yu feng xing

Chapter 22: Brotherhood

Winter is coming, and spring is coming.

The sky snowed again, and everything was shrouded in a white light. The snow was flying, and every piece of snow was accompanied by an inexhaustible chill. The sky was like a bottomless blue lake, just unfrozen.

In the prime minister's mansion, everyone is wrapped in thick cotton-padded jackets, huddled in the house and refused to go out, or surrounded by the brazier, and the servants waiting in the corridor hall could only tremble and perform their duties as servants in the thick cold. Due to the continuous rainy and snowy days, many domestic servants have also fallen ill in bed. Now there is a shortage of people all over the prime minister's house, so Tian Yishan has been worried for three days.

Fortunately, Li Linfu has been hiding in the study these days, and almost three meals a day are solved in the study. Otherwise, he will find that the servants in the house are missing a large number of people, and it is strange not to be angry.

"Who is who! Yes, it's you! Hurry up and bring these meals to the study for the master! Hurry up!" Tian Yishan shouted, his eyebrows were angry, and his long sleeves were waved. A family man picked up the plate tremblingly and hurried to the study. Tian Yishan stared at the back of the family who was gradually disappearing and cursed in his heart.

With a long sigh of relief, the things in the house have probably settled down, which is correct. Now is the right time to relax, and I don't know what to do.

Life is so miserable!

As a housekeeper, he still has some status in the prime minister's house, but he doesn't think so in the eyes of the so-called house guests. At most, he is only the boss among the servants, and in the eyes of the house guests, he is just a servant.

Desp> Despite this, he was very disgusted with those house guests, but he had to pretend to be smiling to meet them, pretending to be extremely respectful, and when their proud figures passed through his body, he spit on their backs.

Therefore, he usually doesn't go to the west side too much.

And today, he is really depressed and has to stroll around the west wing. After all, the east wing is just a place for young ladies and young masters to play the piano and play birds, which is not very interesting.

Bypassing the tall and huge rockery mountain, Tian Yishan walked along the corridor. It was not until the three big words "Ryuxinyuan" floated above his head like a shadow in the water that he realized that he had unconsciously had reached the end.

In Liuxinyuan, there was a more powerful sound than the roar of wind and snow. Tian Yishan looked at it. It turned out that Ding Yu was playing with a gun. Originally, he was not very interested in martial arts, but now he has nothing else to do for recreation, so he has to watch him play with a gun here.

The shadow of the gun is majestic and dazzling in the wind and snow, accompanied by red light, cutting snow and breaking the wind, sweeping and piercing. Hundreds of moves change in an instant, which is really wonderful.

However, in Tian Yishan's eyes, it is like a monkey play. In fact, in his heart, he also thinks he is watching a monkey play.

Thinking of the usual arrogant and superior government guest who actually played a monkey play for him here, Tian Yishan smiled contentedly and was happy.

The door of a room in Liuxinyuan opened, and a haggard figure came out, with untidy clothes, as if he had not slept for many nights.

It is Jiang Shengtian.

Jiang Shengtian glanced at Ding Yu, who was dancing with guns in the garden, and then looked at Tian Yishan standing at the gate of Liuxin Garden, and his eyes were dull and dull. Tian Yishan looked at him and was slightly stunned. How could a good person become like this?

"Housekeeper Tian, is the Prime Minister in the house?" Jiang Shengtian suddenly asked. When Ding Yu heard Jiang Shengtian's words, he also stopped and looked at him.

Tian Yishan looked at each other in amazedly and nodded, "Sir, he is in the study. Can you find him for something?"

Jiang Shengtian did not answer. It seemed that Tian Yishan turned into air, walked back to the room alone, and closed the door.

Ding Yu looked at Tian Yishan with a suspicious face. Tian Yishan's old face showed embarrassment and hurriedly stepped up and left Liuxinyuan, like a dog who had just finished eating.

Walking back along the corridor, he stopped again in front of the spiritual shadow platform.

Inside, there is a lonely wandering, the wind seems to roar here, and the ground is covered with snow, as if no one has come here to clean for a long time.

It seems that no one lives here, although Tian Yishan knows that there is indeed a person living in it.

There is only one person left.

He doesn't know why the spirit has been missing for so long. After all, she is also an eye-catching beauty. Usually, Tian Yishan's eyes will secretly stay on her body and sweep around and drool.

A few days ago, after Jin Yi came back, it became like this. In his impression, the door of Jin Yilai's room had never been opened, as if the door was locked fiercely by someone's heart.

And the room opposite the charming spirit, there was no trace of anyone, and the charming spirit evaporated inexplicably.

Tian Yishan looked at Jin Yilai's room, which was just endless silence, so that the whole spiritual shadow platform was silent, and all the anger was erased.

Even the flowers in the garden have withered.

Tian Yishan shook his head puzzledly. Their affairs had nothing to do with him. Why did they pay more attention to it? Looking at the sky, it was probably time to make tea, and he quickly accelerated his pace and walked to the living room.

The door of Liuxinyuan was reopened.

After Jiang Shengtian tidyed up his clothes, he looked much cleaner, but his eyes were still full of blood and indescreible depression.

Yesterday, he had another nightmare. In the dream, Chen Rufeng climbed back from the darkness to find him. Then, he wanted to pull him back, but as soon as he vented his strength, he fell into the darkness forever.

When he woke up, his heart jumped wildly.

He has regarded Chen Rufeng as his only relative in the world, and he will never allow him to have an accident.

He must go to Li Linfu and ask in person.

East side box.

The familiar pond has a little more chill. The pool water reflects the boundless sky, goose feathers and white snow, full of poetry and painting, which makes people imagine the pavilion in the pool. There is a poet Mo Ke singing poems there, which is very emotional.

However, in the eyes of people in a bad mood, everything is just cold and snow-white.

Jiang Shengtian walked all the way through several trembling maidservants.

The location of the study, Jiang Shengtian turned a corner with his impression and walked through the vermilion corridor. Although the winter cold invaded his body, he could not take care of it at this moment. Only his brother's safety was on his heart.

However, the pleasant sound of the piano came to his ears, which made his footsteps stop unconsciously.

Looking into Li Yinru's room, the fairy-like figure was in front of the window, with a faint sadness, with slender hands plucking the strings, as if perfectly fused with this ice and snow.

Jiang Shengtian looked crazy and stood there in a daze. His eyes never seemed to leave again, and his heart seemed to have been washed by a snow and became white.

The sound of the piano is curling, as if weaving tears into a string of soft songs, touching people.

Whether it is auditory or visually, Jiang Shengtian is obsessed.

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and Jiang Shengtian woke up. Li Yinru looked at him with a friendly smile. At this moment, Jiang Shengtian's face was red and hot. He only felt that this smile was only in the sky, like a nine-day fairy giving him.

"Hello!" Li Yinru said hello with a smile.

"Hello... I... I have something to ask the Prime Minister... I'm sorry to disturb you..." Jiang Shengtian remembered that he had something more important, and at the same time, in order to make the heat on his face quickly subside, he said goodbye.

"Wait..." Li Yinru stopped him, "Do you... know that Chen Rufeng is in Tianzhu? Is he safe?"

Jiang Shengtian turned his head and looked at the concerned expression on Li Yinru's face, with inexplicable pain in his heart.

On that fairy-like face, that kind of eager to know the answer and tender care, Jiang Shengtian looked at her with surprise, not knowing why she suddenly cared about Chen Rufeng.

"I'm going to ask the Prime Minister." Jiang Shengtian's voice returned to the previous calm. Li Yinru didn't get an answer and looked a little gloomy. Then he raised his head and asked, "If there is any news, can you let me know? Thank you..."

"Yes." Where was the body? It seemed that he had been pricked by a needle, and Jiang Shengtian agreed lightly.

The study of the prime minister's house has always been closed, like an old man who refuses people thousands of miles away.

Jiang Shengtian walked into the door and gently knocked on it a few times.

"Who?" A cold voice asked.

"It's me, Jiang Shengtian." Jiang Shengtian took a deep breath.

The people in the room hesitated for a moment.

"Come in." The final result barely disappointed Jiang Shengtian.

Jiang Shengtian opened the door, and there were two people sitting in the room. One was Li Linfu, and the other was the mysterious old man in gray robe, Ye Zhihang.

"What's the matter?" Li Linfu seemed to be very unhappy that someone came to disturb him. His voice was rude. Ye Zhihang's face was as usual, and his eyes seemed to have not stopped thinking.

"Your Excellency... Didn't you say last time that you can meet one of my requests in return." Jiang Shengtian said timidly and didn't dare to speak loudly.

Li Linfu frowned, turned his eyes, and said for a moment, "It's true. Have you thought about it?"

Jiang Shengtian nodded and said, "I want to know the news of Chen Rufeng."

Ye Zhihang's eyes changed, and a trace of light flashed.

"I'm afraid you have to ask the emperor. Chen Rufeng was directly dispatched to Tianzhu by the emperor. As for what he did, I don't know what the situation is now. Li Linfu said coldly.

Jiang Shengtian refused to be easily sent by Li Linfu's words, and at the same time, he risked the tiger's head and persevered to find out.

"Can you ask the emperor?"

Li Linfu finally attacked his anger, patted the table fiercely and shouted, "The emperor is busy with government affairs and takes care of thousands of opportunities every day. Do you think I am still competent as the prime minister?"

Jiang Shengtian's neck was cold. Seeing that he had angered Li Linfu, he suddenly didn't know how to end it.

"Since so many people are paying attention to Chen Rufeng, please do him this favor." Ye Zhihang said leisurely, and Li Linfu looked at him with a confused face, but he just closed his eyes and was silent.

Li Linfu looked at Jiang Shengtian again, but the anger in his eyes was not completely extinguished, but his tone had calmed down.

"Then I will do my best to offend the emperor once and ask the emperor about Chen Rufeng's news."

When Jiang Shengtian heard this, he saluted a few gratefully, as if he saw a glimmer of light in the hazy sky. Although it was not enough to brighten the earth, it was also a hope after all.

When Jiang Shengtian withdrew from the study, Li Linfu asked Ye Zhihang, "Why?"

Ye Zhihang opened his eyes. Although the corners of his mouth did not smile, there was a smile in his eyes, a trace of proud smile, laughing all the world, and woke up alone in the intoxication of all sentient beings.

"If Chen Rufeng can be used for you, you will be as good as two more Jin Yilai in the future." Ye Zhihang replied faintly. Li Linfu looked at him in confusion and had no way to think about his unfounded words.