yu feng xing

Chapter 23: Rescue Operation

"I want to know where the courtyard of the young lady is under house arrest. Also, can you help me gather the people on this list? According to the predecessors of Perman Shouyang, these are all people who are dissatisfied with Perak Xuanjing. With their help, our Tianfeng Gang will cooperate with you inside and outside, and we can't help but step down.

Chen Rufeng handed the list written by Permson to Pervian Dragon. Perviansaurus took over his eyes and immediately came to mind. All of the people on the list have been affected by the anger of Pei Xuanjing. One by one, the people who have been dismissed from their important positions and live idle in the inner village every day must not be difficult to encourage them to rise up against Percy Xuanjing. After all, what Pei Xuanjing has done in the gang is not very popular.

"Leave this matter to me, and I will inform them secretly one by one to prevent leakage. You'd better save Xinqing first." Percy Dragon pointed slightly in the direction of Chen Rufeng, and Chen Rufeng acted immediately and did not dare to delay for a moment.

Before leaving, Persson pulled Chen Rufeng and told him to pay attention to several places. Those are more heavily guarded places. If you can avoid it, you can avoid it. Never disturb the guards in the village. The guards in the village are all people of Peri Xuanjing and will not show mercy to Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng sneaked in according to the route mentioned by Perving Dragon and flew by without leaving a trace. Soon I saw a chic and elegant courtyard, with lush grass, a small rockery pond, and cypress trees stretching around the surrounding walls, which didn't look like a place for house arrest at all.

However, it is extremely hidden here, and it is difficult for people who are not meticulous to find a room hidden in this small courtyard. Without the guidance of Perak Dragon, Chen Rufeng would have been unable to find this place at all.

"It's really weird." Chen Rufeng thought in his heart that he, who had been crouching on the roof, shot at the cypress pine in the courtyard like an arrow from the string, and reaped the method of hiding the tree. It was better to take a careful look at the situation in the courtyard before acting.

Sure enough, there were two men guarding in front of the door of the room. The two men did not dare to relax for a moment, and they did not even move their eyes for half an inch. It seemed that they were elites among the elites.

Since there is such a strict guard, it is not that there is a universe in the room and no one believes it. Chen Rufeng began to think about how to sneak into the room without alarming the two gatekeepers.

After many thoughts, the room is leaning against the wall, and the windows on both sides are also locked to death. Chen Rufeng has not yet reached the level where he can smash doors and windows without making a sound. The only feasible way is to stun the two gatekeepers and forcibly break in. By the time they wake up, he will have already fled with a heart. I'm afraid he can't even reach his back.

At present, he made a plan. Chen Rufeng jumped several times in a row, and his figure just rolled over the wall like a wind. Finally, he fell lightly to the top of the room and crawled on it, staring at the skulls of the two gatekeeper disciples. They did not seem to have noticed that someone was staring at them maliciously.

Suddenly, the sound of something hitting the hard object shocked the man. Even Chen Rufeng's heart jumped fiercely and shrank back.

"Damn, she threw something again." The man pretended to scold at the door.

"I tell you, you are restless and let me stay in it. Be careful that I will strip you of your clothes tonight." The words of another strong man are even more vicious.

It was obviously that Perce was trapped in the room just now, and Xinqing lost his temper and threw something in the room on the door.

"Hey, after all, she is still the eldest daughter of the Perak family. Can't you be more polite?" The man who spoke at the beginning came to the other man's ear with a little guilty and said.

"Well, Zhuangzhong is the second head of the family now. What kind of green onion is she now?" The rude man said carelessly.

While the two were talking, Chen Rufeng looked at the right time and freed up his body. A green whirlwind surged out of his palms, accompanied by the power of white soft water, so that the two of them were directly stunned without even a gap in response.

Chen Rufeng's feet fell to the ground, and it seemed that he had heard a scream of surprise through the door.

He kicked open the door with one foot, and Chen Rufeng rushed in.

pi qing has been wiped out of his previous arrogance and arrogance, and every day is spent in pain and loneliness. She hadn't been officially groomed for a long time. Her hair was as messy as straw and her face was dirty. If it hadn't been for the luxurious clothes wrapped around her body, she would have been almost the same as the beggars on the street.

When Perilinqing saw the man who broke in, he couldn't help but look stunned.

Is it him?

I played with him twice, and he let me go twice. When he attacked the Tianfeng Gang that day, he pulled her to avoid letting her fall into the sea of fire.

Is it really that person?

She looked at Chen Rufeng's face with an empty expression on her face. She couldn't believe all this. What reason did he have to save her? She would rather believe that it was Perak Shouyang, not this two enemies.

Chen Rufeng looked into Pei Xinqing's eyes, and a feeling of familiarity surged into his heart. But at this moment, he was no longer allowed to think about it. Seeing Pei Xinqing's current look, he thought she was overjoyed and distracted for a moment. He quickly ran over and pulled her up and said, "Run! If you don't run, it will be too late!"

But Percy Xinqing failed to sort out his thoughts and sat on the ground in a daze, allowing Chen Rufeng to pull, sticking to the ground like a stone statue.

"Quick!" Chen Rufeng urged anxiously.

There is no time waiting for me, and Chen Rufeng's keen hearing can be heard by a few footsteps.

Chen Ru looked at Pei Xinqing in discouragedly, clenched his teeth, and disappeared as soon as he flashed. It turned out that he was hiding in a corner.

"What happened?" With a violent shout, Xue Chengui came to the door, looked at the two doorkeepers who fell unconscious, and then looked up at the Xinqing sitting on the ground.

"Do you want to escape?" Xue Chengui showed a ferocious smile and forced into the room, like a cunning wolf grabbing a prey that almost slipped out of his palm.

Pei Xinqing reacted, looked at Xue Chengui in horror, and subconsciously slid back.

Chen Rufeng suddenly appeared behind him, and he was not aware of it. He still looked at the heart of the sky with a ferocious face, revealing a row of cold teeth.

With a slap, Xue Chengui said "ah" and couldn't even turn his head, so he fainted on the ground with a "pop".

"Let's go!" Chen Rufeng shouted and ran to pull up Xinqing. His eyes looked at his back with a complex look, feeling like he was in a dream now.

Finally, someone came to take her away. From then on, she could get out of the room given to her by day and night, out of the daily companionship with the wall, and the miserable days.

It's just that she never thought that the man was Chen Rufeng. In a sense, they are enemies. If he knew that she had planned to attack the Tianfeng Gang, he didn't know if he would try his best to save her.

Just as Percy's heart was thinking nonsense, Chen Rufeng had carried her on his back, kicked her feet, flew around the wall, and quickly swept to the residence of the dragon.

Pei Xinqing leaned against Chen Rufeng's back and felt so safe. It seems that I have found a sheltered eaves in the wind and rain.

The houses in Peijiazhuang flashed back at their feet. Soon, the two arrived at the door of Perianlong's residence.

Looking around warily, Chen Rufeng knocked on the door. PerICP hurriedly opened the door to welcome the two into the room and locked the door again.

Chen Rufeng put down the heart of the sky on his back. When Persimqing saw the dragon, he was already full of tears in his eyes. Like an aggrieved child seeing his father, he choked and said, " Uncle Xianlong..."

Pianlong hugged Pei Xinqing and patted her on the back comfort and said, "It's okay, child. Now you're safe."

The room was dark, and Chen Rufeng found that there were two more people here, and he must also be their trusted people in Peijiazhuang. One man saw that his heart was sound and sound, and he was also happy. He came over and said a few words of comfort. As for the other person, he showed no too much expression, and his eyes flashed with a dark light.

Perixianlong quickly introduced the two to Chen Rufeng and pointed to the comforted man: "This is Pei Yuankui, who is also an old man of my peers in Zhuangzhong. As for this one," Percy Dragon pulled the cold-looking man over, "this is Perak Chengchu, one of the powerful assistants of the great master in those years. They were all excluded by Per Xuanjing and were already dissatisfied with him, but they were unable to fight against him. Fortunately, I have to see Master Chen today, and our Pejiazhuang finally doesn't have to be held by traitors anymore.

Chen Rufeng politely held their fists one by one and said, "I'm just doing my best. Whether I can pull down Xuanjing or not depends on your concerted efforts. At that time, I will cooperate with my Tianfeng gang and kill Xuanjing unprepared."

Pei Xinqing looked at them puzzledly, and Perixian Long told their plan in detail.

"What? Third uncle is in the Tianfeng Gang? Percy said with surprise and joy.

Chen Rufeng nodded: "Yes, we have already agreed with Pei Shouyang to help you regain the position of Zhuangzhu and expose the injustice of Perg Xuanjing."

Percy Qing was so grateful that she couldn't speak. She looked at Chen Rufeng with tears in her eyes, as if she wanted to kowtow to him immediately.

"Then, I will take the young lady back to Tianfeng Gang first. You will secretly organize all the forces that can resist Per Xuanjing and wait for the arrival of our Tianfeng Gang to denounce Per Xuanjing together. If he is willing to step down automatically, it is naturally best not to fight. But if he is still stubborn and does not want to occupy the position of the landlord, we will have to use force. Chen Rufeng said that the people present nodded one after another.

Chen Rufeng glanced at Pei Xinqing and said to them, "Let's leave first. Zhuang Zhong's matter will get rid of your predecessors.

At this time, the dragonfly said, "You'd better wait for a moment. Now it's still a close patrol in the village. It's safe to leave when they hand over. It's not easy for people to find it."

Chen Rufeng suddenly felt reasonable and decided to stay here for a moment before leaving.

Pei Xinqing breathed nervously, and she felt that every moment she stayed in Peijiazhuang, she would be in a little more dangerous. The atmosphere in the room was also quite depressing, and everyone condensed their airway until they sent Pei Xinqing out of Peijiazhuang safely.

Chen Rufeng sat and played with his fingers, constantly thinking about the strategy, thinking about how to knock down the Xuanjing in one fell swoop without spending too much manpower and material resources.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he spread the senses away, but felt a strong murderous intent approaching rapidly. He jumped up and moved his hand to the hilt of the angry sword.

"What's wrong?" Perfect Dragon and Perforens asked when they saw that Chen Rufeng was on alert as if they were threatened.

There is no need for Chen Rufeng to answer. There is a rapid footsteps outside the door, and the shadows are shaking, and it is estimated that there are many, at least a hundred people.

And that very strong murderous intention is as if it were close to him.

Everyone looked at the door coincidentally, one by one panicked and unable to calm down.

"We have been tricked." Chen Rufeng frowned and said in a low voice.