yu feng xing

Chapter 11: Fierce confrontation

"Okay, you don't go, I'll go." Chen Rufeng turned angrily and walked to the door on the side of the inner hall. Hu Jiuwei still didn't care about it. Jiang Shengtian stared at him angrily, hoping to smash his complacent expression with a fist.

After a while, Chen Rufeng walked out of the door, holding a broom in his hand, threw a rag in his other hand at Jiang Shengtian, and stabbed Hu Jiuwei with counterattack eyes. Hu Jiuwei made a non-pinching smile and shrugged his shoulders.

Jiang Shengtian clenched the rag, walked to the table and chair, bowed his head and began to wipe it, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Chen Rufeng was silent and tried his best to clean every inch of the floor in the inner hall. In every corner, there was a pile of thick dust.

Hu Jiuwei looked at the two new masters buried in cleaning, sneered, turned around, yawned loudly, walked out, and ignored them again.

"Looking that you two masters haven't lost face this time, how can you stand at the top of us in the future?" Hu Jiu didn't think happily, and his heart was extremely comfortable. Looking up, the sky seemed to be much brighter.

Why do you want two hairy kids to press on their heads? In terms of credit, who can match their contribution to this gang?

He will never compromise. The two new masters should let them be cooli.

Hu Jiuwei turned his head, glanced at the two busy masters in the inner hall, whistled, and walked to Chai Yuanlang and Liu Hong. A group of Tianfeng gangs just watched Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian work hard with cold eyes, with no intention of helping.

It was full of mocking and sarcastic eyes, which made Jiang Shengtian feel hot on his back, but Chen Rufeng was not surprised, and the speed of the broom in his hand did not slow down at all.

Jiang Shengtian's body's fiery spread to his face and turned hot red. He unconsciously stopped the rag in his hand and stood in the middle of the inner hall, unwilling to do the work of these servants in such a noble manner.

When Chen Rufeng saw him like this, he shook the broom in his hand, and the dust on the ground scattered out in a circle, like a circle of water waves stirred up, into a very rigorous circle. The sound was like thunder, which made the eardrum painful, and everyone's eyes had to focus on the master.

The anger is expressed in this way.

However, Hu Jiuwei just looked at him coldly without any fear.

"The leader of a gang can do anything. Even if we clean up these low things, only if they are beneficial to the gang, we should complete them!" Chen Rufeng said loudly, and those sarcastic eyes suddenly decreased by more than half. Only the elders and the left and right guardians still looked at him contemptuously.

In an instant, the upper and lower parts of the gang were still noisy, but now they became silent.

Jiang Shengtian was shocked by Chen Rufeng's seemingly scolding words, so he had to pick up the rag and continue his cleaning work.

People also retreated into their houses one after another, unwilling to look at the two masters. Hu Jiuwei, Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang were still next to the wall, unmoved, and continued to watch them clean with great interest.

Finally, the inner hall finally became a little brighter, at least without the freely woven cobwebs and heavy dust around. Hu Jiuwei and the two guardians also returned to their respective residences as if they had watched the monkey play.

The rest of Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian sat breathlessly on the two main seats in the inner hall. Jiang Shengtian lowered his head and said nothing, while Chen Rufeng looked out of the door as if he could revenge.

"Why did they do this to us?" Jiang Shengtian couldn't help asking, "Don't they like us as their masters?"

Chen Rufeng's voice sank and said, "If two seven or eight-year-old children are in charge of our affairs, will you be disgusted?"

After all, Jiang Shengtian is a smart person, and he suddenly understands that they are almost the younger people in the Tianfeng Gang, and as their master, there are naturally many unconvinced people.

"So," Chen Rufeng sighed and helplessly knocked on the coffee table between the two seats. "It's not easy for us to start managing this gang. You see, the whole gang is now like all kinds of fragments, scattered. If we are already in a mess, how can we be the hero of the world? Therefore, we must first stabilize our hearts and help, and the majesty of the master must not be lost.

Jiang Shengtian just stared at Chen Rufeng's remarks.

Since returning from Tianzhu, Chen Rufeng has also been much calmer. Without the previous play, he is a little more serious. He can often see his eyebrows locked, as if there are endless thoughts in his mind. The permeability of things is also much stronger. A pair of eyes shines sharply from time to time, and wisdom flashes in his pupils. It is believed that he is constantly approaching the four words "intelligence and courage".

Maybe he is really the best choice to be a leader. Jiang Shengtian thought so, and he could only be used as a foil. Green leaves lined with red flowers, which is good, hehe.

Jiang Sheng suddenly lowered his head and looked worried. Chen Rufeng didn't care, thinking that he was just thinking about how to take the next step of his master and solve the dilemma together.

The two of them had their own thoughts and thought hard for a long time until the sun went down, the sky was dark and the moon was bright, and the stars were shining brightly.

The cooking in the gang finally did not stop the two of them and sent the food to the inner hall, and the family members of the gang gradually stepped out of the room and came out for a walk. For a moment, the empty place was full of noise and lively. Most of them were mainly women chatting and chatting, and the rest were three or two gangs gathered together in one. Circle, shouting and cursing from time to time, obviously gathering people to gamble.

Facing a confused crowd, Chen Rufeng wanted to stop, but swallowed his words again, his eyes were dark, and he paced back to the inner hall.

"Do you think there is any cure for such a gang?" Chen Rufeng said bitterly that Jiang Shengtian just stared at the scenery outside like a market ruins, and his eyes seemed to be numb.

A sapling originally planted in their hearts is about to be died. Unfortunately, both of them felt powerless to save it.

After one night, the two also tossed around and tried their best to find a way to pull back the gang on the verge of collapse. Finally, in the morning of the next day, they called the elders and the left and right guardians to the inner hall.

The two sat upright, and their eyes exuded the majesty of being in a high position, with the intention of repression, but the three people in the hall turned a blind eye to it. They yawned everywhere, looking like they were reluctant to bed in a deep sleep, and their eyelids were almost off. Hu Jiu was not even more outrageous. He almost leaned on the two of them and snored, as if he had fallen asleep again.

Chen Rufeng couldn't help but be angry and pounded the coffee table fiercely. He was so shocked that Hu Jiu did not tremble. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and said in a complaining tone, "Two masters, I don't know you came to us so early. What's the matter?"

Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang also stared at the two with dissatisfied eyes. It seemed that they were preparing to go back to the room to sleep for a slightly perfunctory moment. Chen Rufeng swept his eyes, cleared his throat and said, "I want to help with the account books in recent years and a detailed list of personnel."

Hu Jiu looked at the two without provocatively, continued to look up to the sky and yawn, and said intermittently, "Help... Zhong has not made accounts for a long time, not to mention... I don't know where the key to the account room has been thrown away."

"Fad! Why doesn't a gang practice accounting?" Jiang Shengtian couldn't suppress his anger and sprayed at the three people, but it seemed that there was an invisible barrier in front of them. Jiang Shengtian's scolding had no effect on them, as if they were immune to all the words.

Hu Jiuwei thought to himself, "Well, what are these two guys pretending to be garlic? Do you think this is a child's family? I can't see how you can roll up the burden and leave for a month!"

"Then," Chen Rufeng's voice was secretly irresistible, "you can count the materials and property with me, record them in detail, and make a new account book."

Hu Jiuwei, Chai Yuanlang and Liu Hong were stiff. It seemed that they didn't expect Chen Rufeng to have such a request. Their sleepy faces suddenly poured on their faces like a bucket of water, sober and clear.

The two masters led the elders and the left and right guards to come to the accounting room. Chen Rufeng reached out and grabbed the rusty iron lock, and his hands were stained with dust. He carefully looked at the lock. Hu Jiuwei, who had already declared that he had lost the key, and others hung their faces of gloating behind his back, as if in Say, "See how you die."

Who knew that Chen Rufeng's hand was holding the iron lock tightly, and his face was calm. He really penetrated his palm and stretched all the way to the palm of his hand. In the blink of an eye, the iron lock that was still in his hand had become a pile of dust at this moment. When Chen Rufeng opened his hand, it dispersed with the wind and shocked Hu Jiuweisan behind him. The expression on his face suddenly restrained.

Chen Rufeng stepped into the account room, and it was also unpopular for a long time. It was dusty. A blue book was also full of scars, which was obviously suffering from insects. Chen Rufeng picked up the top account book and shook the dust on it. Fortunately, the handwriting on it was still faintly recognizable, but when he looked at that day, it was really It stayed three years ago.

You can imagine how chaotic and unregulated the accounts in the past three years have been.

"You three," Chen Rufeng turned around and ordered the three people harshly, "can count the supplies in the help and make a good record one by one. There must be no omission."

The three had just been scared by Chen Rufeng's revealing hand, as if they had turned into three iron locks and were being pinched in the palm of Chen Rufeng's hand. They nodded quickly. One of them picked up an account book, did not dare to delay for a moment and left the account room.

Chen Rufeng looked at the figure of the three people rushing away, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Even the frown was relieved. Turning around, Jiang Shengtian smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"What an iron lock, Master Chen!" Jiang Shengtian said with a smile.

Chen Rufeng came to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Next, it's up to you, brother."

At night, the candlelight still swayed in the master's bedroom, and the two simple beds leaned alone against the wall. Although the two sleepy masters were also tired at this moment and kept reading carefully on the account books that had just been sorted out. Jiang Shengtian still had to take notes. One arm was already extremely numb, but there was no rest for a moment.

"To be honest," Chen Rufeng stroked his struggling eyelids, as if to comfort it not to close it easily. "Our gang is in great shortage of supplies, and the warehouse is almost empty."

Jiang Shengtian also had a solemn expression, staring at the ink words on the account book and said, "Our gang used to sell firewood for a living, and from time to time was responsible for transporting some materials to the Qianjianmen on the mountain for sale. No wonder it used to be called 'firewood gang'. At that time, Chai Yuanlang was still the master!"

Chen Rufeng patted his forehead and finally couldn't help closing his eyes, but the thoughts in his mind were still. "Not only that, there are few people in the help who can fight. If someone comes, I'm afraid we will end up like a mule deer being eaten by a hungry tiger."

Both of them are worried. Does such a gang that has been declining over time still have a little vitality that can make them grasp and turn the world around?

Originally, they were full of ambition to break out of the world, but now they are in front of them, but they are difficult to deal with. They have tried their best until midnight, and they have not come up with a solution to the current dilemma.

A cool breeze rushed in outside the window and woke up the sleepy two people. They cheered up and continued to sprinkle their tired eyes on the previous page of the account book, holding their cheeks to think.

The starlight on the edge of the sky has a little abnormal movement, which must not be seen in the eyes of ordinary people.

What's more, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian, who are tired of wandering around, even a figure has leaning against the window, and they have never noticed it. When the sound of feet falling to the ground came out, the two were shocked. A white figure seemed to come from the air in the night. As if the usual temperament was elegant, when their eyes fell on his handsome face, they couldn't help shouting.

"Brother Han!"