yu feng xing

Chapter 17: Fight against Thieves

The two were tied up, and the thieves escorted them and walked around the tortuous forest path.

In the blink of an eye, a bluestone ladder appeared in front of you, leading directly to the higher cottage, and the outer walls of the cottage were piled with straw.

Stepping on the bluestone class, the two have been taken to the cottage. Unexpectedly, there is such a thief village in the desolate Funiu Mountain. The layout of the village is simple, with several houses on each side, and the two flags with the word "tiger" fluttering in the wind. In the center is the hall of the cottage, which is also the more eye-catching one in the houses you can see.

All the mountain thieves who escorted them were holding their heads high and high spirits, as if they had just become the emperor. Chen Rufeng secretly wondered if this mountain thief had not robbed a or two people for a long time, and only when he met them would he look like Ganlu for such a long drought.

But it's a pity that their silver has already been spent. Chen Rufeng was worried about whether the mountain thieves would kill the two of them in anger.

Entering the hall, I saw a tough man sitting on a big chair covered with tiger skin, holding the armrests with his hands. A pair of tiger eyes were majestic. He looked like he was about 30 years old, and he was undoubtedly the owner of this cottage.

There are two rows of tall mountain thieves standing on both sides, but strangely, their faces lack the frightening evil spirit of being a thief, but they are a little depressed.

"Finally caught?" The owner of the village said with no joy, "How much silver do they have?"

"Told back to the owner of the village! They are penniless!" The man who escorted them reported that the village owner actually lowered his head in public, and a group of mountain thieves were even more disappointed. The village owner raised his hand and said, "That's all. It's just a waste of food to imprison them. Let them go!"

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian were secretly shocked. Obviously, the two mountain thieves did not know that they were the most expensive wanted criminals today, let alone kill them because they could not plunder money. However, looking at the eyebrows of the mountain thieves, they speculated that the thief village was facing a different problem.

"Wait!" Chen Rufeng raised his hand and stopped, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Chen Rufeng is already hungry. Even if he is lucky enough to leave here, he may only starve to death in the mountains and decide to let go. Now even Jiang Shengtian looked at him in shock, not knowing what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"If the owner of the village is willing to entertain our two brothers, we are willing to share our worries for the owner." Chen Rufeng secretly said such words when he secretly said that the thief-headed village owner did not look like a villain. As expected, a light of surprise shot from the owner's eyes, and suddenly turned dark.

The owner of the village said in a low voice, "What ability do you have to solve our worries?"

Chen Rufeng raised the corners of his mouth gently and decided to show his hand in front of the thieves. He mentioned the only small amount of true gas left. After a random shadow, he teleported three positions in the center of the hall and then returned to his original position. The ghost-like body was amazed.

All the mountain thieves in the hall are internal and laymen, all practicing foreign hard skills. Facing the people who practice the true spirit of the inner family, they are naturally like mortals meeting immortals.

The thieves immediately changed their view of Chen Rufeng, and everyone felt admiration. Chen Rufeng quickly hit the iron and said while it was hot, "We only require three meals and one night. I hope the owner of the village will accept it."

"No problem! Two young heroes, please follow me into the inner hall to discuss!" The owner of the village said quickly, as if he had been seen as a savior, leading the two into the inner hall of the hall.

The three sat down around the table. The owner of the village first said his name as Guo Tongwu, and then said depressingly, "To be honest, our Tiger Village has been unsuffied for a long time. There are few pedestrians in the mountain road we occupy, and we only ask for money without asking for life. The money we have robbed is really very little."

"Ask for money but not for life?" Jiang Shengtian was surprised and said, "So what happened to the group of mountain thieves we met who wanted to sharpen our knives?"

Guo Tongwu said bitterly, "That is the biggest problem we face. On Funiu Mountain, there is not only our village, but also another cottage 'Henglei Village'. They occupied the key road of Funiu Mountain, killed passers-by, and forced us to the desolate mountain road. They collected money alone, and even captured Fu Yuanjing, the owner of our two villages, a few days ago, and asked us to lose money before we would release it. People." At this point, Guo Tongwu was already full of righteous indignation and his eyes were burning fire.

Chen Rufeng said unevenly, "This is indeed too bullying. I don't know how Guo Zhaizhu wants us to help?"

Guo Tongwu's tone slowed down and sighed, "I hope the young hero can save Fu Yuanjing, the owner of the second village, and we don't have much extravagant expectations for the battle for the key road."

"What does the owner mean by us to sneak into Henglei Village to save people?" Jiang Shengtian said, Guo Tongwu nodded and said, "But this move is really dangerous. Once it is detected, I'm afraid there is a danger of life. If you don't want to help, I won't embarrass you."

Chen Rufeng felt that the owner of the cottage was full of affection and righteousness, so he made up his mind to help him solve this matter. He stood up, patted his chest proudly and said, "It's all on me! I guarantee that the owner of Fu Erzhai will come back to see you intact!"

Jiang Shengtian just wanted to stop it, but was wink at by Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng continued, "However, I need to rest for a day to recuperate myself before I can act."

Guo Tongwu said happily, "No problem! I will arrange someone to set up for the two young heroes immediately!"

The two were sent to an empty house in the village. Their environment is really different from that of the room of Mingchan Temple, but they can't care too much. Eating and living is the greatest satisfaction in the current environment.

"Why did you promise again indiscriminately? How can I explain to the owner if I fail? Jiang Shengtian complained, but Chen Rufeng meditated leisurely and said calmly, "Don't worry! When I recover, hee hee, is it difficult to save a person? What's more, have you ever seen the Henglei Village so rampant?

Jiang Shengtian held his cheek and said depressedly, "What you said is that I think this village owner is also a good person, and we really want to help him. But he also said that there may be a risk of life. Do you really dare to fight?

Chen Rufeng said leisurely, "I have peerless light skills. How dare I ask who can do anything about me? Have we fallen into other people's hands all the way?

Jiang Shengtian was so poor that he had to turn his face away and stop disturbing him.

The next day, Guo Tongwu sent two people who were familiar with the terrain of Funiu Mountain to guide Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng tried his best to persuade Jiang Shengtian to stay in the village and not follow him.

After a long mountain road, the front suddenly opened up, and the two guides stopped and said, "Take care, Chen Shaoxia!"

Chen Rufeng was finally alone and went deep into the tiger's den.

The spacious avenue is full of gravel and overgrown with grass. Chen Rufeng walked another time and saw the village flag flying faintly in front of him. A wide door appeared in front of him. The two shirtless guards held long guns to guard here, and the words "Henglei Village" were written on the door.

Chen Rufeng repeated a formula in his mind, transporting the true qi from time to time to time. His strong body suddenly disappeared in the air, showing the second layer of errare light kung fu.

A gust of wind brushed the faces of the two doormen, and one said blankly, "I feel like someone has gone in."

"Nonsense! Just a gust of wind! Is there a ghost?" Another guard cursed, and suddenly he slapped him in the face, which made him look left and right. In response, there was only a distant sneer.

Henglei Village is indeed more than one level higher than Tiger Village. The cottage is built on the hillside, and the size of the house is gradually increasing from the bottom to the top. It looks brand-new. Compared with the old houses of the Tiger Village, it is really small. Every house was planted with a "thunder" flag, and several piles of mountain thieves gathered around the thunder village to gamble, and there was a burst of applause from time to time.

Chen Rufeng followed Guo Tongwu's instructions and went to the main hall of Henglei Village at the highest point of the hillside in the blink of an eye. There is a wooden hut next to the main hall, which is the simplest house in Henglei Village.

In order to prevent the excessive consumption of true qi, Chen Rufeng came out, put his back against the wooden wall, turned his head, and glanced at the Hengleizhai house that ran down a hillside. It seemed that no one had found him sneaked in.

Chen Rufeng flashed into the door of the hut with a gecko swimming wall, gently pushed it into the house.

When I closed the door, I saw that there was only a secret passage leading to the underground in the room, which seemed to be a unique cave. Chen Rufeng knew that this was the cell of Henglei Village and walked down the stairs.

A disgusting smell of mildew hit, which made Chen Rufeng have to cover his nose. In the cell, only faint candlelight hung on the walls for lighting, and countless flying dust, with a few small holes on the top for ventilation.

"Who is it?!" A drunken sound came from the two mountain thieves guarding the cell. Chen Rufeng immediately turned into a green shadow and raised his elbow to hit them. The huge speed caused a considerable impact, which knocked them away, hummed twice, and fainted to the ground one after another.

"Who are you?" A weak voice came from the cell at the end. Chen Rufeng walked slowly and saw that the people trapped in the prison were covered with beards, their faces were stained, and they knelt weakly on the ground and grabbed the railing of the cell with their hands.

"Are you the owner of Fu Yuanjing Fu? I was sent by Lord Guo Zhai to save you. Chen Rufeng hurriedly said that Fu Yuanjing didn't even seem to have the strength to speak, but nodded slightly. Chen Rufeng couldn't help but feel sorry for him and found that the cell was tied by an iron chain and an iron lock. I'm afraid he needed a key to open it.

The sound of footsteps outside the cell came, and Chen Rufeng's heart was cold, and he tried to forcefully open the lock.

The closer the footsteps are, Chen Rufeng's repeated efforts, but he still can't untie it.

As the footsteps increased, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Although Chaogu did not teach him how to use true qi fragments, he had to gamble. He closed his eyes and searched for all possible methods in his mind.

He suddenly opened his eyes, was angry, and concentrated on his hands according to the meridians. Chen Rufeng looked at the green light in his hands in surprise, and then pinched the chain fiercely, "clicked". The chain broke in response. Chen Rufeng quickly opened the prison door and helped the dying Fu Yuanjing.

"Good boy! How can you sneak in unconsciously!" When the cold voice came, Chen Rufeng raised his head, and the fat-faced mountain thief smiled grimly, and a machete was carried on his shoulder. This person was Fang Lei, the owner of Henglei Village, followed by a group of fierce mountain thieves.

Chen Rufeng was fearless. He stood up and smiled, "If I can come in, I will naturally be sure to go out!" After saying that, he grabbed Fu Yuanjing's belt and instantly became angry all over his body. His feet turned into a wind, dragging the remnants of shadow, brushed their heads in front of the green light, rushed out of the stairs, even smashed the door of the small room, and left to the sky, leaving only a group of mountain thieves who had not yet reacted in the cell.