Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 332 Gradually 7

"I don't know what's going on with A Huang at this moment?" Before the morning fog dissipated, Chang'an, far away from Guanshan, was experiencing a thrilling night. On the official road to Hebei, a man's slightly tired and anxious voice suddenly sounded.

Shi Ruyi's biggest regret for He Yijian, his future assistant, is that he really attached too much importance to Princess Yuanxiu, but at this moment, he took the initiative to answer: "Your lord is a girl. Even if Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang join hands, Du Qingtang will not dare to risk the world to usurp the throne. Which other person of the Li family ascended the throne? She is always Jin Zhiyuye, but now she was originally the brother of your master. Naturally, she should be particularly condoned and spoiled by your lord. I'm afraid it's not as good as the previous courtesy after that?

He Yijian sighed, "I'm just worried about this matter. Ahuang has a strong personality, and I'm afraid that she can't stand it!"

"Your lord grew up in the palace, not to mention far away. When Emperor Huaizong reigned decades ago, he was addicted to elixir. When Wang Taiqing was in turmoil, the princes were killed and seized. If Emperor Xianzong had not been for his small and deliberately hidden, he would have been poisoned like the previous famous British king." Shi Ruyi persuaded, "How can you not know these past events?"

"I can't rest assured after all." He Yijian added another whip to the mount with his backhand and said in a low voice, "After returning to Weizhou, I will immediately ask the adults to send troops!" Qingjun's side! Baofengchun!"

Shi Ruyi was relieved and said, "Liulang finally knows the importance of the matter!" What he was most worried about was that He Yijian said and insisted on continuing to go to Chang'an to inquire about Princess Yuanxiu.

At this moment, although He Yijian's purpose of sending troops is still mostly for Yuanxiu, but at least he has used his brain.

Shi Ruyi grew up with He Yijian, and naturally often came into contact with He Zhifang. He dared not say how much he knew about the handsome man who killed his uncle and killed his brother to achieve his goal and saved Wei Bo's position in the hands of Emperor Xianzong and Du Qingtang, but at least he was quite intellectual. Over the years, He Zhi Shi Ruyi gradually guessed Fang's plan - there is no doubt that He Zhifang must hand over Wei Bozhen to his parent-child He Yijian. If He Yijian can't grasp it, He Zhifang is likely to break the balance of the three towns in Hebei and take the initiative to return Wei Bo's five states to Chang'an!

In exchange for He Yijian to enter Chang'an as an official, or to be awarded a title and enjoy wealth.

In this way, even in order to set a reliable example for other vassal towns, Chang'an will desperately protect the safety of He Yijian and continue to give him a colorful life!

After all, He Zhifang has only one son. Although the He family still has some distant relatives, He Zhifang killed his mother's brothers, nephews and uncles in order to compete for the throne - if those distant relatives have no biological flesh, or have to pass through their heirs, now with He Yijian, what is it naturally? We have to think about it for He Yijian!

When He Zhifang was alive, Wei Bo's five states were like an arm in his hand. Even Chang'an, he couldn't be afraid of He Yijian! But what happened after He Zhifang's death? He got a son in his later years, and it was too late!

He Yijian is only 17 years old now, and it is still three years away from the crown. At this age, he is full of talent. When he is put into the court as an official eunuch, he must also deliberately suppress it - this is not to crack down on young people, but because he is young people. If he is too smooth, it will hurt him - Ganluo Twelve in the past. Death in those years is an example.

has always been an assassin of a state, at least 20 years old, that is, Du Jiasanlang Du Ye, who has two sons and a daughter under his knees, is already one of the youngest assassins of Meng Tang - but when Du Ye took office, Du's parents made suggestions behind him, and even sent several people around him. There is even a famous counselor, including Du Huangyi, the former confidant of the Du family, who is now the owner of the Du family! In addition, when Du Ye was appointed as the assassin, it was when his uncle Du Qingtang covered the sky with one hand. All the towns were afraid of Du Qingtang. Therefore, after he took office, he was afraid of the momentum of the Du family at that time, and no one dared to embarrass it. Even so, Du Ye wrote back to Chang'an every ten days in the first few years to ask for advice!

There are five states in Weibo Town, which is not a simple five states!

The military, government and people's livelihood in these five states, the large and small officials, and President Lin Lin are not subject to Chang'an's control, and it is all up to He Zhifang to have the final say! Therefore, if He Zhifang wants to take over Wei Bo, he needs to learn and what he needs to do. I don't know how much more than Du Ye!

The problem is that Du Ye was older than He Yijian when he became the governor of any state. Behind him was the Nandu clan in Chang'an City, which was powerful at that time, which was later Fengchun. He also had many elders of the Du family who had a long history of eunuchs under the guidance. There are hundreds of intertwined connections of the Du family in this dynasty that can be used... He Yijian If He Zhifang dies, what will he have?

In fact, the three towns are not clear about He Zhifang's plan. Otherwise, Li Heng would not take the initiative to propose to marry his favorite daughter to He Yijian. Chengde and Youzhou. Although the cooperation is enough to make Chang'an headache, the three towns were originally connected and located in Hebei. If Wei Bo is lost, there are only two towns left. ——In those years, I'm afraid that before Emperor Xianzong moved to Ziqing, he would have solved Hebei, which had forced Emperor Dezong to commit a crime!

Shi Ruyi was originally the son of the old family of He Zhifang. Although he does not have the name of father and son with He Zhifang like He Huainian, he is indeed deeply trusted by He Zhifang. His loyalty to the He family is by no means inferior to any Wei Bo subordinate.

If He Yijian still can't control the five prefectures when He Zhifang dies, then his fate in this life is only to accompany He Yijian to Chang'an to help the latter mediate between the families in the customs and die.

With the idea of being a teacher, of course, he prefers to follow He Yijian to take charge of Wei Bo thoroughly.

"I just don't know what's going on in Chang'an." He Yijian ignored his unintentional praise and said solemnly, "If Fengchun is too useless, when we return to Weizhou, it will be a forsa fore. Even the new king has been established, but we will be unknown!"

"As long as Fengchun doesn't die, I have a reason to wait!" After all, Shi Ruyi is a counselor. He smiled and reminded him, "Didn't Liulang originally get the secret order to go to Chang'an here? After Princess Yuanxiu and the queen, he chose an auspicious day to be the Lord?"

He Yijian was stunned!

"Even if Du Qingtang killed Fengchun in order to eradicate the grass, we can still claim that - as early as last year, when they took action, they had already noticed Du's conspiracy, and Chang'an knew about Liulang's love for Princess Mu Yuanxiu! Therefore, today, we have secretly promised Princess Yuanxiu to descend and ask Wei Bo to send troops to the Qing army!" In the galloping horse, the oncoming wind was too urgent, and Shi Ruyi had no martial arts skills. After saying such a speech, he was suddenly a little angry, but he still insisted on saying his plan. "After all, it is orthodox now. Even if it is not as cunning and abandoned as Du Qingtang, it must take some time for Du Qingtang to stabilize the situation of Chang'an. At that time, even if we can't take the opportunity to enter Chang'an, at least we can cross the Yellow River and occupy the nearby state city. Du Qingtang is good at plotting, but he has no military power. Hebei is still far from Chang'an. Qiu Fengxiang may not agree to let the Shence Army leave Guanzhong too far... As for Chang'an, in order to make more trouble, the least concessions, I will also agree to let Princess Yuanxiu fall!"

Shi Ruyi knows how to persuade He Yijian as quickly as possible. Sure enough, when he heard the last sentence, He Yijian's eyes lit up and showed his admiration!