coat in Hebei. I have been admiring the glory of Chang'an for a long time, so I tried my best to go to Chang'an. If I could settle near Chang'an, it would be no better."

After saying this, the postmen calmed down a little and nodded to him, "So it is. It's just that this matter is of great importance. As messengers, we can't reveal it privately. Please forgive Lang Junyuan."

Knowing that he came from Hebei, Bai Sanlang, who had been shouting to tell the truth, also silenced, including Qu Tu and others, looked ugly. Shi Ruyi knew that it would be difficult to find out the news again, so he calmly walked to his yard.

Behind him, Qu Tu told the person beside him with a solemn face: "Immediately go back and ask Qu Tu what he said to the man just now!"

"Daw, why do the people in Hebei happen to be in the post station?" Another person couldn't help saying, "It's also our negligence. We just cared about our sadness and didn't first find out who was resting in the post station tonight!"

"Go and check!" Qu Tu ordered, "We are the people of Mengtang. Although Hebei is also dominated by Chang'an, they are against the same vassals. If we know this, we will definitely take advantage of the fire to rob. At that time, the world will be in chaos, and we are all doing evil!"

"Brother, don't worry, we'll pay attention to it." The deskmates all looked solemn and stood up one after another!