yu feng xing

Chapter 26: Tomb of the V of God

Chen Rufeng's eyes fell into the groove of the fire god's head carving, and then looked at the fiery red jade pendant in Xinqing's hand and immediately understood it.

Percy cleared the jade pendant on her neck and carefully put it into the groove. The size was just right, but she still didn't dare to put it in, as if she had any scruples.

After a moment of hesitation, PerICP always crossed his heart and embedded the jade pendant in it with a crack.

The two people's hearts suddenly beat rapidly, and they could almost hear each other's heartbeats.

Waiting, Peraking subconsciously took a step back. Chen Rufeng stared at the Vulcan head sculpture, as if worried that the Vulcan would suddenly resurrect and burn them to ashes.

The sound of eggshell cracking came.

The fiery red jade pendant rotated by itself for a week, and the Vampus head sculpture was divided into two. After turning around, the fiery red jade pendant was spit out by it and rolled on the ground. Percy Heart quickly picked it up and watched as the Vulcan's head carving was pulled in half by an invisible force, revealing the crack of the door of the huge door.

The ground suddenly began to shake sharply, as if some huge thing was about to break out of the ground. Chen Rufeng and Pei Xinqing also shook left and right for a moment. The ground they stood on was strong, but the strange thing was that there was no crack under this powerful shaking.

Later, the two finally found out what caused the shaking of the mountain here.

The huge door in front of him gradually opened, revealing a gap. Next, like a giant beast opening its mouth, it slowly opened its mouth, revealing the true face of Lushan behind the door.

The two were shocked by the sound of the huge door opening. Every inch of the door moved, it would cause a manic shaking. They had to hold each other and watch the scenery behind the door appear in front of them point by point.

But what they are more afraid of is whether it will shock the people on the ground, especially Perak Xuanjing. If this shock comes to him, they will have no way to escape.

Soon, the door opened completely.

What the two saw was only a cable suspension bridge that did not extend to the other side, extending to the end. Under the suspension bridge, there is a dark and bottomless abyss. I can't imagine whether a complete skeleton can be preserved if it falls accidentally.

Chen Rufeng took the lead in taking a step forward, standing in front of the cable bridge and looking at the abyss. A creepy feeling hit his heart. How deep this abysm is, how deep the horror it brings to him.

Didn't dare to look any more, Chen Rufeng took a step back and looked at Pei Xinqing and asked, "Do you want to go?"

The iron cable bridge shook slightly without wind, and the chain made a crackling sound, which made people's hearts numb.

Pei Xinqing took a deep breath, took the lead, looked at the endless end ahead, and said, "We have no choice. There is no way in the rear."

Chen Rufeng nodded in agreement, and the two walked to the cable bridge together.

Holding the iron cable, the boards on the bridge are still intact. Step by step, every step is so careful, keep the speed even, dare not be too fast or too slow.

Chen Rufeng walked ahead and didn't dare to breathe. He tried harder to suppress his impulse to look down, and his eyes tried his best to look ahead. Pei Xinqing held the iron cables on both sides tightly, and her footsteps walked more cautiously and slowly than Chen Rufeng. The two moved forward little by little on the cable bridge like turtles.

The bottomless darkness under their feet is full of unknown secrets, but at this moment, the two feel that as long as they look down, they will immediately fall down.

I walked tremblingly for a long time.

"Oh, don't shake it." The iron cable bridge swayed restlessly, and Percy Qing immediately tightened the two iron cables, sweated coldly, and shouted at Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng stopped, and his voice also said humbly, "I haven't moved!"

At this moment, Chen Rufeng saw a brown dot in front of him and quickly said, "Look! In front! We should be coming to an end!"

Percy Xinqing followed his eyes. Sure enough, a piece of land-like thing was far away from the two of them, as if wading to them. But they still dare not speed up and walk to the end step by step.

I don't know how long it took to finally see where the end is. It turned out to be just a large platform, which was more like a scaled wasteland. The red soil was paved and the ground was uneven. There was nothing but a quaint well.

Chen Rufeng carefully jumped forward, jumped out of the cable bridge and stood on the red soil, and then breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He turned around and stretched out a hand to take over Xinqing's hand and pulled her over. The two of them looked at the cable bridge behind him with fear, as if they had just passed the edge of their bloody teeth.

"There seems to be no way here?" Chen Rufeng stood on the platform and looked around. This is an isolated platform, and there is endless darkness outside the square, like a tower that penetrates the sky, but the tower is inserted into the dark clouds, surrounded by dark without light.

After the heart calmed down the newly tense nerves, he began to pay attention to the environment here. She walked around the well and didn't dare to go too far, as if she was afraid that a wind would suddenly blow her into the dark.

She raised her waist angrily and looked at the cable bridge she had just stepped on. She really didn't want to walk on it again. But there is another desperate road here, and there is no way for them to go except the ancient well.

Chen Rufeng looked at the ancient well for a long time, and then looked in at the mouth of the well for a while. It was also filled with a fingerless darkness, like a black pool, rippling with deep dark light.

"I think... the only way out should be here." Chen Rufeng's face became very ugly. Peraking came over and looked into the well, and immediately felt a sense of vomiting in her chest. She seemed to have had a bad reaction to the darkness here. Fortunately, the cable bridge and soil here were coated with some kind of material that could be illuminated to prevent them from falling into darkness for a long time.

"Is there no other way to go?" Percy said sadly.

"Now, we can only fight to see if there is a way to live in the well." Chen Rufeng said solemnly. He stood here feeling a little warm, a little warmer than when he just crossed the cable bridge.

Seeing Pei Xinqing's timid and shrinking look of fear, Chen Rufeng had already stepped on half of the well and said, "Well, I'll go down and check it first to make sure that there is a way out, and then I'll come up to see you."

"No!" Pei Xinqing grabbed his sleeve and said, "Let's... let's go down together!" What should you do if you can't come up then?"

When Chen Rufeng saw that her face was blue and white, he smiled helplessly and said, "In this case, let's come together!"

"Also...and, can you... hold me..." Pei Xinqing said shyly, "I... I'm afraid..."

Chen Rufeng didn't expect her to be so shocked. He smiled secretly and hugged her waist. The two stood together on the edge of the ancient well, looked down at the dark in the circle under their feet, and held their breath tightly.

"Are you ready?" Chen Rufeng's voice asked tremblingly, and Pei Xinqing nodded.

Chen Rufeng kicked his feet slightly, and the two jumped into the darkness of the well together.

The air slid up rapidly and scraped their faces. Their bodies kept falling down and faster, making their clothes rise straight up. In order to slow down, Chen Rufeng had to pull out the angry wind sword with one hand, and the sword body drew sparks on the wall of the ancient well to slow down the falling speed.

I don't know how deep they have fallen, and their hearts have been tense for a long time, looking forward to the moment when they landed.

Finally, the two's feet were firmly inserted on the ground. Fortunately, Chen Rufeng slowed down with his sword, otherwise their feet would have been broken.

Even so, there was a soreness in their feet, which forced them to bend their feet and fall to the ground.

I didn't expect that there would be such a dark room in the mouth of this well.

But there are only four walls here, each with a torch hanging on each wall, so it doesn't look too dark. The fire shone on the wall, and a hot red light came out on the wall, giving people a burning feeling.

The two reorganized a little and looked at where they were. To their disappointment, there is no way to get through here.

Chen Rufeng and Pei Xinqing knocked on the wall endlessly, as if they could cut out a passage. Chen Rufeng even waved his angry wind sword, and his sharp sword spirit hit the wall, but the wall was intact, as if he was looking at his stupid behavior coldly.

"Damn!" Chen Rufeng kicked the wall fiercely, in exchange for the pain of drilling on the footboard.

After several attempts, he still couldn't find a way, Pei Xinqing sat down in the middle, leaning on his back with Chen Rufeng and looking up and lamenting.

There are more than four walls here, and there is also an inexplicable heat seeping through the wall, pushing fiercely into the two people sitting in the room like fire.

It seems that this is not only a dark room, but also a hot room. I'm afraid it won't take long to bake the two.

Soon, the two of them were sweating profusely and their whole body was soaked in sweat.

The most uncomfortable thing is not the sticky body, but the heat that shocks their minds into drowsy and chaos.

"What should I do? Are we going to become mature corpses here? Pei Xinqing's eyes closed and supported his eyelids with only the remaining will.

Chen Rufeng was so hot that he couldn't move. The angry wind sword was also thrown aside by him. His lips were dry and his face was shrouded in a layer of sweat.

"I didn't expect to work hard to come here and give us a dead end." Chen Rufeng sighed helplessly and felt that death was not too far away from them.

A heat wave is coming, leaving no trace of mercy.

Chen Rufeng's head was confused, and some previous things involuntarily pulled out and swept through his mind.

At the beginning, Ningzhou was wronged and was in danger all the way. Fortunately, he died. Then he was thrown to Tianzhu and finally came back alive. He wanted to make a good career and struggled to survive in twists and turns after founding Tianfeng Gang, but many difficulties finally did not defeat him. At a young age, he is proud of his achievements.

Unexpectedly, when he came to this point, he could never escape death.

With a wry smile, he closed his eyes, but such a hard and hot way of death always made him unconvinced.

Even if you want him to die, it's better to be comfortable.

"Since we are all dying of heat here, I'm not afraid to tell you a secret." Percy said, "The man in black who had met you in the prime minister's mansion, and the person who attacked Li Linfu and scratched you on the day of your gang ceremony were all me, didn't you think?"

When Chen Rufeng heard this, he didn't know what kind of mood he should take to feel what she said. Or, his emotions are about to be burned to ashes.

He could only ask weakly, "Why... do you want to do this?"

Percy Heart smiled dryly. Even when she was about to die, two shining lights could shine in her eyes.