yu feng xing

Chapter 37: Pre-Dear Negotiation

After declaring the edict of Tang Xuanzong and Li Longji, the guards of the imperial city exchanged eyes and doubted the edict, but with their ability, they could not identify the authenticity.

One guard asked Han Ling to wait here, and the other guard hurried into the imperial city to report.

The guard stared at Han Ling. After all, the man in front of him was a well-known wanted criminal in the city, and he was naturally afraid that he would escape. On the contrary, Hanling was relaxed and looked at the surrounding scenery.

A gate about three feet high and one feet wide in front of the imperial city is magnificent, with a grid of patterns on it, which is unique and pleasing to the eyes and sets off the nobility of the imperial city.

Han Ling waited quietly and didn't care about the eyes of the guards embedded in his body like nails.

The door opened slightly, but it was enough for one person to go in and out. The reported guard gave a wink to his colleague that Han Ling could come in. Han Ling nodded respectfully to express his gratitude and followed the guard into the imperial city.

The imperial city is worthy of being the most magnificent building in Qu Women's City. The palace with golden carved jade columns is magnificent and located. The four ancient stacking walls on all sides are full of ancient and clumsy under the polishing of the years. There is still a large empty space from the palace. There is a flying bridge in front of it, and the water under the bridge is gurgling. After crossing the bridge, there are almost 100 levels in a row. Steps to reach the palace.

Under the guidance of the guards, like two small ants crawling in an empty room, Han Ling finally stepped into the palace of Tianzhu Imperial City. Compared with the elegant vermilion eaves of the Tang Dynasty, Tianzhu's palace is really unique. As soon as he stepped into the first palace, the surrounding walls were all painted. The color of the Buddha statue painting is simple. Each painting is lifelike and has different shapes, or thousands of hands are like a peacock opening a screen, or a Buddha's seal and sitting on the lotus seat. However, what surprised Han Ling is most is that the further forward, the portrait he sees is no longer those solemn Buddhas.

The monster with four feet and ten hands angrily scolds everyone who passes by with a terrible appearance, and on the other side is a thousand-handed naked monk with a tower crown, full of fear in his eyebrows and facing the monster opposite him.

The hall of this palace is very large. When Han Ling walks here, he unconsciously feels a little overwhelmed by the vastness of nothing above his head, which seems to be full of many tangible objects.

It's just an illusion. Han Ling thought so.

Similar to Moro Temple, both sides of the hall are full of arched doors, but the doors on the same side lead to the same place. Through those doors, you can see the white stars shining in the sky.

Go straight ahead, walk out of this transitional palace, and come to a huge garden. The four corridors surround a flower garden, and the varieties of flowers look different. However, the garden is now sleeping in the quiet night, and only the lights on the columns are still burning lonely.

Around the corridor, I finally reached the other end and stepped on the semi-circular stairs. In front of me, I could see the two brightest fire lights crackling with sparks, as if two horns were burning.

However, as soon as he stepped into the palace, the quiet atmosphere was immediately broken and turned into a murderous silence.

The palace is divided into three steps, each of which is a broad platform. Usually, when discussing politics, it stands from top to bottom according to the level of the official position, and on the third floor, the supreme throne is placed there.

The guard who led Han Ling in hurriedly retreated.

Although Han Ling suddenly fell into an atmosphere like a tight string and was about to break, there was no panic in his heart. Against the firelight, he still talked and laughed like old, generous and decently.

He glanced slightly. There were five people in the palace, including those sitting on the throne and serving next to the throne, and one person stood on the platform under the steps of the throne, and finally one person stood on the same step as Hanling.

"Are you all right, Brother Han?" A voice full of majesty and as if greeting an old man came from the throne. Han Ling looked up and bowed his head.

"I have met His Majesty the King!"

Pratt's face appeared from the dark shadow. At this time, he was different from the past. He was wearing a brocade emperor's robe and a brilliant crown above his head. His eyes were a little less contempt, and a little more of the determination and wisdom of the king of a country.

A mutter came from the servant next to Pratt. Pratt stretched out his hand and stopped him, but his eyes did not leave Hanling for half an inch.

It was a measured gaze, and Han Ling did not hesitate to meet it.

"I heard that Brother Han returned to Qu Nvcheng as a special envoy of the Tang Dynasty this time. I don't know if this matter is serious?" Prater's tone was unabashedly full of suspicion. Han Ling raised the corners of his mouth, took out the scroll from his arms, threw it up, drew an arc in mid-air, and flew to Pratt. Pratt's handsudd out, held the scroll, spread it out, and looked carefully.

And those who were immersed in the dark were indignant at Han Ling's rude behavior, but Pratt did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, and they did not dare to say more.

The oracle was thrown up again. Han Ling reached out and took it and smiled, "Your Majesty can listen to the villain without fighting, right?"

In the law of Tianzhu, foreign envoys have the right to exonerated. Therefore, once Han Ling's special envoy's identity is confirmed, even if he previously committed a great crime, he cannot be investigated at this moment.

"Say it." A cold voice said.

Han Ling was silent for a while, and his eyes were shining. He looked at the emperor who looked like the deep sea on the throne and said, "First of all, I want to find out why I gave the black yuan stone, the most precious treasure of the demon family hidden with evil spirits, to my dynasty."

The hall fell into an endless silence, with only ups and downs of breathing and surprised eyes.

Although Han Ling's posture still maintained the elegance of etiquette, his words were sharp, and his questioning tone made the officials present feel that the man had eaten the leopard.

Han Ling's eyes were like a sword, like a stand on Pratt's neck, waiting for his reply.

"Black Yuanshi... is what we call the Prajna Holy Stone. In our Tianzhu, it is regarded as a sacred product. The evil power and magic spirit in it has been sealed by the true law of Buddhism, and there is only a symbol of good luck. The gift to your emperor is to hope that he will live a long life and the country will be prosperous and the people will be safe. As for why the seal will be broken during the process of escort, this I don't know." Pratt said slowly, with a flat tone, and did not avoid Han Ling's sharp words at all.

Han Ling smiled and continued, "Second, our Tang envoy team was killed in the process of escorting tributes, and the whole army was almost destroyed. I don't know if His Majesty has heard of this?"

As soon as this word came out, the people in the hall immediately burst into shock, but Pratt's eyes were hidden in the darkness, so that Han Ling could not catch the divine light in his eyes.

"No." Pratt replied, Han Ling waved his cold sleeves and stepped up a step to face the throne with a cold smile on his face.

"I hope His Majesty can give us a satisfactory answer from Datang. Such a team of people were buried in a foreign country inexplicably, and it happened in your country..."

In the darkness, a pair of hands stopped his speech.

Parat shouted in Tianzhu, and a man on the same step with Han Ling came out timidly and knelt down in front of him. Parat said a few words. The man quickly nodded and retreated to his original position.

Three months. I implore our country to give us three months to get the murderer to justice. Pratt's tone was grim, and no one could still see the face in the dark.

Han Ling knew that he had just ordered the relevant officials to do their best to find out the matter, so he stopped talking about the case.

"Finally. The death of Master Tianlian of Moro Temple. Han Lingdao, everyone's eyes fell on him uniformly. It seemed that no one expected him to say this thing. Generally speaking, he should avoid talking about these bad things involving him.

"Master Tianlian is naturally seated, not caused by me and Chen Rufeng." Han Ling said word by word, "I hope Your Majesty can find out as soon as possible and return the innocence of me and my friend. My friend is now suffering humiliated in prison. I believe that your majesty doesn't have enough evidence, and it's just a piece of praise to prove that the two of us are murderers, right?

Although he couldn't see his eyes under the dark shadow, Han Ling still felt a deep light touching his eyes, although it was only one-way.

After a long silence, all the people in the hall dared not speak easily. Only the man next to the throne moved uneasily. Unexpectedly, this movement broke the dark silence in the palace.

"I promise you to thoroughly investigate this matter." Part's voice came from the dark throne, "You can stay in the palace for a while, special envoy."

Han Ling did not mean to leave.

"Is there anything else?"

"If it is proved that we are innocent, will the prison officer catcher Crew be reinstated?" Han Ling asked with a smile that this question surprised everyone present.

"Of course." The affirmative voice came from the throne, and Han Ling turned around with satisfaction, ignored the thick darkness behind him, stepped down the next step and left.

However, a trace of murder suddenly flashed on the back, containing strong evil and strangeness.

He paused for a moment and did not turn around to look.

continued to move forward and finally left the hall.

"Like the wind! Like the wind!" An eager voice came from the entrance of the stone field, and two people came in a hurry in the night.

However, there are only shocking scenes presented in front of them.

Chen Rufeng lay on the ground with his face sideways, and a pool of blood flowing in front of his mouth. In the ring surrounded by stones, there was only a huge dark shadow and a dying figure lying on the ground.

Pujina covered her mouth and lost her voice, crying like rain, on the shoulder of Tacora, who was also surprised to open her mouth and couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

Acas looked coldly at the lying body on the ground, and he was no longer capable of getting up.

The winner of this martial arts meeting is self-evident.