yu feng xing

Chapter 39: Qin Xian Wan Miao

Chen Rufeng raised the short bamboo in his hand, and a rough feeling came along his palm, such as holding a long sword, pointing in front of the void, and his eyebrows tightening, as if he were in front of a big enemy. His feet stepped forward and retreated, as if the hand was not a simple bamboo, but a shining cold sword.

Sum, the bamboo forest was blown by the breeze, and there was a green smell.

Rise with the wind, Chen Rufeng's body, like a light and weightless leaf, his feet leaped in the air, and the short bamboo in his hand swept through the air, urging the true qi in his body. The true air penetrated through the bamboo. In Chen Rufeng's ordinary sweep, there was also a green sword shadow passing by the bamboo. For a moment, Chen Rufeng was already dancing with a sword dance like a wind, constantly cutting and chopping with the bamboo sword in his hand. He saw a circle of green air dispersing around him and constantly emerging one after another.

If someone is watching, they will definitely think that this is a dancer waving a green ribbon. When he fell to the last foot, Chen Rufeng scolded angrily, and the bamboo in his hand suddenly pushed forward. The green sword spirit flew straight out from the bamboo like a green winged bird. "bang" made the bamboo in front of him make a sharp explosion sound, and several bamboos have been beaten back by Chen Rufeng's sword spirit.

Not only that, when Chen Rufeng stood on the ground, there was also a wave of green gas centered on him, expanded out into a circle, and finally faded into the air.

Chen Rufeng put his bamboo sword into his waist, as if there was an invisible scabbard hanging there. He fantasized that he was playing chic movements like those common swordsmen in the world, and finally did not forget to give up a graceful, calm and confident smile. In fact, since the beginning of Ningzhou's street gangster, he has been secretly enviing those sword-wielding knights, hiding in the narrow streets, staring at the passing swordsman, dreaming that he can also practice righteousness with swords and become a respected swordsman one day.

Today, this dream is only a finger away. He can finally learn his dream of swordsmanship and become a swordsman. Whenever I think of this, Chen Rufeng will laugh out loud with joy. On that day, Jiang Shengtian rejected Ze Kongyun's beauty for him, and the deep sense of loss in his heart has been swept away today.

Looking up, I was afraid it was also noon. Chen Rufeng hurriedly untied his belt, tied the short bamboo thrown to him by Yuan Sirou behind his back, tied a knot in front of his chest, and pulled it to see if it was tied tightly, and regarded the bamboo that Yuan Sirou pulled up casually as a treasure sword.

was about to go back home, but he just bypassed several bamboo trees in the hidden bamboo forest and gradually blurred the sense of direction. Chen Rufeng touched his head. The surrounding scenery was not impressed in his mind. He felt that it was not much different from the scenery when he came, but he could not find a way out.

Several birds stood on the treetops and sang to the sky. Chen Rufeng was a little upset. It seemed that he was lost.

The hidden bamboo forest is so large that it is no different from looking for a pitiful flowing house to find a needle in a haystack. After turning countless bamboo fork roads, I am still at a loss.

After noon, Chen Rufeng stood under a thick tree, looking at the bamboos bent by his sword spirit with an extremely miserable face. After walking for most of the day, he still wandered to the same place. This made him anxious. He simply took a breath, kicked his feet and flew in mid-air, overlooking the whole green bamboo forest. At least the vision is wider, and it is more convenient to find a flowing house.

After taking off in the air for a while, only the endless green expanded in his eyes. Chen Rufeng had to lower the height, slow down the speed, and carefully observed every bamboo forest.

"Wingshuiju, Liushuiju, where are you hiding?" Chen Rufeng muttered anxiously, and his eyes kept flying between the green bamboo, not letting go of any gap.

Just as he carefully searched for the grass and trees in the hidden bamboo forest, there was a melodious sound of the piano, which seemed to come from the sky and slowly from the ground to his ears.

It seems that every string is stirring in the listener's ear, and the difficult mood is pouring down like water in the sky in this curling sound of the piano, turning into a water curtain covering Chen Rufeng's body. The blood vessels on his body were shaken by the sobbing sound of the piano. The wound penetrated into his temple one by one and melted directly into his body, empathized with the player.

Chen Rufeng hung in mid-air for a long time. Listening to this wonderful pleasant piano sound, unconsciously, a tear slipped from the corners of his eyes, and his heart seemed to be hurt by sharp things, pain and speechless.

I didn't expect such a fing mysterious power in this kind of piano sound.

Chen Rufeng suddenly woke up and suddenly felt that the piano sound seemed to be familiar. He was surprised and flashed away with the aftermath of the unfinished piano sound.

When his body approached the ground, he saw an elegant small building appear in front of him. Compared with the flowing house, this house is narrower, but the layout is much more exquisite than the flowing house. Surrounded by wooden fences, flowers and grass were planted, and there was an open space in front of the door. Two well-dressed women were in the open space. One of them sat on a chair with a long piano, and the woman next to her stood respectfully, closed her eyes and listened carefully to the sound of the heavenly music.

Chen Rufeng looked away and was suddenly shocked, but before his feet reached the ground, a wave of madness suddenly rushed like a hungry wolf, and the air rolled vigorously. Chen Rufeng was caught off guard and had to stop immediately. He took a breath of real breath. The green light flashed and his body was tied like an invisible hanging rope, pulling his whole body up flat, which could avoid the fierce impact.

Just dodged this, and immediately there was a wave attacking him endlessly. Accompanied by the tragic sound of the eardrums, suddenly shouting like a hell ghost, Chen Rufeng suddenly felt that he was unable to control his true spirit. This strange magic sound seemed to deter the true qi in his body. At present, Chen Rufeng is like a prey that falls into a trap and is slaughtered by others. Looking at the momentum rolling together like a cluster of thousands of stones, he has nothing to do, so he has to close his eyes and die.

"Master! Don't!" A female shouted.

A piano sound like a god's drinking sound came out, and all the sudden momentum suddenly condensed, and then broke in mid-air, accompanied by a cold hum.

Chen Rufeng felt that the ban on his true qi had also been lifted, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. What just shocked him was the woman standing next to the piano player, who turned out to be Li Yinru!

Chen Rufeng, whose feet slowly fell to the ground and wiped a cold sweat, walked to the two women with lingering heart. Li Yinru lowered her head with a red face and was ashamed and said nothing. The woman who played was looking at him with disgust, as if she had regarded him as a gentle-faced beast.

"The younger generation met the Xuan Wanmiao senior of 'Tianqin Fairy'!" Chen Rufeng bowed his waist. When he saw the amazing beauty of this woman living in the hidden bamboo forest, coupled with his amazing piano skills, he had already guessed her true identity. Who else could she be besides the Eight Hidden Heavenly Piano Fairy Xuanmiao in the Central Plains?

Chen Rufeng doesn't know much about this Tianqin fairy, but when he sees Li Yinru accompanying her, he knows that the relationship between the two is extraordinary and he can never offend.

Xuan Wanmiao said coldly, "What's your name?" Why did you break into my house? What does it have to do with my apprentice?"

Li Yinru's cheeks were already red and unable to speak. Chen Rufeng quickly replied, "The boy's name is Chen Rufeng. He is a disciple of Yuan Sirou. Today, he lost his way and accidentally broke into this place. I hope you can forgive me." Chen Rufeng put on Yuan Sirou's name, so as not to let Xuan Wanmiao always speak coldly to him and disdain him.

"Oh, is it his apprentice? Strange..." Xuan Wan smiled faintly, then turned awd face and said harshly, "You haven't answered my last question yet. What do you have to do with my apprentice? Why did she say something to save her?"

"Uh..." Chen Rufeng's face also turned pale red, and he looked at Li Yinru awkwardly. He didn't expect that she was a Tianqin fairy. No wonder she was a little familiar with the mysterious fairy sound just now.

Seeing that Chen Rufeng hesitated, Xuan Wanmiao looked angry and said, "Have you ever been wrong to my disciple?" While talking, she put her hands on the strings and was ready to play the sound again.

Chen Rufeng shouted injustice in his heart. How could he have been wrong to Li Yinru? It's just that the hearts of the two are connected. Men and women are interested in love. Isn't it as Xuan Wanmiao's mouth that he treats Chen Rufeng as a flower thief?

Li Yinru squeezed her lips, revealing her shy daughter's posture, bent down and whispered a few words in Xuan Wanmiao's ear, but as she spoke, her face was almost bleeding. Xuan Wanmiao smiled deeply. Her eyes that were half an inch away from Chen Rufeng became more and more strange. Chen Rufeng saw her squinting, and the strange light shot out, and suddenly felt a creepy hair behind her.

"Very good," Xuan Wan smiled cunningly and nodded meaningfully to Chen Rufeng. Li Yinru had already turned his face aside and dared not look at the two again. Chen Rufeng stood still with an innocent face and did not dare to move randomly. "If you cross the door, you can come in and sit down."

Xuan Wanmiao said, stood away from her seat, brushed her sleeves, put one hand gently behind Li Yinru, and took her into the house. Chen Rufeng had no choice but to step involuntarily.

Xuanmiao poured a cup of tea for each of them and sat between them. Chen Rufeng and Li Yinru were opposite each other from the table, but both of them lowered their heads shyly. Only Xuan Wanmiao elegantly touched their lips and looked back and forth between them.

Chen Rufeng looked at the slightly green and slowly shaking tea on the teacup, stared at his face, and nervously grasped his trousers. Li Yinru lowered the bangs on her eyebrows and covered her red face.

"They are all our own people. What's the constraint?" Xuan Wanmiao put down the teacup.

My own people? Chen Rufeng's heart was hot. Just as he raised his head, it happened that Li Yinru also looked up at this time. Their eyes suddenly touched each other, as if they were electrocuted, and then glued their eyes like a bonding object. The two smiled ambiguously and looked at each other.

"Yinru... It turns out that Tianqin Xian is your master?" For a long time, Chen Rufeng took out thousands of words in his heart to say such a sentence.

"Yes... When I was ten years old, my master passed by Chang'an. Seeing that I was talented and interested in piano music, he accepted me as an apprentice." Li Yinru replied gently, as if holding a fragile vase.

Chen Rufeng doubted that Xuan Wanmiao's amazing piano skills were so powerful that she could see that her inner cultivation was not bad, but Li Yinru was so weak and slender, soft and gentle. Is it possible that she didn't teach her those mysterious piano skills?

Xuan Wanmiao saw the doubts in Chen Rufeng's eyes and said dryly, "I only teach her how to play music, and I don't teach her the practice of Qi and piano skills. At the beginning, she worshipped me as her teacher, but the Prime Minister fiercely opposed it. If I still teach her martial arts, I'm afraid the Prime Minister will raze my residence to the ground.

"Okay, I'll go out for a walk. Take your time." Xuan Wanmiao stood up carelessly and glanced at the two of them. With her ability, she didn't know what they were thinking, so she retreated knowingly.

In the elegant little Curie, there are only two people left in addition to a few birdsong and the bamboo forest singing in the wind.