yu feng xing

Chapter 11: Two Heroes Fight

The three Chen Rufeng's swords carried this strong sword spirit and directly hit Zeyu's head, leaving no room. Facing this windy momentum, Ze Yu couldn't help tightening his whole body and preparing to face this powerful blow.

The attack of the three sides caused a block to Zeyu from all directions, and each side is pressing on the world. If you concentrate a little to defend, you will naturally not be able to defend the rest of the two sides.

After weighing it, Ze Yu held the dragon Xiaojian and thought about how to deal with it.

Chen Rufeng's attack came in the blink of an eye, and the sharp wind blade burst out on the angry wind sword, attacking Zeyu like a devil's claws.

The only thing that can break Chen Rufeng is to find out where Chen Rufeng's entity is. It's just that these three Chen Rufeng are full of the same amount of true qi, and it is impossible to distinguish who is real and who is false at all.

The sword spirit on the angry wind sword releases the power of soft water at the same time. Water droplets are densely distributed on the angry wind sword, which is comparable to the most perfect shield in the world and has the miraculous effect of borrowing power.

"Tap of the river!" Zeyu roared, and the dragon whistling sword cut out. The sword spirit of the mountain and river swordsmanship penetrated through the heavy mountains, shocking the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, like a huge dragon moving its terrible body to break out of the ground and directly sweeping on the three angry wind swords of Chen Rufeng.


The huge explosion made everyone in the field have to cover their ears. Even with the power of soft water brought by the angry wind sword, it still can't unload the earth-shaking power of the mountain and river swordsmanship.

The strength was broken, and Chen Rufeng's two virtual shadows turned into dust under the sweep of the sword spirit. Chen Rufeng's entity held the angry wind sword tightly, and the sword wind sounded sharply, competing with the sword spirit of Zeyu's mountain and river swordsmanship.

"Ah!" It was Chen Rufeng's turn to shout, and the angry wind sword suddenly burst out like a long-squeezed fierce wind, revenge on the world, coupled with the softness of softness and strength, this swordsmanship can be said to be both strong and soft, no matter how fierce you are, you have to bow down.

But Zeyu's mountain and river swordsmanship is not idle. The sword spirit is like a moved mountain range, directly competing with Chen Rufeng's erratic swordsmanship with great strength. No one gives way to anyone. The two swords of swords are pushing and waving. At the same time, the angry wind sword and the dragon roaring sword are also competing in the air, just like two horns top each other with each other.

"Cleft!" Chen Rufeng cut the void of the angry wind sword, and the sword spirit shattered into thousands of wind rolls, and like a small blade penetrated into the huge and strong mountain and river sword spirit.

Zeyu quickly fought back, and turned the dragon whistling sword in his hand. The sword spirit of the mountains and rivers urgently shrank together and turned into a rock that shook the sky, allowing the sword gas to be embedded in.

On the one hand, there is a stone tablet that is invulnerable by knives and guns, water and fire, and on the other hand, there is a sharp wind blade that can enter the stone, just like the sharpest spear in the world is competing with the sharpest shield, and there is no winner.

Out of a burst, the sword boulder full of wind blade burst, swarming out a strong momentum, and directly swept the ring. The real atmosphere shook in circles. Even the audience in the field of the arena couldn't help raising their hands to resist, and being implicated by this momentum.

Not to mention the two people in the ring. They were pushed away with strength, rebounded in their respective directions, and finally fell heavily on the ring. They both looked miserable. If it hadn't been for their true spirit, I'm afraid they would have been shaken into internal injuries.

The two made a carp turn over and stood up almost at the same time. The angry wind sword waved together with the dragon roaring sword. On the one hand, it set off the fierce sword spirit of the earth, and on the other hand, it was the true spirit that perfectly combined the speed of the wind and the softness of the water. The green light flashed, and the white wave in the middle was Against Shang's brown mountain and river sword spirit.

, like two giant dragons colliding, the middle of the ring is full of dust and smoke, straight to the blue sky. Soon the smoke filled the whole ring.

Everyone in the field held their breath, and I don't know who suffered from this battle.

Ze Kunyun stared at the black smoke and looked at his face nervously. Who could stand on the ring in the end? Ye Guhong looked at the ring so attentively for the first time, and his eyes were full of speculation.

Is it Chen Rufengsheng or Ze Yusheng?

Unexpectedly, standing on the ring were two people gasping for breath.

"Hey, as the master of the Tianfeng Gang, how can I defeat you so easily?" Chen Rufeng's eyes were full of war spirit. Just now, he didn't pay much attention to Zeyu, thinking that he only won the sword test by a chance. But in several times, this Zeyu is a little capable.

Zeyu lowered the Long Xiaojian slightly and stared at Chen Rufeng, "I will never lose to you. It's not true that you can get the angry wind sword that day. Today I'm going to expose your strength!"

The two jumped into the sky again, and the two swords danced together. On the one hand, the green and white real qi began to condense, and on the other hand, the brown true qi followed the sword.

"Wind Sword!"

"Swallow mountains and rivers!"

The huge green sword pillar broke out of the angry wind sword, crossed the sky, wrapped in a white light in the middle, and fiercely hit Zeyu.

The brown sword spirit on the Longxiao sword turned into a bottomless deep hole, allowing Chen Rufeng's wind sword pillar to rush in. His body was forced to repel several feet by the strength and softness of the sword pillar, but the brown bottomless hole was not weak at all. On the contrary, it expanded for several times.

Chen Rufeng's angry wind sword was connected to the wind sword pillar, and he suddenly felt that the angry wind sword seemed to be clamped by an infinite beast with his mouth, and he could no longer exert any more effort. In a panic, he urged the true power again. The white water wave-like true qi broke out of the wind-gathering sword pillar in an attempt to resist the power of swallowing mountains and rivers.

But Zeyu would not let Chen Rufeng succeed. As soon as the dragon Xiaojian pulled, the wind sword pillar was pulled in by the bottomless deep hole. Even if the white water wave broke through the sword pillar, it still could not be sucked.

Chen Rufeng began to understand why Ye Guhong was under Zeyu's sword move just now. This move was indeed extremely fierce, directly taking away people's ability to control swords, and even his body could be swallowed up.

However, Chen Rufeng was not willing to comply. The water and waves tore apart the cracks of the bloody sword spirit of the mountains and rivers, which successfully alleviated Chen Rufeng's little subordinate disadvantages. Chen Rufeng took the opportunity to urge the true spirit, first and then collected them. A few swords were cut out, and finally got rid of the sword pillar with Jufeng. Connect to avoid the risk of being swallowed up.

The green sword gas was turned into a whirlpool and swept into the bottomless deep hole of the mountain and river sword gas. Ze Yu fiercely split the dragon roar sword forward, and the swallowed mountain and river sword method was like an egg cracking, splashing the crazy sword air that opened the way and shot at Chen Rufeng.

"You're really not going to give me a chance to breathe!" Chen Rufeng looked at Ze Yu with fierce eyes and said, his body began to perform illusory skills. Several virtual shadows moved, and his body suddenly turned into a green light to avoid the bag of Long Xiaojian.

"I didn't expect that he still had such a powerful combat power after World War I." Chen Rufeng no longer dares to underestimate Zeyu, but he hasn't seen it in just a few months. Why is his progress so fast? Is his talent really so high that he has learned something in the past few months that he has now had such a brutal strength?

Suddenly, Chen Rufeng's mind was involved elsewhere.

Zeyu has made great progress. On the contrary, he has been pursuing continuous strengthening and understanding of deeper martial arts. In the end, he is satisfied with whether he is satisfied.

On that day, I made a heavy vow with whom to work hard together, learn amazing martial arts, and break out my own career.

In the end, I was the only one who learned martial arts, and I was the only one left to stay alone in this career.

"Jiang Shengtian..." Chen Rufeng didn't know why he was thinking at this time. He didn't know the significance of his next battle.

The good brother who can share with him has left him. He can only fight alone in the future. No one can make him brag after his victory, and no one can share this joy with him.

At the extreme of Chen Rufeng's distraction, Ze Yu had already noticed it. Looking at Chen Rufeng's slightly dull eyes, he set up the dragon roaring sword and rushed over with the footsteps of the collapse of the mountain.

The sensitivity of mountain and river swordsmanship is too weak, and Chen Rufeng's ethereal swordsmanship has an advantage with its rapid speed. After that, if he continues to entangle with Chen Rufeng, Ze Yu's decline will gradually appear. Now that a good opportunity is in front of us, Zeyu will not let it go. Why don't you take advantage of this moment to defeat Chen Rufeng in one fell swoop?

"Let's take it! Broken mountains and rivers!"

Ze Kunyun couldn't help but be shocked.

"How can Yuer use the last form of mountain and river swordsmanship?"

The sound of the rupture of the soil came, which was a precursor to the landslide. The air scratched by the dragon roaring sword turned into fragile fragments and shattered with the sword. Those broken spirits seemed to hear the call and rushed to the dragon roaring sword and became a member of its power to break through this mountain and river.

Chen Rufeng looked at Zeyu, who was coming quickly, and his mind had not fully returned.

The fierce momentum has come to the face, and the sword spirit of the broken mountains and rivers has begun to gather in the sky.

Ye Guhong also seems to have noticed Chen Rufeng's absent-mindedness. The sword spirit of the broken mountains and rivers is not a joke. If Chen Rufeng really does not resist it, he may be in the risk of death all the time. But Zeyu's sword has been released with all his strength, and there is no possibility of taking it back.

"Wake up!" Ye Guhong's voice came to Chen Rufeng's ears.

Like thunder, Chen Rufeng suddenly saw Zeyu, who was only ten steps away, especially his sick dragon roaring sword, which had glowed with a strong brown glow.

Even with the ability of erratic work, it is impossible to dodge away in such a short reaction, not to mention that the huge momentum has locked Chen Rufeng long ago.

"Ah!" Chen Rufeng suddenly roared, and the green sword spirit on the angry wind sword suddenly spewed out, turning into a strong wind rotating around the sword body, resisting Zeyu's mountain and river sword spirit.

With the broken rock waves of mountains and rivers, it sweeps everything.

Chen Rufeng's sword was too slow, and the damage caused by the two to each other was completely different.

But the sword spirit of the mountain and river swordsmanship came down quietly like a suddenly resting army.

On the contrary, the green light turned into ten long columns, spinning around the angry wind sword.

The protective shield with water lines is protecting Chen Rufeng's body. But Zeyu was thrown out by the long rotating column.

When Zeyu slipped back on the ground, Chen Rufeng's water shield quickly disappeared, and the sword spirit on the angry wind sword also subsided.

Chen Rufeng knelt on the ground weakly.