Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 347 Home Country 11

He Yijian entered Weizhou, but immediately felt a very tense atmosphere. Returning to the jiedushi, He Zhifang stood on the stone steps and waited for him in person: "Come with me."

The study is covered with a huge map of Kunyu, and several official roads from Hebei to Chang'an have been particularly eye-catchingly drawn. There are several pieces of rice paper scattered on the upturned case of the red sandalwood carved tiger down the mountain. The handwriting is obviously written casually. The Jinbo mountain stove has been extinguished, but there is still a smell of awakening fragrance in the study. Obviously, He Zhifang personally discussed with his subordinates here last night about taking advantage of the Chang'an Palace to march.

"You didn't receive the emergency report from Chang'an on the way. I'll talk to you first." He Zhifang saw that although He Yijian was young and strong, this time he flew back with a tired face and a little distress in his eyes, but he still did not ask him to rest - originally, although Chang'an used pigeon letters to Hebei, there were also detectives who inquired about the news and tried to spread the delay. Now it is a critical juncture. Du Qingtang's ability, He Zhifang knows best, even if he is given three or five days, it is enough for him to stabilize the situation. Therefore, He Zhifang is not retractive and said bluntly, "There was indeed an accident in Chang'an. Qiu Fengxiang launched a palace change four days ago. First, he cleaned up the soldiers and leaders loyal to the royal family in the Shence army. Yuan Beihe, the unified army envoy from the former East Palace, warned in the left near the burning palace of the Xuanwu Hall, and died in a bloody battle! At this moment, the whole Daming Palace, and the interior and the south, it can be said that the whole Chang'an is under the alert of the Shence army!"

On the night of the palace transformation, the first-class pavilion of Chang'an Pingkangfang's Mishen Pavilion re-entered on the stage in the name of Chang'an's lute skills more than ten years ago, and invited more than half of the Wenwu of the Man Dynasty, including the queen's biological father, Situ Wang Zhan, her son Wangxia, and the rest of the ministers, and Xu Doshizi. In the morning of the palace change, all these people were invited to the Taiji Hall by Du Qingtang... Emperor Fengchun has now been honored as the emperor, and his ministers will soon discuss the establishment of a new emperor. I heard that King Qiong and the king will have the most supporters. When He Zhifang said this, his face looked ugly. "You said earlier that Yan Jiuhuai, the disciple of Yan Xia, had a close relationship with the Myshen Pavilion. It can be seen that Tan Wanlang was also among them. One of the reasons why Yan Xia left Chang'an in those years was that he did not want to involve Tan Wanlang in the court, and Du Qingtang was kind to Yan Xia. Yan Xia was a person. Although the assassin was born, he was the most trustworthy. Although he had been slandered by Du Qingtang, he had never been ruthless to deal with him. Finally, he had to think about it and only left! Now it seems that whether Du Qingtang started from Qiu Sixteen Niang or Yan Jiuhuai, Tan Wanlang took action this time, so with Du Qingtang's means, it will be difficult for them to get out in the future!"

He Yijian frowned: "Dior Fengchun may not turn the tables at all?"

"What you asked is exactly what I'm going to say next." He Zhifang nodded, "Emperor Fengchun asked Taoist priest Yi to bring out a bloody edict. Judging from the second pigeon letter sent back by Taoist priest Yi, Emperor Fengchun angrily scolded Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang's incompetence in the edict, and seized Wei Du's in-law relationship, which pushed the disturbance caused by the change of land to Wei Zuo being deceived by the order of these two. Go! The imperial edict ordered the towns to send troops to the king!"

"Only blood edict?" He Yijian thought for a moment, "Whose hand is Yuxi in now?"

He Zhifang sighed: "Mr. Yi went a step late! The jade seal is now in the hands of Qiu Fengxiang! But it can't be taken out."

Seeing that He Yijian heard the words and kept thinking silently, He Zhifang was relieved. After entering the study for so long, He Yijian had not asked about the whereabouts of Princess Yuanxiu. It seemed that although his only son was capricious and arrogant, he was not a person who could distinguish the matter. He was about to think about how to tell He Yijian about King Xu, but Hearing He Yijian muttered to himself, "Four days... Hasn't the new king succeeded to the throne yet?"

"The recent news from Chang'an is that it is difficult for the two factions of King Qiong and Dai Wang to quarrel." He Zhifang said casually, but He Yijian shook his head: "This is wrong. My father has just said that Chang'an is now on the alert of the Shence Army, and how famous is Du Qingtang from the previous dynasty to this dynasty? Since he also intervened in the palace change, where is there any place for the ministers to talk now? Asking them to go to the Taiji Hall is just a show!"

"In fact, only Qiu Fengxiang and Du Qingtang are really qualified to vote on the new king's candidate! But now four days have passed. The so-called country can't be without a king. In addition, although Emperor Fengchun left a bloody edict to Yi Daochang, Du and Qiu are still unknown at this moment, but the new king will not stand for a day, Chang'an will not rest for a day, and Chang'an will be restless, which is to give me opportunities for other towns. He Yijian frowned and said, "This can be seen by the smarter ordinary commoners. How can Du and Qiu's vision not know? Why is it still wasted so far?"

He Zhifang said slightly, "This spy in Chang'an can't find out anything, but there is only one thing. In the first day of Xianzong, I personally went to Chang'an to meet him, but I have heard that this Qiu Fengxiang and Qiu Jian have always been at peace with Du Qingtang. The two of them were just barely living in the face of Xianzong. "

"Emperor Xianzong himself, his brothers and even the ministers of the humerus were deeply harmed by the eunuchs and had no good impression of the eunuchs. What's more, Emperor Xianzong killed Qu Pingzhi in addition to Wang Taiqing. Even so, the military power of Shence was still in the hands of the eunuchs in the end. Du Qingtang and Emperor Xianzong's superiors. How could he be at peace with Qiu Fengxiang?" He Yijian nodded, "Qiu Fengxiang was able to protect his military power in the hands of Emperor Xianzong and Du Qingtang. What's more, there is only a large army in Guanzhong. Now the government is defeated. In addition to our vassal town, the whole dream Tang Dynasty wants to find someone who can compete with the Shence Army, which can be said that it is an elusive move, but his father tried Du Qingtang's hand. Duan, although Qiu Fengxiang has military power in his hands, Du Qingtang may not fall behind! At the beginning, Du Qingtang came to Weizhou alone to issue a decree. Why didn't he be light and simple? And what could my father do if he was strong at that time? Moreover, Qiu Fengxiang was different from us. After 40, the Shence Army listened to him and listened to him. He was a eunuch and wanted to imitate our ancestors. He supported the soldiers to rip the earth as a town... but he could not do it, so he had to rely on to the royal family. Originally, he forced Emperor Fengchun to abdicate as an excuse to change the field, but naturally some people in the world scolded him for bullying the king. If again I don't think he has the courage to kill Du Qingtang. Most importantly, since Du Qingtang is willing to participate in the palace change, he will naturally have a self-preservation policy.

He Yi said thoughtfully, "So, I think that Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang have not expressed their position for a long time now. There are three possibilities. One is that the new kings they want to set up are different, and it is difficult to convince each other in private, but since the two have joined hands to launch the palace change, they must also be afraid of each other. Worried about openly expressing his position in the court, once the discussion collapses, no one in Chang'an today has the right to ease! The two are that Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang have already decided on the candidate of the new monarch, but they have doubts about Emperor Fengchun's oust being ousted so quickly, intending to use this matter to observe the ministers and rectify the court!"

"What about the third one?" After listening to his words, He Zhifang asked without saying anything.

"The third one is for us." He Yijian sneered and said, "Now that the royal family is declining, not to mention Du Qingtang, who is extremely afraid of the towns this time. Qiu Fengxiang alone, although this person did not have the notoriety of Wang Taiqing in the past, Wang Taiqing still acted under the hands of others and other private means such as poison. He openly led the palace change and from then on, in the name of treacherous sycophants. I'm afraid Wang Taiqing is not as good as him! Qiu and Du joined hands, and there is no one in Chang'an who can oppose them again. The only thing they are worried about is our vassal town. What a big deal the palace change is. No matter how they suddenly launched it, now we also know. Why don't we take this opportunity to come up with other ideas? Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang also know this. His father thought that Du Qingtang's temperament was the one who waited for the matter to come to the door or took the initiative to go out to eliminate the disaster?

He Zhifang listened, smiled and said proudly, "My son is really smart! Your words are the same as Sun Puchang and the flower woman last night! They all think that the three possibilities you mentioned are the most suitable for Du Qingtang's character!"

"If there is no king in the country, it will be difficult for everyone to feel at ease. He is also a figure like Du Qingtang. He thought that there is a person who can come out and the world will be at peace. He dares to drag the new king as bait to catch us!" When He Zhifang said this, He Yijian suddenly frowned and said, "So, I'm worried about Ahuang!"

He Zhifang didn't expect that he talked about the situation but brought it to his heart again. He couldn't help but be secretly annoyed. He just thought that his only son was at least at this age. Over the years, there was no one around him except Miao Niang. Originally, it was to avoid him too distracted, but now Miao Niang has also been dismissed. After all, he is a teenager. Hot, if you refute it with him, I'm afraid it will hurt the feelings of father and son. At the moment, he suppressed the fire in his heart and just said, "Your lord is a girl. Now you are not the Emperor Gaozong. Moreover, although the clan is weak, there are many male heirs. Emperor Fengchun himself has three young sons. What's more, you didn't say that your lord is intelligent. What danger can she have? Du Qingtang is a resourceful superman, and his layout is often overlooking the world. Will a Jinzhi Yuye still calculate because she and Emperor Fengchun's father and mother? Now Chang'an doesn't know how many things to deal with!"

"Fengchun has been respected as the emperor for four days. As a man of Ahuang, there is no reason not to run hard for this brother?" He Yijian shook his head, "Du Qingtang is old and hot. Ahuang's move can't be hidden from his ears and eyes. If he doesn't stop it, the more Ahuang helps, the more beneficial it is to him, and the more it will harm Fengchun. In this way, once the incident happens, Ahuang must be extremely sad... If what Ahuang did is harmful to Du Qingtang, Du Qingtang's character , it is true that he will not deliberately embarrass A Huang, but if A Huang is in his way, he will not have any pity because of her identity and age..."

He Yijian pondered, and his face became more and more ugly. He said with a serious face, "So I beg my father to lend Xiahou to me!"

"Do you want Xiahou to go to Chang'an? At this time?" He Zhifang was furious and slapped the case, "F bastard! Nowadays, the towns are extremely coveting Chang'an. At the time of employing people, Xiahou is my first master in Hebei, but you want to send him out for a girl - even if you are confident that you can't use him in Weizhou and the army, what is the situation in Chang'an now? Do you know that I received a pigeon letter the evening after the Chang'an Palace changed, which shows how fast the news is! Do you think this is a powerful spy?! This is what Du and Qiu did on purpose! Although Xiahou is powerful, how can the 400,000 divine army in Chang'an, plus Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang, not collect the masters over the years? Last time, Yan Jiuhuai, the disciple of Yanxia, hurt your eldest brother in front of Xia Hou? Xiahou has never stopped him! One person may not be able to kill Xiahou, and how many more people? You are obviously here for your lord to ask Xiahou to die! Moreover, now that the Chang'an Palace has changed, do you think that nobleman will not be long-sighted!"

"Ahuang has a strong temperament and will not accept his fate because the dust has been settled." He Yijian shook his head and said, "I don't want Xiahou to do anything, but he went to Chang'an to find out for me whether Ahuang was safe. If it's not good, it's not too late to take action."

He Zhifang looked at him and was speechless for a while. He was originally a cold-hearted person, otherwise he could not do a place to make it and killed the He family up and down a clean thing, that is, Gao, his wife, and gave birth to the only Lang Jun He Yijian for him. Later, he spoiled the beauty of young and was good at singing and dancing. Ji Shi was also righteous, but He Yijian later took the lead as her mother. A halberd killed the Meiji in court, and the concubine of He Zhifang did not dare to be too arrogant no matter how favored she was - when Meiji died, it was at the time when she was in the limelight of Weizhou, but He Zhifang only praised a few words of He Yijian's halberd method and understated it. I picked up the body and bled.

Although most of his treatment was for He Yijian's unique seed, the beautiful girl who was deeply in love was killed in the blink of an eye, but she was so cold, which also showed his nature.

But he didn't expect that the only son he got was so infatuated. He Zhifang was really indescribable, but the only son was noble and difficult for the aging person. He Zhifang put up with it again and asked softly, "If your lord really annoyed Du Qingtang, you think Du Qingtang will Do you take her out of prison as a Langjun? Even in this dynasty, the atmosphere was open. In those years, Princess Taiping and Anle had participated in the seizure of the reserve and planning for government, but it was just to kill herself. How could the princess be humiliated by prison? What do you think Xiahou can do?

He Yijian frowned.

When He Zhifang saw him like this, he sneered in his heart. He thought about it quickly, but changed his tone: "I know that you have never been able to let go of that nobleman. Speaking of it, she is just a female generation. Now although Du Qingtang is in charge of the government, the new king will still be surnamed Li. Your Lord is still your master, as long as she If you don't cause trouble, I don't think Du will take the initiative to care about a young girl. Since you begged for her like this, I will let Xiahou walk once, but you also know that Chang'an's instability is very likely to be deliberately done by Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang! These two work together, which is not small. Li Shi is declining, and the empire is declining day by day. The so-called general trend of the world will be divided after a long time. Now the chaos has faintly appeared. It is absolutely impossible for us to be alone. Therefore, if you really want to continue to be the Lord, you must always let Changxin willingly promise to send people to you!"

"Thank you, father!" He Yijian was relieved and arched her hand with a happy smile.

He Zhifang turned his head and took the opportunity to get tea to restrain his murderous intention in his eyes!