yu feng xing

Chapter 46: The Ghost House is Broken

The evil spirit of the demon family, which had been dormant for a long time, finally poured out in the fierce anger accumulated into Chen Rufeng's heart, breaking the levee and sweeping the whole ghost house.

Bloody eyes, finging red light, like the black devil under the underworld!

And in the blood-red pupil, Meng Qianxiao is the only one reflected!

"Kill you!"

Chen Rufeng's right palm became a hand knife. Before he came to Meng Qianxiao, he had already split down. A black blade flew out of his palm into a crescent moon, and the blade pointed straight to Meng Qianxiao's head. Meng Qianxiao was stunned. He had already felt that the black power was fierce, and it was even more difficult to compete with his own strength. He had to fly away. With a bang, the desk and the chair on which Meng Qianxiao sat were disconnected in an instant. The wood chips flew horizontally, and the paper, pen and other items on the desk were not complete.

Just as Chen Rufeng's black figure was about to fall on the original position of Meng Qianxiao, a green light flashed, and his body was wrapped in green gas in the black, dragging out a long black shadow, and teleporting to Wen Zicheng, like a sudden resentment, slapping Wen Zicheng's chest. However, the two masters of Tianyu Gang on both sides were not idle. Lin Chengjun quickly picked up his two axes and crossed the two axes with the momentum of thunder to block Wen Zicheng. At the same time, he stepped forward with one foot and resisted his single fist. The white fist suddenly expanded from the fist and met Chen Rufeng's amazing black hand.

With a roar, a circle of air waves appeared on Chen Rufeng's black palm, and walking ice and Lin Chengjun also threw out. Obviously, they could not resist the strong momentum of the evil spirit of the demon family in Chen Rufeng's body. Even Wen Zicheng, who was hiding behind them, couldn't help taking a few steps back. His face was full of horror. Looking at Chen Rufeng's ferocious appearance, As if seeing that Yan Luo was chasing his life in front of him, he could only helplessly look at the man who was covered with blackness, and once again gathered momentum in his palm and showed a ferocious smile on his face.

With a shout, Chen Rufeng held the wrist of the other hand, and the black smoke surged in his palm, like countless black snakes flying out of his palm and rolling back, rushing away to Wen Zicheng.

Wen Zicheng's back has been attached to the wall, and the ghost head carvings on both sides can only watch him suffer a fatal blow from the hellish monster.

Meng Qianxiao and others flew up. Even the four ghosts and six ghosts that were originally holding Jiang Shengtian put down Jiang Shengtian. As the ghost's head flew out, they were about to stop it, but how could the speed be compared with Chen Rufeng, who perfectly combined the evil spirit of the demon family and the erratic magic skills. Before they attacked Chen Rufeng, Chen Rufeng's palm had touched Wen Zicheng. The chest.


With a strong collision sound, Chen Rufeng's momentum was stopped, and he was forced back three feet. The people in the ghost mansion were stunned and found that Wen Zicheng was close to the wall. A white sleeve was raised, and one of the black claws actually protruded from the cuffs, overlapping with Wen Zicheng's claw-shaped hands, and it was big. The small one is more than ten times more than Wen Zicheng's claws. It seems that a warcraft that has been buried in Wen Zicheng's sleeve for a long time can't stand it and shows its black claws to fight against the enemy.

Wen Zicheng sweated wildly. His original white clothes were already sweaty. His teeth were tightly biting and his face was tense. The black claw shadow still shrouded his hand and opened alertly to Chen Rufeng.

Meng Qianxiao stared and frowned slightly, but at this moment, he didn't have time to think too much about it. Taking advantage of the great opportunity of Chen Rufeng being forced back, he cooperated with the other six people in the ghost house to launch a star-like attack on Chen Rufeng.

The torch on the wall is bright and dark, flickering. In the hall, seven knife shadows were intertwined and broke through the air, and the weather rolled up. Like a god's rope, it surrounded Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng's red eyes swept around, grabbed the black gas with both hands, bullied himself and rushed to the densest place of the knife shadow. During this time, the knife spirit swept around him crazily, but he could avoid the strength of the knife that cut iron like mud. The black light of his hands was even more. When he was about to reach the densest place where the knife shadows intersect, he suddenly combined his hands into a palm and drank down. Suddenly, a needle of blackness stretched out like a hedgehog with Chen Rufeng's palm as the center. The originally seamless knife net suddenly dispersed into a faint breath and disappeared in the air.

Except for Meng Qianxiao and Huo Duxu, the other five people were shocked by the anti-earthquake. Meng Qianxiao and Huo Duxu did not allow Chen Rufeng to have a chance to breathe. They waved a knife and flew away to Chen Rufeng. The knife body was shining, hissing like a snake, and there was an unprecedented momentum.

Duguxing, who had just landed on his feet, was even more shocked. Unexpectedly, the boy's skill at this time was more than twice as high as when he was in Mingchan Temple.

In fact, Chen Rufeng followed the practice and trial all the way, and regardless of the evil spirit of the demon family, his own true qi cultivation has been much higher than before, and the evil spirit of the demon family has improved with Chen Rufeng's own improvement, and the speed is faster. The true qi originally introduced into the body through the one qi of heaven and earth is ten miles per line, and the evil spirit of the black yuan stone has gone hundreds of miles. In addition, Chen Rufeng's long-term anger broke out at one time, and its intensity naturally cannot be compared with that day.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Huo's fierce knives attacked, among which Meng Qianxiao's knife was full of energy, as if it were ghostly attached to a knife. I'm afraid that if they were touched by that strange spirit, they would immediately get wild food. Chen Rufeng's red eyes suddenly rose to the extreme. With a howling sound, his hands were open, and his hands were rolling with black smoke, grabbing the two threatening blades. Huo Duxu's knife was wrapped up by the black smoke in Chen Rufeng's hand and was suddenly uncontrollable. When he tried hard to regain control of the knife, he was pushed fiercely by a huge force extending from the knife to his hand. The whole person flew backwards with the knife, brushed his feet sharply, and braked his feet to barely stabilize his body.

Meng Qianxiao's ghost knife was fiercely entangled with Chen Rufeng's other hand. The black gas on the ghost knife touched the surging black gas on Chen Rufeng's palm. For a while, Meng Qianxiao clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and constantly focused his whole body on the knife, vowing to crack Chen Rufeng's evil spirit. Both of them were tight-faced and their eyes were furious, as if they were holding a fire in their hands, competing for who would be burned by the other party's fire first.

With another explosion, Chen Rufeng suddenly pinched his fist again, and the two groups of intertwined black gas turned into bursting gas. Both of them shook them away. The two looked at each other in the air. Meng Qianxiao's face was grim against the ghost knife with black on the knife body, which was similar to the black smoke on Chen Rufeng's body with a devilish smile.

"Sure enough, you must have touched the black stone to have such a strong momentum." Meng Qianxiao said coldly. At this time, the other six people in the ghost house in the hall, together with Tianyu Gang Wenzi, stood up again and faintly became a siege on the ground. Chen Rufeng restrained his ferocious smile, glanced at the coveted opponents around him, and then looked at Meng Qianxiao again, with a red light in his eyes.

"Kill you all!" Chen Rufeng shouted, and his black air went out. He gritted his teeth fiercely, and his body turned into a dark green shadow, which shot at Meng Qianxiao like a ghost. Meng Qianxiao turned his knife in a circle and made a defense before Chen Rufeng's black hand shadow came. At the same time, the blade met and stabbed forward. The change was extremely exquisite, but what was more amazing was that he could attack in defense and fight with Chen Rufeng's black fists without falling into the wind. At this moment, Wen Zicheng is really See his real strength as the head of the ghost house.


A black knife shadow swept away and threw Chen Rufeng like a dragon in the dim light of the public hall. Chen Rufeng pushed his palms and bumped into the shadow of the knife for a moment. Unexpectedly, he was shocked by the strength that had accumulated Meng Qianxiao's profound skills all his life. He opened 20 feet away from Meng Qianxiao. The nine people standing there quickly took advantage of this good opportunity and rushed up and showed their proud skills one after another. The axe and knife fell to Chen Rufeng like rain, even Chen Rufeng had three The first six arms, with the evil spirit of the demon family, could not resist the attack in all directions. For a moment, it could only urge the evil spirit in the body and wrapped it into an eggshell. Every wave of energy hit, his body sank down. In the end, Meng Qianxiao hit his head fiercely. Chen Rufeng could not resist it. The air shell was broken, and his body went straight down. Fall.

Chen Rufeng's body fell to the ground, but the red light in his eyes did not disappear. Ten besieged people fell to the ground one after another, all with a triumphant smile on their faces, looking at the teenager who stood up again with his trembling body.

Wen Zicheng laughed, and the strength condensed in his palm.

"This person can't be killed." Du Guxing gasped and said with a rough smile. The successive battles just now obviously made him unweary, and his face was slightly blue.

Chen Rufeng stood laboriously as if he was hanging by a rope on his back, but the bending of his waist rod made people feel that he was almost exhausted.

The red light flashes.

Ten figures all exude murderous intent, and they want to kill him.

He looked at each person and gave the illusion that he was begging them for mercy.

"You... wronged me... you guys... scum..." Chen Rufeng seemed to spend half of his strength every word, and the people around him still looked at him sarcastically without a trace of compassion.

"Ha... Ha..." Chen Rufeng smiled dryly, but the laughter seemed to come from the underworld, like the laughter before the ghosts broke the soul, and the people present couldn't help but feel a secret chill in their hearts.

"Why is it unfair? Why do you want us to suffer injustice? You real sinners!"

Chen Rufeng roared, but the laughter in his ear was even stronger. Everyone knew that he was the end of the crossbow, and he could only use his last strength to make such a roar like a wild dog bark.

You...go to hell!

Chen Rufeng seemed to hold an invisible plate in both hands. The black smoke on his body began to condense into the space between his hands like a collection of wandering souls. Meng Qianxiao's originally complacent smile gradually turned into panic, and he hurriedly drew a knife to attack, but there was an invisible atmosphere. The momentum emanated from Chen Rufeng, which shocked his actions and made him unable to kill him. Other people obviously had this feeling, and they all looked at Chen Rufeng's changes with fear.

"Hahahaha!" Chen Rufeng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and the black gas between his hands had condensed into a black bead as big as half a person, spitting out black flames like a fireball.

The torch suddenly went out, and the black beads condensed by Chen Rufeng, like the bottomless abyss of hell, absorbing everything and taking everyone into hell.

The seven knives of the ghost mansion and the three Tianyu gang forced all the remaining true qi in their bodies to fight against Chen Rufeng, a mysterious magic skill that almost destroyed everything. It seemed that there were countless souls, touching their bodies, sucking their souls, and swallowing them up.

This terrible horror goes straight to the heart and lungs. I'm afraid that the timid person has already been scared to death by this prison-like momentum and bleeding to death!

Chen Rufeng looked at everyone like a naughty boy, raised a ghost-like smile at the corners of his mouth, and pressed the black giant bead to the ground.

In an in anuspid moment, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked!

The deafening sound of energy filled the whole ghost mansion, which made people feel that all the white clouds in the sky turned into flooding the city, and the mountains on the ground were broken into the huge soil of the city, and the world should be destroyed in one place!

Everyone, next to the wall, has no more power to move. Lin Chengjun, walking ice and other people with poor skills have fainted. Only Meng Qianxiao still supported his body with a knife, and his body was ragged, full of blood marks and a messy face.

Chen Rufeng lay in the middle of the public hall. There were faint cracks on the ground, and even the ghost head carvings on the wall had cracks, as if they would break with one touch.

The teenager is still breathing.

Meng Qianxiao, step by step, trembled his body, used a knife as a walking stick, and walked with difficulty to Chen Rufeng lying there quietly.

In the air, there was only the sound of breathing.

Wen Zicheng covered his painful chest, looked at Meng Qianxiao, opened his mouth, and looked at his mouth as if he was saying, "Kill him."

Meng Qianxiao walked to Chen Rufeng's side.

His chest was undulating, his eyes were closed, and he slept peacefully. Few people could imagine that he was still a demon from purgatory a moment ago.

"You... can't stay..." Meng Qianxiao stood firmly on his feet and raised his knife breathlessly.

The ghost blade fell down neatly!