yu feng xing

Chapter 6: The Family of Hidden Wea

The moon night is quiet, and the shadows of the trees are mottled, like ghosts on the ground, bathing in the moonlight.

The courtyard is secluded, and in the middle of the night, there is only the sound of the wind blowing and the trees.

However, there were silent footsteps, quietly and trembling, afraid of waking up others. The black figure stepped out and walked to the middle of the courtyard. The cold moon glanced around. After confirming that there was no one, he quickly flashed to a strong tree and hid his figure. Everything was as usual, as if no one had ever come here.

Before long, another figure fell, like falling from the sky and falling silently, he also looked around warily until his eyes fell on the big tree.

With a ringing finger, it could hardly be heard under the swaying sound of the branches, but the new figure was obviously aware of it. He walked lightly and dared not relax his vigilance. He glanced around and leaned against the sleeping tree.

Until she saw the figure hidden behind the tree, she did not dare to relax and asked softly, "Uncle San?"

Perce Shouyang nodded in the darkness and gestured to Percene, who quickly threw himself into the strong charm behind the tree.

"No one found it, right?" Percy Shouyang asked that he was so cautious even in the dark. The two of them clung to the wall, and the big trees had successfully hidden them, and the courtyard seemed to be empty.

"No, I've been alert all the way to make sure that no one is following me." Percy's heart whispered.

"Qing'er, there is an opportunity in front of us now, which may be our last chance." Although his expression can't be seen in the dark, Pei Xinqing can be sure that the third uncle's face must be extremely solemn at this moment.

In a two days, Li Linfu will attend a gang-building ceremony in Cuihua Mountain. At that time, he will definitely not be as well guarded as the prime minister's mansion, which is a good opportunity for us to do it!"

Li Xinqing was shocked. Naturally, she couldn't see the face of opposition on her face in the dark. She advised, "Uncle! The last time we rushed into the prime minister's mansion, we had suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, they couldn't find out what we did, otherwise it would have involved the whole Pejiazhuang! Besides, the second uncle..."

"It's because of your second uncle, so we have to be more dangerous." Perak Shouyang said without a doubt, "He has gradually eroded the power in the village. I'm afraid that you and I will have no place in the village and let others fish!" If we don't act to save our prestige, your second uncle will be more rampant!"

"But," Percy Qing still wanted to argue, "we have other ways to..."

"Don't say more!" Usually, the second uncle rarely talks to her in such a tone, but at this moment, he is so fierce that no one can resist. "If you don't participate in this operation, I won't force you. As long as we successfully kill Li Linfu, we can not only avenge your father and consolidate our position in the village, isn't it a perfect solution?"

After listening to this, Percy's heart is sad. Over the years, the second uncle Per Xuanjing has monopolized the power of Perak House and kept crowding out dissidents. She and the third uncle Perak Shouyang originally stood on the side of the big boss Perak. After Perak passed through the world, the two naturally stood on the front line to fight against the power of Perak Xuanjing in the village. Today, Percyinqing suddenly found that the person who was originally closest to her in the village has always wanted to avenge the Pei Xingjing, but to win in the struggle for the power of Perak House, and she is just one of his chips.

Xiao Feng is sad, how can she tell the sadness and pain in her heart?

She has always wanted to avenge her father, but this time she doesn't agree because the risk is too high and has learned from the past. In order to gain his position in Zhuangzhong, the third uncle pretended to assassinate Li Linfu on the day of the construction ceremony to increase his prestige! To put it bluntly, it's not for the vacancy of the big head position!

No one is sincere to her.

When you think about this, tears will surge, but when you look up, you can only choke on the moon.

After all, Perak Shouyang is an old world. Seeing that his niece has been silent for a long time, he also realized that he had just made a mistake. His tone calmed down and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you don't want to take this risk, just let the third uncle go. Li Linfu has an symletal grudge against us. How can we comfort the spirit of our eldest brother in heaven if we don't kill him?

"I'll go with you." Percy raised her head, and her bangs were like waves under the moonlight, with stubbornness in her eyes.

If she can't even avenge her father, what's the point of living in the world?

At the same time, she thought that if the third uncle sits in the position of the family, is it better than the arbitrariness of the second uncle Per Xuanjing?

The morning light gradually revealed, and a light broke through the world and burned the earth like a torch.

As a hidden weapon family, Perak Village stands in the valley, covering an area of half of the city. It is divided into Inner Village and Outer Village. Outer Village is the place where the people in the village live, while Neizhuang is a solemn place of the Perak Family. There are the House, the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion, the God's Hyogo and the Qiankun Room. As the name implies, the House of the House is the place where the Perak House gathers and discuss. The Tibetan Classics Pavilion There are all kinds of secret secret weapon production methods, which are strictly forbidden to enter by non-house masters or manufacturers. The Shin Hyogo is the place where the peerless hidden weapons made by Peijiazhuang are placed, and the Qiankun Room is a place to test the power and stability of various new hidden weapons.

There is only one day to prepare, and everything has been carried out secretly. It can be said that it is a burning eyebrows. Pei Shouyang has known the subordinates of the great master when he was alive. They are all loyal, and they are also quite dissatisfied with the iron-fisted means of the current Perg Xuanjing. Under the call of Peri Shouyang, if the battle can be successful, it will be them. Regain the glory of the past.

Everyone is ambitious and ready for tomorrow.

And Perak Shouyang has been gathering with Perak Xuanjing business in the house to avoid his awareness. After all, Percy Xuanjing is a shrewd person. There is a slight abnormality in Periyazhuang. With his agility, it must be clear that he will be clear. At that time, his achievements will be lost.

"Okay... Let's finalize the deal in Jinghaimen." Percy Xuanjing patted the armrest of the Taishi chair with both hands and was about to leave his seat. He had been talking with the crowd for most of the day. He was also tired and went back to his room to rest.

"Wait... Second brother, I always feel that the price of the Thunderbolt bomb is too low, and the profit we have made is negligible..." Perak Shouyang stood up. To be safe, he still wanted to stop the Xuanjing in the gathering house for a long time.

"That's what I said!" Per Xuanjing waved his hand impatiently. Despite the intention of Perak Shouyang's desire to argue, he went out of the side door, and the rest of Perak Shouyang was anxious in the center of the house, afraid that Perak Xuanjing's tiger-like eyes would catch a hint, so that they would give up their previous achievements.

It seems that now we can only listen to fate, and Xinyou Xuanjing has not found anything wrong.

pi Xinqing changed her daughter's clothes today and wandered in the garden of Neizhuang, seemingly doing nothing.

After changing her clothes, she also looked radiant. Although her face was still heroic and manly handsome, she did not diminish her beauty at all. Her graceful posture was almost comparable to that of the city. There are also many men in Peijiazhuang who love her, but she is the daughter of the head of the family, and a group of admirers can only be seen from afar.

Although her face is leisurely, it is actually important.

Tomorrow's action must be guaranteed to be foolproof, so that you need to use the latest hidden weapon produced by Peijiazhuang to get things done.

Faxinqing pretended to look around inadvertently and walked to the universe room involuntarily.

The dull sound came from the universe room. Peril Xinqing approached the door lightly, pressed her hands on the door, and gently pushed it, revealing a crack in the door. Inside was a yellow fire reflecting her face, as if someone had made a pile of firewood in the room.

Faxinqing walked into the universe room. The universe room was divided into two floors, surrounded by cabinets, with powerful lethal hidden weapons wrapped in various yellow paper. In the middle of the room, there is a circle of paper dolls, among which there are also some scarecrows. There are four columns standing in the universe room, and the four columns are also burnt black.

As soon as she entered the universe room, she stared at the burning paper man and the man standing in front of the paper man with a satisfied smile, like a man looking at a pleasing painting.

"Chen Gui..." Pei Xinqing's eyes still did not leave the burning paper man. When the man heard someone calling him, he turned his head like waking up from a dream, and his eyes could not hide his joy and excitement.

"Qing'er... I think I succeeded... Hunyuan bullet..." Xue Chengui almost jumped over and subconsciously retreated a few steps. His shoulder was grabbed by him and felt painful, but Xue Chengui was still full of excitement, just eager to express his joy and didn't notice the pain on her face.

After Xue Chengui let go of her, Pei Xinqing's face improved slightly, but Xue Chengui did not notice it at all. He turned around and looked ecstaticly at the paper man who was still burning in the crackling flames. That kind of fanaticism would only be shown when he looked at his most proud work.

Percy Xinqing quietly approached him and accompanied him to look at the fast-moving flame.

"Well... Chen Gui, I want the god of Thunderbolt..." Pei Xinqing did not turn around. At this moment, Xue Chengui was in a good mood and said his intention.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this word came out, Xue Chengui was like a flame poured down by cold water, and the fanatical smile on his face instantly restrained and melted into the water.

"What are you going to do?" Xue Chengui asked faintly, as if there was a wall between the two in an instant, separating them.

"Don't ask." Pei Xinqing put his face on his back. Xue Chengui looked at her back, and the expression on his face changed, as if a piece of ice had melted a corner.

After all, Xue Chengui is still one of those many admirers. He still can't refuse the request of Pei Xinqing, but the Thunderbolt God is one of the treasures of Perakzhuang Town, which is extremely powerful. Even to the court, they have to hide Tibet and don't mention the details of this Thunderbolt God.

This time, Pei Xinqing actually put forward a request for the God of Perak, so what should the top hidden weapon maker of Perakjiazhuang do?

Facing the pleading eyes of Pei Xinqing, Xue Chengui's original desire to refuse also wavered.

"What are you doing here?" A stern voice shocked both of them, and Pei Xuanjing stepped in. Originally, he just wanted to inspect the production progress of the mixed bomb. Unexpectedly, he saw Pei Xinqing in the universe room.

As soon as Periled Xuanjing's eyes showed fierce light, she was even more suspicious, and her heart suddenly became chaotic. She was afraid that the plan to assassinate Li Linfu would be burned in her hands.

"Miss...he came to find me." Xue Chengui actually stood in front of Pei Xinqing and excused her. Pei Xinqing stared at him in disbelief.

But the doubt in Xuanjing's eyes did not disappear, and the questioning eyes swept back and forth between the two.

"I'm here to find him." Percy's hand actually held Xue Chengui's hand, which made Xue Chengui's neck burning.

Pei Xuanjing looked at their ambiguous behavior, and his eyes kept flashing light. He looked at Pei Xinqing, and finally snorted coldly and said, "You can't enter the forbidden land of the universe room. Leave quickly."

Looking at the figure of Percy's Xuanjing disappearing outside the door, Pei Xinqing breathed a sigh of relief and let go of the hand that originally held Xue Chengui. The two looked at each other and could see the hotness of each other's face, but they did not know that the other party's thoughts were different from their own.