yu feng xing

Chapter 44: Draw the snake out of the hole

In the prime minister's hall, people surged, and all the guests gathered here at this moment, so that the guests could not sit at all. Some government guests had to stand, such as Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian. They stood behind the sitting Jin Yilai and looked nervously at Li Linfu with a very ugly face. Jin Yilai and the old man in gray robe sat in the two guest seats closest to the main seat. The old man in gray robe closed his eyes and meditated, instead of sitting upright like others.

Everyone, waiting for the angry Li Linfu to speak, held their breath, as if waiting for an angry lion to wake up.

"Do you know who did it?" Li Linfu held back for a long time and could only suppress his burning anger and squeeze out such a sentence. Unexpectedly, no one could give an accurate answer.

Li Linfu was angry again. He irritably turned his eyes to the old man in gray robe, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes. The old man also seemed to notice that Li Linfu's eyes fell on him, slowly opened his eyes and said, "Mr. Prime Minister, can you have a grudge with others recently?"

Li Linfu was stunned when he heard the words. On weekdays, he often used power and techniques, and his methods were fierce. I'm afraid that many people who offended him are like stars in the sky. Now he has been sought revenge for a moment, and I don't know which person who has ten grievances with him has come to him. Thinking of this, he had no choice but to shake his head.

Mei Lingyan said, "The comer is so powerful that he must be a noble family. We can follow this clue to see which side has enough strength and dares to fight the mansion."

Li Linfu stared at her, then withdrew his eyes and fell into thought alone. Mei Ling's face turned red and looked at Jin Yilai sitting next to him. Jin Yilai was still silent, and his eyes were faintly bright. Jiang Shengtian was shocked and remembered the secret he told him. At the same time, he moved with guilt and felt that his hands were also stained with blood. Sometimes, when he looked in the mirror in the morning, he felt that the person in the mirror was becoming less and less like himself. The original Jiang Shengtian seemed to go further and further after leaving Xianning.

I have done so many things just to return my innocence...

"I immediately entered the palace today and reported this matter to the emperor. I must thoroughly investigate who dares to make trouble in my prime minister's mansion!" Li Linfu finally released his anger and patted the table fiercely. His eyes were angry, as if the enemies were in front of him, and he couldn't wait to tear them to pieces.

Chen Rufeng paused and stopped talking. Li Linfu glanced at him and knew what he was thinking, so he said, "You two can rest assured that I will report your affairs to the emperor together."

Hearing Li Linfu say this, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian also felt relieved.

Peijiazhuang, Neizhuang, Juyifu.

Percy Qing helped Perak Shouyang, walked to the armchair and carefully put him on the chair. At this time, she has changed into her daughter's clothes, plain skirt, with a faint rouge on her face, with heroic eyes and beautiful eyebrows. She is also a beautiful person.

"Cough..." Pei Shouyang coughed heavily, and Pei Xinqing quickly eased his back and let him breathe. A man came out of the curtain on the side of the hall. It seemed that the man was slightly older than the Sun, and his temples were slightly white, but his eyes were shining all the time, as if he could not hide his ambition.

When Perak Xinqing saw this person, he nodded slightly and said, "Second Uncle..."

It turns out that this person is the second head of the Peijiazhuang, Pei Xuanjing. Since the death of Pei Xingjing, the father of Pei Xinqing, he has presided over the big and small affairs of Peijiazhuang, including the arrangement of everyone in the village and the transaction with hidden weapons. His way of doing things is even more different from that of the big boss. He does things vigorously, with strict rewards and punishments, and arbitrarily and arbitrarily, so the whole family is afraid of him.

Percy Xuanjing took a look at the injured Pei Shouyang and did not say a greeting, but said coldly, "I didn't expect that our three masters would also be injured. It seems that the prime minister is really not inferior to the big gangs in the world."

Falling Xinqing could hear the cynicism in his tone and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Originally, everything was under control, but it was a pity that suddenly killed..."

Pei Shouyang raised a hand and stopped Pei Xinqing's words. Pei Xinqing had to stare at Pei Xuanjing, but Pei Xuanjing did not look at her, but looked at Pei Shouyang coldly and said, "I'm very interested. Who can hurt my third brother to this extent."

"Hmm." Perce Shouyang struggled to stand up, pushed away the worried face of Pei Xinqing, put his hands on the armrests, took a deep breath, and flashed a trace of anger in his eyes. I don't know whether it was aimed at the gray-robed old man or Pei Xuanjing.

"If I don't miscalculate, that man's martial arts are the 'Wanye Xuangong' that was famous all over the world at that time!" Pei Shouyang said in one breath, and Pei Xuanjing's previously cold and slightly sasting face suddenly turned into undisgued horror.

"So...is that the man from... Baiyetang? But Baiyetang is not already..." Percy Xuanjing said incredulously. Although his face still tried his best to keep it plain, his hands trembled out of control, which showed the shock in his heart.

Pershouyang nodded slightly and said slowly, "It was 35 years ago, the 'White Leaf Hall' that shocked the world! But I don't know his identity. After all, Baiyetang was treated like a promiscuous party at that time and was basically eradicated. I don't understand why a person from Baiyetang was suddenly killed in the Prime Minister's mansion..."

Pianjing frowned and thought for a moment, but seemed to remember some more important things and said to them, "You have brought out all the elites in the village this time. You have lost a lot, and it may cause trouble and cause crimes. Do you have a solution?"

Pero Shouyang coughed a few times again and stared at the calculating Pei Xuanjing. He knew that he had been coveted the position of Peijiazhuang after his death two years ago, and the biggest obstacle was that he and Pei Xinqing, so he targeted them everywhere, and this adventure to kill the prime minister's mansion. The action was also strongly opposed by him before. Now that he has failed, he is naturally happy, but he is just invisible. We should take this opportunity to fall into the well and defeat their reputation in Pejiazhuang.

"We have tried our best to avoid using the hidden weapons produced in the village, and our identity has not been exposed. The lost people are also loyal people, and they will never give us up. You can rest assured." Pei Shouyang said coldly. Pei Xuanjing looked at him meaningfully, then turned his head and walked to the curtain on the side of the hall.

"If those people come to you at that time, don't blame me for being ruthless." Perak Xuanjing's back disappeared behind the curtain, and Perak Xinqing threw himself into an expression of disgust without concealment.

"That's all... That's all..." After Per Xuanjing left the House, Perse Shouyang shook his head and said, followed by a few heavy coughs, as if he had suddenly aged ten years old.

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian are living in the house, but they are restless. They don't know how Li Linfu will talk to the emperor today. They are more worried that Li Linfu will forget their grievances because of the invasion of the prime minister's mansion today, or the emperor does not believe that they are innocent at all and immediately sends people to arrest them. Case...

In short, all kinds of unfortunate pictures are presented in their minds, but they don't think about the benefits.

"I can't stand it!" Jiang Sheng stood up, opened the door and ran out. He shouted at the ice and snow outside to relieve the depression and irritation in his heart.

Chen Rufeng looked at his back shouting in the wind and snow, and could only sigh.

Perhaps, the mood of the two of them is completely different. He values whether he can wash his grievances. After all, he still has some erratic achievements to rely on, and there is a slight sense of security in his heart. Once he fails to wash his grievances, he also has the capital to continue to go around. And he can only become a burden forever.

All the way to death, Jiang Shengtian is also tired of this kind of life. He can only rely on Chen Rufeng or others to block things. He is useless.

After being baptized by the wind and snow, Jiang Shengtian walked to the West Corridor. Chen Rufeng suddenly thought that he just wanted to relax in the house and didn't follow.

However, Jiang Shengtian bypassed the rockery mountain and walked to the gate of Xiangfu.

He really can't stand it. Only other things in Chang'an City can calm his irritable heart, and he has always been worried about the last time Chen Rufeng slipped out of the house alone, so he did not tell Chen Rufeng.

If Chen Rufeng knew that he wanted to go to the government, he would definitely do everything he could to stop it. The wisest thing now is to stay in the house before Li Linfu comes back to avoid extracurricular.

The people guarding at the door did not stop Jiang Shengtian. Generally speaking, they would not prevent the guests from going out, so Jiang Shengtian swaggered out of the prime minister's mansion.

For a long time, Chen Rufeng, who stayed in Liuxin Garden, saw that Jiang Shengtian had not returned for a long time and was uneasy, so he ran out of the West Corridor to look for it. He even went to the Lingyingtai to ask Jin Yilai and the spirit. The two just shook their heads and said that they had never seen Jiang Shengtian.

"Isn't that boy running out by himself?" Chen Rufeng thought in horror in his heart. At the same time, he went to all parts of the prime minister's mansion with the last hope, and even searched for the east wing, but still did not find Jiang Shengtian's figure.

In the end, Chen Rufeng's figure fell on the top of the fake stone mountain in the west wing, enjoying the scenery of the prime minister's mansion, and even the hazy street scene of Chang'an in the distance.

In desperation, Chen Rufeng looked at Chang'an in the snow, and could only say secretly in his heart, "I hope nothing will happen to him."

Beijing Street is really bustling! Jiang Shengtian thought of this and was attracted by the overwhelming street vendors and all kinds of shops.

After the strong wind and snow, the streets and alleys have reappeared in the east and west cities of Chang'an.

A variety of jewelry, as well as all kinds of fragrant and delicious, are extremely attractive. Jiang Shengtian couldn't take his eyes off it and forgot it for a while.

The crowded crowd rubbed his shoulders one after another, and Jiang Shengtian's head kept swinging on the left and right sides, as if he didn't want to give his eyes free time.

Behind him, there were several cold eyes staring at his back and never left.

A sneer sounded behind him.

Jiang Shengtian seemed to notice something and turned around, but there was only a stream of people marching against the wind and snow.

I'm probably suspicious.

The further he went, the smaller the flow of people. He was not familiar with Chang'an. Naturally, Jiang Shengtian did not know where this place was, so he walked randomly and came to this place.

In a blink of an eye, he came to an empty snow with only a few children, playing with snow, and hip-hop laughter came to his ears. His heart was shocked, as if he remembered something in the past. After a while, I could only sigh and move on.

The cold air came to his face, and Jiang Shengtian shivered. Although the winter sun shone directly, it could not bring enough warmth. He looked around. Everything was so strange, and the road behind him seemed to be different from when he came. He was shocked that he had lost his way in the capital.

In a daze, he walked behind a strong man in thick clothes, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I want to ask the prime minister..."

The man slowly turned his head, and Jiang Shengtian's eyes fell on the man's face. His eyes suddenly showed panic, and his footsteps unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

The man laughed dryly and walked into Jiang Shengtian.

Jiang Shengtian said "wow", turned around and quickly ran away. Unexpectedly, several figures in the surrounding snow, like hungry beasts that have been ambushed for a long time, rushed up.

A more violent wind blew into Liuxinyuan. Chen Rufeng looked at the sky, and his heart seemed to be stabbed fiercely by something, and a burst of pain spread to his upper body.

He covered his chest and began to flow all over his body.

The sound of rapid footsteps came, and Tian Yishan broke in breathlessly without a word. He held a letter tightly in his hand and stuffed it into Chen Rufeng's hand.

"Ghost... The ghost mansion sent someone to send me... I... I told them that there was no such person... But..." Tian Yishan said breathlessly, "The master is not in the house..."

Chen Rufeng glanced at the envelope. The recipient was himself. He quickly opened it and took out the letter paper. At a glance, his face suddenly changed dramatically, his eyes were wide, and his fists clenched the letter into a ball fiercely. Tian Yishan was also shocked by his sudden and terrible reaction.

"Where is the ghost house?" Chen Rufeng asked coldly, and a circle of red light flashed in his eyes.