yu feng xing

Chapter 29: Stone Field Poisoning Case

A pair of feet, slowly approach.

Chen Rufeng put down the broken bowl that was about to stick to his lips and looked up at him. His disheveled gray hair and this old and very incoordinated face, Chen Rufeng suddenly only felt that he was only 40 years old at most, and the messy white hair on his head was not what he had at all.

The man looked at him deeply, and Chen Rufeng could feel that the other party's eyes were full of kindness.

He also held a broken bowl with porridge in his hand, walked to Chen Rufeng, sat down with his knees crossed, and sighed gently. Chen Rufeng felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy, as if he had seen an old friend he had not seen for a long time.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and finally the man spoke first.

"Middle-earth?" A warm accent was integrated into Chen Rufeng's heart, which was so kind and natural. Compared with those Tianzhu dialects that he didn't know what he was talking about every day, it was a rare natural sound.

Chen Rufeng opened his mouth in surprise, nodded repeatedly and asked, "You too?"

The middle-aged man nodded, picked up a bowl of porridge, gave a bite into his mouth, and said, "My name is Yin Pinggang. I was sent here because of a murder case a few years ago. It's really rare Han people here. Why did you come here?"

Chen Rufeng smiled bitterly, looked at the pile of rocks as tall as an adult, and said in a pitiful tone, "Am I not?" But I was wronged."

Yin Ping just turned his head, looked at him, and then turned his head. His mouth seemed to be smiling, but his tone was light. He said, "Me too, but will anyone believe it?"

As soon as he heard it, Chen Rufeng shook his head like eating a bitter fruit. Yin Ping just continued, "especially us Middle-earth, I've been here for several years. I'm afraid we have to say three days and three nights of suffering. Tianzhu people have always been unpleasant to our Middle-earth people. You see..."

Yin Ping just pointed to a corner. Chen Rufeng looked at it. The three relatively strong Tianzhu prisoners were staring at this side with hostile eyes, especially focusing on himself. They were all malicious, with their fists grinding their palms and acting like they would take action.

Chen Rufeng quickly withdrew his eyes, looked elsewhere, and whispered, "In this case, is there any way to take the opportunity to escape? This is not a place where people can survive at all, especially us Middle-earth.

"Escape?" Yin Pinggang laughed dryly, "Don't underestimate those supervisors who are persistent with whips. They are all strong in martial arts, especially that one." Yin Pinggang pointed to the tough man standing on the highest platform in the stone field. His eyes were powerful, his arms were strong, and his concave and convex muscles were full of amazing energy. For a while, Chen Ru Feng felt the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers pressing on him. As soon as he entered the stone field, he did not notice the presence of such masters. Now he just took a quick look. Chen Rufeng could already feel his strength. The long-threate escape plan because he could not stand this inhuman prison could only die.

"So, don't think so much." Yin Ping just kindly reminded him and sent a mouthful of porridge to his mouth, "Moreover, sometimes, strong ability is not a good thing."

"You mean, I moved so many stones at once today..." Chen Rufeng woke up cleverly. Yin Ping just nodded and put his eyes back in front of him.

"This is a place you can't imagine, not only a bad environment, but also a bad heart." Yin Pinggang said slowly, with a little more vicissitudes in his tone. Chen Rufeng was worried about how Yin Ping had just survived all the way. If it were him, he would have tried his best to escape from this damn place early in the morning.

It's just that he doesn't have the limit of his patience yet, and he still has to bear a heavy burden.

A sad and tragic cry came.

Looking along the sound to the source, not far away, three prisoners were surrounded by a thin prisoner with fists and feet. The suffering prisoner kept calling for help in Tianzhu's words. Among them, the more the leader listened to his shouting, the faster he kicked, and held a bowl of porridge in his hand.

When Chen Rufeng saw this scene, his mind was naturally hot. He was about to get up and walk there angrily, but Yin Pinggang pressed his shoulder and shook his head.

"This kind of competition for food is common, and you don't have to worry about it. Take a look." Yin Ping just instructed with his head. Chen Rufeng looked at the supervisors standing on the surrounding platforms. Sure enough, the supervisors were looking at the disaster happily, holding their arms and laughing, as if they were watching a good play with relish.

Chen Rufeng's anger was even more burning, but he did not dare to act rashly, because the high momentum emitted by the supervisor on the highest platform was pressing on him in waves. He seemed to realize Chen Rufeng's inappropriateness, but Chen Rufeng could only stare angrily, and the supervisor also looked back to him provocatively.

"This is the law of prison." Yin Ping just said helplessly.

At the end of the beating, the three prisoners had proudly declared their victory to the hard workers around them. They held up the porridge bowl and turned around for a week, leaving, leaving only the thin prisoner who was still on the ground and dying.

Chen Rufeng finally took a look at the superior supervisor and finally ignored Yin Pinggang's obstruction. He stood up and walked to the prisoner who had been treated inhumanely.

Everyone's eyes at this moment are focused on Chen Rufeng, especially the three prisoners who have just bullied people. There is a threat and hatred in their eyes. It seems that as long as Chen Rufeng dares to take another step forward, they will immediately smash him to pieces.

Chen Rufeng ignored others, his eyes were full of justice, held his bowl of porridge in his hands, and approached the prisoner lying on the ground with miserable eyes.

The air seemed to solidify. Yin Ping just sighed and closed his eyes to shake his head.

Chen Rufeng bent down, half squatted on the ground, handed the porridge in his hand to the prisoner, showed friendly eyes, and nodded to him. The prisoner looked at him with shock and fear, and for a moment, he focused on the eyes of the people around him and was at a loss.

Chen Rufeng sent the porridge in front of him with a smile, trying to minimize the prisoner's tension. The prisoner's eyes flashed with pitiful light. Like a hungry tramp saw a rich dinner, he sat up, stretched out his trembling hands, took Chen Rufeng's porridge, and held it in the palm of his hand. It's like looking at a valuable gem, and the porridge in the broken bowl is about to spill out.

The prisoner turned to Chen Rufeng with inquiring eyes again. Chen Rufeng nodded firmly with a smile. The thin prisoner grinned, poured out the porridge and licked the soft rice stained on the bowl one by one.

Chen Rufeng walked back to Yin Pinggang's side with satisfaction, but Yin Pinggang's eyes were not comfortable at all, but full of sadness.

"Do you know that your behavior just now has offended people?" Yin Pinggang said to Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng looked at him puzzledly. At the same time, he looked at the three prisoners full of hostility and said, "I will be afraid of them?"

"I can see that you know martial arts. However, in the prison, it is not only the strength of force. You should know how many people are under their forces in this place. After Yin Pinggang said this, Chen Rufeng turned his attention to others and found that those people's eyes were full of bad intentions.

Chen Rufeng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Anyway, we Middle-earth people have no status in the cell. Why do we care about these?"

Yin Pinggang was still puzzled and shook his head all the time, sighing, "You will understand later."

Chen Rufeng scratched the back of his head and never understood why Yin Pinggang had always been so worried and didn't care about the hostile atmosphere around him.

However, now, his empty stomach is drumming, and he has no choice but to meditate on his knees and refresh his breath.

However, a sad scream sounded in the stone field again. It was a cry of pain on the verge of death. As soon as they entered the heart, people would feel tight.

The cry echoed for a week and gradually stopped.

In the bushes outside the stone field, there were bursts of groaning ** sounds, which seemed to be shocked by the screams. The branches swayed uneasily.

Chen Rufeng opened his eyes, and there was a body lying next to the central stone pile. It was the prisoner who had just been given porridge by Chen Rufeng. At this time, he was rolling on the ground in pain, as if there were countless invisible ghosts surrounding his body, to suck his soul and torture his body.

What's more frightening is that his mouth, nose and ears actually shed bright red blood. Everyone shrank aside in horror, and no one dared to approach him.

The ground has been stained with blood by him. He is eager to end this pain, but the endless rolling is obviously not relieved.

In the end, he could only choose one method and the only way.

He covered his head with his hands and jumped up. His eyes were almost in an out-of-control madness, looking at the pile of hard stones, as if he saw the dawn of understanding.

Chen Rufeng has stopped mediting at this moment and watched him hit the stone pile with his head.

The lightning figure passed by and pulled his body. Chen Rufeng pulled his arms behind him, making his head only one foot away from the hard stone.

However, his body had completely stopped. Chen Rufeng felt that he struggled a little and stopped moving. Then a cold came from his fingertips and went straight into his heart.

Everyone's eyes stared at here, as if looking at two solidified stone statues.

Chen Rufeng's mouth opened unbelievably, and his eyes were full of panic.

His body also dares not move.

In the end, his feet took a step back, his hands loosened, and the prisoner's body fell back lifelessly and fell to the ground. His pupils were open to the limit, and even his eyes were about to burst out.

Chen Rufeng looked at him and his thoughts began to be disordered.

He trembled and spread coldly all over his body. He stretched out a hand, put it in front of the prisoner's nostrils, and then shrank back as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake.

There is no gas!

In the stone field, there were all kinds of sounds. The supervisors on the high platform jumped down one after another and ran to the breathless corpse, howling everywhere, some were frightened, angry, and shaking their heads and sighing...

The strong supervisor, with a harsh tone, didn't know what he said to the other supervisors. The two supervisors lifted the body one after another and walked to the mountain pass, as if they were going to abandon the body in the mountains.

The first supervisor picked up the broken bowl with porridge on the ground, turned around, looked carefully, and suddenly turned his head around and looked at Chen Rufeng, as if a tiger was about to choose a person to eat.

I don't know what he muttered around. Everyone immediately panicked and threw away the bowl of porridge in their hands one after another and spilled it on the ground. Some people who had just swallowed held their throats and coughed wildly.

Yin Ping just pulled Chen Rufeng back and whispered, "The porridge here is poisonous!"