yu feng xing

Chapter 42: Snowy Capital

Stepping out of the Chongweiwu Museum, the sky is already pale, like countless white butterflies flying in the sky.

The snow is coming.

After Sun Zhentian's guidance, Chen Rufeng also had a preliminary understanding of the hard skills of the foreign family, but he only understood the foundation of the hard skills of the foreign family, and then he had to experience it himself.

It is undeniable that the effect of foreign hard work on strengthening the body is very obvious, but Chen Rufeng really doesn't want to become as strong and muscular as Sun Zhentian.

However, a person who can practice both inside and outside can still be better than an insider with the same ability.

Moreover, when you have nothing to do, playing a few sets of fists and feet can also be used as a pastime. What's more, Ze Gengyun, who heard that he is the first in the "Jianghu Directory", is also a master of both internal and external cultivation, which strengthens Chen Rufeng to embark on this rare road of internal and external cultivation.

Fist and foot kung fu are also all kinds of changes, and moves emerge one after another. Various different matches can also have different fighting effects. Coupled with weapons such as knives, guns, swords and halberd, the mysterious degree of foreign kung fu is really comparable to that of internal martial arts.

Graduary walking, the heavier the snow, the stronger the wind. The wind blows and snows, and the cold is bitter. Although Chen Rufeng keeps urging the real air to warm the body, he feels more and more unable to resist such cold.

People on the street gradually became sparse, and most people were forced to hide in the house by the aggravated snow cold. Some street vendors were also forced to clean up the stalls and close early.

Walking on the Rosefinch Street knocked by the wind and snow, surrounded by fast-running people. In order to avoid the wind and snow, their pace was rapid. Chen Rufeng was the only one in the whole street, who was not in a hurry. At this time, the deep cold shrouded, and those who were not afraid of snow and frost seemed to anger the snow fairies above nine days, making them continue to exert their power and fierce wind and snow. And among those restaurants that opened on the street, a warm fire was ignited, extremely warm, and it was suddenly full of guests.

Chen Rufeng looked up, and there were only dense white snow spots in the sky, and even a heavy snow piled up on his hat. At a loss, an unspeakable feeling surged into my heart, which was inexplicably sad, and the snow gradually piled up on the street seemed to be with a faint sadness.

Can snow make people feel depressed?

A figure, floating in my mind, smiling, drunk and haunted.

The sound of the piano, accompanied by the ears, evokes the sadness deposited in the depths of my heart.

When looking at the snow, did you actually think of the lingering sound of the east wing of the prime minister's mansion?

Or, the woman in white?

Chen Rufeng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He couldn't afford to climb high. He was the prime minister's daughter. Who is he? It's just a wanted criminal.

At best, he is just a nameless gangster wandering around the world.

Unconsciously, he stepped into the East City, but there were no more people than the West City. The snow was blowing across the street, and sparse pedestrians covered their heads and ran away. Some shops also closed their doors. Only the inn or restaurants were still booming, and a trace of warmth overflowed from it, making those who held their heads to avoid the snow seem to grab a life-saving straw. , squeeze in there.

"Go! You drunkard, you still learn from others to drink if you don't have money? Go out and drink snow water!" A disgusting voice said, and then a short and fat figure was thrown from the restaurant and fell on the thin snow. The figure stood up angrily and pointed to the restaurant angrily, "Isn't it just a few stinky money? I will kill you with tens of thousands of taels tomorrow!"

The man, a goatee that grew over his neck, had only an awkward braid on his bare head. Chen Rufeng fixed his eyes and looked at him with surprise and joy. He ran to the man and shouted, "Master!"

Chaogu turned his head and saw a man walking towards him with a black gauze hat. First, he stepped back warily, looked up and down at him, barely recognized Chen Rufeng's figure, and then jumped up, patted his trouser legs, stared at the man in the restaurant arrogantly, and walked towards Chen Rufeng.

"Apprentice, those people bullied your master without money for alcohol. You help the teacher deal with them." Asagiri put on Chen Rufeng's shoulder and said, Chen Rufeng was stunned. Two two two young people who crossed their arms and looked quite annoyed came out of the restaurant. They said viciously, "He drank three catties of our wine and saved 50 cents!"

Chen Rufeng was even more stunned. He looked at the two sophomore and stammered, "I... forgot to bring..."

Chaogo's originally proud face disappeared in an instant and turned into a burning blush, as if he were drunk. He glanced at Chen Rufeng with dissatisfaction and said, "Why...how can you go out without silver? You are really... alas..."

While talking in the morning, Chen Rufeng had pulled his sleeve with an apologetic face and left here quickly against the wind and snow in the fierce eyes of the two.

A cold alley, the needle wind swept through with snow. Chaoku sat on a wooden box and burp with wine. Chen Rufeng has taken off his hat and showed his slightly purple face.

"Master, it's good to see that you're fine!" Chen Rufeng was relieved, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm. Chaoqi had another wine hiccup, looked at him and asked, "What do you think your master can do?" Do you think your master will not be able to get rid of those three annoying flies?

Chen Rufeng is full of energy. Re recalling the days when he was flattering every day, he said, "Master, you are naturally powerful. What a messy three saints? I said that his ten saints are not your opponent, hahaha!"

Chaoguo waved his hand and knocked on Chen Rufeng's forehead. Unexpectedly, Chen Rufeng was as sensitive as a monkey and stepped to his right. A set of avoidance actions were completed in the lightning, which made people unable to see the coherence of his movements. Chaoguo's eyes were surprised and said, "I haven't seen many days, your boy's skills have been much better?"

Chen Rufeng smiled and said, "Thanks to Master's careful teaching, I barely realized 'escape', but now I can't figure out 'fantasy', and I still need your guidance..."

"Ouch? Unexpectedly, did you realize 'e�' by yourself? He deserves to be my apprentice! Hahaha!" Chaoge laughed and brushed the goatee, "In this case, you can slowly realize the 'fantasy' by yourself. With your talent... Um... You should be able to realize it in two or three years!"

Chen Rufeng's face showed a faint face, but he didn't dare to attack. He still smiled and said, "Master, you should pity your apprentice. I think my head is about to break..."

Chao stretched out a palm to stop him from talking and said seriously, "It's a good thing to break your head, so that you can have your own understanding and create your own martial arts world..."

After listening to this, Chen Rufeng suddenly raised his eyebrows and was so angry that his blood almost spit out of his mouth. He had to press his chest and try his best to keep smiling and said, "But... it's good to give me a little advice. I've been worried about it for a long time."

Chao stood up, took away the white snow that fell on his body, and said with his back to Chen Rufeng, "Apprentice, you can experience it yourself. I will come to you when you are free. As a teacher, I will go somewhere else to find wine to drink. Take care!"

With that, Chaoqi rolled into a green shadow and rushed straight to the sky in the white catkins, leaving Chen Rufeng alone in the alley.

Chen Rufeng has been worried about Chaoqi for nearly a few months. Now Chaoqi's sudden appearance naturally reassured him, but he suddenly left, making Chen Rufeng feel at a loss, as if there was a blazing flame in the dark, and the firelight soon went out again. With the court around, Chen Rufeng will feel much safer.

The sky is full of wind and snow, and you can only face it alone. Even if the road ahead is turbulent waves and a sea of fire, he can only be alone...

The streets are marching aimlessly, and Chen Rufeng doesn't know where he is going. Maybe, just here, wandering until the sunset.

Skily, the cold air around it added an unusually strong and familiar murderous atmosphere.

Strong and strong. It seems that there are countless killers, hiding in every trace of air, covering with a vast snowflakes and wielding a deadly butcher knife.

Chen Rufeng suddenly turned his head and rushed to the alley where he had just talked to Chao Guo.

This murderous spirit was felt on the street when they first entered Chang'an. But at that time, the murderous atmosphere soon dissipated. Now, the murderous spirit is getting stronger and stronger. As Chen Rufeng approaches the alley, he feels more and more clear.

Chen Rufeng's figure flashed at the entrance of the alley. In the deep alley, there is only one person with long hair and a shawl, who looks like a righteous middle-aged man.

Chen Rufeng frowned. He was sure that the murderous spirit was not emitted by the person in front of him, but by someone else.

He looked up, and the murderous place was above.

The man also looked at him doubtfully, as if he didn't feel the murderous in the alley.

The sky is deep, as if there is a bottomless hole, constantly falling snow from the hole. Suddenly, a cold light appeared from the white debris, and Chen Rufeng felt inappropriate.

The silver light fell, and all the snow and all the wind seemed to be retreated by this silver light, stagnant and suspended. Silver light, if a chopping knife falls from the sky, set a cutting order!

Decisive, the person in front of him was cut off by the frightening silver light!

Blood splashed everywhere, and the white snow in the alley was suddenly covered with a layer of bloody red. Chen Rufeng was already stunned, his eyes stared wildly and couldn't speak.

A person who was still alive was divided into two halves in an instant, and there was no way to survive.

The man shrouded in the cold and bloody, raised his head, and his eyes flashed with a trace of bloodthirsty cruelty, like a ghost-like smile, looming in the snowflakes.

Before Chen Rufeng reacted, the murderous target had become him. The silver light broke through the sky, and the long knife cracked the wind, roaring, without a trace of mercy.

The sharp knife was approaching, and Chen Rufeng hurriedly turned his true anger, flashed up, and turned into a green shadow and fled in panic. The terrible blade behind him glowed white and chased after him.

Several white blades came, and Chen Rufeng quickly shifted his body position like a ghost to avoid the momentum of a fast arrow. Chen Rufeng hovered several times in the air and jumped up and down in various buildings, but he could not get rid of the white light behind him.

In the end, Chen Rufeng couldn't help but stand on the eaves, condensed his strength on his fists, clenched his teeth, and touched the white light fiercely.

Before the white light came, the sharp momentum had been emitted like a flame, burning Chen Rufeng's fist. Chen Rufeng suddenly realized that his opponent was unprecedentedly strong.

Four directions gave birth to bloodthirsty white souls, as if they had found delicious prey and surrounded him one after another.

Under the dark, it is cold, and Chen Rufeng doesn't know why he suddenly has this chilling feeling. The knife hidden in the white light may be the originator of all this.

A green air suddenly surrounded Chen Rufeng, and the short and fat figure came out of the air and blocked Chen Rufeng. The green air circle is like a water drop lake, with circles of ripples. The white light was forced a few feet back and never had to move forward again.

That cruel look reappeared in front of their eyes, and the figure gradually became clear, and Chen Rufeng also saw the person in front of him.

His eyes are beautiful, with two handfuls of hair hanging on his shoulders, and his pale face seems to be the messenger of the king of the world.

"Is this how you do business?" Chaoguo said coldly, with one hand still in front of Chen Rufeng, and his eyes spewed anger.

The man carried the sword-long knife on his shoulder and said with an evil smile, "What's wrong? I absolutely don't like others to kill this boy when they see me kill people.

Chao snorted coldly and said, "If you want to touch a hair from him, step on my body first!"

Li Jue's smile softened a little and said lightly, "I don't know who this brother is the predecessor? Did you make the seniors so tight?

"He is my apprentice." Chaogu's eyes are still fierce, and he refuses to make any concessions to Li Jue.

"Oh, I'm sorry that the younger generation doesn't know Mount Tai." Li Jue smiled and turned his face to Chen Rufeng and said, "This brother, please forgive me for your sins. I will leave first."

Looking at Li Jue's fading back, Chaoqi was relieved and turned around with anger on his face and said, "Don't mind your own business in the future, so as not to offend anyone and bother me."

Chen Rufeng knew that Chaoqi had been secretly beside him, and his heart was also warm. He did not refute his words, but wondered, "Who is he?"

Chaoge looked dark and said, "He is a gang responsible for underground assassination transactions in the world - the Earth Film Club, and he is ranked as the number one killer. His strength is not small. I'm afraid you can't beat him. If he hadn't given me a little thin face, I'm afraid he and I would have to lose both sides."

Chen Rufeng's face changed. He didn't expect this fierce and powerful character. No wonder he could split the man in half in silence. Thinking of this, his heart was creepy again.

"Anyway, just pay attention to it in the future. I really have something to do. I can't protect you. Take care of yourself. Han Ling is also working hard for you. Don't give up easily. After a hasty exhortation, Chaogo has turned into a green shadow and disappeared in the snowy distance. Chen Rufeng looked at his departing back, and there were hundreds of flavors in his heart.

In the vast sky, he was the only one standing on the eaves and closing his eyes. The deep cold seemed to affect him no longer.

When he calmed down and turned his eyes to the street, he suddenly felt a sense of apprehension.