Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 373 City Kill 3

When Du Furi entered the bedroom of the Pearl Mirror Hall again, he saw half a roll of the tent and the incense burner. Mrs. Xue was sitting not far away with a blank face. He was not surprised. He first saluted her and asked again, "Dare to ask aunt, how is Ahuang now?" Although Mrs. Xue did not hide the disgust and unhappiness on his face when he saw him, Du Furi still behaved calmly. Between the advance and retreat, it was crisp and with the unique elegance of the family. When she closed her sleeves, she faintly came the smell of millet, which was very cold with the soft fragrance of Ruilin in the hall.

"It doesn't matter." Mrs. Xue stared at him for a long time and saw that Du Furi was still calm, so she said faintly, "I originally thought that Qiu Fengxiang in this palace was very tight, but I didn't expect that Twelve Lang would get the news so quickly."

Du Furi didn't hear the sarcasm in her words and smiled indifferently, "It's also a coincidence that my cousin took her nephew into the palace to visit Concubine Hua. She heard Concubine Hua and went back to tell me."

"Now that I am detained in the Pearl Hall, it is the same everywhere else, but I don't think that Huafei is blessed. My father and cousin are both talented people, and even if they change the dynasty, they can't stop their noble glory." Du Fu is modest, but Mrs. Xue is still not good. Du Furi has always had a good temper and just smiled softly: "Since Ahuang is fine, I don't know what the aunt is going to do?"

Mrs. Xue frowned and looked at him, as if she was surprised that he was so straightforward. She was silent and said, "Yesterday, Jiu Niang asked me something. I think you must have mentioned it to her."

"If the aunt said what Emperor Xianzong said before, it was indeed what I told Ahuang." Du Furi wrote lightly, "Ahuang originally said that she had believed me a little, but she didn't want to believe in the aunt most, so she still had to ask the aunt again. If she knew that the person she trusted was also the person she turned her sick and made her fall on the bed now, I don't know how sad she was?"

"Her sadness should have started 12 years ago. Isn't it thanks to your uncle Du Qingtang?" Mrs. Xue listened quietly and said slowly, "What's more, you are both generous and humble, and talented. At the beginning, Wulang didn't want Jiu Niang to descend to you. He specially asked someone to check your details and hope that he can find out any bad things to persuade Jiu Niang. Who knows that he will regret why you were born in Du. Home! In fact, isn't the person taught by Du Qingtang a kind person? In the future, Jiu Niang will lower you. I will teach her a lesson in this way. From then on, I want to know that no one in the world can believe it all the time!"

Du Furi shook his head: "Ahuang has no intention of resentment against the Du family. It's enough for you to resent my family. Why drag her down?"

"She has half of the Guo family's blood. Why doesn't she resent you?" Mrs. Xue sneered, "Don't resent you, do you resent Emperor Xianzong? Jiu Niang is a good child. Although Emperor Xianzong treats her as much as Princess Pingjin and Golang and King Qiong, he also loves her very much - she can't hate her father and disdains to vent her anger on you. This is her original words, but how can she know that Emperor Xianzong was charged for your Du family in this matter. Question mark At the beginning, did Emperor Xianzong have any plans to take away the Guo family? Just don't look at the face of Empress Dowager Wenhua and Wulang and Jiu Niang, just for the sake of Fenyang County Duke, Emperor Xianzong refused to be so cruel, but who repeatedly persuaded and insisted on dealing with the Guo family like that? You are the only child of the fifth house of the Du family, but I want to ask you, where on earth did the Guo family offend you Du? Do you have to force my adoptive father to cut off his son and grandson?!"

"Ahuang is not an aunt." Du Furi said faintly, "A Huang may not think it's a hateful thing. This is the first, and second, the Guo family has nothing to do. My uncle said that this is the biggest evil he has done in his life, but if he is given another choice, he will still persuade Emperor Xianzong to make that order! And he will try his best to prevent the emperor from ascending the throne and never give in... If it were me, it would be the same."

Mrs. Xue's original pale face instantly became rosy, like newly dyed rouge. She trembled her body slightly, and her nails were deeply pinched into her palm. After a long time, Mrs. Xue gradually calmed down, and her eyes also returned to clarity. She smiled and said, "Twelve Lang, it seems that Du Qingtang has been busy dying for Emperor Xianzong over the years. I didn't teach you wrongly. It's just that when I was a teenager, I was domineering and domineering, and it was indeed difficult to change my nature. But do you think that after seeing the Guo family, the only fifteenth brother still doesn't know what happened, will I still be as stupidly and angry with your words like before?

"Of course, Aunt Xue will not be Aunt Xue in her early years." Du Furi smiled and said, "I once heard my uncle say that when the aunt was a teenager, her fresh clothes and horses swaggered across the market. Her whole body was like a burning fire. More than ten years ago, Aunt Xue galloped across the field. When it comes to riding and shooting, she looked at the whole Chang'an, but few Langjun dared to gamble with you. In those years, the skill of the autumn sixteenth Niang's pipa was the best in Chang'an. At that time, some dboys were entangled by their families. At that time, their uncle was beside them, but they hindered the family of causing disputes in the court, so they had to stay away for the time being. They planned to turn around and let people secretly relieve Qiu Shilinang, but they didn't expect that their uncle turned around and told Du Bo, so the aunt came forward and whipped them one by one... ...My uncle once said that the aunt is the most typical dream Tang girl, bold and fierce in full swing. At the beginning, everyone said that the adopted daughter of the Guo family was worried about getting married, but I don't know how many Langjun has admired the aunt in Chang'an City. It is the Zheng family Xiaolangjun, whom the princess of Yunzhou admires now. His uncle was beaten countless times by the aunt, and Why are you willing? The aunt's marriage didn't go well later, but it was because the elders were afraid that you would not teach her well and dared not ask for marriage..."

Mrs. Xue listened coldly and smiled leisurely when she came here: "Now that you mention these things again, it is no different from the next world. The biggest regret in my life is that my eldest sister entrusted her two children to me, but now I can't protect not only one of them, but in the end, I will hurt Jiu Niang again. But I don't regret it. Earlier, when Shen Lang and our children were gone, I didn't want to live. At that time, I followed my mother into the palace. The eldest sister found my mind. In order to persuade me to think more, she asked me to stay in the palace to raise Jiu Niang. After raising her, it dragged down day by day. At this time, Wulang's life and death has long been gone. It's what I can control, and I can't help Jiu Niang's future at all. If I don't do it again, I'm afraid I'm just a walking corpse!"

Du Furi nodded, looked at the spacious but exquisite and gorgeous bedroom, and said gently, "The aunt is not mean to Ahuang. I don't think your own hands and feet will hurt her. Now she is asleep, but is the aunt going to do it with me at this moment? I'm afraid Qiu Jian may not agree, right?"

Mrs. Xue looked at him meaningfully: "You are the son-in-law chosen by Emperor Xianzong for Jiu Niang. The Empress Dowager Wenhua cared about you very much before her death. She was not under Goro. After she left, Empress Dowager Zhaoxian and Emperor Xianzong also often made people secretly observe your habits. You are in archery. Originally, his talent was amazing, and he learned from Jiannanyan Jibei. I heard that last time under the Gaoguan Waterfall, even Yan Xiaolangjun, who was also the son of Yan Jibei and Yanjibei's old man, fell into your hands. I was no longer an open and aboveboard Chang'an girl when I was a teenager. Do you think I will fight with you?

Du Furi frowned, but saw that Mrs. Xue's eyes were like ice: "Previously, in order to help you achieve your success, Qiu Shiniang specially cheated me from the Zige Courtyard in person. At that time, it was Yan Xiaolangjun and Meng Erlangjun who sent the invitation to Zige Peak. Yan Xiaolangjun was worried that I was worried about Jiu Niang's reputation and refused to go to Beili. So I took the initiative to report the name of Yan Jibei in the other courtyard... Later, I happened to know that he was your younger brother. Although your younger brother was born in the market, although he was also an elf, he was not more experienced in the palace for many years... So I asked him for something.

"Although the incense used by your uncle and nephew is different, the intention is ordinary. Du Qingtang likes to use essence only incense. This incense is said to be good at eliminating thousands of ghosts, and you use must-su incense to eliminate all evil spirits, all of which have the intention of sweeping the wild treacherous sycophants and restoring prosperous rivers and mountains!" Mrs. Xue said leisurely, as if she had not seen Du Furi's gradually pale face at all. "You use these two kinds of fragrances nothing more than an unspeakable anger in your heart to express, or Emperor Xianzong also used it to express his feelings to him, but the other is to encourage yourself so as not to relax. Both of these fragrances have a characteristic, that is, the aroma is sore.

The word cold is used to describe the aroma, which often has two meanings, one is that the fragrance is too cold and cold, and the other is strong. Jing Zhixiang is known as exorcising ghosts and evil spirits, and Bingsuxiang is known as good and eliminating all evils. They are all domineers in the incense. Otherwise, Du Furi only brought a bag of Bingsu incense, but how can he make Xue Niangzi smell the fragrance of Bingsu in the bedroom of Ruilin incense that has been burning for several hours?

This strong aroma can be awakening, but there is also a weakness, that is, they are too domineering, so if there are other fragrances nearby, they are very easy to cover up.

completely ignored Du Furi staggering to hold a short couch not far away. Mrs. Xue took out a gold box from her sleeve and opened it, revealing the pale red paste inside. She said lightly, "Don't be afraid now. Now you can't stand, but it's just because this furnace of Ruilinxiang is mixed with some fragrance. I want In the name of Jiu Niang to coax you to come in alone, of course, she must also be here, but I don't want her to hear anything to see, so as not to feel sad in the future, so although Geng Jingzhai's medicine already has something to calm her mind, she still has some fragrance and rest assured. At the beginning, outside the Mysterious Pavilion, the one you used to attract Jiu Niang seems to be a special spice, right? Don't worry, you won't die now."

She smiled and handed the gold box to Du Furi, as if she were a merchant diligently recommended in the East and West, with a proud explanation, "This is called drunken face. This name refers to its color, but it refers to the person killed by it. There is nothing unusual, but his face is drunk. When I came out of the cabinet in my early years, my father called me to the study and secretly gave me one in a pair of gold boxes, because although Shen Lang fell in love with me at that time, Shen's parents and his wife probably didn't like me. My father gave me this just in case. This thing has a characteristic, that is, only It can be used for men, and there is another box of Li Hentian. I gave it to Golang. Empress Dowager Zhaoxian ordered Li Hentian and drowned in Longchi.

"Although I have been raised by the Guo family since I was a child and raised a straightforward temperament, I am not a self-knowing person." After the introduction, Mrs. Xue returned to the incense burner, carefully unscrewed the crane's neck, exposed the belly of the stove made into a crane body, poured the whole piece of drunken face into it, casually threw the golden box aside, patted his hands gently, and said with a smile, "Du Qingtang had been calling for wind and rain in the past for many years. At the beginning, the case of the Guo family , which even proved his wrist. I am no match for such a person, whether it is wisdom or momentum. Even if Golang is supreme and without Guo Jiaxiangzhu, it is in vain. About the only place I can beat him is fighting bravery, but Du Qingtang won't come to fight with a girl. In your generation, I can't compare with fighting bravery... Fortunately, I'm not greedy.

Mrs. Xue smiled leisurely. Seeing that Du Furi was still unwilling to climb up, her eyebrows bent: "It's better that Du Qingtang only had you as a nephew. At that time, he was a member of the Guo family. Now I have a room for him. Although it was a tight loss, now he launched the palace change. It was when the spring breeze was proud that the only nephew died. You Guess, although Du Qingtang is good at nourishing his energy, will he suddenly die of anger?

Seeing that Du Furi finally fell down, Mrs. Xue slowly stopped laughing and turned her head to Yuan Xiu in the account. Yuan Xiu now knew nothing about what happened in the bedroom. She was sleeping deeply, her breath was stable, and her face was crimson. She looked really cute. Mrs. Xue looked at her quietly. I don't know how long it took. The corners of her mouth raised and showed a cold smile. Her wrist turned over, revealing a silver knife about two inches long under her wrist. The blade reflected the cold light, which can be seen at a sharp look...

The silver knife waved up and fell, and only heard a dull sneer, blood splashed on the tent!