yu feng xing

Chapter 15: The Battle for Migration

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian began to move forward in their respective positions and compete with each other. Who is the hero and who is the bear?

On this day, Chen Rufeng gathered people to discuss important matters in the inner hall. He thought hard last night and felt that the Tianfeng Gang should no longer stay in Cuihua Mountain. After all, there are Qianjianmen on Cuihua Mountain. Although the status of Tianfeng Gang is now on an equal footing with Qianjianmen, in the eyes of others, Tianfeng Gang is a bit like a subsidiary of Qianjianmen.

In order to get rid of the influence of Qianjianmen, Chen Rufeng came up with the idea of moving out of Cuihua Mountain and moving to the former fortress of Jinghaimen. At the same time, this is also the first step of the Tianfeng Gang to the hegemony of the world. It is important, and it can't be decided by him alone. It must be discussed with the elders and the left and right guardians.

Chen Rufeng sat down and immediately went straight to the point and said, "You know that Qianjianmen has been stationed in Cuihua Mountain for many years. My Tianfeng Gang has been many years to build a gang here. In the eyes of others, they will think that our Tianfeng Gang is not as good as Qianjianmen, and even think that our Tianfeng Gang is just a servant of Qianjianmen. But now our Tianfeng Gang has long been able to stand alone. It is no longer the three factions in the world, but the four factions of the Tianfeng Gang. In order to avoid us succumbing to Qianjianmen in the eyes of others, I decided to move the Tianfeng Gang out of Cuihua Mountain and to the old site of Jinghaimen. There is a wall castle built there. Although it was damaged during the battle on that day, it can be reused as long as it is slightly repaired. It covers a vast area and can accommodate more people. There is no need to be crowded here, and the environment is much better than Cuihua Mountain. What do you think?"

Ruzhu said a lot, and Chen Rufeng's lips were also dry and dry. He had to take a sip of tea. At the same time, he glanced at the faces of everyone. Hu Jiuwei, Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang were all worried and obviously had reservations about what Chen Rufeng said about the relocation strategy. Mr. Han Ling's face was indifferent, and the masked cover was even more unpredictable about what he was thinking.

Hu Jiuwei and the other two thought for a moment, and finally Hu Jiuwei patted the handle of the chair and said solemnly, "Master, you should know that our Tianfeng Gang has always been in Cuihua Mountain. Cuihua Mountain is our foundation. How can we abandon our 'roots' and find another place to replant? What's more, Chai Gang, the predecessor of Tianfeng Gang, has been stationed here for a long time. Many brothers have feelings for it. How can they leave? Moreover, the Tianfeng Gang has also been repaired and expanded recently, which is much more spacious. Compared with the past, it has made great progress. It is inevitable to forget the original to move the gang in this way.

After listening to Hu Jiuwei's words, Chen Rufeng's face darkened. Obviously, the three of them clearly opposed the relocation and stayed in Cuihua Mountain. He opened his voice: "But as long as we stay in Cuihua Mountain for a day, we will be affected by Qianjianmen every day. How can we strengthen the prestige of my Tianfeng Gang? Everyone will only laugh at my Tianfeng Gang and always fall at the foot of Qianjianmen (Qianjianmen is on the mountain, and Tianfeng Gang is lower than Qianjianmen). When will we raise our heads?

But Hu Jiuwei and the other three still shook their heads repeatedly. Chen Rufeng felt that what he said was too weak and not convincing enough, so he turned to Han Ling and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Bai has any opinions on this matter?"

Han Ling nodded slightly and said, "There is a compromise in this matter, which is to keep Cuihua Mountain as a altar, and then move the main force of the Tianfeng Gang to the old site of Jinghaimen."

"No!" Chai Yuanlang objected, "We must not forget the source. At most, we can only use Jinghaimen as a division altar. Cuihua Mountain should still be the core of our Tianfeng Gang."

Hu Jiuwei nodded in solidarity with Liu Hong. Chen Rufeng frowned deeper and his dissatisfaction appeared from his forehead. "In this way, it will be difficult for our Tianfeng Gang to rise up under the influence of Qianjianmen. I hope you can think carefully."

Chen Rufeng made up his mind that it was imperative to move the gang. Even if Hu Jiuwei and the three of them objected, he could not take care of it.

There was silence in the inner hall for a moment, and the three of them still maintained their original opinions after careful consideration. Hu Jiuwei said, "Master, it is really not possible to move the gang. It's really inappropriate to abandon the place of origin just because of the eyes of others.

Chen Rufeng's eyebrows tightened and said in a low voice, "In this case, all three of you are against the relocation?"

Hu Jiuwei met Chen Rufeng's fierce eyes and nodded firmly.

"In this case, we still owe one person's opinion before we can decide whether we should give up this relocation plan." Han Ling said calmly. He adjusted his golden mask with his fingers, "The master and I agreed to move the gang. Now it depends on which side Master Jiang prefers."

"Daily, where has Master Jiang gone these days? He has never appeared in the gang, and even such an important discussion today is not present?" Liu Hong asked, Chen Rufeng was speechless and didn't know where to start. Did he say that because of his quarrel with Jiang Shengtian, Jiang Shengtian angrily ran away and threw himself into the prime minister's house to work for Li Linfu?

"Well... Master Jiang has something to do, so he will be in Chang'an for a while..." Chen Rufeng had to hesitate to go over.

"Oh, then let's just go to Chang'an to find him and ask him what he is going to do. If he agrees to our relocation, we will have to think more about it, otherwise the relocation will be rejected. Hu Jiu did not put forward the idea, but Chen Rufeng looked embarrassed. I'm afraid that if he meets Jiang Shengtian again, he will already be incompatible with water and fire. How can he talk to him in detail?

Han Ling smiled and said, "What Elder Hu said is very true. In this case, Elder Hu will accompany the master to Chang'an to discuss the relocation of Gang.

Chen Rufeng looked at Han Ling in surprise, but Han Ling's smile was boundless and profound.

In Chang'an City, a resounding figure rushed to a high place like the rising sun and became the focus of discussion. This person is from Jiang Shengtian from the prime minister's mansion.

This sudden character is famous for his fierce methods. He only stayed in the prime minister's mansion for less than a month before he could turn his hands over in Chang'an City, and many vendors and shops were included in the power jurisdiction of the prime minister's mansion. Even those street gangsters are ahead of him. Both black and white were fiercely held in the hands of Jiang Shengtian. Everyone knows that Jiang Shengtian is now the most powerful person in the prime minister's mansion. As long as he takes action, no business can be negotiated. Not only that, some miscellaneous gangs in the world were taken into the door of the prime minister's mansion by him, strengthening the power of the prime minister's mansion.

Jiang Shengtian has become a horrible existence. When he walked through the street, many people did not dare to look at him when they saw him. Some flattering little people spit out their tongues and ran over as if they saw the dog fed by their master, licking Jiang Shengtian's feet.

"I heard that he used to be the leader of the Tianfeng Gang, but I don't know why he joined the prime minister's mansion and became the most powerful person under the prime minister." Some bold people hid in his invisible corner and pointed at him in a low voice.

"Uh-huh, I've also heard that although Jiang Shengtian can't do martial arts, his wrist is very powerful. He is simply the embodiment of Prime Minister Li Linfu in the city." Another man stared at Jiang Shengtian's back and said.

"Alas, no matter what, we can't afford to provoke these powerful people. Let's send the goods to Boss Liu as soon as possible. Don't delay." The two also stopped talking and hurriedly disappeared into the dark alley.

Jiang Shengtian walked on the street. He enjoyed the current feeling, which was more than ten thousand times better than when he was the master of Tianfeng Gang before.

As soon as he moves, he can set off a huge wave. As long as he wants, whoever he wants to live will live, and whoever dies will die. There is no need for martial arts at all, because he has a real "power" in his hand.

As long as you have the right, those martial artists don't have to listen to you. Why do they have to take action by themselves?

Now he is already a fearful person. He feels that he is standing on a high place and others dare not look up. He is climbing to the peak he dreams of step by step.

The only shortcoming is that he still has to be controlled by others. Everything he does now is not for himself or loyal to his own heart.

But what's the matter? As long as there is a "right" for him to hold, this is already the most powerful and sharp weapon. He kills invisibly, and no one dares to offend him anymore. He just succumbs to the feet of a few people. What he needs to prove is that he is stronger than Chen Rufeng. Jiang Shengtian can still survive well without Chen Rufeng.

Leading the entourage behind him, he unconsciously returned to the gate of the prime minister's mansion. When the doorkeeper saw it, he immediately opened the door for him respectfully, "Master Jiang, please come in!"

Jiang Shengtian smiled coldly and strode into the prime minister's mansion.

In the study.

"This Jiang Shengtian is indeed a plastic talent. He has learned all kinds of means in just a month, which is really better than me." Li Linfu looked at the account book on the table with a smile, and the silver on it had increased wildly in the past few days, making him in an extremely good mood.

Ye Zhihang, who often meditates cross-legged on the chair, said slowly, "Are you really not afraid? Will he surpass you one day?"

Li Linfu closed the account book and his eyes were exposed. "In the final analysis, I just released the fierceness hidden in his heart, but in terms of experience, do you think he is really up to me? What's more, he can't do martial arts at all. Once his power is completely taken back by me, he is just a dog who can't make a sound.

Ye Zhihang closed his eyes again and focused on his breathing.

Just then, the door of the study knocked. Jiang Shengtian opened the door, and his smile was somewhat similar to Li Linfu's.

"Singtian, you have done a good job recently." Li Linfu praised him as soon as he saw it, which made his smile much stronger. But he did not forget to be modest. He arched his hand respectfully and said, "All Lai Prime Minister has taught well!" Jiang Shengtian suddenly saw Ye Zhihang mediting in the chair next to him and hurriedly silenced.

Li Linfu looked at him with a smile and said, "You don't have to care too much. You can't disturb him even if the roof collapses when he meditate."

Hearing Li Linfu's words, Jiang Shengtian put down his raised heart, went to Li Linfu's desk, bowed down and said, "I don't know what the Prime Minister has to order when he called me today?"

Li Linfu handed him a stack of paper on the table and said with a smile, "It's nothing. It's just that there is a troublesome business that needs you to negotiate."

A doubt flashed in Jiang Shengtian's mind that even Li Linfu would say "trouble". It seemed that it was really a difficult business.

"Gu brothers, they are the two masters of Gu Mansion, a rich family in Chang'an. On the surface, they are running an antique industry, but in fact, many gambling brothel buildings are under their control. Just figure it out and see how to get me a piece of their big cake. I heard that the Gu brothers are also violent people. They are proficient in eating, drinking, gambling and have strong martial arts skills, which is not a good match. Whether you can negotiate with them depends on your own ability. Li Linfu's smile seemed to be covered with a layer of malicious cold.