yu feng xing

Chapter 5: The Side of Teaching Children

"Uh..." Jiang Shengtian kept digging out the words in his heart and tried his best to prevent Chen Rufeng from asking Liu Hong. Once the truth came out, the consequences were really unimaginable. Liu Hong has gone to bed so late, and we have been preparing for Tianyu to help them recently. Don't disturb his mind for these things at this time, right?

Chen Rufeng stopped and stared deeply at the account book spread on the table.

Jiang Shengtian's heart trembled uneasily like the dazzling lights.

The yellow firelight shone on Jiang Shengtian's frightened face. Fortunately, Chen Rufeng did not find that his look was different at this time, otherwise he would have guessed that this matter had a great connection with Jiang Shengtian.

"It's getting late. I don't think Wen Zicheng will take action tonight. Let's go to bed." Chen Rufeng slowly closed the account book, and Jiang Shengtian suddenly put the big stone hanging in his heart on the ground and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"After this matter is over, I will investigate to see where this confused account comes from." Chen Rufeng said solemnly. Hearing Chen Rufeng's words, Jiang Shengtian was stunned again. He stared at Chen Rufeng and walked to the bedside, turned over and lay down.

Only then did Jiang Shengtian find that he had done a lot of things without telling Chen Rufeng. Once I don't know when the incident will happen, can I still face him frankly?

Jiang Shengtian turned to bed with trembling and turned his face to the other side of the wall. It seemed that the words that could not be spoken could be appealed to.

When the lights were put out and it was half dawn, a small fish belly turned white. The gang near Cuihua Mountain Tianfeng Gang, who came to patrol nervously for one night, also began to drag their tired muscles and bones back to the gang.

On the wall of a mountain not far from the Tianfeng Gang in Cuihua Mountain, Wen Zicheng stood on it, walking ice and Lin Cheng, using the forest as a barrier to cover his figure well.

Wen Zicheng burst into a pair of eyes and shot at the place where the Tianfeng Gang was like two arrows, spitting out a ferocious fire tongue. His hands behind him were also clenched into fists, and his joints clenched.

With a cold smile on his face and a little sarcastic meaning, he said, "Tianfeng helped those idiots really think that we would sneak up on them at night. Hey hey, in this case, I just won't do anything at night. You have done everything. Didn't I consciously come to ask for trouble? ?"

Lin Chengjun and Bubing stood timidly behind Wen Zicheng, looking at Wen Zicheng's back with fear, as if staring at a mad tiger that would be angry at any time, and would turn around and pounce on them at any time.

"Have all the masters I sent you to contact have been contacted?" Wen Zicheng asked indifferently, stepped forward on the ice, bowed his body, and his forehead almost touched the ground.

"The master, only the 'ferocious god' and the 'sick king' Liu Qi are willing to help, and the rest of the masters..." The voice of walking on the ice was also trembling, extremely nervous.

Wen Zicheng waved his sleeve and interrupted, "That's all, when I swallow the Tianfeng Gang, let the Tianyu Gang rise above the rivers and lakes, and then let the group of masters who look down on people regret it." Speaking of this, another sharp hatred light like a knife came out of Wen Zicheng's eyes.

Seeing that the master was not too angry, Lin Chengjun and Bu Bing were slightly relieved.

Looking at the Tianfeng Gang from afar, Wen Zicheng sneered and said to the void, "You frightened birds, just be afraid day and night. Let's wait for ease and see how long you can stand. Hey, when you are exhausted, we will attack again to see if you have any power to counterattack?

The loud laughter echoed in the forest, and even the leaves seemed to shake.

In the Qianjian Gate, above the top tower, Ze Kunyun's eyebrows were deeply locked, as if there was something unfutable.

When the door knocked, Xu Chengjun pushed the door and entered. Ze Yun restrained his bitterness and forced a smile from the corners of his mouth to meet Xu Chengjun.

"How's Yuer?" Ze Yuyun asked eagerly.

Xu Chengjun sighed helplessly and shook his head and said, "He still locked himself in the room and refused to come out to practice his sword."

Ze Kunyun's smile, which had a trace of hope, also disappeared in an instant. His fingers stroked the wrinkles on his forehead, and an indescribable old age appeared on his face.

Since Liang Yongshi came back from Tianfeng Gang with Zeyu that day, Zeyu has lost his temper and quarreled that Ze Kunyun would rather give Qianjian to an outsider than give it to his son, which was very unconvinced. Later, he simply closed his door and spent almost in the room except for the regular diet. Even important things such as sword practice will not be attended.

Now Ze Congyun feels how bitter today has caused the indulgence of Zeyu. Now there is no way to correct Ze Yu's young master's temper. Ze Kunyun feels that everything is too late. Ze Yu's personality has already been fixed, and it is difficult to change his mind.

The more he thought about it, the more sad he became. He felt that his son had been ruined like this, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Master, please take the liberty to say something." Xu Chengjun looked at Ze Luyun with tentative eyes, and Ze Kunyun nodded, looking like he was about to faint by fatigue.

"Yuer has such a situation today, and you have an inescapable responsibility." Xu Chengjun said solemnly.

Ze Kunyun moved guiltily and said, "I know this. Everything is my fault, and I also regret it. But now Yuer's temper is like a terminal illness, and she really can't find a good cure!"

Xu Chengjun thought for a moment, moved his hand away from his chin and said in a low voice, "There is no way. It's just to see if the door owner is willing to be ruthless."

Ze Jingyun was stunned when he heard the words and looked up at Xu Chengjun puzzledly.

In Zeyu's room, his long sword was kicked into a corner by him and lay there pitifully. Zeyu with an angry face looked at the dishes on the table that had been eaten by him, as if they had a great hatred.

This room looks beautiful, at least not as simple as the residence of ordinary disciples of Qianjianmen. You should know that the ordinary disciples of Qianjianmen live together, and the house is not as complete as Zeyu. Qianjianmen is extremely jealous of this young master of Jianmen, but unfortunately he is not blessed in his blessings.

People may be so greedy. Once they get used to what they have now, they will have infinite desire to ask for what they have never gained.

Zelongyun ignored other people's vision and gave him all the best, but he became more and more arrogant and more self-centered.

One day Zeyu couldn't cure his old problem, and he became more and more paranoid and arrogant.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Ze Yu's eyebrows crossed the door fiercely, and he scolded in his heart that another unknown guy came.

But it made Zeyu feel more angry. The comer didn't even knock on the door and pushed it away directly. He just wanted to curse, but when he saw the man who came in, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Ze Kunyun's face was as stiff as ice, and he seemed to bury many emotions without releasing his face. Ze Yu has never seen such an expression as Ze Kunyun, which is so strange and isolated, as if the two had no father-son relationship at all.

But Zeyu came to his senses in consternation and was full of complaints as usual. He blamed Zekongyun for all kinds of things. He said that he ignored his son's face and didn't help the outside and didn't help the inside. In short, he did not hesitate to break out of the resentment he had held in the past few days.

After a series of words, Ze Yu himself was too tired to catch his breath, but stared at Ze Kunyun angrily.

However, he responded to himself with cold eyes, and there was no other verbal answer.

This is the first time he really feels something wrong.

At this time, Xu Chengjun appeared behind Ze Kunyun, his eyes swept back and forth between the two, and finally fell on Ze Kunyun's back, put his hand in front of his mouth, and coughed a few times.

"Young master, he has something to tell you." Xu Chengjun said with a little embarrassment. He knew that Ze Xianyun was in the face of love, so he didn't know how to speak harshly, so it was up to him to open the chat box.

Ze Kunyun's eyes narrowed, as if he had set up something. He said in a strict voice, "Yuer, from today on, you will move to an ordinary disciple's house. In the future, all your life, including sword practice, are as clear as ordinary disciples?

It seemed that a thunderbolt fell from the sky, splitting Zeyu's thoughts into pieces. The corners of Zeyu's mouth were slightly **, as if he had just heard a very incredible joke. When he reacted, he could only spit out a few words: "Are you joking?"

But Ze Kunyun's face is fierce, which has given him the most accurate answer.

Zeyu shook his head, and his body couldn't help falling back.

An impulse to rush to hold him rose from Ze Kunyun's heart, but it was quickly suppressed by him. Zeyu's buttocks finally pressed hard on the ground.

"Why?" Zeyu's voice trembled, sweeping away the previous arrogance and arrogance, like a big official who covered the sky with one hand suddenly became a prisoner.

"This is to help you. Can you understand your father's painstaking efforts?" Seeing Ze Yu so pitiful, Ze Kunyun couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. Naturally, he would not say these words.

"Why not." Ze Kunyun turned around and covered Zeyu's back like a huge tower. Ze Yu couldn't see that Ze Kunyun also closed his eyes and tried his best to suppress his emotional expression.

Seeing such a scene, Xu Chengjun had to lower his head and sigh repeatedly.

"And," Ze Kunyun's back said, "Have you always wanted to get the sword of one thousand swords? As long as you win Gu Hong in the 'Sword Test' three months later, I will give you a thousand swords as you wish.

On the sword test is an annual competition among the disciples of Qianjianmen. All the disciples gathered together to fight swordsmanship, and then verify the results and rank. Naturally, the big winner of last year was Ye Guhong. Since then, Ye Guhong has become famous and has been in the limelight for a while.

Hearing Ze Kunyun's words, even Xu Chengjun was shocked and looked at Ze Kunyun in a daze, let alone Ze Yu sitting on the ground.

To make Zeyu defeat Ye Guhong is like a deer and leopard.

Such a chance of winning, you don't have to compete at all, and you can guess ten times accurately.

Ze Yu looked at Ze Kunyun's back and felt that despair was getting closer and closer to him.