yu feng xing

Chapter 19: Conflict Resurreation

"Master Fang," looking at the pitiful appearance of the people in the Tiger Village, Chen Rufeng, who has always been affectionate, had to plead for them. "They are just desperate and fall into the grass for the bandits. Master Fang, please see if you can open up and let them go?"

Listening to Chen Rufeng's words, the accompanying Tianfeng gangs couldn't help but be surprised that the masters of the Tianfeng Gang would actually concrehate a group of mountain thieves, which was really a loss of identity. Moreover, if this incident comes out, how much will the unclear relationship between Chen Rufeng and these green forest thieves have on the reputation of the Tianfeng Gang? I'm afraid that no one will dare to hire them as guards in the future, and the booming business of this industry will be destroyed.

Master Fang's eyes shot sharp light, stroked his long beard, looked at the group of depressed mountain thieves, and looked at Chen Rufeng with a pleading face, as if he had made up his mind.

"Okay, for the sake of Master Chen, I won't pursue this matter. However, you should also change sincerely from now on and never do evil again. No matter how hard you are, it is inappropriate to damage the interests of others to satisfy yourself. Master Fang said.

Chen Rufeng hurriedly said, "Haven't you thank Master Fang?"

Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing took the lead for a while. The other party kowtowed solemnly and shouted, "Thank you, Master Fang! The villain has been taught!" A group of mountain thieves also echoed their words obediently behind them.

Master Fang nodded slightly, walked back to the sedan chair, pulled up the curtain, and no one saw the expression on his face.

"Let's continue to go." Master Fang said indifferently.

Chen Rufeng punched the sedan chair, "Yes!"

A group of sedan chair men have raised the sedan chair again. Chen Rufeng brought Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing to his side and whispered, "You go to the Tianfeng Gang in Cuihua Mountain to stay temporarily. You can say it's my arrangement. In addition, you must not say that you have been mountain thieves, village owners and so on, or I can't keep you. You can say that your gang has been annexed and come to join our Tianfeng Gang.

Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing nodded repeatedly, and they didn't say much. After all, the fierce tiger village has survived in name now, and it is lucky to have tiles to cover their heads. They also understand Chen Rufeng's hardships. After all, it is not a glorious thing to take in a group of thieves. If it becomes serious, it may cause a great blow to the reputation of the Tianfeng Gang.

After Chen Rufeng led the team to leave, Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing repeated Chen Rufeng's words to a group of brothers, causing some people in the fierce tiger village to complain dissatisfiedly about whether they looked down on us and other clouds. Hearing this, Guo Tongwu's eyes were full of anger and rebuked him in a harsh voice. Does he want to sleep on the street or continue to be a mountain thief until one day falls into the hands of the government?

After the village owner scolded, everyone calmed down. Yes, is it true that they live in the barren mountains and forests for the rest of their lives? They also had to obey the arrangement of the two and settle down with the Tianfeng Gang for the time being.

After a while, Chen Rufeng and his entourage had arrived in Chang'an City.

The sedan chairmen breathed a sigh of relief. Master Fang stepped out of the sedan chair and glanced at every building in Chang'an City full of expectation and ambition, as if he could make 10,000 taels of gold from here, and each place was an infinite business opportunity.

The psychology of this brilliant businessman Chen Rufeng is naturally unpredictable, especially his unpredictable eyes, which were trained after millions of disturbances and thousands of hardships.

"Master Chen, these are the rewards for you." Master Fang handed over a bag of heavy silver to Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng took it gratefully and thanked him repeatedly, but Master Fang seemed to have something to say to him. Chen Rufeng quickly sent the three gangs behind him and followed Master Fang aside.

"I don't know if Master Fang has any advice?" Chen Rufeng asked respectfully, as if he were asking his elders for advice.

Master Fang stroked his beard and said, "Master Chen, I think you are also a chivalrous man. Unlike other cunning rats in the world, Fang will give you some advice on this point. I don't think they are big traitors and evil people just now. If you can accept it for yourself. , it will gain a lot to your gang."

Chen Rufeng was speechless for a moment. After digesting it for a while, he expressed his worries: "But their previous identity is indeed a mountain thief, which can't be erased by anyone. If I accept them to my gang, I'm afraid there will be a gap with the gang, and once outsiders know, there will be a reputation for my gang. Damaged."

In fact, Chen Rufeng was also thinking of this idea. If the people who were originally fierce tigers were willing to work under his command, it would certainly be a great thing to join the Tianfeng Gang, but there were too many conflicts on this issue, so that Chen Rufeng had to leave them in the name of shelter for the time being.

"If you have a problem, you have to use your own brain to solve them. If you lose a group of talents for various reasons, do you think it's worth it? And as the leader of the group, your head should be more flexible than others. Think about it!" Master Fang left such a sentence behind his back and disappeared into Chang'an Street with a group of sedan chairs behind his back.

Chen Rufeng was also stunned for a moment. What Master Fang said made him play for a long time before he reacted. Turning his head, the faint sunset had floated in the sky. It was early, so he called the three gang back and prepared to help back.

The idea of sneaking into the prime minister's mansion again was also eliminated because Guo Tongwu and others joined the Tianfeng Gang. God knows what will happen after they go to the Tianfeng Gang, and an ominous omen has permeated Chen Rufeng's heart.

"The three of you must not mention today's affairs again, especially the identity of those mountain thieves. If I know your nonsense, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Rufeng warned sternly that the three gangs nodded and agreed when they saw the serious appearance of the master.

Along the way, Chen Rufeng also did not say a word and kept thinking about how to settle the people of the fierce tiger village. It would be a good thing if they could really accept it for their own use, but the people in the help would inevitably have opinions. If you want to drive away those people in the fierce tiger village, it doesn't make sense. On the other hand, it may force them to go down the wrong road again.

After a long journey, Chen Rufeng has not been able to come up with a way to solve this problem.

"Alas, Master Fang, Master Fang, you said it's easy, but it's really not the same thing to do it." Chen Rufeng thought with regret that he had arrived at the feet of Tianfeng Gang in the blink of an eye.

Before reaching the door, there were bursts of noise, as if a large number of people were arguing fiercely. Chen Rufeng quickly stepped up and rushed to Tianfeng Gang.

On the open ground in the gang, the two groups of people are on their own side, with swords drawn and fighting to death. The leaders are Guo Tongwu and Fu Yuanjing on the other side, and Hu Jiuwei, Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang on the other side. Both sides are red and quarreled with each other, and Jiang Shengtian is standing between the two sides and raising his hand. He stopped both sides, but his voice was very weak in the sound of waves on both sides, and no one listened to him at all.

Seeing that the quarrel between the two sides continued to intensify, Guo Tongwu's side was a mountain villager after all, and there was a banditry in his bones. He took the lead in pushing Hu Jiuwei with one hand, which immediately provoked both sides to move. You pointed to me and I pointed at you. From the previous mutual shouting to fists and feet, Jiang Shengtian was also pushed Out of the battle circle, he fell to the ground, angry and helpless.

When Chen Rufeng saw this situation, his scalp was numb. He stepped forward, summoned his true spirit, and said with anger, "What are you doing? All back to both sides!"

The sound was like a huge hammer falling from the sky, smashing it to the ground. The strong echoes have been shaking everyone's hearts. People on both sides quickly stopped their hands and feet, pulled the wounded who were beaten with bloated noses on their faces, and retreated to one side and gave up an open space in the middle.

Chen Rufeng stepped forward, pulled up Jiang Shengtian and asked, "Han...what about Mr. Bai?"

Jiang Shengtian shook his head and whispered, "I don't know where he went. He said he had something to do. Not long after he left, the third brother and the fourth brother took a group of people up the mountain, so I let them rest here now. It was good at first, but I don't know why we quarrel now.

Chen Rufeng's eyes condensed and suddenly glanced at the people on both sides and shouted, "Can anyone tell me what happened? We are all brothers..."

"Who is brother to them?" A gang of the Tianfeng Gang shouted first, and immediately provoked a lot of scolding from both sides. One after another, it was as if they were competing for a louder voice. Some people also raised their fists, and both sides were making provocative actions.

"Quiet!" With Chen Rufeng's shout, the restless people immediately calmed down, as if the animals in the forest heard the roar of the beast.

At this time, Hu Jiu did not come out, and his eyes were still angry and hateful to Guo Tongwu and others: "It was they who hit our brother first, and then we fought back!"

Guo Tongwu immediately said angrily, "It's you who scold us first, and flirt with the cheap first, otherwise we won't do it!"

"All right!" Chen Rufeng finally understood the whole thing clearly after listening to one person on both sides. He secretly thought that if it hadn't been for his deep internal skills, people on both sides would not have listened to him.

"There are both sides of this matter. Let's shake hands, and that's it." Chen Rufeng held Guo Tongwu and Hu Jiuwei in both hands. He was about to pull their hands together, but unexpectedly, their hands were like trees that had been rooted for a long time, and they could not be pulled.

"You just give me face, okay?" Chen Rufeng had to say so, and the two hands patted each other symbolically, but the anger of the fierce confrontation between the two sides still continued.

Chen Rufeng coughed a few times and continued to say to Tianfeng Gang, "Also, they are going to stay here for the time being. Please settle them down. In addition, find some clean clothes to change them. Chen Rufeng couldn't bear to look at those clothes that were already unbearable.

"What?" As soon as Chen Rufeng's words came out, it immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the opposition of the people on the other side of Tianfeng's gang. Hu Jiuwei looked at Chen Rufeng like a madman.

"Do you want me to take them in? Where can we have so many places in Tianfengbang? You also need to provide them with food and clothes. Do you think they are emperors? Hu Jiu didn't question that if he hadn't been a little afraid of Chen Rufeng, he might have picked up his collar.

Chen Rufeng looked at him faintly and replied, "Then I will wrong you. It's your turn to come out and lay the floor. I think the income from the warehouse is enough to add some rice and clothes recently, right?

Jiang Shengtian also stood up and said at this time, "Our dormitory will also be allowed to come out, take turns to sleep, and help the middle and the next to be treated equally. Isn't that a problem?"

"Why do you insist on receiving them?" Hu Jiu did not raise his eyebrows and asked puzzledly with his arms in his arms, "Our Tianfeng Gang is not an inn. There are still charges for the inn."

As soon as Hu Jiu finished speaking, he immediately raised a voice of approval behind him.

"Since we are not welcome here, let's go! Each of us is a man with backbone. There are no people left here, and we have our own place to keep people. We have hands and feet, and we can't starve to death. Guo Tongwu said excitedly and immediately prepared to turn around and lead a group of people from the Tiger Village to leave.

Chen Rufeng was afraid that they would become thieves again, so he quickly stopped them and said to the people of the Tianfeng Gang, "They have been kind to our two masters. I think this reason is enough. Is it wrong to repay their kindness?"

Chen Rufeng didn't want to continue arguing on this issue, so he had to suppress them with a sense of anger. The feeling of suffocation enveloped everyone, and no one dared to say more. They all know that the master's words have been a final decision, and there is no room for turning.