yu feng xing

Chapter 27: Cruel Truth

Red Devil Altar.

Tianluo Hall.

The sound of dripping water makes people's hair straight upright. The ghost fire-like light is like awakening a ghost embedded in a stone wall from the underworld.

On the high steps, a shadow flashed and sat on the top of the Baoguang chair. The red clothes are charming and gently swaying, which means **.

Under this tower-high steps, three figures have appeared, accompanied by a low snake hiss, which is the cry of snakes when they are hungry.

"Mei Zun!" The two voices spoke in one voice.

The firelight gradually lit up, like the rising sun, gradually lighting up the whole Tianluo Hall. But there is a little gloomy in these lights.

Gan Xin, Jun Moxiao and Wen Zicheng stood under the steps and looked up at the palmist on the steps. Gan Xin looked disdainful and hummed and stroked the python wrapped around him, as if to comfort it and feed it for a while.

As for Jun Moxiao and Wen Zicheng, they looked extremely respectful and waited for Mei Zun to speak.

"After the battle of Chang'an last night, everyone must know that our power stationed in Chang'an has been uprooted, and Li Linfu has to intervene to accept our secretly developed forces, and the Blue Second Envoy returned injured." Speaking of the question of the Blue Envoy, Lan Yuer looked at Gan Xinyi with dark eyes. Gan Xin looked up coldly like his entangled python.

Wait for Lan Yuer to continue talking, Gan Xin interrupted her and said, "If Mei Zun wants to pursue responsibility, I'm afraid the reason is still on you in the end. Although the second envoy of Qinglan is under my jurisdiction, their development has always been safe. If you hadn't taken Chen Rufeng's life that day, he wouldn't have had a chance to ruin our good deeds last night. Gan Xin smiled secretly, and his tone was full of complaints, so he shifted the responsibility to Lan Yuer.

Lan Yuer smiled delicately and said, "Snake Lord, I don't mean to blame you. Even without Chen Rufeng, Li Linfu would still coveted the power that made the two of them develop. It can only be blamed that they were too in a low-key way and attracted Li Linfu, a greedy tiger. Moreover, I think the Tianfeng Gang is much more useful than the forces we have developed everywhere. In addition, Chen Rufeng has magical skills, which is the reason why I don't kill him.

Gan Xin snorted coldly, "Do you really think this Chen Rufeng can really be used for us? The current Tianfeng Gang is a gang on an equal footing with us. Are you really so confident that you can use the Tianfeng Gang to help us revive? Now that the matter has been exposed, once Chen Rufeng tells what he saw last night, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of other sects such as Qianjianmen. At that time, they will be guilty. I'm afraid that our Red Devil Altar will not be able to stand firmly, let alone talk about the revival of the demon family.

Lan Yuer's voice also turned cold, "You can rest assured that Chen Rufeng will not tell you what happened last night. As for the reasons, I am free to make a comprehensive plan, and the snake master doesn't have to worry too much.

"So, what should I tell him about Ruiyun? The assassination of the Earth Shadow Association failed, and even Mei Zun couldn't deal with the boy. It annoyed that Chen Rufeng survived twice. He couldn't help looking for Chen Rufeng to settle accounts, and I couldn't stop him. Gan Xin said slowly.

"None should let him hurt Chen Rufeng!" Lan Yuer said resolutely, "I will never give up Chen Rufeng's chess piece, especially as the Tianfeng Gang becomes bigger and bigger, this chess piece becomes more and more important. You should persuade Ruiyun for me. At worst, use more interests to persuade him and let him give up revenge against Chen Rufeng.

Gan Xin said sarcastically, "Meizun really gave me this good job."

Snorted dissatisfiedly, Gan Xin put on the snake's head and turned away from a door.

"Red and White Envoys."

"There!" Wenzi Chengjun answered in unison with a smile.

"You also keep an eye on Ruiyun for me. After all, now that he knows many of our secrets, don't let him act rashly." Lan Yuer told him, and the two quickly said yes in unison.

On the high platform, Lan Yuer held the handle of the Baoguang chair in one hand, and her whole body lay on the chair. Her secluded eyes looked at the jumpy stone, and the corners of her mouth bent, showing a confident smile.

Chang'an, the dawn is beginning to appear.

Chen Rufeng, who had not slept all night, was not tired at this moment. After one night, he only meditated for an hour.

The cold chill swept over his body. Chen Rufeng sat on the roof of the Xianlai Inn and swept away. The roofs seemed to be still immersed in drowsy.

The farthest is where the imperial city is.

On that day, he also set foot in a place admired by thousands of people and passed the emperor above thousands of people.

The dream-like past and dream-like people make him feel that everything under his feet today is very unsteady.

Even as the leader of a gang, he doesn't seem to feel superior at all. Now that he is approaching his dream step by step, what should he regret?

If I tell him now that he has always wanted to climb the peak and found that this road to the peak is not suitable for him, can he turn back?

"Hee..." Ling Xiaoyu pedaled and sat next to Chen Rufeng, sitting on the cold tile, as if she didn't mind at all.

"What's wrong? Looking at your frown, are you worried about what happened last night? Ling Xiaoyu seemed to deliberately pretend to be serious, but unfortunately it was not very successful.

Chen Rufeng sighed and looked at Chang'an from afar, "What happened last night, don't tell others who saved the Gu brothers."

Ling Xiaoyu nodded, "I naturally understand this. You are afraid of the Red Devil Altar to seek revenge, right? Hey..."

Chen Rufeng just smiled and did not answer yes or no.

"Forget it, everything is over, and it's meaningless to think too much." Ling Xiaoyu patted Chen Rufeng on the shoulder. The two experienced life and death together, and Ling Xiaoyu was not afraid of Chen Rufeng's help.

"Xiaoyu, in fact, have you ever hesitated the road you have taken?" Chen Rufeng suddenly asked.

This question stunned Ling Xiaoyu, "Does the master have any doubts about the road he has traveled?"

Chen Rufeng tightened his eyes, "This time, Boss Xie was about. In the final analysis, it was all because of me. If I hadn't agreed with Jiang Shengtian, he wouldn't have instigated Gu Hao and Gu Quan to do these lewd things and forced me to take action. If it hadn't been for me, Jiang Shengtian would not have become what he is today..."

As he spoke, Chen Rufeng's head actually lowered and was deeply buried in his dark shadow.

Ling Xiaoyu also turned her eyes to the vast sea of houses, like a poet who sighed at the world and chanted, "In this world, many things cannot be decided by us. In fact, the path of each of us is controlled and guided by an invisible hand, which is the so-called 'life'.

Chen Rufeng looked at him with a little surprised and didn't know why he said such profound words.

Ling Xiaoyu grabbed his head with a little embarrassedness when she saw Chen Rufeng's surprised eyes. "These are all what my master told me. He is a person who believes in life, so he has nothing to complain until the moment of his death.

"Have you passed out?" Chen Rufeng has never inquired about Ling Xiaoyu's background before. Today, when he heard what he said, he couldn't help but be a little curious.

Ling Xiaoyu looked at the white sky and immersed herself in the past, but she couldn't see any sadness from his face. She still laughed as usual, but the smile faded a little, "Yes, I was originally a fatherless orphan. My grandmother entrusted me to my master to raise until the 18th year, my teacher My father died of a serious illness. He told me not to be sad before he died. He said that life and death are free to count. Everything you encounter in the future is already here, so don't be too obsessed with the cause. Up to now, I have been carrying out the master's instructions to me on his deathbed.

Chen Rufeng thought deeply, "In this way, your master should be a rare figure. Whether it is martial arts or the artistic conception of life, he has entered a first-class situation."

After listening to Ling Xiaoyu's words, Chen Rufeng finally understood why Ling Xiaoyu has such a carefree and happy personality all day long.

Chen Rufeng looked at Ling Xiaoyu with a little envy, but unfortunately he couldn't learn to be so carefree and carefree.

The chill of the sky is getting thicker and thicker, and it seems that something is squeezing each other, forcing bursts of freezing.

In a while, the white snow spots had fallen from the sky, making Chang'an City fall into a frost and cold.

In front of the door of Xianlai Inn, Xie Lanting and Xie Wencheng sent Chen Rufeng out of the door. Hu Jiuwei's eyes were even more reluctant, and his eyes kept lingered on Xie Lanting.

"Thank you, Madam, goodbye." Chen Rufeng wrapped himself in a white cotton jacket and arched his hand to Xie Landing.

Xie Lanting nodded slightly, and her eyes unconsciously looked at Hu Jiu. She shrank back like an electric shock, and her face turned red.

"I will definitely come back." Hu Jiu didn't know who he was talking to, but everyone knew it, but he just laughed secretly and didn't say anything, and Xie Lanting became more popular on his face.

After saying goodbye, Chen Rufeng and the other three came to the gate of Chang'an City, and the surrounding roofs had been covered with white snow. The snow like white cotton fell gently on the clothes of the three people, with a cold snowy wind, so that pedestrians on the street had to curl up and walk.

"Go back to Tianfeng Gang first. I still have something to do." Chen Rufeng said to Hu Jiuwei and Ling Xiaoyu, looking in the direction of the prime minister's mansion.

The two nodded, carried their burdens and walked out of the gate.

I don't know whether it's because of the chill in the sky or the excessive tension in his heart, Chen Rufeng took a breath of cold air, stepped up and walked to the prime minister's mansion.

There are some things that need to be solved after all.