yu feng xing

Chapter 31: Loyalty

Zhao Fengyi landed on the ground with his feet and flew up in the air. His body swept straight to Zhao Fengzhang's position. His palms kept pushing, and all the officers and soldiers who blocked the way were hit to the ground by the palm. The guards of the regiment beside Zhao Fengzhang were waiting and pulled out their weapons, but they were blown away by the palms of the tiger-like palms and collapsed on the ground in pain.

He fell next to Zhao Fengzhang and poked out his tiger hand to grab Zhao Fengzhang.

"If anyone dares to come over, I will take his life immediately!" Zhao Fengyi put a hand around Zhao Fengzhang's neck and shouted viciously at Chen Rufeng and Guan Xingyi, who were just about to attack him. They stopped their steps and dared not approach again. The rest of Zhensheng helped the swordsmen take the opportunity to surround them, but they were afraid of the powerful sun-eating tiger knife in Guan Xingyi's hand and did not attack further.

At this time, several air arrows shot out of the cave, and the swing swordsmen fell down before they could react. Jin Yilai's figure slowly came out of the cave. Zhao Fengyi saw the biggest threat coming, and his hand on Zhao Fengzhang's neck was tighter. With the approach of Jin Yilai's momentum. He grabbed Zhao Fengzhang and took a few more steps back.

"Your elder guardians are already sleeping in the cage." Jin Yilai said lightly, "It's your best choice to give up the meaningless struggle."

Even Chen Rufeng can feel the murderous spirit of Jin Yilai, although his target is Zhao Fengyi.

Jin Yilai's footsteps are gradually approaching, and Zhao Fengying's eyes are almost crazy and afraid. Zhao Fengzhang's face has turned pale and twisted painfully under his powerful hoop.

"Come here again, I really killed him!" Zhao Fengyi roared that he had lost his mind under the strong momentum of Jin Yilai, and at this moment, he was the only chip of his brother.

Jin Yilai did not stop.

Zhao Fengyu's footsteps began to tremble, and Jin Yilai's pace was not slow, and there seemed to be an implicit rhythm.

As Jin Yilai gradually approached, the defense line at the bottom of Zhao Fengyi's heart also began to fall. At this moment, his face looked like a crazy beast. At the same time, he also made up his mind to take Jin Yilai's next step forward to bury him with his brother.

All of a sudden, Jin Yilai's footsteps stopped.

Zhao Fengjie paused, and a green shadow flashed from the side, like a wind, haunting behind him.

With a muffled hum, Zhao Fengyi's ferocious face gradually eased and turned into an indescribable panic.

Chen Rufeng's fist pressed against his back. The powerful speed and impact, coupled with his extremely tense state and neglect of prevention, made him undoubtedly eat this punch.

The hand clasped around Zhao Fengzhang's neck gradually loosened, and blood flowed out of Zhao Fengdi's nostrils, ears and mouth. Chen Rufeng only felt that his fists were completely under the weight of Zhao Fengdi. As soon as he withdrew his fists, Zhao Fengdi would immediately fall to the ground.

Originally, the blades and shadows and the killing sound of the sky in the countryside are surprisingly quiet at this moment. Especially the remnants of the Zhensheng Gang.

Zhao Fengyi's breath is getting weaker and his eyes are dilated.

Chen Rufeng's lips kept shaking up and down, and the cold air exhaled heavily from his mouth.

He couldn't believe himself. He killed someone.

Although he was an unforgiving bad guy, he did kill people. A living life was taken away by his ruthless fist. And it's just a moment.

Zhao Fengzhang looked at his brother's softened body, closed his eyes, and grabbed his waist with both hands. Chen Rufeng quickly took away his fist as if he had touched a needle, stepped back a few steps, and collapsed on the ground, as if he had been hit by thunder.

Jin Yilai looked at all this coldly, as if there was only a faint flow of water in front of him without any emotional flow. Guan Xingyi simply turned his face away and couldn't bear to look at it again.

Tears slid down the corners of Zhao Fengzhang's eyes. He carefully put his brother's body on the ground, knelt down, stretched out his hand, and slid over his brother's eyes to make him close his eyes. Every move is very light, as if afraid of waking someone up.

The wind roared, rapid, fierce and endless.

The Zhensheng Gang of Xianning collapsed within a day, and the child trafficking of the Zhensheng Gang was made public, and all the people concerned have been arrested and brought to justice. This matter has become a hot topic after dinner. Especially when it comes to Zhao Fengjie, the leader of the Zhensheng Gang, it is inevitable to talk about Zhao Fengzhang's righteous and family destruction. Some people praise him for his selfless law enforcement, while others complain that he is cold-blooded and ruthless.

There is no sign of mourning in Zhao's house.

"Come in." Zhao Fengzhang covered his face with one hand and his voice was weak. He hasn't slept for two days.

Guan Xingyi pushed the door into the study. Looking at Zhao Fengzhang's appearance, he could only sigh, but he had to walk to the case, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Those children have been placed, haven't they?" Zhao Fengzhang said tiredly, and Guan Xingyi was slightly shocked and replied, "It has been settled. They are waiting for their parents to come to claim it, and the governments in various places have also posted notices."

Zhao Fengzhang still nodded with his face covered.

"There is one more thing," Guan Xingyi said slightly, "Ruifeng seems to have been unable to recover since he went through that incident. I think that in addition to killing someone for the first time, another major reason is guilt for you.

With a brief silence, Guan Xingyi awkwardly moved his eyes away from Zhao Fengzhang and looked at the slightly opened window across several bookshelves. The dust danced happily in the narrow sun.

"I'll see him." Zhao Fengzhang put down his hand and showed his face that seemed to be ten years old. Guan Xingyi was shocked by his unexpected reaction.

The old door was gently knocked, swinging back and forth slightly, and it seemed that it could be blown away by a trace of wind.

Up and down Zhao's house, compared with the simple hall and the rest of the rooms, the guest rooms are luxurious. Although there is no superfluous decoration, it is better to be neat. The sheets, tables and chairs are brand new.

Chen Rufeng curled up on his knees and didn't seem to hear a continuous knock on the door. His eyes kept staring at the front, as if there was a famous painting worth appreciating hanging in front of him.

Zhao Fengzhang simply pushed the door directly and slowly closed the door, but did not walk to Chen Rufeng.

Thousands of words, where should I start?

"I don't blame you. He deserves it. In a way, you are my lifesaver. And the moment he kidnapped me, I already knew that he would never look back. But the brotherhood whose blood is thicker than water... I can't help it. Zhao Fengzhang said it in one breath, but Chen Rufeng still did not move, as if he fell asleep with his eyes wide open.

"As for killing... You should know that on the battlefield, when the two armies fight against each other, if you don't wield a butcher's knife, I'm afraid that the first person to cross the battlefield is you. It's the same on the battlefield of the two. As far as this matter is concerned, if you don't take it down, it's definitely not just my brother who is not alive now, but I will become his funeral object. So, you are my lifesaver." Zhao Fengzhang said such words one after another, but Chen Rufeng was always indifferent.

Chen Rufeng recalled the killings he experienced in the hillside battle between Menghu Village and Henglei Village. Although he did not kill anyone himself at that time, there were countless people who were seriously injured under him. Indeed, on the battlefield, either you die or I die. Only when you are cruel enough can you survive.

People in the world can't help themselves.

If you want to survive, you must abide by the laws of the world. Although he hates killing. He even wondered whether he would choose to leave the world to do some small business and earn some happy money for a lifetime. Instead of realizing the grand ideal of building your own business.

When Chen Rufeng turned his head blankly, the man standing in the room had already left.

Life and death are deadly. He forced himself to think on the positive side and thought that he had rescued many children separated from flesh and blood before he was barely relieved.

The servants in Zhao's house were all doing everything for Jin Yilai and his party. The carriage of the prime minister's mansion was parked at the door. He Shile was also jailed for cheering, and the carriage returned to its original owner.

Just as Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian were packing up in the room, Jin Yilai came in like a ghost, and his footsteps sounded like a feather falling to the ground.

"Do you want to scare people to death?" Jiang Shengtian was dissatisfied.

"Do you remember the mission of this trip?" Jin Yilai said lightly, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian patted their heads and quickly took out the envelope without any handwriting.

"One more thing, before the Prime Minister came to see you, Zhao Fengzhang once wrote a letter to sue him."

After hearing the words, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian showed surprise on their faces, and then turned their eyes to the envelope.

"Only you can sneak into the Taishou Mansion, hide this letter in a place that is not easy to find, and tell me the place when you come back."

Li Linfu's claration sounded in their ears and immediately remembered that there was something wrong with the matter.

The envelope was not sealed. After looking at each other, they both nodded as if they had made up their minds. Chen Rufeng opened the envelope and took out the letter. After reading the contents of the letter, his face turned pale.

He looked up and looked at Jin Yilai, as if asking for his opinion.

This letter is about falsely accusing Zhao Fengzhang. If it is placed in Zhao Fengzhang's house, once it is found, Zhao Fengzhang will definitely be discredited and even fall to the ground. Obviously, Li Linfu wanted to take revenge before, so he asked Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian to hide this letter in Zhao's house.

Jin Yilai turned around, as if avoiding Chen Rufeng's inquiring eyes.

"It is already a great benevolence and righteousness for Zhao Taishou to believe us and not to catch us and hand us over to the ghost house. Moreover, he treats the people like a son, has a clear separation between public and private, and is a rare good official. How can we do this to him?" Chen Rufeng shook his head and held the letter tightly in his hand.

"I know that it is unjust for us to treat Taishou like this. But if we don't complete the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister, it will be unjust, and we can't get revenge. Jiang Shengtian said puzzledly.

Chen Rufeng paused slightly, on the one hand, he was wronged and could live some days to see the sun again; on the other hand, he was trapped in injustice and condemned by his conscience all his life...

"Is loyalty really difficult to complete?" Chen Rufeng looked up and sighed, and Jiang Shengtian didn't know how to answer him.

For a long time, Chen Rufeng said, "We can't be so selfish and sacrificed Zhao Taishou in order to wash away our grievances. Just tear this letter up. Saying that Bi Chen Rufeng was about to tear off the letter, Jiang Shengtian grabbed it and said, "Have you really figured it out?"

Chen Rufeng nodded resolutely.

"If we miss this opportunity, I'm afraid we can't turn over forever." Jiang Shengtian warned harshly.

"Even so, we can't harm people." Chen Rufeng's burning eyes looked at Jiang Shengtian. Jiang Shengtian looked at his unwavering eyes and knew that it was useless to argue further.

Is Chen Rufeng the kind of melon that can twist?

"Okay." Jiang Shengtian compromised and handed the letter to Chen Rufeng. After Chen Rufeng received it, he tore the letter into pieces without thinking, pinched it into a ball and held it in the heart of his fist.

The door rang, and the voice of Zhao's servants came: "Gentle, everything is ready."

Jin Yilai ignored the two, opened the door, directly ignored the existence of the subordinate, and walked to the door.

Chen Rufeng looked at Jiang Shengtian with a slightly disappointed look, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's getting late. It's time for us to leave. Maybe the Prime Minister will open up and fulfill his promise to us.

Jiang Shengtian reluctantly nodded and watched Chen Rufeng walk out of the room and leave sight with his servants.

He walked to the door, gently closed the door, turned around, leaned his back against the door, slowly took out an envelope that was also without words from his arms, stared at it, and his eyes shot with a solemn color, as if he were holding a sharp blade of murder in his hand.