yu feng xing

Chapter 14: Catching turtles in the urn

A green shadow fell into the dense bushes like a meteor from the sky.

Chen Rufeng rubbed his buttocks and stood up. His body was unstable. He leaned against the thick tree trunk on the right side with one hand and barely saw the scenery in front of him. In the midst of the blur, the stairs were straight up and straight to the high place.

Jiang Shengtian shouted a few times, pulled the tail corner of Chen Rufeng's clothes and stood up, and found that the surrounding mountains were stacked, but a ladder as wide as two people straddled the mountainside. Looking up the stairs, a Buddhist temple stood at the end of the stairs.

On both sides of the stairs are full of airtight bushes. Chen Rufeng tried his erractic work for the first time. Fortunately, he fell into these bushes when he returned to the ground. Otherwise, it would be strange if he hit a hard object and didn't break his head and blood.

"Why don't we go up and have a look? In the barren mountains, I'm afraid the people in the temple don't know that we are wanted criminals, right? Chen Rufeng suggested that Jiang Shengtian nodded and agreed. The two jumped out of the bushes and walked to the temple.

Chen Rufeng said worriedly, "I don't know what's wrong with the master. The skill of the three saints is indeed amazing. I'm afraid that the master will not be able to stand it."

Jiang Shengtian said optimisticly, "Don't worry, after all, Master is ranked fourth in the Jianghu Directory, and there are only three above him. As far as we know, two of them are Ze Kangyun of Qianjianmen and Lan Yuer of the Red Devil Altar. In terms of personal martial arts, I'm afraid that the three saints are still beyond the whip, and the master's light achievements are unparalleled. It shouldn't be difficult to escape, right?

"I hope so." Chen Rufeng still can't let go of his worries. After all, Chaogu is in danger for the two of them, and as he gets along with each other for a long time, the relationship between teachers and apprentices is getting stronger and stronger.

"Actually, we should be grateful. If it hadn't been for Brother Han, Brother Guan and Master, we would have been waiting to behead in prison." Jiang Shengtian recalled his various experiences from Ningzhou and couldn't help sighing sincerely.

Chen Rufeng also looked at the clouds in the sky and said, "Maybe it's the blessing we cultivated in our last life and met so many good people."

As the top of the mountain approaches, the temple is more and more clearly displayed.

The temple is much bigger than the two imagined. The Zhuhongmen wall, the plaque of the "Ming Zen Temple" hangs high, and the gate of the temple that can be entered by ten people side is open. The red incense candles on the bronze tripod facing the gate spread out waves of mysterious fragrance. The residual smoke curled and the Zen spirit is strong. The sound of the monks knocking on the Buddha in the temple sneaks into the ears. For the two For a boy who knows nothing about Buddhism, it is like hypnotic vocal music.

"I don't know if the two benefactors want to join the Buddha or shaved to be a monk?" An elderly monk suddenly appeared beside them like a ghost, which scared them.

The old monk was dressed in a jacket, with drooping eyelids and half hunchback. At a glance, he knew that he had passed the year.

Chen Rufeng knew that he was too devoted to appreciating the scenery of the temple and didn't notice that the old monk came to his side, but his reaction was clever. He quickly raised his palm to make a visit. He bowed slightly and said politely, "Excuse me. Our two brothers were fighting firewood on the mountain, but they were unexpectedly lost here. It's getting late. Please stay here for a night. ."

The old monk said kindly, "Are the two benefactors willing to be honored? Of course, there is no problem. Let the old man take you to the wing room to rest, and he will order someone to send the fast food. Please come with the old man.

After thanking, the two followed the old monk to the Buddhist hall.

I learned from the old monk that he was the abbot of the Mingchan Temple. He chose the site to build the temple here because the mountains were quiet and were disturbed by few customs, so he could concentrate on meditation and chanting Buddha.

Chen Rufeng and his wife also listened and were relieved. In this way, this Zen temple probably has little communication with the outside world, and there is little chance of knowing that the two are the wanted criminals they want to capture in the world.

Entering the Buddhist hall, a giant statue of Buddha came into sight, magnificent and solemn.

The two couldn't help but think of the rotten Buddha statue in the broken temple in Ningzhou. Compared with this statue, it is really the difference between ants and elephants.

A group of gray monks are sitting on the ground, beating wooden fish and reciting Buddha's words. They seem to be unaware of anything in the outside world, and their degree of attention is really amazing.

jie weng led the two to the arched door on the side of the Buddhist hall, passed through to the wing room, opened the door for the two, sent them in, and then saluted them to leave.

"It's strange that I always feel like someone is staring at us as soon as I come in." Chen Rufeng said uneasily, but Jiang Shengtian only admired the decorations in the room.

The decoration of the wing room is simple but not humble. The word "Buddha" is hung high on the wall written in a white scroll. The sandalwood ** bedding is neatly stacked. A incense burner is placed on a small square low table, and there are several pots of unknown plants near the window sill. The leaves are eye-shaped and the business is full of business.

"You are suspicious." Jiang Shengtian walked to the window sill and was facing the last light shining in the sky. A cold wind blew in, and the two shivered.

The door creaked, and a small monk came in with a plate of steamed bread and a plate of green vegetables, put it on the table, and politely said, "Please take your time." After saying that, he left the room and closed the door.

Just as the door was about to close, Chen Rufeng glanced at the door of the opposite wing room, leaving a gap, facing himself.

A pair of eyes are peeping inside.

At the moment he didn't mean to glance, the door closed again as if he was a thief.

At night, everything is silent.

Chen Rufeng has been unable to sleep for a long time and always has a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the door. Although it was as light as sound, Chen Rufeng could still catch it and quickly raised his vigilance.

The door was opened and the figure walked in.

Chen Rufeng quickly closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

Jiang Shengtian slept in the same bed with him, while Chen Rufeng slept inside.

I faintly heard the sound of the knife coming out of the scabbard, and the cold light crossed the darkness and pointed straight to Jiang Shengtian's throat. Chen Rufeng reacted quickly and grabbed Jiang Shengtian's arm. The two quickly shrank into a ball and leaned against the side of the wall to avoid this extremely sinister knife.

Jiang Shengtian has been awakened and said with fear, "What's the matter?" Chen Rufeng didn't have time to explain. He was really angry. He took advantage of the wind and pulled out a shadow to pull Jiang Shengtian to escape out of the door.

The attacker quickly chased out, and a moon-shaped knife was chased from the rear, divided into four, blocking the path that Chen Rufeng could escape. The only thing that was not blocked was the road to the Buddhist hall.

Chen Rufeng didn't have time to think about it, and his shadow flashed to the Buddhist hall.

The gate of the Buddhist hall was closed. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian stopped in the middle of the empty Buddhist hall. The giant Buddha looked at them ruthlessly without any pity.

The attacker came in from the arch door, and Chen Rufeng was stunned to recognize that the attacker's clothes were the bodyguard robe worn by the seven knives of the ghost mansion in Ningzhou that day.

This man is the seven ghosts who walk alone. Although his martial arts are at the end of the seven knives in the ghost house, it is more than enough to deal with Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian, two children who are not good at martial arts.

The only way to get in is to get out, and it was also blocked by Duguxing. The two suddenly became turtles in the urn and could only be captured.

Chen Rufeng clenched his teeth, blocked Jiang Shengtian with one hand, and kept retreating.

"Shirty days, look at it with new eyes, I didn't expect your light skills to be so refined." Dugu said coldly, his feet were not one step away, and the bright knife in his hand gathered darkly and vigorously.

Chen Rufeng secretly scolded Duguxing. If he was willing to leave the arched door a few steps, Chen Rufeng might be able to escape from that little gap, but now Duguxing seems to have seen through the only hope left in his heart.

"You, come here." Dugu Xingdao pointed to Jiang Shengtian. Jiang Shengtian was very frightened and looked at Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng just stared at Dugu Xing fiercely. Knowing that if Jiang Shengtian was threatened, he would definitely not dare to show his errare achievements to escape alone and abandon his brother.

He said impatiently, "If you don't come again, don't blame my knife for being ruthless."

Jiang Shengtian took a breath, pressed Chen Rufeng's hand and walked to Dugu.

"Once I go there, I will distract him, and you take the opportunity to escape." Jiang Shengtian squeezed his lips and whispered, only Chen Rufeng could hear it clearly.

Before Jiang Shengtian approached him, Du Guxing couldn't wait to take a few steps forward and put the knife on Jiang Shengtian's neck. He had already thought about how to get success from Meng Qianxiao.

"You'd better follow, or your good brother will be in a different place." He walked alone and viciously, holding Jiang Shengtian to the arched door.

"Despicable villain." Chen Rufeng hissed in a low voice, staring at the smug smile on Dugu's face with hatred.

Chen Rufeng felt an uncontrollable anger began to gush into his heart, like a scorching flame burning all over his body.

"Let's go." Jiang Shengtian said with his mouth, but Chen Rufeng was unmoved.

His eyes suddenly turned red, like a beast waking up in the middle of the night.

"Let go of him." Chen Rufeng's tone became cold as if falling from an ice cellar. He turned his head and saw the bright red light in Chen Rufeng's eyes, and his face was shocked. Then he raised a trace of contempt at the corners of his mouth, rudely pushed Jiang Shengtian away, pressed his hand on the knife, and the sharp light of the blade suddenly appeared.

The evil spirit of the demon family in Chen Rufeng's body finally broke out at this moment. If Du Guxing knew that Chen Rufeng had absorbed the evil spirit on the black yuan stone, I'm afraid he would not be so proud to fight.

Duguxing took the lead in making trouble, and broke his anger and split it at Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng did not dodge. Unexpectedly, he stretched out one hand, opened his five fingers together, and grabbed the lonely sharp blade.

The black gas suddenly filled the palm of his hand, covering Chen Rufeng's palm like a black claw, and abruptly grasped the unstoppable knife spirit of Duguxing. At this time, the sudden horror in his heart had completely drowned the previous arrogance.

The black claws burst out and screamed alone. The anger blown away by the black claws forced them to fly to the shoulders of the giant Buddha statue, and their faces were completely frightened.

Chen Rufeng took the opportunity to step on his body, put his right fingers together, and walked a little further. A sharp black gas came out of his fingers, as fast as lightning, straight to his lonely throat

Duguxing was frightened by the sudden momentum of Chen Rufeng. Suddenly, his feet were in chaos, and he hurriedly raised the knife to block it. The black air stabbed the back of the knife, and Duguxing was forced a few feet again.

Suddenly, Chen Rufeng turned into a green shadow, and the ghost appeared behind Duguxing. His hand poked his waist like a sharp spear. Duguxing shouted sadly, lost his balance and hit the giant Buddha and fell to the ground left and right.

The red light in his eyes disappeared, and Chen Rufeng knew that the true qi was close to the dryness of the lamp. He hurriedly ran the last trace of true qi, flew down and rolled up Jiang Shengtian and crashed into the door of the Buddhist hall. The door "banged" open. Chen Rufeng secretly said sorry in his heart, and the two rolled up green light and disappeared into the starry night sky.