yu feng xing

Chapter 23: Bad-hearted retribution

Chen Rufeng stepped out of an inn with a sad face, looked back at the inn heavily, grated, and looked at the sky with his waist crossed.

I found many inns in Chang'an City, but when he reported the number of people, many inns immediately said that the room supply was insufficient and it couldn't accommodate so many people. Indeed, I'm afraid that there are few places other than cottages that can accommodate more than 50 people.

But after all, he still agreed. In any case, he had to bravely come to the door one by one.

Chai Yuanlang followed him silently today, looking like a worried puppet who lost his soul, hanging Chen Rufeng. Although Chen Rufeng was aware of it, he was annoyed with a lot of things, and he didn't ask much for a moment. He thought it was just caused by poor sleep last night.

The two came to the door of a "Xianlai Inn" together. Chen Rufeng looked at the door slightly and didn't have much hope in his heart, but he finally had to have a try. After taking a breath, he walked into the inn.

As soon as he entered the inn, an attentive little two trotted over and said with a smile, "Are there two guests? There is an elegant seat upstairs. Please move to the second floor. The first floor is full..."

Chen Rufeng looked at the chairs and tables on the seat, and the small hope was completely extinguished like a fire being poured down by a bucket of water. This inn is so crowded that I'm afraid it can't accommodate more than 50 people. Chen Rufeng shook his head again dejectedly and was about to turn around and leave, but a familiar voice behind him shouted at him.

"Master Chen!"

Chen Rufeng turned his head and saw that he was the first business customer, Xie Wencheng, the weak scholar.

Xie Wencheng rushed over, took Chen Rufeng's hand and said, "Master Chen is here today. Xiaosheng must say hello! A Long, come here and take them to the elegant seat on the second floor and order some special dishes. The bill is recorded for me!"

Looking at Xie Wencheng's enthusiastic smile, Chen Rufeng couldn't help but feel guilty. If he learned that it was just that they played a big dragon and phoenix to deceive him that day to get the first business, I don't know if he will still have the same face as he is now. However, Chen Rufeng soon made up his mind to bury this secret in the soil forever.

The two refused and were half pushed and half pulled to the second floor. On the second floor, there were only a few sparse people sitting and talking. There were several exquisite dishes on the table. Compared with the noise on the first floor, the second floor created a different quiet and elegant place. If the first floor is a rich fish meal, then The second floor is a delicate dessert.

After Xie Wencheng took the two to their seats, he slipped downstairs, leaving Chen Rufeng and Chai Yuanlang looking at each other in consterence.

After a while, when Xie Wencheng came up, he was already with another person.

A graceful and graceful woman appeared in front of them, which also made their chins pull down. That woman is the owner's wife of Xianlai Inn and Xie Lanting, Xie Wencheng's sister.

Ser, this is the lifesaver I told you! If it weren't for them, I wouldn't know if I could come to Chang'an alive!" Xie Wencheng threw a look of gratitude to the two and introduced Xie Lanting, which made their faces hot and smiled meaningfully.

"It turned out that two chivalrous men helped my brother! In this case, today's meal will be made by the little woman. Just let go of your appetite!" Xie Lanting thanked with his fist and said proudly.

"Uh... Boss Xie is polite. After that, your brother has given us a reward... So, thank you! Thank you! Ha ha..." Chen Rufeng grabbed the back of his head uneasily, and his old face turned red. He thought that if the beautiful woman knew that she had just pretended to deceive her brother, she would immediately kick them out.

However, Xie Lanting only thought that Chen Rufeng would react like this because he saw his face and posture. After all, many prodigal sons had seen him before, and she was not surprised and still maintained a generous and decent smile.

"To be honest, we came here this time to ask for something." Chen Rufeng calmed down and swept those guilty feelings aside. "We have more than 50 brothers who have nowhere to live. I don't know if there are so many rooms in your inn?"

As soon as he said this, Chen Rufeng's confidence was relieved. In front of you, the Xianlai Inn is coming and going. How can you make so many rooms? He immediately felt that it was useless to ask.

Xie Lanting frowned, and Xie Wencheng also looked embarrassed. He remembered that the guest room was also overstretched when he first arrived that day. Today, Chen Rufeng's guest room with more than 50 people is even more crazy.

Seeing that their expressions suddenly sank, Chen Rufeng was not too disappointed, because he had no hope at all, and he didn't want them to be embarrassed, so he said, "If the room is really short, just say it. We won't force it."

Xie Lanting raised her eyebrows and said, "No, we have enough rooms to deal with. Let's pack those 50 people in our inn!"

As soon as this word came out, even Xie Wencheng opened his mouth and looked at her in disbelief. Xie Lanting whispered, "A thousand years of kindness, even if we want to eviction from customers and lose some income, we will always repay others for their great kindness. What is this kind of reward if you can pick up a small life?

Chen Rufeng looked at them muttering in a low voice. His ears were extremely sensitive. Hearing Xie Landing say so, his face was red and red, and he was ashamed. It seems that this thick-skinned skill also needs to be well practiced.

"That's it." Xie Lanting patted his chest and said to the two, "Let me know before your brothers arrive."

Chen Rufeng quickly raised his fist and said, "Then I'm here to thank the boss's wife."

Xie Lanting just smiled, which was extremely touching, which made the two of them lose their mind for a moment. It was not until the little two named A Long served a few dishes that they were awakened by the spray.

After eating, the two also left the Xianlai Inn with full stomachs. I didn't expect that I didn't have much hope, but it was settled here. Chen Rufeng sighed how strange things were. On that day, he acted in a scene and cheated Xie Wencheng, but it was really strange that he could get unexpected rewards today. Is it true that bad people will be rewarded, but good people will have a bad end? No, no! Chen Rufeng criticized in his heart that he was not a bad person, and what he did was not a great evil. How could he get along well with the bad guys? In short, just do more good deeds in the future and wash away your inner guilt.

The people of the Tiger Village were resettled, and Chen Rufeng finally put down a big stone in his heart.

Seeing that Chai Yuanlang still looked sad, he couldn't help asking, "Brother Chai, are you all right? Are you not feeling well?"

As if frightened, Chai Yuanlang suddenly stopped and felt that there were thousands of needles in his heart. He looked at Chen Rufeng in a daze.

"I..." Chai Yuanlang seemed to want to say something, but he chocked and couldn't say anything.

Chen Rufeng looked at him doubtfully and noticed that he looked inappropriate. After asking repeatedly, Chai Yuanlang also dodged and did not want to answer.

"Alas." On one side is Hu Jiuwei and on the other side is Chen Rufeng, but Chai Yuanlang thought about the whole thing objectively and felt that he still put the interests of the gang first. His face showed a helplessness and a little self-reproach. He said, "Ege Hu... He colluded with the mountain thieves on Funiu Mountain to stop the cold and fragrant jasper to force you to give up the position of the helper."

Chen Rufeng was shocked when he heard the words, and his face changed dramatically. The mountain thieves on Funiu Mountain... What else is there besides the group of people in Henglei Village? Then he thought that once the cold jade fell into their hands, how could he explain to Luo Jiayu?

At this moment, he was not allowed to think more. He quickly pulled Chai Yuanlang and ran in the direction of Luoyang.

Entering the woods, the two of them flew almost on the ground like arrows and rolled up a large piece of leaves on the ground.

When approaching the suburbs of Luoyang, a disgusting smell came to their noses, which made them have to cover their noses and move forward, and the uneasiness in their hearts aggravated a little.

The blood stains were not dry. Chen Rufeng looked at the leaves stained with blood beads on the ground, as if someone was hitting his heart with one punch, and the further he went forward, the strength of each punch was increasing.

Until the shocking scene appeared in front of him, his whole body seemed to be frozen, and he also felt that Chai Yuanlang had the same reaction as him.

There are dozens of corpses lying on the ground, most of which are from their Tianfeng gangs, and a small number of them seem to be Hengleizhai mountain thieves.

There was also a large pool of blood on the large open box. Chen Rufeng's footsteps trembled, gently touched the box, painted a finger of blood, and looked at the Tianfeng Gang brothers around him with disbelief.

With a crack behind him, Chen Rufeng suddenly turned his head, but saw Chai Yuanlang kneeling on the ground, crying silently at a corpse, tears dripping on the ground, mixed with blood beads. His hands unconsciously grasped the remnants on the ground and kept whispering, "My fault... My fault... ...I should stop him..."

Chen Rufeng squeezed his lips. As the leader of the group, he knew very well that what he needed most at this moment was extraordinary calmness. He tried his best to avoid the motionless bodies lying on the ground. He felt that once he saw the bodies, he would push his emotions to collapse.

He clenched his fist and his nails were almost embedded in the meat. Chen Rufeng tried his best to suppress his trembling body and began to observe the surrounding environment.

On the thick trunk, there are traces of being cut by the fierce spirit, a foot into the wood. It seems that this person's inner strength is extremely profound. There is also a vigorous line on the ground, and the leaves are neatly cut on both sides. Chen Rufeng kept thinking about it in his heart, who has such profound internal skills in Henglei Village?

In this way, it is two masters who fight here to create such a scene.

Chen Rufeng approached the big box again and stared at the blood stains on the box. The cold and fragrant jasper in the box had already disappeared, and the person who left the blood stains seemed to be seriously injured.

There was Lin Ye**'s voice in the distance, which immediately aroused Chen Rufeng's vigilance and alerted.

I saw a figure slowly approaching, swinging left and right, as if he would fall down at any time.

Chen Rufeng did not dare to relax his vigilance and stared at the approaching figure. If he launched an attack, it would be easy for him to fight back.

Chai Yuanlang also raised his head. His familiarity with this figure was definitely above Chen Rufeng, and there were still tears on his face. At this time, he stood up desperately and ran to the figure.

Chen Rufeng had no time to stop it. He had rushed to the gradual figure in the forest like a mad horse.

Then, Chen Rufeng also saw the man's face clearly. The bloody cheek was no longer as vigorous as before, and the extreme weakness made him unable to straighten his waist, as if he were walking with his will. Chai Yuanlang took a step closer to him, as if his broken body immediately lost strength, like a stick falling down and leaning on Chai Yuanlang's shoulder.

Chen Rufeng took a breath of cold air. Who was invited by Henglei Village to beat Hu Jiuwei, who was similar to his own, into such a serious injury?