Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 369 Guo Shilang 3

"If it's your fifteenth uncle, although I'm worried about him, the palace change must have spread all over the world. He will either not take action for you at all, or he will definitely prevent the plot prepared by Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang when he took action. After all, the secret sons of the Guo family were left to him, since he can be safe. Today, it can also help Goro keep the throne of the crown prince, which shows that it is not the year. Mrs. Xue looked solemn and said seriously, "But if it weren't for the 15th brother, it would have been He Yijian, I would have been worried."

Yuan Xiu frowned and muttered, "Even if He Yijian cares about me, now that there are 400,000 gods in Chang'an, please think that he is not stupid. Is he still thinking about taking me away from Chang'an? Now is not the time for the palace to change. Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang stared at the palace and had no time to take care of me as a princess. Moreover, He Zhifang is still alive. No matter how much he spoils He Yijian, now Wei Bo still has the final say. Even if He Yijian is confused, there can't be no sobriety around him. In addition, if He Yijian really wants to be the Lord, he can also directly request it. I think that the fifth brother will be respected as the emperor. Chang'an will be shocked, and all the towns are ready to move. If Du Qingtang agrees, he can also use this to appease Hebei. Although I and the fifth brother's mother, the fifth brother will be in the hands of Du and Qiu. How can I be disobedient? How can he not use such a good way to walk through such a side door?

Mrs. Xue shook her head and gently patted the back of her hand: "You just think of He Yijian's interest in you, but you don't think of He Zhifang's thoughts. It's not surprising that you haven't been a parent yourself - He Zhifang is as a Langjun like He Yijian. Naturally, you have high expectations for him. According to me, this He Jia Liulang is also an excellent Langjun, especially a deep attachment to you. On this point, I am on your side and naturally happy to see it. Even if you have no intention of him, or will not fall down to him, but we are always proud that our girl is liked by such an excellent Langjun. But is this the case for He Zhifang? Langjun, whom he worked hard to raise, is fascinated by the girls of others - Jiu Niang said that He Yijian is proud, but he is extremely tolerant of you. If he is just an ordinary Langjun, He Zhifang will expect him to take charge of Wei Bo in the future. Now where is the matter of Wulang being abandoned by Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang in Hebei? Is there a reason you don't know? You are Wulang's sister and has a profound influence on He Yijian. If you drop him, Wei Bo will sooner or later be dragged to assist Wulang to ascend the throne again, or be an enemy of Du and Qiu!"

"He Zhifang dared to kill his uncle and brother in order to save his time, and even his young nephew did not let go! But this man was afraid of Du Qingtang all his life. Hearing that he tasted that Du Qingtang was alive for a day, he did not dare to betray Chang'an for a day - although he had the intention to instigate Du Qingtang and Emperor Xianzong at that time, it also shows his fear of Du Qingtang!" Mrs. Xue looked solemn, "So, even if he previously agreed to ask the Lord for He Yijian for the sake of his beloved son, but because of the situation, the hatred between Jiu Niang and Du Qingtang, He Zhifang would not dare to let you descend to He Yijian!"

"This man did not hesitate to kill his relatives for the sake of his status. Jiu Niang thought that since he opposed He Yijian, his temperament was also extremely difficult to say. What would he do as a person of He Zhifang?" Mrs. Xue sneered and said, "He will definitely find a way to assassinate Jiu Niang!" If it hadn't been for such a crazy person, I really couldn't take it out!"

Yuan Xiu listened silently. When he got here, he shook his head slightly: "What the aunt said is reasonable, but I think even if these are true, they will definitely not be the whole truth. Just because my death didn't mean much to Chang'an, otherwise Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang could have taken my life! Even if they planned to let me die at the hands of Hebei, so they came to fight against Hebei..." She looked around alertly and didn't dare to make a sound.

Mrs. Xue has recognized the word "blood edict" and was immediately shocked and almost stood up. Yuan Xiu waved his hand to her before continuing, "But if it's just for such an excuse, is the whole Chang'an afraid that he can't find a few detectives from Hebei or other vassal towns to plant the goods? Du and Qiu are both deep and patient, and their plans are definitely not so simple!"

"What you said, but it's hard for these two to guess." Mrs. Xue sighed and said seriously, "But your fifteenth uncle may not hurt you. If you are from Hebei, it's hard to say. Therefore, since Qiu Fengxiang wants you to leave the palace, you can only go out. However, the Eunuch Ji sent by Qiu Fengxiang is very reasonable. This plan can't be without the shadow of Du Qingtang. However, you might as well call Du Furi together!"

"Qiu Fengxiang can think of pulling Du Qingtang like this. Du Qingtang may not have such a prediction, so I'm only worried now. If Du Qingtang had already guessed that I would call Du Furi, what did these two uncles and nephews have? Yuanxiu shook his head, suddenly frowned and asked, "Madam, there is one thing. Now that the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian has gone, I think it is difficult to ask the people next to me. Even the fifth brother can't be seen at this time, so I want to ask you and you may know."

Mrs. Xue nodded and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Du Furi said that the previous emperor had promised me and him to be his wife, and he had left an edict and Empress Dowager Zhaoxian. Is this true or false?" Yuan Xiu said and carefully stared at Mrs. Xue's face.

Sure enough, Mrs. Xue changed her color and shouted, "Is that what he said?"

"As according to Du Furi's statement, the death of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian is also because..." Yuan Xiu frowned, looked at the direction of Penglai Hall, and said, "The fifth brother did not agree with this marriage. Although the late emperor had made this decision at that time, he did not immediately order, because on the first reason why Du Furi and I were still young, and secondly, it was because Is it true that I intend to give this order to the fifth brother?

Mrs. Xue's face changed for a long time before reluctantly said, "You know that although I am the adopted daughter of the Guo family, but after your mother went with the Guo family, she was nothing more than Shangyi in the harem. Since this matter is the intention of Emperor Xianzong, she has not made a public order, how can I know?"

Yuanxiu stared at her for a moment, but shook her head thoughtfully and said, "It's wrong. After my mother left, the late emperor ordered the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian to raise me. As my wet nurse, the aunt also followed Empress Dowager Zhaoxian and took good care of me and her studies very closely, but I thought of one The thing is that when Empress Xian was there, she always detained me not to go there. Although I was a princess, I had been raised in the deep palace. Except for often meeting the prince, no one else had ever seen it. Even if she occasionally went to the elder sister's house, she drove people away in advance, but she fought with the son-in-law. Just face to face!"

"The sixth sister is single-minded and doesn't talk about her. The eighth sister's biological mother passed away early, and no one plans to say anything about it. She only looks at the eldest sister and the seventh sister. I dream that the Tang atmosphere is open, so they can go in and out of the palace since childhood. The eldest sister often goes to her grandparents's house for a few days to Chang'an. The young man is also very familiar. The seventh sister chose Cui Fengwu in person, but isn't it because she heard his reputation outside the palace that she said to summon Cui Fengwu when selecting the son-in-law? Yuanxiu took his index finger and said faintly, "Speaking of which, although my foreign family is no longer a family, there are also elder sisters and brothers who are also princes. When I was about ten years old, I should often go out of the palace to meet teenagers and prepare for choosing a son-in-law. And when you were a teenager, you galloped to Chang'an with fresh clothes, but I I was detained by the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian and never learned to ride and shoot quietly. It was not until Empress Dowager Zhaoxian passed away that you began to talk about teaching me these things. What did you do not do this earlier? Is it just because the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian objected?

Yuanxiu put down his finger and looked at Mrs. Xue, whose face changed dramatically, and calmly said, "I don't think it's because of these reasons, but it's a little like that what Du Jia Shilang said is true. My emperor-in-law has long been selected, that is, Du Jia Shilang. I heard that Du Jia Shilang has been anonymous in Chang'an over the years. Part of the reason is that the Emperor was worried that he would be praised by other sisters because he was too popular like Cui Fengwu. At that time, it would be bad if the sisters fought for husbands. I think another part of the reason is from Du Qingtang. After all, he rebelled against the king. Although he is good at it, he may not have the possibility of losing. At that time, an unknown Du Twelve Lang can also get rid of himself with the golden cicada and save incense for the five rooms of the Du family. If the Twelve Lang of the Du family had already been in Chang'an Ming Hehe, in that case, it will not be so easy to escape!"

"Similarly, the late emperor prepared such an edict for the overall situation, but after all, he still had to think about it for me, so he told the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian to raise me as little as possible to let me have less contact with foreign men. I think although Wang Zixia is often because of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian He entered the palace and looked at me, but I didn't care about him. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would only show a little. I'm afraid he can't even stay in Chang'an. Yuan Xiu slowly said, "There is no one in my heart in the deep palace. At the age of the end of the year, even if I haven't seen Du Shilang before, it's better than falling in love with others first, and finally I'm forced to fall down to Du Twelve... And if I follow you to learn bow and horse, I'm afraid that after being happy, Empress Dowager Zhaoxian wants to hold me. Shi Ruo and took a good look at other Langjun and became a resentful couple... The fifth brother's thoughts may not be guessed by the previous emperor!"

What she said was reasonable and well-founded. After all, Mrs. Xue had to sigh and said, "That's right!"

Yuan Xiu squeezed his mouth and was silent for a long time before saying, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"It's easy for the previous emperor to think!" Mrs. Xue smiled miserably and shook her head and said, "You just guessed right, but you just missed a little. Didn't you find that you and Du Shilang grew up? When he was a child, he was detained in the inner courtyard of a deep house and could not easily contact others, but he was spoiled. Of course, he is Lang Jun, and he has more contact with outsiders than you... There is a saying that he has similar interests. Did you have a good impression when you saw Du Shishi for the first time on Guanlan Building? Earlier, not long after you were born, Golang was established as the crown prince. In fact, the former emperor had made this decision. At that time, Du Twelve was only two or three years old. The Empress Dowager Wenhua was worried and specially called him to the palace to meet him. At that time, he was still young and could not see any clues, but his appearance was very favorite to the Empress Dowager Wenhua. She thought Du Qingtang had no children and must have carefully raised him. The Empress Dowager Wenhua was half relieved and half worried. Since then, she sent someone to pay attention to him - but later, there was a quarrel between the Duke of Pingjin and Zheng Yu, the emperor's son-in-law. At that time, Emperor Xianzong was deeply angry, but Princess Pingjin knelt on the Zichen Hall and cried that although the son-in-law was not at fault, but But she didn't fall in love with her. The husband and wife had to be in awe and have no pity, so that they didn't want to remarry others... Empress Dowager Wenhua was worried that you would not fall in love with Du Twelve when she grew up and become a resentful couple!"

"So the former emperor originally planned to issue the decree of marriage at that time, but it was stopped by the worries of the Empress Dowager Wenhua." Mrs. Xue sighed, "Later, the Empress Dowager Wenhua died in childbirth, and Guo Du's hatred was over. Before her death, she asked Emperor Xianzong not to let you follow in the footsteps of Princess Pingjin. Emperor Xianzong also knew that Goro was extremely attached to the Empress Dowager Wenhua, so that this marriage order was left to Goro to issue, so that Goro could show his style, and also It is the intention to buy Du's heart. In addition, the Empress Dowager Wenhua and Emperor Xianzong are a young couple. Before her death, the Empress Dowager has been thinking about Goro, you and King Mao. King Mao died three days later, and Emperor Xianzong is also extremely sad... In addition, Princess Pingjin surrendered to Wei Tan, although Emperor Xianzong took good care of her, she regrets after all. Naturally, I don't want you to be wronged. In private, I asked Empress Dowager Zhaoxian and Du Qingtang to make your upbringing methods similar, and secretly told them to contact the opposite sex as little as possible, so as not to have sidelines..." Xue Niangzi sneered and said, "It is said that Guo Du is an enemy, but in fact, I think the same as Jiu Niang. If there is no Xianzong The emperor agreed that if Emperor Xianzong had a deep affection for the Empress Dowager Wenhua, how could Du Qingtang make such a huge family of the Guo family disappear? That's ridiculous!"

"Of course, I don't like Emperor Xianzong, but I can't deny that he is indeed a hero. In addition, because of his busy political affairs, he is always favored by his children... But if he can do it, he will try his best to love every son, such as choosing Zheng Cong for Princess Pingjin and awarding her the title of Zheng Shu, that is Princess Changyang, do you think you can hide the matter between Cui Fengwu and the ten women of the Li family? I'm afraid that Cui Fengwu has been beaten by Xianzong for a long time, so he is willing to be estranged from the Li family! When he comes to you, he certainly wants to marry you, but he also does his best to think about you under the condition of ensuring marriage. Mrs. Xue said lightly, "As a king's father, Emperor Xianzong has done his best, so I know that Jiu Niang, you don't resent the Du family because of the Guo family, because you also know that it was your father's intention to destroy the Guo family at the beginning! Du Qingtang just said it for him and persisted to the end, so as to fulfill his reputation! That's your biological father, and he also worked hard for you. Your glory and honor come from him all your life, so you can't say anything for the Guo family, even if it's your foreign family... but I'm different!"

Mrs. Xue smiled leisurely and said, "My surname is Xue, and I have never been surnamed Guo. This is not because the Guo family is unwilling to accept me, but because my adoptive father said that my biological father and biological mother had only one child. He really couldn't bear to ask me to change my surname. Even so, in those years in the Guo family, I have never been neglected. Your grandfather and grandmother treated me as if they were their own. That is, your mother. She became the crown princess early. We didn't spend much time together, but they also treated me as my sister. I said that I was not close to your fifteenth uncle, because your fifteenth uncle was like everyone, but the rest of the Guo family and your others Uncle, such as the fourth brother who personally built the Zige Courtyard... These people treated me much better than the Xue family! Although when I lived in the Guo family, someone from the Xue family would come to visit me every year, I know that it was just because your ancestors treated me well. Otherwise, I would have lost my parents and I am just a girl. I'm afraid that in the end, the thin property will be taken away by the clan. At my age, I will find someone to send me out of the cabinet!"

"The Guo family treated me well, and I didn't feel anything when the Guo family prospered. Because I was not sensible, I was taken into the house and had a smooth journey - except for the death of my husband and my child! But looking back, it's okay, otherwise I have a husband and children, but I may not have the courage to do anything for the Guo family..." Mrs. Xue's voice became very soft. "After your mother left, I often thought about whether it was because the Guo family treated me so well and was doomed to be destroyed that I wanted to lose my husband. With the child, use your life to repay the blood of the Guo family?

"So Jiu Niang, you don't hate the Du family because of your filial piety, and you don't blame Emperor Xianzong, but I can't do it." Mrs. Xue stroked Yuanxiu's hair with a smile and said softly, "You hate me and blame me, but things have come here. For the purpose of Golang, you still have to go on, don't you?"

Yuan Xiu looked at her and trembled like falling into an ice cellar.