Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 60 Autumn Sixteenth Niang

As soon as Meng broke the axe's words, all four people in the car were shocked. Cai Lan covered their mouths and said angrily, "How can you do this!"

"Wait a minute!" Xue frowned and stopped them, "Is this He Yijian the one who made Wei Bo's son? What did he do to inquire about Jiu Niang's identity? Do you want to be unfavorable to Jiu Niang?

Yuan Xiu and others suddenly woke up. When Xue came back, they had never told her about it. They hurriedly told the matter. Xue immediately became furious: "How dare you hide it from me when it comes to lifelong events!"

"Don't be angry. I didn't mean to hide it. I really only thought about the aunt's injury at that time. Later, because of the calmness in the court, I thought that Yan Jiuhuai and Du Qingtang took action together to make him perfunctory. How could I think that these two people were so useless?" Yuan Xiu quickly explained.

Xue Shi frowned: "Yan Jiuhuai is only a market. How can he stop the son of the envoy? It's Du Qingtang, he..."

Before Xue finished speaking, he saw Meng Pox raise his head and looked unhappy: "What about the market? How many times has the surnamed He searched for Yan Xiaolangjun? Yan Xiaolangjun avoided it again and again and never revealed your identity! This time, it's just because I'm young. Old Fox Du often used us as a shield and was coaxed by the teacher. Now he doesn't want to know! The responsibility for this matter is not with Yan Xiaolangjun, and it has nothing to do with other people in the market. If you are not happy, just attack me. Don't scold all the market people in Chang'an City. Others have not offended and sorry for you!"

"Yo, you little man, do you still have some hard bones in the market?" Xue Shi sneered, "But what can you do as a little child do? Where is Yan Jiuhuai? Take us there!"

Meng Poxu hummed, "Do you still want to ask Yan Xiaolang Junxing whether he is guilty or not?" Don't blame me for not telling you that the old fox of the Du family has been here once, using this as an excuse to recover one-third of the reward. Yan Xiaolangjun and he almost desperately ran to fight Wei Bo's defense Shi He Huainian half to death, and also fought with Xiahou Fubai, the first master of Hebei who came to Chang'an to protect He Yijian... Now He is recovering from the sixteenth aunt. Even if you are princesses, you'd better be obedient at the sixteenth aunt, hum!"

"Sixteenth aunt?" Cai Lan and Cai Qing showed anger when they listened to his presumptuous words, but Xue seemed to think and muttered, "Rank 16th, and such a momentum... Shouldn't it be... Qiu Shilinang?"

Meng Po Axe's original gloating expression suddenly froze: "Do you know her?"

"In the past, the second division of the teaching workshop." Xue subconsciously looked at Yuanxiu, and Yuanxiu said curiously, "The second division? Is this Qiu Shi Niang originally from the teaching workshop? The right teaching workshop of Guangzhaifang is good at singing, and the left teaching workshop of Yanzhengfang is good at dancing. Which workshop is she in now?

"Qiu Sixiniang was born in a teaching workshop, but she got rid of music as early as before Jiu Niang was born." Xue frowned slightly and looked at Meng Po axe, "How is she doing now?"

Meng Poxu said cunningly, "If the princess and the ladies go and don't cause her trouble, she must have been fine."

"Is there less trouble for Qiu Shi Niang?" Xue Shi snorted, "Listen to what you said, it's not surprising that she is doing well. I've seen her a few times, and she was not a loser when she was a girl!"

Yuan Xiu pulled her sleeve and asked, "Madam, how do you know the head of the teaching workshop?"

"When I was still a girl, because your mother and several aunts were married, I was bored at the Guo family. Sometimes when I changed my men's clothes, I went to Pingkangfang to play with my brothers. At that time, Qiu Sixiniang's pipa played Chang'an intoxicated. Once there was a battle with the leader of the drunken building. The former invited her to go Playing a song "Green Waist" was the first accompaniment of the leader in the cabinet at that time. As a result, no one watched the capital on both sides of the pipa. Later, she didn't even know how to go. Xue Shi misses it very much.

"Madam, what you just said about the mysterious pavilion and the drunken building..." Yuan Xiu looked at Xue strangely.

"Oh, these two are the top pavilions in Pingkangfang. They have been fighting with each other for several generations. At the beginning, the mysterious pavilion was invited to show its skills. For a while, it was the same in Chang'an. For nearly three months, everyone in the building was busy like a top..." Xue wrote lightly with a calm face. "At that time, your grandfather was very strict with his children. In order to often go into the mysterious pavilion for a glass of wine, the rewards your uncles received for years were quietly sent to the pawnshop to collect money!"

When she said this, she remembered and asked Meng Po Axe: "Qiu Sixiniang now lives in East City? I also said that she had left Xidu after leaving the workshop.

"Of course not, didn't you say that, aunt? Aunt 16 is naturally in Pingkangfang!" Meng Poqi curled the corners of his mouth and then said strangely, "Why did Aunt Sixteen leave Xidu?"

Xue looked at him but did not answer. Meng Poxu was boring, told Yu Wenrong the place, and pouted and didn't say anything.

The second head of the once famous teaching workshop is now always 40 years old. Perhaps because she was born in the teaching workshop and was once the head of the ministry, although Qiu Sixiniang lives in a secluded ordinary courtyard behind the Myshen Pavilion, her every move still carries the elegance that can only be nourished in the court for many years.

She is wearing a semi-old tooth-colored embroidered blue flower cross-neck narrow-sleeved spring shirt, and a lotus-colored skirt with moon white. There is a long cyan dark embroidered bat on her arm. Between the clouds and temples, there is only a copper-colored hairpin, with a goose-shaped head and a drop of glazed beads.

This former head is not beautiful, with plump cheeks, thin eyebrows and round nose and diamond lips. From this perspective, it is just a beautiful posture. However, it is difficult for her to look away from the dance-like amorous feelings between her hands and feet, but the person who is called Yuanxiu, who is equivalent to a woman. If it hadn't been for the fact that Yan Jiuhuai had heard that the current leader of the mysterious pavilion is called Jinwa and that she was the leader, Yuanxiu would not have thought it impossible.

Meng Po Axe, who left a cunning impression on Yuan Xiu and others, suddenly looked very clever in front of Qiu Sixiniang: "Aunt Sixteen, these people want to see Yan Xiaolangjun. Because Yan Xiaolangjun had ordered them before, I brought them here."

"Well, I see. You go back to the East City first." Qiu Sixiniang nodded. Her eyes only glanced and fell on Xue's body, "You...the girl in the Guo family?"

Xue was shocked: "Do you remember me?"

"There were many Lang Jun who fought for me, but Xue Niang was the first girl to fight for me. Naturally, I remember it very clearly." Qiu Shiniang seemed to remember something. She smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "Yanlang was stabbed by Xiahou Fubai. He was seriously injured. He just drank the calming soup and fell asleep. If there is nothing urgent, it's the same as what I said... Please!"

Yuan Xiu and picking blue and green both looked at Xue with admiring eyes: "When I was young..."

Xue's face was rigid: "Don't laugh!"

"Twenty years ago, who didn't know the strength of Xue Niang of the Guo family in Chang'an City?" Qiu Shiniang, who led the way, looked back and smiled with charming eyes. "At that time, Xue Niang was about the same age as this little lady, but much more fierce than this little lady - she rode the most vigorous sweaty horse, loved to wear the bright red clothes, and rode brilliantly all the way in the city but never hit anyone. Those honors Lang Jun of the noble family dared not stand in her way when he saw it. It is said that Xue Niang can release the reins in the sweat and blood horse to stabilize the horse alone with her feet, control the string and shoot down the double geese... Unfortunately, Du Twelve Lang is too weak. Xue Niang only uses a horse whip to make him look for teeth. I can't see your unique skill.

With that, she blinked her eyes playfully at Yuanxiu and said with a sweet smile, "Little lady, there is a saying that it is the first to get the moon near the water platform, and the flowers and trees are easy to spring. Since you walk with Xue Niang, why are you still so peaceful? You should know that Shaohua is in a hurry and don't fly around when you are young. When you leave the cabinet, you will take care of your husband and children and honor your aunt... At that time, you just want to do something, but you can't get rid of it!"

"Madam, you are so powerful!" Yuan Xiu listened leisurely and yearned for it. At this moment, he was coaxed by Qiu Shiniang and grabbed Xue's sleeve and shouted, "Teach me, teach me! If I had known that the aunt was so powerful, I would have come to an end of what I said in the usual hunting! Madam, you lied to me that you would be injured. Can't you protect me if you are so powerful?

Qiu Shiniang hooked the corners of her lips and raised her sleeves to cover her mouth: "I heard that Xue Niang later entered the palace to become Shang Yi. So, this little lady is the nobleman Yan Lang mentioned some time ago, and the title is Yuan Xiu?"

"You can see how smart Qiu Shi Niang is today. Do you still need to mention what happened in those years to test the children?" Xue looked at her deeply and said lightly.

"Since the teaching workshop, such exquisite silk is really rare." Qiu Sixiniang smiled and said, "Your lord has come, but there is nothing to treat here. I hope you will forgive me for neglect."

Yuan Xiu then let go of Xue's hand and coughed, "I'm here to find Yan Xiaolang. Is he so hurt that he can't even see a guest?" No matter how she heard it, there was a trace of gloating in her tone.

"Yanlang told me many things, and it's the same." Qiu Shiniang said indifferently that she didn't seem to want them to see Yan Jiuhuai directly.

Yuan Xiu said curiously, "Listen to the meaning of Sixteen Niang, is Yan Xiaolangjun seriously injured? That day, he sent me back to the palace. In Xuanyang Square, I also saw the Xiahou floating white side. Although he brought the burden of me, Yan Xiaolangjun still easily left him away. Is that person's martial arts higher than Yan Xiaolangjun?

"Your master doesn't know that although Yan Lang Shicheng is not good and his own talent is also excellent, but he is still young and lacks heat. He is a mayor in the east, and the nearby places occupy a land advantage, but this time he rushed to the Xiuzhengfang, and there is not only Xiahou Fubai, so he suffered losses. ."

"Huh, this Xiahou Fubai is known as the first master in Hebei, and he even wants to join hands with others to attack Yan Xiaolangjun? Isn't this the best way to win?" Xue was slightly surprised.

Qiu Shiniang looked at her and smiled: "It can't be all Xiahou Fubai. Who said that He Huainian happened to be with He Yijian? Xiahou Fubai was worried that Yanlang would assassinate He Yijian, so he naturally tried his best to stop him. In order to leave all the rewards of Du Qingtang, Yanlang said that he would be unable to enter the court... Although he was injured, at least he completed the task.

Listening to her words actually meant that she was secretly glad that Yan Jiuhuai had won the job and had not been deducted by Du Qingtang. She didn't care much about Yan Jiuhuai's injury. Yuan Xiu couldn't help saying, "Dare to ask the relationship between the wife and Yan Xiaolangjun..."

"He called me a sister." Qiu Sixiniang looked at her with a smile, "Don't be jealous!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiu was not ashamed and angry, but he stretched out his hand righteously: "It turns out that Yan Xiaolangjun and his wife are sisters and brothers? This is really great. In this way, the butterfly love flower that he took with the sheep by hand went by the blue jade and asked his wife to return it on his behalf!"