Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 351 Calculation 3

Yuanxiu was helped into the pearl mirror hall by Cai Zi. Caicheng personally held a sobering soup and said gently, "I thought that the A family had never come back for dinner. It was about Golang who left a meal. Go Lang used to like to drink a few sips. He was afraid that the A family would not drink much and fall asleep at night, so he prepared it early. Soup."

She said her words euphemistically. When she saw that Yuanxiu had not come back at dinner, she guessed that it was true that she had been left for dinner in Penglai Hall. As for Fengchun, she had the habit of drinking, but it was just to cover up the royal family's current situation with wine to soothe her worries.

Yuan Xiu nodded and took it down and drank it. Cai Zi quickly brought another plate of preserves, let Yuan Xiu pick two of them and slowly melt the taste of the sobering soup. After eating a few candieds, Yuan Xiu at least woke up a little. Looking around, he asked, "Where's the green picking?" Her close maid, the most trusted pick blue, was taken away by Du Furi outside the mysterious pavilion, leaving Cai Lan, Xue and Wen Rong until now disappeared. That night, Du Fuyi waited in the Pearl Mirror Hall. When she came all the way to the palace, she smelled the strong bloody smell in the Daming Palace, which was fragrant in the past, and from Occasionally, there was a glimpse of some blood stains on the palace road that had not been washed... Yuan Xiu did not dare to ask. If he didn't ask, there was still a hope in his heart. Now that there is less green picking, I can't help but feel cold again.

Cai Zi hurriedly said, "Don't worry. Picking green is behind. Shuang Niang and Xue Niang's place. Because Shuang Niang started a fever, Xue Niang was a child and didn't know what to do, so she begged Cheng Niang to have a look. However, Cheng Niang couldn't keep guarded Shuang Niang under her palm. Today, the A family went to Penglai Hall and did not bring Lv Niang. We bravely went to look at some Shuang Niang, but we forgot to tell her when we saw the A family coming back.

Hearing Guo Shuang, Yuanxiu squeezed his lips and said, "Since there is no need to ask her to come here, bring some snacks to let me cushion some, and I will also go to see Shuang Niang."

"There is a newly made Billo, do you want it?" Picking oranges heard it and asked.

Yuan Xiu said, "No matter what, just do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Caicheng knew that although she had dinner with Fengchun today, she was afraid that she would not eat well, but then the words came back. In this situation, it would be strange if this pair of brothers and sisters could still open their arms.


Guo Shuang and Guo Xue's sisters had a reason for entering the palace. If Yuanxiu hadn't suddenly wanted to go to Zige's courtyard to escape the summer after all these years, they would not have provoke Boling Cui and Lu and Feng. In order to protect themselves, they had to go to the palace with Yuanxiu for a few years. Originally, they were the Guo family. Zi, although the Guo family has been gone for more than ten years, and I don't know where Guo Shilang is, Zige's courtyard is the dowry of the Empress Dowager Wenhua. Naturally, the two sisters are also Yuanxiu's slaves. Following the palace to serve them is also an example of praise.

But they didn't expect this palace change. Even Yuan Xiu's own future didn't know where to go, and they didn't mention it.

Because she is from the Empress Dowager Wenhua, and she did not plan to stay for a few years when she entered the palace, the place of placement is also different from ordinary maids. Guo Shuang is a separate wing room, but here in Yuanxiu, she is the only treatment of the Jin generation of honor. Although it is one person, because the place is narrow, although it is night, It's still sultry to go in.

The most occupied space in the wing room is a wooden couch. A plain screen behind the couch separates the changing place, with a smoke curtain hanging on it. Near the window is a small case, two and a half old crescent stools and a shelf for pots and other utensils.

At this time, Guo Shuang was lying on the couch. The tent was half drooping. What was in Cai Lu's hand talking to her in a low voice. Guo Xue leaned on the edge of the couch. The three heard the door. Cai Lv and Guo Xue looked back. Seeing Yuan Xiu coming in, they were shocked and hurriedly put down the things in their hands and saluted, "Is the A family back? "

Guo Shuang on the couch heard Yuanxiu coming and wanted to get up. Yuanxiu had already scolded, "You haven't healed yet. I heard that you have burned again. What else are you moving?"

Guo Xue is young and is a young girl. She is used to be spoiled at home. In other courtyards, she is loved by a group of palace maids because of her appearance and temperament. Even Yuanxiu always treats her extraorarily. Now after hearing this, tears come down and boldly said, "Let's save my sister. My sister's forehead will burn. Tightly, Aunt Cailu took the ice to wipe the sister twice, but she still can't retreat!"

Yuanxiu glanced and had already seen the green in his hand. Now he put it in the porcelain bowl beside the couch before the invitation, but it was filled with more than half a bowl of water, with a few pieces of ice floating in it. Then he heard Guo Xue say that he had wiped Guo Shuang twice. He couldn't help but be surprised: "How can it burn so much?"

She pushed away Cailu and Guo Xue and looked closer, but saw that Guo Shuang's eyes in the tent seemed to be closed. It seemed that her mind was still alive. She knew that Yuan Xiu was beside her and tried her best to wake up, but she couldn't help it, so no matter how hard she struggled, she showed her breath and was dying. Guo Shuang was not a good color. She was born in the mountains and fields. In the middle, she often helps her parents do things, and her hands and feet are always sharp, so her skin is not too white, far less cute as Guo Xueyu, but her skin is slightly darker than the people in the room at this moment, and it is difficult to hide her face being burned red.

Yuan Xiu slightly rolled up his sleeve and felt that his hand was like a soldering iron. It was really hot, and it was also thanks to Guo Shuang's strong body. Otherwise, how could he still have some sanity?

She frowned and asked Cai Lv, "Did she burn so much when you wiped her body with ice?"

Cai Lv said with a wry smile: "When I went back to A's house, Shuang Niang had a high fever but fainted. Xue Niang cried and went to find Cheng Niang. I came to have a look. I heard that there was a smart child who finally became stupid because of such a fever in his childhood. Son, so I came to touch Shuang Niang's body and saw that she was in a coma. After thinking about it, it's better to let people not burn so first. Otherwise, it would be sad to be cured... Fortunately, in the past few days, although the doctor may come to take a look for Shuang Niang, there are many ice cases, so I will take it first. It's used for some."

Yuanxiu didn't say a word and said to Guo Xue for a long time, "You also know what happened in the palace now. If your sister didn't have to suffer from this disaster in the past, she made it like this. It was also for my palace, so it's not that I didn't do my best. Now I can't do it... This time, I can only Let's have a try. You stay here to guard your sister and come out with me.

Although Guo Xue was young, she was extremely sensible. Hearing this, she quickly closed her tears and bowed down and said, "I entered the palace to serve the family. I should do anything for the A family. The A family will do for the slave's sister, but I and the sister are grateful."

Yuanxiu also had no intention to talk to her at this time. He called out Cai Lv and walked outside the wing room, and let the little maids nearby stay away. He whispered to her, "You go outside the hall to look for the forbidden army and ask if they can take you out of the palace to find the Twelve Lang of the Du family."

Cailu was also worried about not being able to hire a doctor now. After hearing her words, he was still shocked: "Is the A family looking for Du Twelve again? Forgive me for one more word, the twelve Lang of the Du family looked at the young gentleman, but how could his uncle Du Qingtang teach him a pure and good man? Normally, Shuang Niang is just an ordinary slave. Nowadays, although Golang is under house arrest in the middle palace, there are many examples of our Pearl Mirror Hall. Thinking about what is missing in the nearby places, Qiu Fengxiang did not mean to embarras the A family for a while, but the A family has been thinking of calling the imperial doctor to treat Shuang Niang three days ago. The little man is one by one. At this time, Shuang Niang is so ill, so don't the Du family calculate the A family again?

"You have wiped Shuang Niang twice here. If she doesn't see a doctor in this situation, I'm afraid it will be tonight." Yuanxiu said lightly, "What's more, the most noble thing about this palace is the identity of Jinzhi Yuye. Now even dare to be under house arrest and abandoned by the fifth brother. If they really want to calculate this palace, what room is there to fight back?"

Cai Lv suddenly became silent. She thought for a moment and asked solemnly, "In addition to hiring a doctor for Shuang Niang, does the A family have any other words to tell Du Shilang?"

"I am very boring in the Pearl Mirror Hall. If the 12 Lang of the Du family is idle, it's better to come to visit me from time to time." Yuan Xiu frowned and meditated for a long time.

Cai Lv hesitated for a moment and persuaded: "What does the A family say that his status is noble? Although he once asked Go Lang to lower the Du family's Twelve Lang, at that time, now it is different from the past. Do you want to ask if the Du Jia 12 Lang can let the A family walk around like going to Penglai Hall today?"

The words of picking green are naturally because when Yuanxiu asked herself to decline, she was a high-ranking princess, and Du Furi was just a son of a family that was not even famous in Chang'an Square, and she didn't even have a reputation. At this time, Yuanxiu's eldest brother was driven off the throne by Du Furi's uncle and eunuchs, saying that He is respected as the emperor, but in fact, life and death are in the hands of others.

Although Du Furi is still unhonorious, he is still the most resolute young man in Chang'an in the past, and he dares not provoke him again - Yuan Xiu is still more noble than him in terms of identity, but if he does not have the corresponding strength to support him, it is just an empty shell. The high and low situation between the two is reversed. Yuanxiu let Du Furi come over when he had leisure. Naturally, he was a little too weak in picking green, so he changed to want to go somewhere else. Although he did not invite Du Furi to come over, he also waited for Du Furi to tell him that Yuanxiu was impatient to be software in the Pearl Mirror Hall, and also in the hall. It's boring.

In this way, if Du Furi is intentional and comes by himself, Yuan Xiu will at least save some face.

"Don't make such a detour." Yuan Xiu listened, but shook his head and briefly explained, "Now is not the time to look at face. The safety of the fifth brother is the most important thing." She glanced behind and saw that Guo Shuang's door was still tightly closed, and lowered her voice and said, "I'll go. First, it's because you've met Du Twelve. Second, these words are important. Is it secondary to ask you to hire an imperial doctor for Shuang Niang? Do you understand?"

If the blue picking is beside him, he will definitely explain in detail for the green picking, but the blue pickers don't know where he is, but when he sees that Yuanxiu doesn't want to explain more, he can't figure out that Yuanxiu took the initiative to invite Du Furi to the palace to visit him regardless of his face, but how it has something to do with Fengchun's safety. But I had to say yes with doubt.

The green retreated, but Huo Wei came out of the shadow of the corridor and looked at Yuanxiu and whispered, "The old slave said more. With the old slave's understanding of Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang, both of them are extremely determined. If the A family does this, I'm afraid they may not pay attention to it, and I'm afraid they will annoy the A family."

"They are not the most worried about me now." Yuan Xiu smiled bitterly and didn't know why she took the initiative to invite Du Furi to come, but since Huo Wei heard it, he immediately guessed that the night in July was always a little cold. She put her arms together and said leisurely, "Now it is said that the life of the fifth brother is in the hands of Du and Qiu. They If the fifth brother really wants to die, then it is naturally useless to do anything, but what about the others? There have always been many red and white people in this palace, but are there fewer people outside the palace?

Huo Wei sighed: "That's what the A family said."