yu feng xing

Chapter 12: After the transaction

Chen Rufeng's feet slid back on the floor, away from the two pieces of meat that were invable like knives and guns. He stared at the two strong men opposite him closely and did not dare to despise them. Instead, the two opposite people smiled proudly and thought that they could stop Chen Rufeng's stormy offensive and thought that they had gained the upper hand.

"I didn't expect you to have a few hands." Cao Jin hid behind the two men and said with a sneer. He seemed to feel that he was winning, while Chen Rufeng was the end of Jiang Lang and became the end of the crossbow.

Although the door of the restaurant was wide open and Sackde was standing closest to the door, he did not mean to leave. His eyes stared at Chen Rufeng's back, showing a trace of thought.

Chen Rufeng's mind turned sharply. Between the lightning, he jumped up, and another charming image drew a long green bridge. He flashed in front of the two men. The speed was beyond the reach of the naked eye. His hands were already holding two green jasper-like strong lights and pushed them to their lower abdomens. There were full of real fists in the green light. If you are hit, I'm afraid even the stubborn stone will break.

The two Biao men naturally realized the strength of Chen Rufeng's two fists. Although they were big, they were agile and quickly dodged to both sides. Strangely, the moment when the two green lights stabbed forward, they dissipated like fireworks and evaporated in the air.

Even Chen Rufeng's figure seems to be frozen, standing there, and then like a faded cloth. The whole person is like a virtual shadow, slowly fading and disappearing in the air.

Suddenly, the two legs swept over their necks with thorny green light, like two green blades suddenly born from the air, with a "bang" sound, like two giant trees being uprooted, and the two men without even humming in pain and fell to the ground.

Another shock that shook the world.

Seeing that the two thugs hired from the black market had been beaten to death and had no longer fight back, Cao Jin's face turned blue and his eyes looked at the two dying strong men on the ground, but there was no sound in his mouth, as if he had been blocked by something.

Chen Rufeng and Saxard looked at him coldly.

Cao Jin couldn't help trembling all over his body, as if he were in thousands of ice and snow.

"This man is at your disposal." Sack said in an uninteresting tone and turned around and left the pub. Chen Rufeng looked at Cao Jin with disdainful eyes.

"Originally, you sold fake paintings, but you failed and wanted to kill people. The crime is unforgivable and should be handed over to the government for investigation." Speaking of this, Cao Jin suddenly knelt on the ground with an "ah" sound, burst into tears, and pleaded, "Give me for your life! If I fall into the hands of these Tianzhu people, I will be desperate! Pray for mercy and let the villain go! The little man must be a cow and a horse in his next life. Thank you very much!"

Chen Rufeng felt a sense of nausea in his heart and looked at him with disgust, but after all, he was also a Han man and came from the Tang Dynasty. If he really sent him to the government, I'm afraid he would lose his life and couldn't bear it for a while.

Abruptly flashed in his mind. Should he tell him about the death of the Tang envoy and let him go back to inform him for help?

But on second thought, there is something wrong with this person's integrity, and it is really debatable whether he can trust him. In addition, after such important news, he doesn't know what he will have any wrong ideas.

In the end, Chen Rufeng still chose to hide the secret in the bottom of his heart. At the same time, there was also a low sigh of disappointment in my heart.

I thought there was an opportunity to ask for help, but it was dashed.

"You go." Chen Rufeng said indifferently that he could not treat his fellow race cruelly.

Hearing this sentence, Cao Jin kowtowed three steps as if he had been pardoned by the emperor, and walked back to the door as if he were the dignity of the 95th Five.

Saks stood outside the door and looked at Cao Jin's lost dignity like a defeated dog. With a sneer. After Cao Jin withdrew from the door, he stood up and looked at Saks with a frightened face. His footsteps were as fast as the wind and quickly rolled out of their sight.

Chen Rufeng stood in the middle of the restaurant, surrounded by only broken table feet and a piece of wood chips.

"Let's go." Sakde held his arms and stood at the door. His figure was thrown on the empty ground under the scorching sun, extending to the feet of Chen Rufeng.

Leave the restaurant, and the two soon fell into the crowd.

Chen Ru looked at the sky in this foreign land. The clouds were strange, the sky was strange, and even everything around him was unfamiliar.

I don't know when that strong homesickness occupied the whole heart.

In a foreign country, I have always been a distinct foreigner. I have always walked through the strange eyes of others. There is no familiar smell in the soil, and even the drinking water is covered with a strange smell.

Thinking that there was still a trace of hope in front of me, and it was dashed, that feeling was like falling from the top of a high mountain to a deep canyon.

The whole person was suddenly heavy, and every step was venting his disappointment.

"I didn't expect that you would not favor the Han man, but also prove that he was selling fake paintings." Sakde suddenly spit out such a sentence, pulling Chen Rufeng back from his dull thoughts.


The coldness on Sax's face slightly decreased, and there was a slight smile at the corners of his mouth.

Looking at Sack, the wall between the two seems to be thinning.

"You are the most special of all the Han people I have ever seen." Saxde said slowly, with thoughts and vague appreciation between his eyebrows.

Chen Rufeng suddenly didn't know what words could answer his words, so he had to laugh, but Sack didn't care about it. The light in his eyes changed several times, like the stars in the sky, which was unpredictable.

In a moment, in the bustling crowd, he barely squeezed into a narrow street, went down a step, and walked forward to return to Saxard's house.

However, Saxde didn't seem to have any intention of going in. He stopped outside, and Chen Rufeng also looked at him in surprise.

"You should know that Pujina is interested in you, right?" Sack seemed to think for a long time before saying this. Chen Rufeng was stunned when he heard the words, and there was a fire on his face.

"This... I can feel it... but..." Chen Rufeng began to stammort, and he didn't know how to express his thoughts. Puguina treated him beyond the limits of his friends. Chen Rufeng's kindness in the woods was never forgotten, but he never I haven't thought about marrying you. Moreover, Pukina only occupies a very small corner in his heart, and most of the places are...

Thinking of this, Chen Rufeng felt guilty again, which seemed to be too sorry for her. In addition, Taco came to beg him to help him resolve the misunderstanding with Pujina some time ago, and he never told Pujina...

"Hasn't she already had a marriage contract with someone else?" Chen Rufeng suddenly came with such a brainless sentence, and he couldn't come up with anything else.

Sakde's eyes also moved to his face and said, "It's good that you know that. If you really don't mean anything to Pukina, that's good. But even if you really love her, I won't allow you to be together. Although you are a good Han Chinese, I still can't tolerate my daughter falling in love with a Han Chinese.

Chen Rufeng's heart was suddenly confused. He could feel Pujina's passionate admiration. At first, when she took his arm and went to the street, he thought it was just to anger Tacora and give him a power to relieve his anger. But a few days ago, when they went into the woods to look for Sakde, Pukina's strange reaction also made Chen Rufeng's heart more contradictory.

It is impossible to say that Pukeina has no place in Chen Rufeng's heart, but gratitude is better than her children. Moreover, Chen Rufeng is young and vigorous after all, and it is difficult to completely resist a woman who admires him.

Saks looked at Chen Rufeng's speechless but changed face. Saks hummed, opened the door and walked in.

Chen Rufeng also followed him and entered the room uneasily. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to make it clear to Pugina about Tacora today.

The prime minister. Lingyingtai.

The snow has passed, and the wind is still strong. The flowers twist their waists and dance with the wind. The thick wall also blocked the people in the prime minister's house fiercely, so that the people inside could not see the day outside the world forever.

Jin Yilai held his head high and let the wind blow on his face. His face was like a woman's jade feet gently on the pool, but he could not provoke a trace of ripples.

No one has ever been able to see through his mind. Even if his face is as light as water, it is not clear and transparent and can be seen through. And as if he was born with an invisible hand that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Behind him, there was a faint sound of footsteps, light and natural.

A purple figure, still in the windy and cold weather, looks thin and makes people feel pity.

The spirit never seems to feel cold. Two snow-white legs ** in the cold world, the upper body is like crystal skin, transparent and attractive. Which man in the world is not moved?

She looked at the person in front of her, and her charming eyebrows calmed down like a naughty woman who met her pet, like a tame kitten.

seemed to be looking forward to it, and the man in front of him turned around.

What is shaking in the eyes?

Jin Yilai stood still like Shi Zun, and even the voice seemed to be not made by him.

"Can we go out for a walk?" Jin Yilai said in a calm voice, like a trace of thunder and lightning in this cold, straight to the bottom of the soul's heart.

A burst of surprise from the bottom of my heart immediately touched the whole body, and the indescribable joy was displayed on the enchanting purple makeup of the charming spirit.

"Let's build a moon pool outside Chang'an City." Jin Yilai's words still can't see any feelings, just like a white, not stained with any other color. Tomorrow."

"Good!" Meiling smiled shyly, but his eyes seemed to be nailed to Jin Yilai's back and could never leave, and the man did not turn around.

In the wind, the faint chill and charm could not be felt, only the pleasant warmth in the heart penetrated the whole body.