yu feng xing

Chapter 37: Honey Belly Sword

Liuxinyuan, the sky, the sparks are bright, like countless heavenly eyes, overlooking the world.

Lone gun, walk alone. The loser is depressed.

Ding Yu looked up at the sky, holding a long gun in his hand, and the flowers around him were also devastated by the wind and cold weather. The big injury is just healing, but can the marks in the heart heal with the healing of the body?

The night is getting darker, and the whole garden is like being submerged by the black tide. The cold wind cuts bones, the sky and the earth are dark, and even the hearts of the people are dim.

The gun roared, and the silver light broke in the heavy shadow, but it was like a momentary fireworks. Although it was once dazzling, it could only fade away in the end.

Ding Yu gasped, his hands trembled violently, and the tip of the gun was shaking wildly. After a while, the long gun fell to the ground and rolled forward several times.

"I... I actually... can't even hold the gun..." Ding Yu's voice turned into a panting fear, but his hand was indeed pulled out of all his strength.

The silence seems to be laughing at him. The dark clouds covered the moon, and even the stars and moon refused to look at him as a weak man.

He knelt down and knelt down powerlessly, with no color in his eyes. Even God will abandon him as a weak person without any mercy, but give him a quiet darkness for the time being.

Who should I apologize to? Are his parents who worked hard to nurture him? The master who spread his martial arts with painstaking efforts? The prime minister who kindly kept him as a guest? Or is it the stupid self?

With such a kneeling, he became a weak man who pleaded bitterly between heaven and earth.

Behind him, in the thick darkness, he was burst by a trace of fire, and he did not turn his head to look. The door of the back room opened, and a figure came out slowly, as if he was afraid of disturbing the tranquility he was immersed in at this moment.

The bright light in the room spread straight on his back. When it was about to enter the deep winter, a slight warmth covered his back, and the bottom of his heart seemed to have been touched by something. He unconsciously raised his head and stared at the deep darkness in front of him.

"You are the strong and I am the weak. You have proved it." Ding Yu seemed to be talking to himself, as if waiting for the dark answer in front of him.

Chen Rufeng was stunned, frowned and said, "The difference between strength and weakness lies not in martial arts, not in the body, but in the heart. That day, you didn't lose, and I didn't win either. You defeated me in martial arts, but I defeated you in my mood. You persisted in being strong and tried to use the blood gun, causing the current predicament. And I, persistently prove that weakness can be stronger, and my mind is more tenacious than you. Naturally, the situation is better than you.

Ding Yu's head came a little and said, "But only in the competition of martial arts can we distinguish the strength. At that time, I was defeated by my fellow brother in the martial arts of Bi Xuexuan, and then I was expelled from the house by my master. This lesson has strengthened my confidence and I can't be weak.

"If you blindly pursue the strength of the surface and ignore the strength of the mind, you will only be vulnerable. If you are determined after your defeat in those years, I'm afraid you can get a better place in martial arts. Chen Rufeng couldn't help looking up at the sky and saw that the dark clouds had spit out the stars and moon, and the sky reappeared brightly.

"No matter how difficult it is, as long as you don't show weakness and firm yourself as a strong man in your mood, then you are a strong man." Chen Rufeng said to the kneeling and silent back.

Ding Yu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the sky and closed his eyes. "Is everything I have been obsessed with before wrong?"

"If possible, we are friends." Chen Rufeng said in a relaxed tone, walking to Ding Yu, bent down, picked up the long gun lying on the ground, and stood it up again on the ground.

After thinking for a moment, Ding Yu stood up with his feet and saw Chen Rufeng's sincere eyes. He raised the corners of his mouth and held the handle of the gun in one hand.

"I didn't expect that you were young, but you knew more than me." Ding Yu appreciated that Chen Rufeng let go of his hand. The long gun had steadily returned to Ding Yu's hand. His hand was no longer trembling, and the long gun seemed to be connected to his flesh and blood.

Chen Rufeng spread out his hands and said, "This is just what I feel in my heart. Usually I am also careless, but when I see you so melancholy, I'm just serious and tell you about my own feelings."

Ding Yujiu's hazy face finally showed a sunny smile.

Not many people are willing to break free from their warm and comfortable quilts on a cold winter morning and climb out to suffer the cold devastation. Jiang Shengtian stood alone in the west corridor, holding the railing and staring at the fake stone mountain with a strong chill in front of him, and his heart was full of unstoppable chaos.

According to Li Linfu's style, it should take action soon. I don't know how Zhao Fengzhang's next fate should be determined. And once something happens to Zhao Fengzhang, although Jiang Shengtian himself is not the culprit, he has nothing to do with the accomplice.

He closed his eyes and tried not to think about it.

He dug his mind to find some excuses to relieve his guilt.

"His life can save me and Rufeng." Jiang Shengtian suddenly had such an idea, and then shook his head in horror, unbelievable that he would have such a selfish idea.

"Young man, look at your mind, isn't it the brother who hides something from you?" An old voice shocked Jiang Shengtian, but he saw a middle-aged beard man standing next to him at some point, holding the railing and staring at the rockery with a sad face.

"What's wrong with you..." Jiang Shengtian's face was pale, and he didn't know how this person could look at him at a glance.

"Ha ha, I'm just joking. Your brother is very powerful now. Poor me, aggrieved people, are living here. After saying that, the man's eyebrows added a little more worry.

"Well...are you?" Jiang Shengtian is always wary of strangers, although this person seems to be the same as him, and he is in trouble and doesn't know what to do.

The man smiled bitterly and said, "I am also a guest of the prime minister's house. In case I return, I will be included as a guest in the house when the Prime Minister favored me."

"Ah, isn't that good? Look at me. I can't do any martial arts. It's useless. I'm just hanging out with my brother." Jiang Sheng Tiandao.

In case, I shook my head and sighed, "My mother is sick in bed, and I haven't done much for the Prime Minister. Now I'm in urgent need of silver to go back to my hometown, but I'm afraid that the Prime Minister won't agree. Now I really don't know what to do!"

"No, the Prime Minister is kind-hearted and will definitely agree." Jiang Shengtian comforted him. Unexpectedly, he sneered, and his eyes became cold, and he looked at the rockery in a distracted way.

"Are you benevolent? Little brother, sometimes there are some things that don't look so simple. In case the tone of return fades and the sad tone decreases slightly, instead, a faint resentment rushes up.

Jiang Shengtian also knew that Li Linfu was calculating, resourceful, and able to cross the government and the opposition for many years. It was not simple, but he did not need to care about the two catties of silver that was a drop in the bucket for him. It seemed that this matter was a different inside story. Suddenly, he came to ask questions and said, "Why do you seem to have other hidden worries?"

In case I returned with another dissatisfied cold hum, I looked around sneakily and carved no one down, so I came close to Jiang Shengtian's ear and said, "Little brother, I saw you fall in love with me, so I told you that the Prime Minister is close to Huajia, but he is healthy. That night I happened to be upset and couldn't sleep, so I wanted to go out for a walk. , but I happened to hear a strange sound in the empty room and found..."

Speaking of this, in case he suppressed his voice again, he said, "I found that the Prime Minister is doing something with Mei Ling."

At this time, Jiang Shengtian was even more shocked and looked at Yigui in surprise. In case Yigui looked at the suspicion on his face, nodded resolutely and said, "I'm absolutely right. I think if he refuses to give me two pieces of silver, I will take it as a threat.

Jiang Shengtian has opened his mouth wide, and it is hard to believe that this person has such a whimsical idea. Not to mention whether Li Linfu is so easy for him to grasp the evidence, and Li Linfu is not so easy to succumb to his threats.

In case he waved his hand and said, "Of course, this is the next strategy. Don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Shengtian nodded stiffly.

In the hall of the prime minister's mansion, in case he returned to sit in the guest seat, Li Linfu sat in the main seat, his face slightly improved slightly, and his whole body was much better, and the wind cold seemed to have reced more than half of it.

"Once I return, I understand your situation. And you are not in my prime minister's house for a short time, and it's normal for you to go back to your hometown. Li Linfu said kindly, in case his originally tight face also eased down a little.

"Well...but as soon as I go back this time, I don't know if I will come back." In case he returned, a trace of mischievousness flashed in Li Linfu's eyes, but he did not attack immediately. He still pretended to be enlightened and said, "Your mother is seriously ill in bed, and you are also away all day long, and you also have the desire to return to your hometown. I am reluctant to leave at once!"

In case of a moment of hoarseness, Li Linfu's reluctance really doesn't know who will believe it. There are nearly half a hundred guests in the prime minister's mansion, and a mediocre guest, how can he look at it so closely?

"The Prime Minister's words are heavy. I implore the Prime Minister to understand the mood of returning to his hometown. While talking, in case it was already seven emotions, he left the chair and knelt in front of Li Linfu.

"Return to one... Why do you and I have to salute so much?" Li Linfu quickly helped him up in case, his face was full of concern, and his eyes were full of tears, as if there was no falsehood.

In case he doesn't say a word, he still holds his fist and burys his head and refuses to face Li Linfu.

Li Linfu's nose was sore and nodded, "I promise you. You go to the account room to get a hundred taels, which is a fulfillment of your friendship between you and my guests." Hearing Li Linfu say this, in case he returned, he lowered his hand and looked at Li Linfu's gloomy face, and a trace of guilt rose in his heart. I was so ashamed that I wanted to threaten this person who was so kind to me.

Looking at the return's back leaving the hall, he restrained the compassion on his face. The originally hidden sinister face was completely released at this moment.

He looked at the distant return, with a chilling smile on the corners of his mouth.

Outside Chang'an City, the barren road is winding and stretching until it sinks into the grass with long legs. The sun shines high and the strong wind blows, which makes people feel a strong chill in the warmth.

There are few people on the way, and you can't see one or two people after walking five or six miles. Instead, the rustling sound of the wind and the grass is intertwined with the roar of the roaring wind into a cold song.

Although it is lonely on the road, it can't stop the return of the wanderer.

In case he returned with a burden on his shoulder, he walked forward quickly, with a light face, imagining the sweet local products in his hometown, the narrow mountains and streams he had visited for a hour, and the kind mother at home... Thinking that he was going to step back on the old marks, his footsteps unconsciously accelerated.

The wind is even sharper. In case you go against the wind, you can't help but have a hard time.

A gust of sand penetrated into his eyes, and his eyes were blurred for a moment.

He felt something wrong behind him, but he didn't dare to look back. He quickly accelerated his pace and ran forward. Behind him, there was a sweeping wind chasing him.

In case you turn around, your fists will rush forward, your fists will crack and break the wind, and the people who attack will rush away mercilessly. The attacker was great. The black light flashed, and his fists turned into two smokes and dispersed to the left and right.

"Jin Yilai!" In case he returned, he screamed, and after a while, Jin Yilai stood on his feet and appeared in front of him as if he had suddenly fallen.

Light and calm.

"The master wants me to take your life." As soon as the words fell, Jin Yilai quickly condensed five groups of black gas on his five fingers. In an instant, the five groups of black gas turned into five small air bridges and jumped back. In case you come back, hold a fist and face the five air bridges. With a roar, it was surrounded by a loud sound like thunder, full of dust and smoke, and wisps of black air floating around, as if the ghost had just dispersed. After everything recovered from the roll, only two people were facing each other.

Jin Yilai's face remains unchanged, still as plain as water, standing like a tower that does not fall. And in case of return, he bent his body and gasped. I just competed with each other, and I got a high score.

"If you want to kill, you can do whatever you want!" In case he roared fiercely and the white light of his fists rose again, the aggressive force only made people see his last struggle before dying.

Jin Yilai just turned around and stepped forward.

The bleak and ruthless back actually gave up the pursuit at this moment.

In case the boxing light faded away, he stared at Jin Yilai gradually disappearing into the distance, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, this is the pursuit order issued by Li Linfu, and at this moment, Jin Yilai dares to let him go like this. If Li Linfu knew that the second master under the seat disobeyed his orders, he didn't know how angry he would be.

It's useless to think too much. His mother is still waiting for him dying. He put up his burden and turned forward.

I don't know how long it took. Looking at the sky, the golden sky gradually became bloody, and it was almost dusk. Just being cut by Jin Yilai, it was a waste of time.

At this time, a burst of fragrance came to my nose.

And he will never feel strange about this fragrance.

How seductive and intoxicating this fragrance makes people feel that they are being accompanied by a group of fairies and intoxicated illusory beauty. Everything can't extricate themselves, as if the soul is locked in **, and the body can only be slaughtered.

The purple ribbon, unconsciously, stretched out to his neck like a flying two-headed snake, slowly, like a beautiful woman's gentle jade hand, wanting to hug his beloved man.

In case your eyes are dull and lost, it seems that your body is too stiff to be controlled by yourself.

A shadow floated over him.

The purple ribbon has surrounded his neck, and a fierce tremor spread all over his body. The purple silk is soft and smooth, teasing the boiling blood on his neck.

Sum, the ribbon is like a graceful beauty, turning into a snake and scorpion, shrinking inward.

At this moment, in case you return to your mind, but it's too late. He struggled desperately, pulling the poisonous purple silk on his neck crazily with his hands.

Everything is just in vain.

The purple silk tightens more and more, in case the breathing weakens, and the pupils are angry.


Meiling's slender and beautiful legs slowly touched the ground. Looking at the body in case of falling in front of her, there was no uneasiness in her eyes, and her face smiled as usual.

In the hall of the prime minister's mansion, the door knocked.

"Come in." Li Linfu said, Jiang Shengtian pushed the door open and his face was cold.

Li Linfu took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and looked at Jiang Shengtian with a very inappropriate face, but his face showed a smile.

"You did a good job. What I hate most is being threatened." During Li Linfu's words, Jiang Shengtian only felt a chill on his back.

"I want those people to know what will happen if they offend me." Li Linfu did not seem to be talking to Jiang Shengtian, but to all those who were against him, the gloomy smile on his face had turned into a proud and ferocious smile.