Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 358 Streaming Fire 1

Yuanxiu was thinking of King Xu, Weizhou thousands of miles away, and He Zhifang was also having a headache: "Six of the supremes of this dynasty are excellent in martial arts, that is, after the Anshi Rebellion, Li Shi began to decline. After the Guanzhong has been inherited for a long time, these emperors and grandsons have always been raised in the deep palace. , participating in spring hunting and autumn hunting, it will be regarded as a great thing! So I raised Jin Zunyu's body... Hey! Jin Zun Yugui!"

This word similar to Jin Zhiyuye reminded He Zhifang of the nobleman who made his only son miss again. His face suddenly darkened and paused before continuing to ask Sun Puchang, "Where are people now?"

"The pigeon letter that came in two hours is less than a day away from Hebei, but Chang'an's pursuers have arrived nearby. Taoist priest Yi was injured before, and now he doesn't know if he can get out safely..." Sun Puchang's face is also very ugly. After talking about the situation, he muttered, "Although Daochang Yi is injured, he wants to At the critical moment, they left King Xu alone. The place where they were just now was close to Hebei. It doesn't matter if they think so. If it doesn't work, the blood edict is enough to occupy the name of justice... But I'm afraid that Chang'an, since the nobleman gave up three nephews and let Yi Daochang take out King Xu, the noble lord can be entrusted with blood by Emperor Fengchun. Zhao, it can be seen that he is not a person who has no idea. I don't know whether there are other important people's things on King Xu?

This is also what He Zhifang is worried about. If his opponent is someone else, he may not be so cautious. However, after the reign of Xianzong, Zhuzhen has long regarded fear of Du Qingtang as an instinct. He thought about it carefully and ordered: "Xiahou has set out for Chang'an, but he doesn't know if he will meet Yi Daochang and his party. If not You can meet... That's all. You can ask Dalang to take someone to go there in person and be sure to pick him up alive. Although He Huainian was specially adopted for his only son He Yijian to grow up safely and listened to the words of Taoist Master Yi. He was not as good as He Yijian. Even martial arts were only taught by a general in Weizhou, He Huainian was burly and did his best when he studied art at the beginning. He was also known as brave in Wei Bo. Moreover, he married Gao Fu. His niece, Xiao Gao, is also extremely dedicated to serving He Zhifang. Therefore, although He Zhifang is on guard against him, he is still regarded as a parent-child on the surface and entrusted with heavy responsibilities from time to time.

Sun Puchang answered and went out to congratulate Huainian in person.

He Zhifang frowned and sat on the couch, and his expression changed uncertainly. For a long time, he asked the flower woman who had not opened her mouth since she stepped into the study and had been closing her eyes just now: "Flower woman, do you think it's a pity for Chang'an this time?" He said this headlessly, but as his staff for a long time, Hua Po was clear. She nodded without opening her eyes and her face was a little heavy: "Xiahou Fubai's martial arts skills are highly powerful, claiming to be the first master in Hebei. Although there may not be any privateers among the martial artists collected by Chengde and Youzhou, since this name fell on him, Once there is a loss, it will be a blow to my Hebei momentum!"

He Zhifang sighed deeply: "Although Taoist priest Yi saved Liulang, he suddenly came and often appeared under the window at night. At that time, I couldn't figure out his details. I heard that he was famous in Chang'an. He had a heavy promise but the only promise in his life that was destroyed in Du Qingtang's hands. Although I feel about Yi Daochang It was very exciting, but I couldn't help but doubt it, so I secretly asked for the master's escort with a lot of money. After Xiahou came to Hebei, at the beginning, I could say that I took off my clothes and put my heart on... Only in this way, I kept people and hearts behind. Although there was an urgent need to use him to calm my heart at that time, how could it be completely ruthless after many years? To be honest, if it hadn't been for my blessing, I would have had such a evil obstacle like Liulang under my knees, for myself. If I wanted him to take such a risk, I would definitely be reluctant!"

Hua was silent for a moment and said leisurely, "There is only one son under Jieshuai, which is inevitably more important, but because of this, Liulang has never been afraid that Jieshuai will not respond to his request."

"Shirou is now 17 years old, but since he was four years old, he has known that as long as he insists, I will never resist him." He Zhifang smiled bitterly, "You and Park Chang are both people who have followed me for many years. I don't hide it from you. When I had no children under my knees, I only asked for a son. Even if I was stupid, I recognized it. It's better than the He family's incense. However, people's hearts are difficult to be satisfied. After having Liulang, because he was weak after his birth, I looked forward to his health. Later Taoist priest Yi appeared to take care of him. He was really strong as usual, but I thought that he was smarter and took over Wei Bo... God was pitiful, and my wishes were also realized one by one, but now I expect him to make me feel more worry-free, but now it seems that I can't.

As Hua Po said, He Yijian has been smart since he was a child. At the age of four, he understood his position in the eyes of He Zhifang. A few years ago, he became a mother and killed his concubine's mother in front of He Zhifang... The He family is now such a single seedling. He is not married and has no children. He Zhifang is getting older at this moment. Gao, even if there are several sons, he can't beat them when they grow up, so he can't say anything about He Yijian. In addition to falling in love with the nobleman who is far away in Chang'an, he has both literary and martial arts talents and good-looking. Even in those who are the prosperous children under his knees, he can also be regarded as outstanding. In this way, He Zhifang is really mixed with joy and sorrow.

He Yijian has clearly asked him to send Xiahou Fubai to inquire about the news of the nobleman... If it's just inquires, or even according to He Yijian, if the nobleman is in danger and Xiahou Fubai is in a hurry, it is best to take advantage of the situation to rescue him - there is the Taoist priest Yi who brought him out of the Daming Palace after the palace changed. In the example of Li You, the king of Xu and the blood edict, after all, the noble lord is just a girl. It is impossible for the guard to be as strict as Feng Chun and the kings. It is not impossible to lose a group of dark sons of Chang'an at most with the skills of Xiahou Fubai - Taoist priest Yi, that is, the eldest son known to the people of Chang'an, was never been used when he took King Xu out of Chang'an. This group of hidden people, including the merchant that Yuanxiu was sent to in Xiuzhengfang, only served her for a moment.

If He Yijian's affection for this princess Yuanxiu is a little lighter, He Zhifang is unwilling to brush his only son's heart. However, from the pigeon letter sent back by Master Yi from the matter of King Xu, it can be speculated that this noble master is worthy of growing up in the palace, and he is by no means the ordinary person who is spoiled to know the fireworks in the world. Rich girls are comparable.

The son he worked hard to ask for, the trembling Langjun, but in a blink of an eye, he obeyed the girls of others... Even if it is your master, how can He Zhifang swallow this breath?

Before Xiahou Fubai set out, He Zhifang lightly conveyed He Yijian's concern for Princess Yuanxiu - finally, he said faintly, "If there is a chance, I will break this wisp of love for Liulang. In the face of the great rivers and mountains, how can children be long?"

- In the current situation in Chang'an, it was nothing to kill a princess.

If, two hours ago, another pigeon letter received about the news from King Xu did not mention that Du Qingtang's nephew had the intention of Princess Shang Yuanxiu.

In order to prevent Chang'an from detecting, Xiahou Fubai left Hebei and cut off contact with Weizhou!

Even if it is a pigeon letter, he can't receive it now. When he arrives in Chang'an, he will not contact any secret son under Du Qingtang's eyelids - even if he hears the news that Du Furi is close to Princess Yuanxiu, he has received the order to kill Princess Yuanxiu!

Unless Du Qingtang's death before this, He Zhifang can't imagine how his capable subordinate can return to Weizhou alive?!