yu feng xing

Chapter 31: Prison

The airtight room only has a disgusting and moldy smell and the smell of hot ashes.

Then, there was the sound of whips hitting the skin and a scream, which had gradually weakened with the whiplash.

At the four corners of the room, there is a fire plate, and the fire is blazing, but it does not bring any warmth.

The fierce shouts of several people came out, as if they were very dissatisfied now.

"I said... I don't know... It's not my poison..." Chen Rufeng's face was covered with blood and black stains. His eyes were powerless. He was about to open and close, and his whole body collapsed. His hands were chained, next to the cyan wall, and his mouth trembled painfully.

A strong shadow in the room continued to wave the whip, and struck the corners of Chen Rufeng's mouth fiercely, and the corners of his mouth slowly bleed.

This strong man was Accas, the supervisor of the stone field. Chen Rufeng knew that he was not the opponent of the other party, so he had to submit that he fell into such a situation today.

The rest of the people are also supervisors of the stone field. They think it is Chen Rufeng's poison to poison all the hard workers. Today, Chen Rufeng was brought to this secret interrogation room to force confessions.

What they spit out was a vicious Tianzhu language, and Chen Rufeng answered Chinese that they didn't understand, but Chen Rufeng understood that as long as he nod his head, he would plead guilty, so he always shook his head to signal.

His consciousness also gradually became confused, and the pain filled every corner of his body. He himself thought that he would probably die here today.

The pain brought by the fierce whip also became more and more numb, from the hot skin and flesh to the feeling of ants biting, and the scene in front of it became more and more immersed in a fog.

I just faintly heard that the door of the execution room creaked, and the whip finally stopped for a moment. Everyone's eyes turned to the new figure, and a few purring Tianzhu dialogues came into Chen Rufeng's ears, which was like a soft sleepy tune, gradually drowning Chen Rufeng's last consciousness.

Chen Rufeng's head sank and drooped weakly.

At his feet, there was a hungry white wave, and the white figure on the cliff opened his mouth ferociously, as if saying, "Come down, come down quickly!"

Han Ling hooked his hands on the cliff, squeezed his lips tightly, and hung his feet out of thin air. The broken suspension bridge had been swallowed up by the surging waves, and only broken boards were still drifting alone on the sea.

Han Ling looked up, about three feet high from the top of the cliff. Unfortunately, he measured the consumption of true energy in the struggle with Pratt's army just now. Now it is really difficult to take a breath and rush to the sky.

The rolling stone slipped from its side, rolled a few rolls on the wall, fell into the arms of the fierce waves of the sea and sank into the depths.

Han Ling's fingers have also risen red, and the head-sized stone he relied on also sank down, as if he was about to break away from the cliff and rush into the embrace of the sea.

In the long run, Han Ling's final end was only buried in the sea.

Han Ling's eyes stared at the top, his lips and teeth were close together, and his hands began to shake. The paralysis occupied the whole arm, exhausted, but there was nothing he could do.

Han Ling looked down. He was anxious and intelligent. He just found two small holes in his feet. As soon as he inserted, the rocks in his hands temporarily stopped the trend of loose and falling.

But at this moment, he did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief. If it were someone else, he looked down at the terrible waves and was already dizzy, but Han Ling was a tough person. At this moment, he was looking for a way out of his predicament.

"Fight for it!" Han Ling said to himself, close his eyes, take a deep breath, and relax his whole body.

The rock loosened again and was almost separated from the cliff. Han Ling suddenly opened his eyes and shouted violently. His waist was slightly bent, like a slingshot, stretching up like a flying arrow, straight to the sky.

This method of forcibly lifting energy is premised on relaxing the whole body, but once the body is relaxed, it is likely to fall from the cliff into the vast sea. Han Ling can be said to be a dangerous move this time.

Han Ling's rising momentum gradually stopped, and his hands pounced forward. He turned upside down and successfully stood on his feet. The waves behind him roared angrily, like a fierce beast that had just arrived at the mouth and slipped away.

He turned around, looked at the blurred scene on the other side and sneered.

"The momentum just now can even break the bridge. You king, it's really not simple." Han Ling seemed to be talking to himself. The original snow-white clothes also added dirty marks, but Han Ling did not care at all and did not sort out the messy clothes. He walked forward and set foot on the Tang Dynasty again.

When you open your eyes again, the dark and sleepy firelight is constantly swaying.

Chen Rufeng propped up with difficulty. The soreness everywhere on his body made him hum, stroked the shocking blood stains on his arm, moved back and leaned against the wall in the familiar cell.

"Wake up?" A familiar voice asked, and Chen Rufeng rubbed his eyes. In the right cell opposite, a man was leaning against a wooden pillar and staring at him across a path.

"Brother Yin, you are next to me." Chen Rufeng said weakly, as if there was a trace of joy.

In the darkness, Yin Ping just nodded and said, "Have you just been tortured by them? They must think it's poison you.

Chen Rufeng patted his forehead, and his head was heavy, "But I really didn't do that."

"I heard that it was the poison in your bowl, not the poison in the porridge." Yin Pinggang said lightly, Chen Rufeng was shocked and turned his head to look at him, his eyes full of surprise.

Yin Ping's face hidden in the dark also became solemn. "So, the target who was supposed to poison you, the person who received your charity, has become your scapegoat."

"Me?" Chen Rufeng pointed to himself and said in disbelief, "Who have I offended?"

"This is going to ask you." Yin Ping just turned his head and stared silently ahead.

Chen Rufeng is full of doubts about who he wants to poison him. No wonder those people just let him go. It seems that they know that there is no poison in the porridge assigned to everyone, and the spearhead of those poisons is aimed at himself.

However, Chen Rufeng killed an innocent person for no reason. Chen Rufeng was still worried and huddled on the straw pile several times and couldn't sleep.

There are too many things to think about.

Why do all the troubles have to be aimed at him? Is there any connection behind the mysterious people who killed Sakde, the heavenly song of the Moro Temple, and the poisoning in today's prison?

The most anxious thing for him now is the murder of the envoy team. Unfortunately, he thinks over and over again and has no clue.

Is it that when their group were killed in the forest, someone knew that Chen Rufeng was the only survivor and wanted to kill the fish that leaked?

very likely!

Chen Rufeng quickly turned over. Unexpectedly, he pulled the body's injury and hummed in pain, but did not make a sound. He just made a few mouth shapes.

It seems that the top priority is to quickly find out the real murderer, otherwise, even he himself is in risk of life.

Chen Rufeng suddenly felt that he was trapped in a state of isolation and helplessness. Han Ling and others did not know whether he had returned to the Tang Dynasty safely to inform him and whether he could hold on before the arrival of the reinforcements.

Too many worries are constantly breeding in his heart, so that he can only sleep for an hour on this annoying night.

On the second day, Chen Rufeng was taken to the stone field as a laborer as usual, and the scars on his body were ignored.

However, when Chen Rufeng carried the heavy stone on his shoulder, the sore pain went straight from his shoulder to his whole body, and the pressure on his feet was heavy, and the amazing efficiency he had before naturally disappeared.

And those supervisors standing on the high platform looked at this scene coldly, as if what Chen Rufeng did last night had nothing to do with them.

When Chen Rufeng endured the pain and carried a stone to the third of the steps, someone next to him caught up and caught up with him. Chen Rufeng glanced at two of the three villains who bullied the poisoned prisoner yesterday.

Chen Rufeng's body was hit left and right, and his already miserable body could not maintain a balance. He suddenly fell back and rolled down the steps with stones. The long hard-working team behind him suddenly fell back one by one, shouting angrily.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the supervisors quickly jumped off the high platform and walked quickly to the steps.

Chen Rufeng fell to the ground heavily and couldn't scream in pain. He covered his lower abdomen and didn't even have the strength to stand up. It seemed that he was injured.

The remaining villain had been waiting on the ground for a long time. With an evil smile, he walked to Chen Rufeng, who was dying on the ground, bent down, pulled up the corner of Chen Rufeng's clothes, and raised him as easily as a trivial wooden stick, with a brighter smile on his face.

The supervisors arrived one after another, but they didn't stop them. They all looked away coldly and even looked slightly mocking.

Chen Rufeng had no resistance at all. Like a cloth doll, he was arbitrarily manipulated by the wicked man's hand.

All he can do now is stretch out his hands and grasp the villain's wrist, but he can't exert his strength, and his eyes are full of resentment and pain.

A fist hit Chen Rufeng's stomach fiercely. Chen Rufeng felt that his abdomen seemed to have been hollowed out, and then a fresh sweetness gushed out of his throat. Blood spurted from his mouth, splashed on the ground, and his body flew back. Finally, he was facing the ground and suddenly covered the ground.

The villain seemed to be unwilling to give up. He took out a bright dagger from his waist, showed a strong murderous intention in his smile, and walked towards Chen Rufeng step by step.