Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 392 The Bureau 4

It was already midnight when Du Furi arrived. In the tent behind the candle shadow, there was a blue glazed lamp. Yuan Xiu took a roll of books in his hand and turned over boringly. Seeing Du Furi entering the hall without being shocked, she was in a good mood and took the initiative to say, "Xiahou Fubai just came back. How can you still have time to come here today?"

Du Furi heard that it was still Princess Dongping's vigil tonight, but he looked around and smiled and said, "What about Princess Dongping? I heard that picking greens asked Du Mo for some fragrance.

"I originally thought that the eighth sister was coming to accompany the night again today. Who would have thought that she came in for a moment and had a headache, but she refused to go back to the cool hall. She said that it would be fine to lie down. Cai Lan cleaned up a room for her to have a rest. At this time, the fragrance has probably been ordered over there for a while." Yuan Xiu casually put the book aside.

"Xiahou died of white." Du Furi lifted the corner of her robe and sat on the crescent stool in front of her couch, and then slowly answered her previous question.

Yuan Xiu was stunned and then said, "What's going on?"

"He was sent to Hebei's side more than ten years ago. He was in Hebei for more than ten years, intending to win the trust of his uncle and being so close to his uncle's assassination." Du Furi said briefly, "But this person actually showed flaws in those years. Now that He Zhifang has sent him here, his uncle is too lazy to delay."

Yuan Xiu nodded thoughtfully and asked coldly, "Is it you who did it?"

Du Furi laughed and said, "How do you know? It must be Du Bo who follows his uncle, right?

"I don't know the strength of the housekeeper of the Duke of Ying, but Du Qingtang's skills are not good compared with masters." Yuanxiu didn't give much face and said, "What's more, as a person of Du Qingtang, since he sensed that Xiahou Fubai's origin was suspicious, he could not take action until this time. Obviously, he had his own long-term plan. Xiahou Fubai was known as the first master in Hebei before his death, and Jiannan Road. His death was also He died in Chang'an. How can Du Xiang, who is famous in the two dynasties, do nothing? Even if he is silent for the time being, he spreads day by day. This reputation of killing vassals and spies and killing the first master of Hebei is always helpful to help you rise to a higher level of prestige. After all, you have been too clumsy in Chang'an for the past ten years. The reason why the previous song that made Chang'an famous overnight is mostly depends on Du Qingtang's name. Sound, coupled with the vastness of Li Fu's friendship and spared no effort to build momentum for you. However, in today's situation, literature is just an irrelevant thing. I guess it was probably because you came from a family and chose to write a world first in order not to fall into the name of your father and the ancestors of the Du family.

At this point, without waiting for Du Furi to answer, Yuanxiu smiled again, "However, I came back. First, I heard your name because of a song. At the same time, you are a young, handsome, talented and handsome young man. Since ancient times, you have always been loved and more tolerant, even if you do something in the future. What a fierce thing, the means are more vicious, and the people's comments to you in their hearts should always be more generous.

"Ahuang's intelligence, I won't say much." Du Furi smiled and put his hands on his hands and praised.

Yuan Xiu was waiting to continue talking, but heard Du Furi suddenly say, "In fact, intelligence is still the first, but you praised me for my youth and handsomeness, which really surprised and joyed me." With a smile, there seemed to be a deep meaning in his eyes.

"..." Yuan Xiu opened his mouth, and instinctive disdain appeared on his face. He was about to change the topic, but when he saw the smile in Du Furi's eyes, he seemed to have expected that he would avoid it like this, but because of his tolerance and pretended ignorance, it seemed to be him. Deliberately let yourself, but you almost fled?

Yuan Xiu couldn't help but accept it. She calmed down and took out a very indifferent look: "You are young and handsome, so I won't praise you. Do you think you are ugly? What's more, a good man should put his achievements first, and his appearance is just the icing on the cake. If the twelve Lang feels that he is not beautiful enough, can't he imitate the decoration of the Wei and Jin Dynasties?

In fact, this dynasty is not far from the Wei and Jin Dynasties, so the atmosphere of men applying powder has not disappeared. Perhaps because of Hu Feng in the royal family, this dynasty prefers the masculine beauty of men. For Wen Xiu, who was popular in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, who was popular, was suppressed. Yuan Xiu and Du Furi have seen it many times, naturally I know that he is not a fan, but now he deliberately mentions it.

I didn't know that Du Furi heard what she said. He didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he smiled slightly: "If Ahuang thinks I look better with powder, I can't afford a box of rouge."

Yuan Xiu immediately stared at him and said solemnly for a long time, "... I still don't want it!" She said sincerely, "Originally, you are extremely handsome, but if you dress properly, where are the girls in the world?"

"It doesn't matter. My wife is a unique beauty in the world. If I look inferior, it will inevitably disappoint her. Even if I dress up more carefully, I can't take away her demeanor." Du Furi accepted her praise generously and said with a smile, "So if it's necessary, why can't I do that powder?"

Speaking of this, Yuanxiu couldn't help laughing and laughing. Du Furi's eyes became softer and suddenly said, "Since we parted outside Guanlan Tower, this seems to be the first time that A Huang smiled comfortably in front of me?"

Yuan Xiu was stunned and then said indifferently, "I went to Xingqing Palace yesterday and saw that the fifth brother was fine, and I was naturally relieved."

"If he thinks so." Du Furi smiled and said, "So naturally, there is nothing to worry about in the world."

Yuan Xiu knew that he and Du Qingtang were not much apart. They were all people who paid any price for their chests. She did not expect Du Furi to protect Fengchun against the situation because of her own reasons. Such a thing may be done by the man who raised the curtain and was in full swing, but It's by no means Du Furi.

So she was not disappointed and said lightly, "It's the first time I've seen the fifth brother accompany the empress dowager to change clothes. Moreover, although Dalang has now ascended the throne, Erlang and Sanlang are still raised by the fifth brother's side. It takes ten years to raise their age to mention the opening of another house. The fifth brother is now his wife. In groups, what's more, the Shence army is facing Qiu Fengxiang and the courtiers are afraid of Du Qingtang. What about him? If the vassal town breaks through Chang'an..."

Du Furi smiled indifferently when he heard this: "Is Chang'an so easy to break?"

His tone was not public, but there was a great pride in his words. Yuan Xiu knew that Du Qingtang was careful. Since he acquiesced in Qiu Fengxiang's public launch of the palace change at the beginning, the ensuing towns that were eager to move were naturally also considered. He squeezed his lips and still did not ask about the vassal town - he wanted to mention the head of the vassal town. In the three towns of Hebei, her only surviving brother Li You, who trusted her very much, was sent out Chang'an for Fengchun and her three nephews to have a glimmer of life in times of crisis. Although she gave Yuanxiu another chance, she would probably do so, but now she can't stop thinking of Xu Wang. Guilt...

So she quickly changed the topic: "Do you know what Li Han has done recently?"

"Li Han?" Du Furi thought for a moment and was about to answer. Yuan Xiu had already said, "It's not when he asked about the palace change, but what did he do at this time after the palace change?"

Du Furi thought for a moment and asked, "What did A Huang think was excessive...?"

"For example, which flower girl flirts with, or who suddenly fell in love with a little lady like Du Qi, and what did he look like outside before?" Yuan Xiu was not polite. He casually listed the normality of a bunch of children of the family. Du Furi said solemnly, "If A Huang wants to ask me, I have done nothing."

Yuan Xiu said angrily, "Don't you know that Li Hanben is the son-in-law chosen by my eighth sister?"

"Does Princess Dongping intend to regret her marriage?" Seeing that she was angered, Du Furi immediately said generously, "Brother Zi is not very close to his cousin. If so, there is no need to be embarrassed."

"..." Yuan Xiu was silent for a moment and said slowly, "Do you mean that Li Han has been abnormal recently?"

Du Furi looked at her staring at Li Han and asked endlessly. He smiled strangely and said slowly, "I can't say that completely - the day after the palace change, I was tricked into the palace to visit my cousin and left Yanlang to brush you. As a result, he was mistaken by the previous night. You were led away by the eldest son... Do you want to live a long life? How did you get into the Mysterious Pavilion?

When Yuan Xiu heard the words, a smiling expression appeared on his face: "I just learned to ride and shoot with my aunt for a few days at the beginning of the year. How can I know the means of you masters? It's just that when you were in the Zige Courtyard, you and Yan Xiaolangjun and He Liu entered the other courtyard where I lived were like no one. Speaking of Yuan Beihe, although the city mansion was a little shallow, his martial arts skills were also good, but you went in and out. Yan Xiaolangjun dragged me under the Gaoguan Waterfall and threw me under the waterfall for the time of your appointment. In the pool of noodles, Yuan Beihe was still sleeping sweetly in the other courtyard... What is the mysterious pavilion?"

"Otherwise." When Du Furi heard the words, he shook his head with a smile and explained, "You know the relationship between the mysterious pavilion and Chang'an Tanwanlang. Although I am not a person in Tanwanlang, and I am not very clear about Yanlang's identity in it, with his skills, his status is naturally not low. Moreover, Yanlang has been seriously injured several times, and he has been protected by Qiu Shilinang to recover. Therefore, the mysterious pavilion in Pingsuri is much quieter than elsewhere. People in Chang'an City have never dared to think about this pavilion. Naturally, these people find that they can't stop the skills of the eldest son. However, for the smoothness of the palace that night, Qiu Shiniang invited many people to be present. These people were either high-ranking or rich in Chang'an. They were also brought in by them, and they were also excellent scholars and children, so that night the Myshen Pavilion was not a guard, and it was extremely safe.

Speaking of this, Yuan Xiu nodded: "What you mean is that there was a long preparation in the mysterious pavilion that night, and the people present are very tight. Moreover, the people present are holding posts. There are also restrictions on the number of servants and friends that can be carried in each post, so if the eldest son wants to sneak in without a post, he will be very good at it, but it is also extremely It's difficult, so he was able to allow you to leave later. After the fool Yan Xiaolangjun was fascinated by his own incense, he immediately came in and took me away. This is because he entered the Mysterious Pavilion. Even if he didn't have a post, he mostly borrowed other people's posts to go in?"

She frowned: "So, this other person is Li Han? What's going on?"

"It's not new." Du Furi smiled indifferently, "You know that Li Shi, the father of the son, the late Guozijian, was not under my father. It's regretted that he died early. At that time, the son was half big, and the ten women were also young at that time, so they were raised by Li's brother, the son's uncle. Of course, the Li family could not be with the royal family, the Li family. In comparison, he is also a rich family in Guanzhong. Although Liheng has his own sons and daughters, he naturally can't do anything wrong with his nephews and nieces. His brother is Ku Xiao's father. When he was a teenager, he emerged in the national prison and had the legacy of Li's sacrifice wine. All teenagers are very convinced of him, including Cui Fengwu, who was the first in Chang'an Fengyi. , also extremely admired his son. Li Hanlangjun was a few years younger than his son. He was originally the youngest son of Liheng, and did not need to inherit the family business like the eldest son. He was always spoiled at home. After arriving at the Guozi prison, if he was not the son of your family, he was the top talented son of Li Concubine. In contrast, Li Hanlangjun's schoolwork Pingping is far less eye-catching than his son. Over time, there has been a gap between his cousins. On the contrary, he has always been ambitious. Because Li Hanlangjun is still a teenager, he has not paid attention to it. He just retreated from Li Hinging, but he doesn't expect that Li Hanlangjun is spoiled by his family and is too confused.

Du Furi said lightly, but Yuanxiu had already heard that Li Han's end was not easy. She asked with awe, "You tell me the truth - I didn't know this until now, but how did it spread it to Fengliang Hall first? If you want to ask the eighth sister to divorce Li Hanlangjun from the previous marriage, why make her so anxious that she can even think of a way to avoid being a monk? But what else do you have in mind?" Yuanxiu's eyes became more and more brilliant when he focused on something, and Du Furi unconsciously became fascinated.

"My uncle asked about this matter in person, so Liheng has agreed to hand over Li Han to Qiu Fengxiang for detailed cross-examination." Seeing her inquiry, Du Furifang calmed down and casually replied, "Of course, his marriage with Princess Dongping can't continue, but I haven't planned to explain to Princess Dongping yet. I think Qiu Fengxiang said it."

Yuanxiu frowned. In this way, Zhaojun Li also decided to give up Li Han, which is not surprising. Now Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang's power covers the sky. The reason why families such as Wuxing Qiwang can inherit for thousands of years is not only by outstanding children, but also on the need to know the current affairs and sacrifice a small number of clan in exchange for Survival or interests can also be done, after all, the tree is deep-rooted.

What's more, although Li Han is the eldest son favored by Liheng, this is a little relaxed when he is raised. Compared with the eldest son who will inherit the family business, the youngest son is dispensable.

After thinking about Du Furi's words, Yuan Xiu couldn't help saying, "So this matter is still hidden. You don't know it in Chang'an, do you?" Normally, Li Han interacted with the eldest son and helped him act. Now that Chang'an is Du and Qiu join hands to hold power and give it to everyone when investigating, but he is the son of the family. Under normal circumstances, it should be handed over to Du Qingtang, who was born in the same noble family and as a powerful minister, instead of being handed over to the eunuch. Now that Li Han has fallen into In Qiu Fengxiang's hand, so many of them wanted to ask secretly and took a fancy to the relative closure of the court.

There has never been a lack of selfishness in the palace. Because of their own disability, the eunuchs were particularly vicious during the interrogation. Li Han fell into the hands of Qiu Fengxiang, and the end can be imagined.

Seeing Du Furi nodded, Yuan Xiu frowned: "In this case, why did you tell my eighth sister the news in advance?"

Du Furi woke up and was a little stunned that he would not even notice such a loophole, but on his face, Yuanxiu looked forward to it without regret. Instead, he smiled thoughtfully: "Indeed, I'll ask Qiu Jian tomorrow."

Yuan Xiu rarely caught Du Furi's mistake, but when she saw that he looked at home, she didn't seem to care at all. For a moment, she was not sure whether he was really thinking about it or deliberately doing it. She was just perfunctory, so she couldn't immediately ridiculed herself. She felt that she didn't seem to have the upper hand, and she was depressed. Ask: "It's not that you don't know that I haven't been injured. What are you going to do here tonight?"

"The edict has been issued. Although you have not been injured, it is a dangerous matter. Moreover, on the day you come back to the palace, you must have pretended to be extremely tired. I am your fiance's son-in-law. Why not come to visit?" Du Furi asked calmly.

"Well, if you visit sincerely, how can you come empty-handed, but where did you go in the daytime?" Yuanxiu deliberately looked for him. No matter how calm he was, he opened his mouth and sneered, "Who knows what you are thinking and what kind of heart you are?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Du Furi suddenly get up and leaned down in front of her. She seemed to smile and said, "Is the meaning of Ahuang's words blame me for being too polite these days?"

Yuan Xiu originally thought that if he continued to explain, he would have to continue to provoke him. He didn't want to burn in the day. Now she was half on the couch and looked down by him, and there was a trace of timidity. Then she woke up and was unwilling to show weakness and said, "What are you going?"