yu feng xing

Chapter 48: Confrontation Jinluan

For several days in a row, Chen Rufeng lay in bed for almost half of the time, and had to be injected into the imperial doctor to prescribe those so-called "good drugs" every day, which made his mouth and tongue feel bitter. In his words, he was suffering. When Chen Rufeng used some excuses to send away the imperial doctor and prepare to pour out the dark soup, Guan Xingyi always persuaded him painstakingly, which annoyed him, so he had to drink those drugs that were worse than poison.

What surprised him was that on the second day of the palace, Jiang Shengtian had basically recovered and swaggered in to visit him. He was quite good, and the scars on his face were only faintly visible. Without the tragic situation of the previous two days, he was still dark and worried.

"At this point, we are already very sure that we can reverse the case!" Chen Rufeng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Think about it, we haven't been thrown into prison yet, so we know that our luck is not over yet."

Jiang Shengtian shrugged his shoulders stiffly. He seemed to be still uncertain, but replied, "Is that right?"

When Chen Rufeng saw his reaction, he no longer paid attention to him. He struggled to get out of bed to see the scenery outside. After all, ordinary people don't have many opportunities to enter the palace in their lives, so they can open their eyes. Jiang Shengtian saw that his body was shaking and quickly supported him, and the two walked out of the room.

Stepping out of the door, the red cage is hanging high, the carved railings are made of jade, and the waist of the corridor is back. The court ladies and eunuchs in gorgeous clothes have one every ten steps. The corridor seems to shuttle through a garden, and the grass and trees stick their branches in from the gap. If it weren't for the winter, I'm afraid it is green here. Now, only a bleak chill echoes here, and there is no place to go.

A rapid footsteps came. The two followed the sound and saw Guan Xingyi coming with a gloomy face. Chen Rufeng guessed that something bad must have happened, otherwise it would be difficult for him to have such a face with his happy nature.

Sure enough, Guan Xingyi came over and said, "Rufeng, Shengtian, Li Linfu and Li Cheng asked me to tell you that tomorrow the emperor will conduct a royal trial on your case in the Jinluan Hall to prepare you."

The two were shocked when they heard the words and looked at each other, but they saw that Guan Xingyi wanted to stop talking. Guan Xingyi looked left and right, pushed them into the room and gently closed the door.

"Also, remember that tomorrow on the main hall, you will deny all the relationship with Tianzhu tributes, and you will not be present on that day." Guan Xingyi lowered his voice.

"But, we do..." Chen Rufeng's eyes were puzzled, but Guan Xingyi shook his head and interrupted him: "He asked me to tell you everything to deal with Li Linfu. Anyway, if the ghost mansion proves anything to you, just deny it.

Chen Rufeng suddenly closed his tongue and saw the urgency in Guan Xingyi's eyes, so he had to nod. Looking at Jiang Shengtian, he was still in a trance, but he was a little more nervous.

"Bear by the way, have you seen Brother Han?" Chen Rufeng asked.

"After all, he is a hermit, and it is inconvenient for him to interfere too much in some things." Guan Xingyi said, Chen Rufeng sighed secretly. I don't know why, with Han Ling by his side, he would feel like a layer of solid protection. In his opinion, Han Ling's behavior is much more shrewd than Guan Xingyi's.

Night, quiet.

Outside the door, there is only a slightly red lantern candlelight, swaying like a ghost fire, accompanied by the cry of the cold wind, which is even more gloomy.

People who are troubled can't sleep at night, although the mattress headrests are excellent and extremely comfortable.

Chen Rufeng crossed his hands and looked at the deep darkness in front of him. A sense of nervousness occupied his whole body. He felt that every drop of flowing blood was shaking nervously, but there was an inexplicable expectation.

Tomorrow, you will be free, whether it is victory or defeat.

I don't know what kind of result is the emperor's personal trial?

Suddenly, he had a feeling of want to escape. With his superb and mysterious skills, I'm afraid there is nothing to escape from the palace surrounded by black clouds.

Once you leave, you don't have to face tomorrow's results and give everything to others timidly.

He shook his head and quickly left this idea behind. Such a move must be irresponsible.

He left. What about him and his brother Jiang Shengtian since childhood?

The world is big, but he will only become a Tang criminal for a lifetime, desperate, and finally die at the hands of others in a chase.

He slapped his temple fiercely. How could he think so much? Probably the sense of tension is so strong that the mind can't control itself.

Just close your eyes, eliminate distracting thoughts, have a good sleep, and have the energy to go all out tomorrow. This is the last battle. He put all his bets on Li Linfu.

The two are now meat on the cutting board, so they can only rely on fate.

In the Jinluan Hall, the golden dragon pillar stands on the top. The throne of the high platform, the dragon chair is placed at the end, and the dragon head armrest is not powerful and lifelike. The two palace maids serve left and right, holding a big fan with peacock hair in hand, and the yellow dragon carving screen behind it, inlaid with emerald gems, which is also a valuable thing.

Although this hall is not as big as the Taiji Hall, it is not as big as the Taiji Hall. After all, this is not the place where the emperor mainly deals with political affairs. Today, the people of Your Highness are even more rare. There are no civil and military officials, only the seven knives of the ghost mansion, Wen Zicheng, the master of the Tianyu Gang, the left and right guardian Lin Chengjun, walking on ice, and wearing blue officials and black on the head. Li Linfu, the prime minister of Sha, Guan Xingyi, who is as strong as a mountain, and two beautiful teenagers, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian.

The two sides stood on both sides, and Jingwei was clear. Meng Qianxiao and others stared at Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian angrily. Their actions were not as quick as before. Obviously, Lin Chengjun and Bubing, who had low skills, were unstable and fell. Chen Rufeng returned his fearless eyes without fear. On the contrary, Jiang Shengtian, who was beside him, bowed his head and silently, and Guan Xingyi was so nervous that he looked left and right. After all, he had never seen such a big scene, not to mention that the emperor would come later, which was naturally a little at a loss.

Li Linfu stared at the low steps leading to the throne with sharp eyes, and his eyebrows trembled gently, as if he was thinking about something secretly without looking at the people present. His position was also far away from Chen Rufeng, probably between the two sides.

At first glance, Chen Rufeng's side is weak and the number of people is suppressed.

"The emperor is here!" A lower eunuch shouted, and the angry, nervous and silent people turned to the dragon seat. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian had been taught a set of court etiquette by a nagging old eunuch, which finally came in handy at this moment. Li Longji, dressed in a dragon robe and a majestic face, walked forward with his sleeves, stepped up the steps, walked to the front of the dragon chair, looked at the crowd with a pair of eyes, and slowly sat down.

Everyone knelt down neatly, bowed down and kowtowed, and said in unison, "Hang Long live the emperor!"

"Faling!" Li Longji said in an angry and majestic voice. Li Linfu stood up first, and the others also stood up one after another. Looking at the 95-year-old with a solemn face, he almost didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Recently, I heard that the case of stealing Tianzhu tributes in Ningzhou seems to be complicated. In addition, Prime Minister Li replaced the two criminals in this case. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian submitted a case. In addition, Zhao Fengzhang, the governor of Xianning, wrote a letter to prove that Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian would never steal tributes." Li Longji said slowly, and his eyes swept over everyone again. Chen Rufeng, Jiang Shengtian and Guan Xingyi were already fury in their hearts. They quickly lowered their heads and dared not look at the eyes of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty again.

"Recently, the ghost house successfully hunted down the two, but it caused chaos in the ghost house, which added another disturbance to the incident. And the robbery of tributes is related to the national body and must not be misjudged. After my careful consideration, I decided to try the case in person.

Li Linfu quickly shouted, "Your Majesty is wise!" Everyone also shouted, but the voice was far less than Li Linfu's.

"Well, now it's Meng Qianxiao, the head of the ghost house, to make a statement first." Li Longji raised one hand and motioned Meng Qianxiao to say the foregoing. Meng Qianxiao took a few steps forward, and his crisp footsteps echoed in the hall, as if the golden dragon on the column was singing low. Meng Qianxiao bowed to the emperor on the high platform, bowed his fist and arched his hand, glanced at Chen Rufeng's side, and said, "Your Majesty, when he was escorting tributes to Ningzhou, he suddenly encountered a hidden weapon attack that blinded his eyes. Then I found that it was the so-called two little boy, so-called, so he took measures to arrest the two people, but unfortunately he They were rescued together, and the same party even threw their party away so far.

Li Linfu sneered, looked at Meng Qianxiao disdainfully, and said in a mocking tone, "I didn't expect that I could catch a person with seven knives in the ghost mansion."

Meng Qianxiao turned his head angrily and said with deep anger in his eyes: "Li Cheng was not present for quite a day. Naturally, we don't know the danger of that day. We should not only take into account the tribute, but also not to be injured. Naturally, the difficulty has doubled. It was only for a moment that he was careless that he had a chance to take advantage of it. Compared with those who live with only a pair of mouths all day long, we who fight for our lives can do our best.

Li Linfu's eyes flashed. Just as he wanted to refute, he was interrupted by Li Longji: "So, Chen Rufeng, Jiang Shengtian, is there such a thing?"

Li Linfu looked up and replied for them, "The two of them were just playful for a while. They didn't know that they had an escort mission in the ghost house, so they dared to throw away those hidden weapons and cause chaos. They are also children. How can they know that they will cause trouble, but they are regarded as thieves by the good people in the ghost house? Moreover, the same party has not yet been returned to justice, and the evidence is weak, so it is too arbitrary to conclude that they are the mastermind of the robbery of tributes.

After hearing this, Li Longji lowered his eyes and thought about it slightly and frowned slightly. At this time, Meng Qianxiao said again, "Your Majesty, we have Wen Zicheng, the master of the Tianyu Gang of Ningzhou Gang, and his two left and right guardians, Lin Chengjun and Bu Bing as human witness to confirm that Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian do have the intention to rob tributes, and listen to their message."

Li Longji nodded and said, "Just play!"

Chen Rufeng, Jiang Shengtian and Guan Xingyi all watched Wen Zicheng come out with a cunning smile and leaned over and said, "Your Majesty, our Tianyu Gang did receive the exact news before the ghost house escorting tributes to Ningzhou, saying that Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian plotted to steal the tributes and bought the Peijiazhuang. The hidden weapon 'mire in the fog' created chaos on that day and let their colleagues take advantage of the chaos to rob the treasure. Our Tianyu Gang also set up an ambush on the same day to stop their treasure robbery, but unfortunately they finally let them succeed.

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian heard the fire in their eyes. Neither of them expected that there was such a way in the world that they could distort the facts to completely reverse right and wrong. Moreover, Wenzi's face did not change and smiled respectfully. Li Longji frowned and obviously turned his eyes to Chen Rufeng's side with distrust.

"Your Majesty, both of us can confirm that what the master said is true." Lin Chengjun vowed with one voice, with an unkind smile on the corners of his mouth.

A malicious smile also appeared on the faces of the people in the ghost house, but they saw the red light reappear in Chen Rufeng's eyes at this time. Although it was only faintly visible, it also shocked the heart of the person in the ghost house.

That day, on the ghost palace, the cruelty of the cold-blooded god-killing seemed to appear in front of them again. Naturally, they dare not mention the war situation that day. After all, they are all excellent people. With ten enemies, they will even lose to an unknown hairy boy. I'm afraid they will be laughed at by the world.

But at this moment, they are all afraid of the cloth and look at Chen Rufeng with vigilance.

Even Li Longji, who was on the dragon chair, felt the momentum and moved uneasily. The person with low skills as Li Linfu has long been overwhelmed by this momentum, and thousands of blades seem to be beside him.

Guan Xingyi beside Chen Rufeng also pulled Jiang Shengtian uneasily and took a step back a few feet away from Chen Rufeng.

Angry, he pointed directly at Wen Zicheng. Wen Zicheng also felt cold sweat on his back, and did not dare to meet Chen Rufeng's burning red eyes, and his whole body trembled.

"Your Majesty," Chen Rufeng took a strong step forward, his blood-red eyes flashed, his face was cold, and his eyes did not look directly at Li Longji. Li Longji was also afraid. For a moment, he was hoarse and could not speak. His body unconsciously leaned back, clung to the back of the dragon chair, and took a cold breath.

"The people are here and want to say a few words." Chen Rufeng said coldly, and the sound seemed to come from the dark, which was heartbreaking and cold.

"say." Li Longji seemed to have struggled to squeeze out such a word. He tried his best to maintain a majestic look on his face, but a drop of cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

"In the fog, we did throw it away. And we are not playful, but have someone behind us. Chen Rufeng's sonorous tone, Li Linfu was stunned and wanted to say something, but when he saw Chen Rufeng's bloody eyes, he swallowed the words from his throat and watched him continue to speak.

"And the person who instructed him is Wen Zicheng, the master of Tianyu Gang, who is in the hall at this moment!" Chen Rufeng waved his fingers horizontally, and there seemed to be an invisible cone at his fingertips, forcing Wen Zicheng to that place, which was extremely gloomy.

Wen Zicheng's face changed dramatically, and his face turned red. In the face of Chen Rufeng's sharp words, he wanted to refute, but he was stared at by those frightening red eyes. Suddenly, his words were scattered. He didn't know what he wanted to say, so he could only staggered to Li Longji: "Your Majesty... he... he... spit blood!"

"It was you who set up an ambush on that day and wanted to rob the tribute. Unexpectedly, it was the ghost house that personally escorted the tribute. Before he could change the plan, he took the opportunity to blame us!" Chen Rufeng's voice was furious with a chill that went straight to his heart and lungs, and everyone's face changed.

At this time, Guan Xingyi came out, bowed his hand to Li Longji first, and said, "Your Majesty, Cao people have gone to Ningzhou to bring back an important certificate. At this moment, he is waiting outside the hall for a long time, hoping that the emperor can summon him to the hall to make a confession."

Li Longji waved his sleeves and said, "Existrate!"

Everyone's eyes fell on the person who timidly walked into the Jinluan Hall. Who is this person? Wen Zicheng, Lin Chengjun and Bu Bing became even more ugly, as if they had just been stuffed with a piece of rotten meat.

Under their cannibal eyes, Zeng Da forced himself to focus on the supreme Ninth Five-Year Plan. He walked to Li Longji like a wind and knelt down and said, "can...see the emperor!"

"Faling! Hurry up and do everything together!" Li Longji's face was a little impatient. Zeng's big mouse glanced at the people around him. Seeing the severe confrontation between the two sides, he stood up in fear and did not dare to look directly at Li Longji.

Guan Xingyi urged, "You can tell the truth!" Everything is up to the emperor. You don't have to be afraid of anyone's threat!"

Frightened by Guan Xingyi's sound like a bell, Zeng Da trembled violently again and looked at Wen Zicheng with timid eyes. Looking at Wen Zicheng's face, he simply wanted to cut Zeng Daqian and dismember the body.

Zeng took a deep breath and wanted to say the words that had been brewing for a long time.

When Li Longji saw Zeng's face, he said, "You can say it at ease. I can keep you comprehensive!"

Hearing such a powerful sentence today, Zeng Nature felt the crisis, straightened his chest, and seemed to say to everyone in the hall, "The person who has been plotted to steal tributes," he slowly turned his head and looked at Chen Rufeng. He was illuminated by his frightening eyes, and suddenly felt cold. He He quickly moved his eyes and shouted, "That's him! Chen Rufeng!"