yu feng xing

Chapter 16: A New Journey

It was not until overhead that bursts of rapid footsteps pulled Chen Rufeng back from shock, like countless footsteps trampled on his head.

Tacola looked at him with a frightened face and asked, "Who is it?"

Chen Rufeng looked away from the lost vase and replied, "Those people are all covered in black, and I don't know who they are. I went to the market with Uncle Sack, and he asked me to stay there to wait for him, and then I was inexplicably chased by these people... I guess," Chen Rufeng's words stopped, his eyes fell on Pukina's empty face, who had been emptied, and his heart was pulled again, "It should be those people, to Uncle Sack It's a poisonous hand."

Suddenly, a low whimper, crystal tears overflowed from Pojina's eyes like a chain, but her face seemed to be stiff, showing no sadness, and could only suppress the bottom of her heart.

How hard this feeling is!

At this moment, there is the pursuit of those mysterious figures on the top, and all kinds of hardships have made the three people hidden in the cellar suffer. Except for Pujina, two people are worried about whether those people will find this hidden cellar.

Once found, I'm afraid their bones will be buried here.

Tacola hugged Pujina tightly, as if she was his strongest spiritual pillar and could dispel the fear in his heart.

Chen Rufeng thought about it. At this moment, it is not a way to be afraid. He simply eliminates distracting thoughts, meditates on the floor, and tries his best to maintain peace of mind, but he is still disturbed by the recent events. In such a tense environment, he really can't calm down.

With one eye, a valuable vase stands in front of its eyes, but unfortunately it can't speak and tell the truth one by one.

Tacola's eyes looked at the top of his head, as if he always felt that someone would open the straw on the floor, and then find the hidden cellar and kill them.

For Pjina, everything seems to have nothing to do with her. Life or death is no longer important. Chen Rufeng dares not look at the look of giving up everything. The more he looks at Pojina, the more he blames himself. He is really sorry for others too much.

At this point, he will also take responsibility to a certain extent.

But Chen Rufeng put more thoughts on that vase at this moment.

Why did it fall here?

This lingering problem has been rooted in Chen Rufeng's heart for a long time.

Is the bloody slaughter of the Tang envoy in the forest related to Saxard? Otherwise, how to explain that the vase will be hidden by him in the cellar, and he must know that the value of this vase is by no means comparable to ordinary goods.

At least, he should be somewhat related to those murderers.

Associated with his murder in the market, Chen Rufeng affirmed his idea even more. Sack must have been killed because he knew something, and the power behind this force is also quite strong, which can gather so many masters.

They must also know that Chen Rufeng, a leaky fish, must not let him go back to the Tang Dynasty alive.

Now, everything is involved and seems more complicated and confusing, like a rope wrapped together, which is difficult to untie.

Originally, the purpose of coming to Tianzhu was just to investigate the matter of Heiyuanshi. I didn't expect it to be so much now. I don't know if God was playing tricks on him and making him have a difficult life.

Finally, Chen Rufeng came to a conclusion in his heart: it must have been that the murderer sold the vase to Sachde, but did not tell the origin of the vase until Sachde gradually realized that something was wrong. As a result, he was killed because he found some secrets that sellers did not want people to know.

Who is this seller? How powerful is his power?

However, there was another sound of ** footsteps, which seemed to be in his ear, making Chen Rufeng and Tacola's spirit tense again, like a string that was pulled to the extreme.

The sound of moving the thatch made them feel like falling into an ice cellar.

They waited quietly, waiting for the moment when the floor was lifted, and then obediently slaughtered.

Pujina closed her eyes and still burst into tears.

Chen Rufeng made his last effort and was ready to fight to the death.

The floor is still quietly covered there and has not been opened. In the cellar, the yellow light of the torch flashed, reflecting the two tense and twisted faces brightly.

Sudderfully, the footsteps became farther and farther away from their ears and finally disappeared.

Originally, the air was squeezed, but at this moment, it was finally all loose. The feeling of relief was shown on their faces. Pujina's tears were as old, and her choked sound seemed to be difficult to make. In other words, every time she swallowed, she had to bear the heavy pressure of Wanjun to release her heart. It's sad.

"Have they left?" Tacola asked Chen Rufeng incredibly. His face, which had just been as dead, was slowly full of brilliance at this moment. Chen Rufeng looked at his surprised eyes and said, "Maybe."

"But for the sake of safety, we still stay here first. Maybe they are waiting for us outside to throw ourselves into the trap." Chen Rufeng said, Tacola secretly praised him for his cautious behavior and nodded yes.

Even the footsteps have disappeared. Now in this invisible cellar, it is really falling into silence, except for Pukina's intermittent and heartbreaking throat.

Chen Rufeng put all his thoughts on the vase. The only clue left now is this vase. Anyway, he has to start from this vase.

He looked back at Pujina and his heart sank.

Originally, I wanted to ask her about where this vase came from, but seeing her current state, I'm afraid he can't bear to ask questions.

For a long time, Chen Rufeng stood up and looked at him.

"I'll go out first and make sure you come up if you have nothing to do." Chen Rufeng said, in exchange for Tacora's grateful eyes.

Chen Rufeng flew up, raised the floor, drilled his head out, and looked around warily. Only Sack's body lay on the cold floor.

There are also traces of being searched everywhere in the room, and the meso-earth goods that were originally placed on the table are also in a mess.

Chen Rufeng rose to the ground, pushed open the door, and waved the sensing force to the extreme.

There is nothing different.

Chen Rufeng kicked his feet, turned over several times in mid-air, and stood on his feet. He fell on the roof like a Thai mountain. Looking around, the flow of people gradually returned. However, some people hid in the house with fear, only one eye to look around vigilantly, while some people on the street looked in the east direction.

It seems that all the killers in black have retreated.

Returning to the room, Chen Rufeng looked at Sack's body guiltily and sadly, shook his head and sighed, picked him up, put him in the board** in the room, and covered his whole body with a white quilt. He didn't want Pukina to touch the scene again later, so he did this.

After confirming the safety, Chen Rufeng asked Tacora and Pujina to come up, but because the ground of the cellar was still high from the ground in the house, Chen Rufeng had to hold Pujina up and then reach out to pull up Tacona.

As soon as Taco came up, Pujina rushed into his arms again, but now she cried bitterly, as if the huge stones that pressed her heart and prevented her from bursting of grief suddenly burst.

Tacola gently stroked her back, and her heartache overflowed unreservedly. Even he closed his eyes and felt the sadness gushing from the bottom of Pujina's heart.

Chen Rufeng looked at the two, and for a moment, the words he wanted to ask became difficult to say.

However, if he doesn't ask Pujina clearly, he can't trace it down.

For a while, he was in a dilemma. After weighing the weight in his heart, he still decided to speak.

"Pujina..." Chen Rufeng opened his mouth and attracted Tacola's scolding eyes. Although he knew that it was too inhuman to ask Pujina at this moment, the overall situation was important. He responded to Tacola's solemn look and continued, "Do you know where the vase in the cellar... came from?"

Pujina did not listen to Chen Rufeng's words and kept crying.

"I hope you can make it clear, because...because it may have something to do with your father's death." Chen Rufeng was at a loss, and he didn't know how to stop her crying.

Pukina's crying gradually slowed down.

"Has your father been dealing with some people frequently recently?" Chen Rufeng asked tentatively, although he had little hope that Pujina would answer his words.

Unexpectedly, Pujina opened her tears, and a pair of tearful eyes looked particularly touching and pitiful.

She looked at Chen Rufeng with strange eyes, as if there was a monster in front of her.

And Chen Rufeng's eyes showed a trace of pleading.

"He... Dad... Some time ago, there were monks from Moro Temple who often came to their homes, and then... They all went out to meet mysteriously, and I don't know... I don't know what they were talking about..." After that, Pukina cried uncontrollably, remembering that Sakde was still alive yesterday. Born beside her, and at this moment, the two father and daughter are so separated from each other. For a moment, sadness comes from it and is inseparable.

"Moro Temple?" Chen Rufeng said doubtfully, but Pujina had thrown back into Tacora's arms, buried her face and cried repeatedly. Obviously, she could no longer answer Chen Rufeng's doubts.

"Moro Temple is a big temple in the east of us. There are often good faiths to travel thousands of miles to visit there. I heard that the presiding over the Buddhism there is profound, and it also has a certain status in our land." Tacola ipjina replied.

How can it be related to a temple again?

Chen Rufeng's mind is more confused at this moment, Moro Temple, Chongbao Vase, Sakd, mysterious man in black, envoy team...

Everything seems to cut Chen Rufeng's brain into pieces, but it is impossible to put these fragments together and form a whole.

It seems that we can only continue to investigate if we go to Moro Temple.

"I have to go to Mora Temple to investigate this matter, and maybe I can find out who killed Uncle Sark." Chen Rufeng looked at the sobbing Pujina, and the resoluteness in his eyes was stronger. "You should not stay here for a long time. Change to another place as soon as possible. Pujina will leave it to you, Tacora."

Tacola looked at him gratefully and said, "I will take good care of Pujina. I will take her back to my house. I have guards in my house, which is relatively safe. Also, I have a map with the location of Mora Temple. I hope it will help you.

Chen Rufeng grinned and said, "Thank you!"

The matter is a little obvious, but it seems complicated. Chen Rufeng only feels the obstacles he is facing, which is comparable to the top of the mountain.