yu feng xing

Chapter 27: The Deep Enmity

It's as hot as fire, constantly attacking their skin, and even their blood vessels are about to melt by the heat.

The walls on all sides are forced to emit heat waves one after another.

"Actually, our goal has always been just Li Linfu. It's just unfortunate that you are there every time." Percy said in a hoarse voice. She closed her eyes and seemed to search for memories in her mind, but she smiled sweetly.

Chen Rufeng simply didn't even reply and listened to her quietly.

"Two plans to assassinate Li Linfu failed twice. I know you must be very confused. What is the deep grudge between Pejiazhuang and Li Linfu?

pi qing's tone became a little sad, as if she had pulled out a scene of the past that she didn't want to remember.

"I remember that day, I was still eight years old. After my father told me about his previous heroic deeds, he dressed up and said that he would go to Chang'an to talk about a business. And the opposite of that business is Prime Minister Li Linfu. Percy's heart stopped. I don't know whether it was because the fire burned her throat or because that thing made her too unforgettable. At this moment, she mentioned it again, accompanied by a faint pain in her heart.

"I waved goodbye to my father at the gate of Zhuangzhong and saw his back leave. However, I never thought that that parting would become a farewell forever. Li Xinqing's tone choked, but she still insisted on talking. Chen Rufeng wanted to say to her, "Don't say it if you don't want to," but he was still powerless.

"Originally, my father's martial arts skills were also excellent. He was not afraid of any robbers and robbers on the road, and just took a few attendants to Chang'an. We are all looking forward to Dad bringing back a big business. At that time, our Pejiazhuang will be stronger and the future will be broader and brighter.

"My father has also ruled Pervjiazhuang for ten years, and the whole village has been in good order. Dad's ability is obvious to all. Everyone is full of confidence in Dad's trip to Chang'an this time, and there can never be any flaws. It's just that a few days later, there hasn't been any news from Dad. We thought that we just had an argument with Li Linfu about some details, which delayed this time and didn't expect what would happen to them.

"However, one day, a follower ran back first. Moreover, he was still alone and suffered a minor injury. When he came back, he was already dying. At first, we thought he had met some robber on the road, but he told us a terrible news with his last breath.

A coldness came from my heart. Even in such a hot environment, Pei Xinqing's body still shivered involuntarily.

"He said that they couldn't negotiate with Li Linfu. Li Linfu made aggressive conditions, and we must suffer from selling him the hidden weapons of our Perak House. Unexpectedly, he insisted that we agree to his unreasonable request, but we refused, which made him furious. His heart is so vicious that he even wants to kill his father and others without leaving a living mouth!" Pei Xinqing's heart was heartbreaking when he said this. The hatred for Li Linfu has been accumulated in her heart for so many years, but she can't get revenge. You can imagine how painful she is.

He calmed down and continued, "We sent someone to argue with Li Linfu, but we also know that this is useless. How can a prime minister admit that he killed someone? Sure enough, Li Linfu didn't admit it and asked us to show evidence. But the entourage who tried his best to bring back the news has also died of anger. Dad and the others have never seen the dead. What can we do to confront Li Linfu?

Faxinqing's nose was sore, and she supported her voice with only one breath left.

Later, we found the bodies of our father and several attendants in the wild in Chang'an. The explanation given by the government is that 'robbers and thieves seek money and kill lives.' Will anyone believe this kind of bullshit? My father is one of the best in the world. If he is not a famous master, he can't get his life. The person who took action must be a master in his prime minister's mansion.

When Chen Rufeng heard the "Master of the Xiangfu", he suddenly remembered the faint-faced Jin Yilai, but felt that he would not be such a cruel person.

"What can we do? Over the years, we have always wanted to get justice for our father, but Li Linfu has the power to cover the sky with one hand. It is difficult for us to compete with him head-on. We can only avenge blood by assassination. A tear slipped on her nearly dry cheek and flowed directly into her neck.

"It backfired, and the two assassinations ended in failure. In the end, he even gave the second uncle an excuse to drive the third uncle out of Peijiazhuang, and put me under house arrest to monopolize the power in the village. Everything is not good for me. I acted recklessly without careful consideration, and I didn't think about the consequences of failure..."

Faxinqing gradually lowered her head silently and couldn't speak.

Hearing such a miserable experience as Pei Xinqing, Chen Rufeng was also sad. He had no more complaints about Pei Xinqing, let alone care about her attack on Tianfeng on the day of the founding ceremony. The contempt for Li Linfu in my heart,

"I'm sorry." Chen Rufeng could only say these three words in the heat. He had been roasted and unconscious. He just held up his consciousness to listen to what Pei Xinqing said.

Percyine shook his head, leaned on his back, as if sitting in a stable chair, tilted his head back and rested on his shoulder. Even if Chen Rufeng is dizzy at this moment, he can't help shaking his body.

"Actually, I should be grateful to you. The first time we met in the prime minister's house, you let me go and didn't kill me. The second time, you saved my life, but I hurt you. I still feel guilty!" Peraky leaned peacefully against Chen Rufeng's shoulder, like a child who was about to fall asleep.

"Actually... this time you took such a big risk to come to Pejiazhuang to save me. I'm not just a benefactor."

Chen Rufeng was powerless to speak. He turned his head slightly and looked at the Xinqing with a different smile on his face, as if he had felt something.

"I think I like you."

The fierce heat wave rushed out of the four walls again, biting them like a fierce beast.

Faxinqing stopped moving and closed her eyes with a smile. Chen Rufeng clenched his teeth and tried to struggle as much as possible with his last strength. He desperately wanted to support his body, but the long-lasting heat had burned all his strength.

Just as the extremely strong heat wave was about to hit, Chen Rufeng's arm glowed white, forcing the red air around him back a few feet.

Through the clothes, the light showed a sword shape, which was the flowing sword.

Water, water. Water can defeat fire!

Chen Rufeng moved and quickly urged the few remaining true qi in his body, all of which focused on the flowing sword in his arm. Sure enough, the flowing sword responded, and the sword was more bright, directly supporting a bubble-like wall, protecting the two people in the mask. The fiery hot air could not invade the cover at all.

Finally, the burning feeling faded, and Chen Rufeng's perception became clearer and clearer and slowly recovered.

The floating air mask of the water shadow expanded and bigger, which soon dispersed all the hot air in the room, and also brought a trace of coolness, lingering around the two, like a spirit full of vitality.

Chen Rufeng rolled up his sleeve and held the short flowing sword in his hand, as if holding a torch high. The strength of the sword on it was unabated. It seemed that not only the true qi injected by Chen Rufeng, but also the aura in it emanated in time when Chen Rufeng and others were on the verge of life and death. The shield blocked the turbulent heat wave.

Soon, Percy Xinqing also slowly opened his eyes.

The torches on the four walls are still burning. Compared with the fierce heat wave, they are as quiet as gentle girls at this moment.

"We... haven't died yet?" Li Xinqing slowly moved his head away from Chen Rufeng's shoulder and looked around. The red anger disappeared, as if after a storm, there was a rare sense of coolness everywhere.

Chen Rufeng did not dare to move. When Pei Xinqing stood up and stopped leaning against his back, he followed her to stand up. Both of them had just escaped from the ghost gate. They were very happy and silently thanked the world. Chen Rufeng looked at the flowing sword in his hand, and there was no disappointment in his previous treatment of it. In the past, he felt that it was useless, but he didn't expect that his life would be saved by it today.

After adjusting, the two regained their strength and spirit, and began to look for how to leave here.

Returning the same way? Unrealistic, the distance from the well to here is very long, and it is almost impossible for Chen Rufeng to rise to that height in one breath, not to mention that it is too difficult to overcome the weight of the two.

In this case, we can only find the way in place. Both of them worked together violently to hit the wall. Chen Rufeng's angry wind sword was cut, and the roaring wind and sword spirit with the power of soft water "boom" whipped the wall. The joint attack of the two could not cause any damage to the four walls.

"Alas." Percy's heart was frustrated against the wall, and his face was full of helplessness.

Chen Rufeng poked the wall several times with his sword, with the same face as Pei Xinqing.

"Your ancestral master is really harmful." Chen Rufeng smiled bitterly and searched around the wall. Since it was made by the master of the organ, there must be something here that can open these organs and solve people's difficulties.

I tried almost everywhere, and there was still no movement on the four walls. Looking at his behavior, Pei Xinqing could only shake her head repeatedly. Even if they had just died of heat, if they stayed here for a long time, they would definitely starve to death.

I don't know how many times he glanced through these four walls. Chen Rufeng was so bored that he couldn't wait to find a siege stake to directly knock these walls open.

And Peixinqing's eyes next to the wall have been staring at him, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the torches on the four walls came into his eyes.

For a long time, he simply thought that these torches were only for lighting.

Yes, why didn't you check it out? Is there anything strange in these torches?

He scolded himself for being stupid. When Chen Rufeng walked to those torches, he wondered why these torches could burn here for such a long time and still not go out? Candles and lamp oil can't last for such a long time. It seems that these torches are by no means ordinary torches.

Chen Rufeng held the torch in his hand and wanted to take it off, but these torches were so strong that Chen Rufeng could not move it an inch.

Finally, Chen Rufeng was furious, simply took a deep breath, opened his mouth and sprayed, blowing out the torch. Anyway, there are four torches here, which is less than you.

Suddenly, the abnormal movement started.

The wall where the blown torch was located actually fell and slowly fell down.

But after the wall completely sank under the ground, it was only another wall. However, this is also a progress. Chen Rufeng was surprised for a moment and quickly pulled up the torch on the other three walls.

Sure enough, as Chen Rufeng expected, the three walls fell down together with the extinguishing of the torch.

After the four walls sank into the ground, they found that they were in a wide corridor. The room where they had just been located was just an area of the corridor. The walls on both sides of the corridor are also full of a row of snake-like torches, extending forward into the unknown darkness.