yu feng xing

Chapter 24: Life and Death

"Ah, it turns out that the unsmiling guy still has such a bumpy background." Chen Rufeng laid his feet leisurely and lay **. The dim candlelight effortlessly supported the darkness in the room. The spider in the corner was hunting for the small flying insects that fell into the net. Chen Rufeng watched it with great interest.

Jiang Shengtian sighed for Jin Yilai: "The most important thing is that he witnessed his adoptive father being hacked to death alive, leaving a shadow in his heart. Don't always work against him."

Chen Rufeng said impatiently, "Okay, okay, in a word, people are good to me, and I'm good to people. But I think he is willing to help me fight against the abductor alliance of the 'Rich Club', and he is also a chivalrous man, haha!"

Jiang Shengtian could only shake his head angrily and fall asleep.

"Bearby the way, how about the woman in Chaliao?" Chen Rufeng did not intend to let Jiang Shengtian sleep peacefully. Jiang Shengtian had to open his eyes and sit up and said, "It's much better. She doesn't cry anymore, but she is still very sad. I told her that you will definitely help her find the child back. She said that she will wait for you in the tea house. If you don't come, she will never leave."

Chen Rufeng's heart suddenly sank, and he suddenly felt that his responsibility was heavy. He made up his mind to get rid of this wealth gathering and save innocent children no matter what.

"I saw many passages in the secret passage that should lead to different houses in Lion Town. In my opinion, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, Jufu will be divided into several small rudders and scattered in the houses in the town. Chen Rufeng said in a low voice that from the current situation, there is no way for them to uproot the Jufu Association.

Jin Yilai said lightly, "As far as I know, the leader of the Jufu Association is called Tong Wanguan, the bald guy you saw that day, as well as many people from all directions. They abduct children in various capacities, and then rely on Tong Wanguan to sell them to seek evil profits."

After hearing this, Chen Rufeng gritted his teeth with hatred. That day, he accidentally bumped into the dividend meeting of the Jufu Association, so people from all walks of life came one after another, and there were many masters. Chen Rufeng could only suffer losses. Therefore, the best way is to hit one of the points of the Jufu Club and launch the whole body, like destroying the foundation of the house and causing the dark house of the Jufu Club to collapse.

Jin Yilai continued: "After my investigation, the place where Tong Wanguan lives is one of the thieves, and I already know the address. As long as we capture him alive, with his character of fear of death and love for money, as long as we are intimidated, he will not worry about the operation of the wealth gathering. At that time, the core of the gathering wealth meeting will be broken, and it will naturally collapse like a rootless tree.

Chen Rufeng clapped his hands and said, "It's true to use evil methods to deal with evil people. It's not too late. Let's set out immediately to kill Tong Wanguan by surprise!"

Jin Yilai looked at Chen Rufeng and cast an unprecedented look of praise. The two were about to go out when Jin's mother-in-law told him, "Be careful!" Jiang Shengtian once witnessed Jin Yi coming to repel Huo Duxu. With him accompanying Chen Rufeng, he was not worried, and could only throw a "good luck" look to Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng squatted on the wall covered with straw and inspected every move in the study.

Tong Wangguan's house is the most luxurious in the town, with many rooms and the intersection of bluestone roads. On the surface, he is just an ordinary businessman, and most people in the town don't know that he made a fortune by abducting and selling children.

"Exexpectedly, even the bounty Taoist priest Huanghua is also there." Jin Yilai snorted disdainfully. Chen Rufeng fixed his eyes and found that the thin Taoist priest who easily punched him that day was talking to Tong Wanguan in the house. Both of them looked solemn and seemed to talk about some difficult problems.

Jin Yilai said, "If they fight alone, they will not be my opponents, but if the two work together, I am really not sure of winning." To tell the truth, Tong Wangguan and Huang Hua are both masters of the inner family. Although they are second to Jin Yilai, the combined strength of the two is not within the reach of Jin Yilai.

After hearing this, Chen Rufeng's heart was like pressing a thousand catties of boulders.

"Why don't we choose a day to come back?" Jin Yilai proposed, but Chen Rufeng shook his head resolutely.

"I don't know if Tong Wanguan is still here one day." Chen Rufeng said that he thought of the woman who was waiting for his good news in Chaliao, and this matter could not be delayed any longer.

"You said," Chen Rufeng said, "Can the two of us bring them down?"

Jin Yilai lowered his eyes and said silently for a moment, "If you can't use the demon's true spirit, it's very slim to win."

On the contrary, Chen Rufeng was aroused by fighting spirit and raised his head and said, "I can't always rely on the magic family, right? You said that my true qi is featureless, and maybe I can realize some clues in this experience?

After hearing this, Jin Yilai felt that this statement was indeed reasonable and said, "It is true. Only when people face life and death can they realize their potential. When my master taught me the secret finger, he let me face the tiger in the forest alone, and then I realized the essence of the dark mystery power and took it to the next level. But do you really dare to fight for your own life now?

Chen Rufeng laughed and said, "It doesn't mean that I will definitely lose my life. After all, I still have a light skill to save my life."

Jin Yilai had no more rebuttal and had to agree to take a dangerous walk.

"Then pay attention. If I say 'attack', we will attack through the window immediately." Jin Yilai whispered, and Chen Rufeng nodded.

The dialogue between Tong Wangguan and Huang Hua seemed to be a little blocked. Tong Wangguan turned his face aside, as if he was thinking about something.

"Attack!" Jin Yilai said, Chen Rufeng suddenly raised his true spirit, and the green shadow quickly entered the house through the window. Jin Yilai followed with black smoke in his hands.

The bookcase in the study is well spaced, and dust is scattered in the sunlight through the window. The one facing the door is a sandalwood desk and an ink treasure with the word "saying" on the wall. I don't know which one's handwriting came from.

Tong Wang and Huanghua are both masters of the inner family, and their reaction is very good. After Chen Rufeng rushed in, they immediately prepared for war. As soon as Chen Rufeng entered the room, he immediately targeted Huanghua, gathered his fists and slammed everywhere in Huanghua's upper body. The speed made people only see his fists rushing around, but did not know the reality of his landing point.

Jin Yilai was shrouded in a black gas place, and his body went straight to Tong Wanguan. His two fingers were full of power, which made people really dare not touch its edge.

Facing Chen Rufeng's infinite boxing, Huang Hua quickly urged the body to cover the true qi, allowing Chen Rufeng's fist to hit the true qi, but could not hurt his body. Like a heavy hammer on cotton, Chen Rufeng's true qi consumed more than Huang Hua. In this way, he was bound to suffer losses and had to retreat with his fists.

Tong Wanguan's eyesight is worse than Huo Duxu. He didn't know the mystery of Jin Yilai's aura. He shouted violently and raised his fist to fight against Jin Yi. Jin Yilai skillfully cast his body method, twisted his waist to the right, brushed with Tong Wanguan's fierce fist, and successfully covered him into the aura. He pointed out that in Jin Yilai's aura, he could only be passively beaten. In less than a moment, Tong Wanguan was full of scars on his face, fell out of the aura, and was extremely embarrassed.

At the same time, Huang Hua did not give Chen Rufeng a chance to breathe. He brushed the dust in his hand, which was as wild as a blooming lotus, giving birth to a bottomless abyss-like air hole, directly pulling Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng was unwilling to go down, but raised his single fist, and his whole body was condensed on the fist. The green light was great, and the hunting sounded. He carried an unprecedented momentum, as if pulled over by the air hole, more like his own initiative to launch an attack.

When his fist touched the air hole, Chen Rufeng's fist was like hitting a calm lake. The air hole spread a circle of yellow waves. Chen Rufeng's fist lost all its strength, and his whole arm began to be absorbed by the bottomless air hole.

Huanghua's move is a true Taoist legend of "swallowing the Yangtze River". First make a hole to absorb the other party's true qi, and then use the other party's strength and its own strength to fight back, which is extremely fierce.

Chen Rufeng's arm seemed to be bitten by a giant beast, his hands could not shrink, and his face was extremely painful.

When Huang Hua saw that the time had come, he shook the dust, and a palm-shaped momentum bumped into Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng screamed in pain, and his whole body flew back and hit the bookcase behind him. The bookcase fell down with him, and a pile of books fell all over the ground.

Seeing this, Jin Yilai quickly picked up his two fingers and poked it to Huanghua. Unexpectedly, Tong Wanguan behind him made a beast-like counterattack, and Jin Yilai had to turn around to deal with it.

Huang Hua easily held the dust and walked to Chen Rufeng, who lay on the ground and stared at him with hatred, ready to launch a final fatal blow on him.

Chen Rufeng's mouth was bleeding and he struggled to stand up, but he couldn't move.

Jin Yilai glanced at it, but was unable to rescue him because of Tong Wanguan's fierce attack. He could only watch Huang Hua kill Chen Rufeng.

The dust rises and the wind gathers.

At the time of life and death, Chen Rufeng suddenly felt that the spiritual platform was clear, and the true qi that had been sucked out of his whole body surged up like a spring, straight through the meridians, and felt strange to the extreme.

Like a drunken awakening from a drunken dream, the true qi in the body was reborn.

The yellow dust turned into a sharp blade and split Chen Rufeng's head.

Suddenly, Chen Rufeng quickly shrank into the sky like a thunder shadow, making Huanghua's dust split into the air. At the same time, he punched the green light and rose up and pushed it away to Huanghua.

This punch is no longer another punch. It really spits out from between the fingers of the fists. The speed is only between the lightning, extremely fierce, like countless green snakes dancing wildly.

Chen Rufeng's true spirit has finally improved qualitatively.

Huanghua's offensive has come out, and it is very difficult to turn into a defensive position. At present, he was rolled up by Chen Rufeng's wind-like strength, rotated several times in the air and then fell to the ground. "wow" spit out a mouthful of blood.

Jin Yilai quickly pointed out and pointed out and pointed at the key points of Tong Wanguan's body. Tong Wanguan snorted miserably. He was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and there was no longer power to take action.

Seeing that the defeat was settled, Huang Hua gritted his teeth fiercely. With the remaining trace of true air, he waved the dust, patted the ground and flew up, hit the window and fled away. Chen Rufeng's true spirit has been exhausted and can no longer be chased. He sat on a messy pile of books like a broken doll, and his face turned pale. In addition, the bandages on his body were removed soon. The violent movements just now also made him miserable. His body was in an extreme state both inside and outside, and if it was like a light wind like petals, it would blow away.